Education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Total 66 62 62 64 65 65 66
- The number of higher educational ins titutions accor ding to the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Table 2 № Location
- Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education
- Ministry of Public Education
- Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
- Other agencies and organizations
- Total number as to other agencies and organizations Total number as to regions Total number as to city of
- Original state as to 1997, Comme nce me nt of refor ms NATIONAL MODEL OF TRAINING PERSONNEL
- Comparative assessment of the system bef ore refor ms and current situation of continuing education in the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Place of secondary specialised, pr of essional education in the proc ess of the movement of graduates of 9 th form to the labor market
- Main indicators in the sphere of educ ation in the Republic of Uzbekistan Indicators 1997
2004 -
2005 – 2005 2006 1 1 1 1 32 32 10 9 6* 6* 1 1* 1 1 1 1 4* 4* 5 5 Navoi Min ing- 12 Metallur gical - - 1 1 1 In dustrial Complex 13 14 Tash kent Bran ch of Russian Econ omic Academ y n amed after G.V. Pltlh an ov International Westminster University in the city of Tashkent 1* - - 1 1 1 1 1* - - 1 1 1 1 15 The branch of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov in the city of Tashkent 1 1 Total 66 62 62 64 65 65 66 Notes: *) these higher educat iona l inst itut ions have regional branche s The number of higher educational ins titutions accor ding to the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Table 2 № Location 2000- 2001- 2001 2002 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education 1 Karakalpakistan Auton omous Repu blic 2 An dijan 3 Bukh ara 4 Gulistan 5 Djizzakh 6 Kar sh i 8 Naman gan 9 Samar kan d 10 Sur kh andar ya 11 Fer ghan a 12 Kh ar ezm 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3* 3* 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total n umber as to r egion s 21 20 20 20 20 20 Ministry of Public Education 1 Karakalpakistan 1 1 1 1 1 1 Auton omous Repu blic 2 Navoi 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Djizzakh 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Tash kent r egion 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Fer ghan a 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total as to MPE 5 5 5 5 5 5 Ministry of Health 1 An dijan 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Bukh ara 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Samar kan d 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 City of Tash kent 4 4 4 4 3 3 Total n umber as to Min istr y 7 7 7 7 6 6 of Health Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources 1 An dijan 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Samar kan d 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 City of Tash kent 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total n umber as to Min istr y 4 4 4 4 4 4 of Agr icultur e an d Water Resour ces Other agencies and organizations 1 Navoi r egion (Minin g an d Metallur gical Industrial Complex ) 2 Br an ch in Zar afsh an 3 Br an ch in Almalik 4 Br an ch of Russian Econ omic Academ y 5 Tash kent International Westmin ster Un iver sity 6. Br an ch of Moscow State Un iver sity in th e city of Tash kent - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 Total number as to other agencies and organizations Total number as to regions Total number as to city of Tashkent Total number in the Republic of Uzbekistan 1 2 5 5 5 6 32 32 35 35 35 32 32 32 32 37 64 64 67 67 72 Wo r ld c o m m u n it y Wo r ld e du c a ti o n s y st e m s S p a ti a l a n d t im e -b a se d p a r a m e te r s S p a ti a l a n d t im e -b a se d p a r a m e te r s Wo r ld e du c a ti o n s y st e m Wo r ld c o m m u n it y THE NATIONAL MODEL OF EDUCATION – THE WAY TO ACHIEVE STABILITY AND PROGRESS Sche me 1 National model of training personnel Goal of national model – set situation State and society Industry Personality Science Continuing education Original state as to 1997, Comme nce me nt of refor ms NATIONAL MODEL OF TRAINING PERSONNEL Personality stands in the system of continuing training of personnel and education as a cons ume r and producer of educational services. State and society stands as a guarantor of functioning and develop me nt of the syste m of training personne l, coordinator of activity of educatio nal institutio ns training comp etitive highly qualified specialists. Continuing education – basic co mponent of Nationa l mo del of trainin g personnel, creates the necessary conditions to form creative, socially active, spiritually rich personality and adva nced training of competitive highl y qualified specialists. Scie nce and industry take the functio n of the custo mer and cons umer in the syste m of training personnel taking active part in training, retraining and up grading the qualification of specialists of appropriate le vel and profile. Comparative assessment of the system bef ore refor ms and current situation of continuing education in the Republic of Uzbekistan Acting system of continuing education Preschool education (up to 6-7 years) Gene ral secondary education (1-9 forms) Three year secondary specialised, vocatio nal education * ** higher educatio n Post graduate studies Upgrading the qualification and retraining of specialists * General educatio n programme s ** Vocatio nal education progra mmes Place of secondary specialised, pr of essional education in the proc ess of the movement of graduates of 9 th form to the labor market LABOR MARKET