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Bog'liqLinguabarno new round up 2 student`s book
CONTENTS Personal Pronouns Plurals / This - These / That - Those 12 Possessives 20 There is - are a/some/ any 23 Present Continuous 27 Revision Exercises I 34 Simple Present 39 The Imperative 48 Prepositions of Place 49 Prepositions of Time 53 How much / How many 55 Revision Exercises Il 58 Be going to 62 Love / hate / like / don’t like doing something 66 Must / Musn’t 70 Past Tense (Was - Were) 72 Past Tense (Had) 77 Revision Exercises III 79 Simple Past Simple Past (Regular Verbs) 87 (Irregular Verbs) 91 Question Words 97 Comparisons 100 Revision Exercises IV 105 Pre-Tests 1 - 4 112 Progress Tests 125 Wordlist 143 Irregular Verbs 145 Introduction Round-up Grammar Practice 2 combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice. It is ideal for students at the early stages of English language learning. Students see grammar points clearly presented in colourful boxes and tables. They practise grammar through lively, highly illustrated games and activities. Round-up is especially designed for different students studying English in different ways. lt can be used: @ in-class with a coursebook. Students do both oral work — in pairs and in groups — and written work in Round-up. @ after class. The ‘write-in’ activities are ideal for homework. Students can practise what they have learned in the classroom. @ in the holidays for revision. Round-up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher. The Round-up Teacher's Guide includes a full answer key and four tests plus answer keys. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world. © Virginia Evans 1992 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. First published in 1992 by B & E. Viachou - “Express Publishers First published by Longman Group Limited 1995. This edition published by Pearson Education Limited 2003 Fourth impression 2005 Printed in China. GCC/04 Illustrated by Chris Zmertis and Terry Wilson ISBN 0582 823390 1. Personal Pronouns / Be / Have (got) / Can i: Personal Pronouns / Be / Have (got) / Can Singular Plural (before verbs, as subjects) (after verbs, as objects) | We Me Us You You You You He They Him Them ; i . She Her WS Look at her! She is a woman. It It Look at it! It is a chair. Look at him! He is aman. *" Look at them! They are trees. write “he”, “she”, “it” or “they”. Qin in “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “you” or “they” as in the example: 1.bed.. it 4, nose 7. George 10. cups 2. doors 5, John 8. You and Ann 11. brother 3. Susan 6. You and | 9. grandmother 12. picture 3 1. The Verb “to be” Affirmative Negative Interrogative Long form lam You are He is She is Itis We are You are They are Short form I'm You're He's She’s It’s We're You're They're Long form lam not You are not He is not She is not Itis not We are not You are not They are not Short form I'm not You aren't He isn’t She isn't Itisn't We aren't You aren't They arén't Am |? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? @ Fill in as in the example : 1. They .. are 2. She 3. It 4. We 5. | 6. You in the garden. They re at home. She anice day. It happy. We hungry. | young. You in the garden. at home. anice day. happy. hungry. young. 7. He .. id not 8. | 9. Ann 10. You 11. She 12. They at home. thirsty. a doctor. a policeman. in the room. English. He... isnt | Ann You She They at home. thirsty. a doctor. a policeman. in the room. English. [ Short Answers | Am|1/Are you tall? Yes, | am. No, I’m not. Is he/she/itinthe garden? Yes, he/she/ itis. No, he/ she/ it isn’t. Are] "624 | students Yes, ta lare. No, | shia | aren't. y 1. The Ve“rto bbe” Fill in the blanks and answer the questions as in the examples : 1. Look at . them! Are they mice? No, they aren't. They are fish. 2. Look at . it! Is it a monkey? Yes, it is. 3. Look at Is he a magician? 5. Look at Are they doctors? 7. Look at Are they eggs? 4. Look at Are they drummers? 6. Look at Is ita snake? 8. Look at Are they eyes? 9. Look at . (KR@® Are they bears? 10. Look at . . . Fi hey Is she a teacher? Oe QFitlin “am”, “is”, “are”, *"m not”, “isn’t” or “aren't” ita flower? ss it.. 15, = 2. Yes, they they rabbits? 