Educational and professio nal programmes for retraining and up grading the qualification of personnel Educational and professio nal programmes of post-graduate studies Educational and professio nal programmes for higher education 2 1 3 Acade mic lyceum Professio nal college 9 t h for m 1. Educational programmes (identical and taught in academic lyceum and professional colle ges) 2. Deepened, profiled educatio nal programmes on the disciplines and directions of studies in academic lyceum 3. Professio nal programmes for professional colleges Main indicators in the sphere of educ ation in the Republic of Uzbekistan Indicators 1997 Stat e budget expend iture for the sector of 24,27 educat io n (% fro m the total budget expend itures) Expend iture to the sector of educat ion (% 7,89 fro m IGO wit ho ut capital invest ment ) - go vernment al scho ols (coverage in %) 100 Number of government al higher 60 educat io na l inst itut io ns 1998 2000 2003 24,44 36,00 38,2 8,06 11,28 12,56 100 100 100 60 61 64 - Number of student s in higher 158206 158686 183576 237160 educat io na l inst itut io ns - nu mber of teachers in higher 17791 17435 18432 19520 educat io na l inst itut io ns Number of seco ndary, secondary specialised, vo cat iona l scho ols - nu mber of student s - nu mber of teachers Number of general educatio n scho ols Number of pupil in all scho o ls Number of teachers in all scho ols Number of kind ergartens Number of children in kindergartens Number of teachers in kindergartens 727 454415 36814 9019 5442882 435046 7546 681200 71252 743 491626 39009 9617 5641300 445853 6911 675795 65780 796 532075 44778 9639 6017582 443016 6704 624652 64123 856 566140 49310 9987 6157600 455540 6895 649480 65940 THE MOST IMPORTANT INNOVATIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION ►Priorit y of Universit y education ►Development and introduction of new educat io na l standards and educat io na l programmes – fo r Bache lor’s degree -149, Master’s degree-650 ►Aiming at increasing the qualit y o f educat io n and protect ion o f the int erest of student s: ● written fina l control exams, rating system o f assessing the kno wledge o f student s were int roduced, ● texts of lectures developed by the teachers are prepared on the basis o f new text books and informat ion fro m Int ernet and the y are co llected, mult iplied and reserved in the libraries of higher educat iona l inst itut io ns, ● higher educational inst itutions exchange the text s of lectures on 12 tho usand subjects (tit les) ● competit ion for the best text of lecture he ld annually (3200 teachers part icipated in 2003), ● Fund of inno vations is set up (10 tho usand pcs.), ● attestation of teachers and their rating on the basis o f attestat ion o f educat ional inst itut ions are conducted regular ly, ● informat ional portal (web-site) of the Ministry o f Higher and Secondary Specialised Educatio n is funct io ning, ● mechanisms o f decentralizat ion and limitat ion o f autho rit ies in administering educat io n and higher educat io na l inst itut ion is int roduced, ►Special curricula and courses are int roduced: “Basis o f civil societ y”, “To lerant consciousness and behavior”, “Basis of legal culture”, “Basis of safe lifest yle”, etc. ►Co llect ion of normat ive-legal document s are published – abo ut 100 quires. ► Int ernat iona l We st minster Universit y is set up. ► Mecha nis ms o f mult i-channe l financing and educat iona l credit s for student s are int roduced. ► Bodies o f public and self administration over the system of educat ion and higher educat iona l inst it ut io ns – Associat ion o f Rectors of Uzbekistan, Board of Trustees. ► S ystemat ically teachers and staff o f higher educat iona l inst itut ions go abroad for retraining and upgrading the ir qualificat ion – during the years 1998-2003 more tha n 5000 people. ► Agreement s on cooperat ion wit h more than 15 count ries were signed including 100 between the ministries and abo ut 500 between the higher educat ional inst itut ions ► At tract ing specialist s fro m foreign count ries – abo ut 200 in 2003. ► At tract ing foreign invest ment s – abo ut US $6 millio n in 2003. PROPOSALS ON COOPERATION ► Ass istance in creat ing informat ion- educat iona l network of Cent ral As ian count ries ► Increasing the nu mber of foreign and int ernat ional grant s for retraining teachers and study of postgraduate st udent s in the leading Universit ies o f foreign count ries ► Ass istance in re-organisat io n of the system o f upgrading qualificat ion and retraining o f personne l in the system o f educat ing elder populat ion according to the princ iple “Educat io n - the who le life” ► Ass istance in int roducing the mecha nisms of decent ralizat io n and limitat ion o f autho rit y in administ ering educat io n and educat iona l inst itut ions. ► Support to inno vat io ns in the field o f administer ing the qualit y o f educat ion. ► Financ ia l, organizat io na l and metho do logical support in creat ing electronic text bo oks and courses to use in distance educat ion. ► Resource, financial and metho dological support in creat ing virtual electronic libraries to upgrade the qualificat io n and retraining teachers. ► Rendering metho dological, resource and financ ia l assistance in no n-government al public forms o f periodical licens ing specialist s (eng ineers, econo mist s, doctors, agrono mist s, teachers, etc.). ► increasing foreign and int ernat io na l grant s to financ e scient ific-research projects on hu manitarian, natural, technical and techno logical sciences. 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