3. they young? No, the| «Negative Long form Short form Long form Short form | have got You have got He has got She has got It has got We have got You have got They have got I've got You've got He’s got She's got It's got We've got You've got They've got | have not (got) You have not (got) He has not (got) She has not (got) It has not (got) We have not (got) You have not (got) They have not (got) | haven't (got) You haven't (got) He hasn't (got) She hasn't (got) It hasn't (got) We haven't (got) You haven't (got) They haven't (got) Have | got? Have you got? Has he got? Has she got? Has it got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got? @ Fill in the blanks as in the example: She has got 1.1 2. Jim a pen. ared dress. a bicycle. Shes got | Jim a pen. a red dress. a bicycle. 3. We a big house. We a big house. 4. They 5. You We have not got 6. They 7. Helen 8. You 9. It 10.1 black shoes. a bottle of milk. acar, brown hair. a watch. a garden. wings. aring. They You We .. haven't got They Helen You It | black shoes. a bottle of milk. acar. brown hair. a watch. a garden. wings. aring. g 1. The Verb “to hawe” @ First say and then write questions and answers as in the example: Mary Vv Ted + Ann Vv Robert Vv Vv You abicycle a uitar Vv Vv Vv Vv Vv 1....What has Mary got? She has guitar. She hasn't got a boat got some books, a bicycle and a or a parrot. 4. What have you got? | Have you got a car? Yes, |/ we have. No, | / we haven’t. Has he/sh/ eit got a car? Yes, he / she / it has. No, he/she /it hasn’t. Have they got a car? Yes, they have. _No, they haven't. (ask and answer as in the example: 1. th/ea TyV? 2. he /abag? Have they got a 1V? No, they haven't. They've got a radio. Fr 1. The Verb “can” 3. they / dogs? 4. it/ wings? 5. the girl / a tomato? 6. the boys / a ball? 8. the dog / a bone? I can You can He can She can Itcan We can You can They can Long form | cannot You cannot He cannot She cannot It cannot We cannot You cannot They cannot Short form | can't You can’t ~ He can’t She can't It can’t We can't You can't They can’t Can |? Can you? Can he? Can she? Can it? Can we? Can you? Can they? ae an't. No, Can you drive? Yes, | ccan. @ask and answer as in the example: 1. (walk) Can he walk?. 2. (talk) No, he can’t. 1. The Verb “can” 5. (swim) 7. (fly) 8. (sleep) 9. (sing) (0) ask and answer as in the example : f° lance @& play the guitar Jane a i Chris Vv Liz + Brian Vv You 1. ..Can Jane sing? Yes, she can. Can she draw? No, she can’t. Can she dance? Yes, she can. Can she play the guitar? No, she can’t. So, Jane can sing and dance but she can't draw or play the guitar. 4. The Verb “can” qt) Look and write: Name: Nationality: Job: Hair: Eyes: Abilities: Mary Taylor American singer blonde blue sing, dance }~She is Mary Taylor She is American. She is a singer. She has got blonde hair and blue eyes. She can sing and dance. Name: Simon Flower Nationality: Job: Hair: Eyes: British teacher black green Abilities: swim, drive Name: Nationality: waveicdacinnee ....ecseeeee JOD: «—i(i we wn woree's Hair; wa cewneceees Eyes! sw ewtevetives AbIIIGS! = ww ewwwes Guessing Game 1 Your teacher divides the class into two groups. Then he / she asks a student to come to the front of the class. The teacher whispers a verb e.g “write” into his / her ear. The students, by asking questions, try to guess what he/she can do. The group which finds out wins. Group A S1: Leader: Group B S1: Leader: Can you dive? No, | can't. Can you play tennis? No, | can't. Group A S2: Leader: Group B S2: Leader: Can you swim? No, | can’t. Can you write? Yes, | can. Group B gets 1 point. Choose another leader and play the game again. 10 1. The Verb “can” Competition Game 2 Your teacher divides the class into two groups. Play the game as follows: Teacher: Pam Group AS1: she GroupBS1: Teacher: he Mary and | Teacher: Chris Group AS2: Teacher: they Wrong! We. Group A gets no point. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Guessing Game 3 Your teacher divides the class into two groups, choosesa leader and asks him / her to think of a job. Then the groups in turn try to guess what his/ her job is. Group A S1: Are youateacher? -{ Leader: No, I’m not. Leader: No, I’m not. Group A S2: Are you a butcher? Group B S1: Are you a singer? Leader: Yes,lam. etc. Group A is the winner. Choose another leader and play the game again. Guessing Game 4a Your teacher divides the class into two groups, chooses a leader and asks him / her to think of 5 items he / she has got and write them on a piece of paper. Then the groups in turn try to find what the leader has got by asking only ten questions. The group which has found most or all of the things the leader has got is the winner. Group AS1: — Have you got an umbrella? | Group A S2: Have you got a bag? Leader: Yes, | have. Leader: No, | haven't. Group BS1: — Leader: Have you got a cat? No, | haven't. Group B $2:-Leader: Have you got a dog? Yes, | have. etc. Never-ending Game 4b One student starts saying what he / she has got. The next student goes on to say what the previous student has got adding what he/she has got. $1: I've got a dog. $2: He’s got a dog and I've got a cat. $3: She's got a cat and I've got a bag. etc. "1 2. Plur/aThliss- The/ Tshaet - Those 2. Plurals / This - These / That - Those [Al Most nouns form their plural by adding “s”. cameras, chairs, snakes, parrots, doctors. dd Fin in the plural as in the example : Gwe a 1. one apple two apples 2. one bird two 3. one shoe two & " 4. one dolphin two 5. one clown two 6. one spider two [B) Nouns ending in s, ss, sh, ch, x and 0 take “es” in the plural. bus - buses glass - glasses brush - brushes match - matches BUT: box - boxes potato - potatoes rad- raidioos, pia- pinanoos, pho- phtotoos, vid- veidoeos (33) Fill in the plural as in the example: 1. one watch two watches 2. one fox two _ 3. one mosquito two 12 4. one bench two 5. one dress two 6. one witch two jc Nouns ending in a consonant + y ==> ies Nouns ending in a vowel (a,e,i,0,u) + y => ys city-cites BUT boy-boys Fill in the plural as ee 1. ovy 20 4. one family two : in the example: 2. one lady two 5. one diary two 6. one fly two jD Some nouns ending in f/fe ==> ves thief - thieves knife - knives BUT roof - roofs Grin in the plural as in the example: leaf two .. leaves 2. one loaf two 3. one wolf two 13 2. Plurals / This - These / That - Those tooth - teeth mouse - mice ox - oxen child - children fish - fish deer - deer sheep - sheep woman - women foot - feet goose - geese man - men 16) Fill in the plural as in the example: ban 1. one child two hildren 2. one mouse two 3. one fish two 4. one tooth two 5. one goose three 6. one policeman two Note: Adjectives take no “s” in the plural. _e.g. an old book - old books write the words in the plural and in the correct column. party - banana - tomato - room - day - wife - sandwich story - bus - class - radio- fly - knife - lady - leaf “Ss eS -ies -ves radios (13) Complete as in the example: 1. Apen. Two pens. 3. A cowboy. Two 5. A house. Three 2. Abus. Ten 4. Awoman. Two 6. A fish. Three 14 2. Plurals / This - These / That - Those 7. A tooth. Five 8. A key. Four 9. A spy. Two 10. A picture. Three 11.A letter. Three 12. A shirt. Two 13.A table. Two 15.A girl. Four 17.A tail. Two 19.A sheep. Ten 14. A child. Two 16. Aclass. Three 18. A disc jockey. Two 20. A zebra. Two ) Change to the plural as in the example: The dog is in the garden. The dogs are in the garden. 1. He is a tall man. 2. Itis a potato. 3. It is a beautiful dress. 4. The glass is on the table. 5. It is a tooth. 6. The baby is in the bedroom. 7. You are a nice child. 8. She is a housewife. 9. Itis a leaf. 10. It is a monkey. LE Some nouns are uncountable.They have no plural. These are: bread lemonade butter money milk Coca-Cola sugar paper Note: A/an is not used with uncountable nouns. Some is used instead. We say: a cup BUT some bread 20) Fill in the blanks with “a”, “an” or “some”. 1....90Mé.. water 2. dolphin 3. 15 orange 8. money 13. butter 14. milk 15; sailor 16. a bottle of milk acup aglass of tea of water a loaf of bread a slice of bread a packet of tea oD a piece acan of cheese of Coke es a bowl of sugar a carton of milk akilo of meat 16 2. Plurals / This ~ These / That - Those Q@) Fill in the correct word as in the example: 1. Three .glasseS. of water. 2. Two of sugar. 3. Two ...... of bread. 4. Three... of bread. 5. Two lemonade. 6. Two 7. Two of cake. 8. Three +» of tea, 9. Three . of Coke. 10. Two ...... of coffee. 11. Three of jam. 12. Three ...... of cheese. @ Fill in the plural as in the example: 1. Adog. Three ....d0g3...... sees 12. Alady. Three... 00.2200 cece 2. Some sugar. Two......... of sugar. 13. Achild. Three ............. 3. A church. Two .. 14. Some lemonade. Two . -of lemonade. 4.Ateam. Two ..... cee 15. Some water. Two ..............0f water. 5. Some bread. Three ........ of bread. 16. Aday. Five ...... ; 7 6. Some cheese. Four. . . ofcheese. 17. Some tea. Three ... ; .. Of tea. 7. Ahorse. Two ....... 9 18. Some milk. Three wes . » Of milk. 8. Some coffee. Two ... Of coffee. 19. Agoose. Two ...... eG FiekieSR 5 9. Abicycle. Three... .......5055 20. Some jam. Four ........s0.0e05 of jam. 10.Some Coke. Two.......... of Coke. 21. Amouse. Two ..... 2.0... wislwialete axe 11. A boy. Three... 6c cece cece eee 22. Some meat. Two ....... .. Of meat. 7 2. Plurals / This - These / That - Those That (far) That is a monkey. Those (far) 2) vw vise «sss» are socks, aS 3. is a donkey. SS A. wean sme are fish, 18 : 2. Plurals / This - These / That - Those 5. are burgers. ae “a 6. is a crocodile. aS Guessing Game 5 The teacher chooses a leader and then divides the class into two groups, group A and group B. Then the teacher writes a singular or plural noun on a piece of paper (e.g. pencils) which he/she gives to the leader. Finally, the teacher invites the students to guess what he / she has written by asking the leader questions in turn. The students can ask the leader ten questions in order to find it. If the groups cannot guess within 10 questions, the game is a draw. Group A S1: Is it singular or plural? Group A S2: Are they pens? Leader: Plural. Leader: No, they aren't. Group B S1: Are they chairs? Group B S2: Are they pencils? Leader: No, they aren't. Leader: Yes, they are. Competition Game 6 The teacher divides the class into two groups and says nouns in the singular. The groups in turn say the plural of each word. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher: cat Group A S1: cats Teacher foot . = Group B S1: feet Teacher: Group AS2: Teacher: Ox oxes Wrong! oxen. Group A gets no point. 3. Possessives | ama clown and this is my hat. No, this is your hat and that hat is mine. I You He/ She/ it Me You Him/ He/rIt His/ He/ rIts Mine Yours His/ Her/ s— We Us Our Ours You You * Your Yours They Them Their Theirs We use s' with two or more persons. the girls’ skirts BUT the trunk of the tree the children's books, the women's bags, the men's umbrellas Note: We also use 's with animals. the cat's tail 3. Possessives @?) Look at the pictures and write as in the example: 1. This is Feter’s Peter umbrella umbrella. It's .his umbrella.. This umbrella is his. 2. These are the girls hats They're These 3. These are Ben flowers They're These 4. This is the dog bone it's 5. These are the tree leaves | They're » 6. These are the tiger Mother teeth They're newspaper 2 3. Possessives @) Look at the pictures and write as in the example: 1.'ve got a basket. 2. He It’s my basket. It's 3. You 4. Peter and | It's They're 5. They They're 7. We 6. The old lady It's 8. The man To They're @) Underline the correct word as in the example: 1. David is (my, mine) brother. 6. This is Sally's car. It’s (her, hers) car. 2. This house is (their, theirs). 7. The blue skirt is (my, mine). 3. It is Bob's cat. It’s (his, her) cat. 8. Mr Jones is (their, theirs) father. 4. These flowers are (your, yours). 9. (My, Mine) hat is green. 5. This is (our,ours) garden. It’s (our,ours). 10. This is Bill's pen. It’s (his, her) pen. Game 7 Your teacher divides the class into two groups. Then he/she gives cues and each group in turn tries to say the correct possessive. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher: Group AS1: Teacher : Mary / bag her bag children / books Teacher: Group AS2: Teacher : woman / car her car |/pen Group BS1: __ their books Group BS2: my pen etc. / s 4. There is - are a / ome a. There is - are a/ some / any singular plural Longform There is There are Shortform There's Longform There isnot There are not Short form There isn’t = There aren't Is there? Are there? @ Write “There is” or “There are” as in the example: 1) . There are.two swings in the garden. 2) a slide. 3) two children. 4) - awoman. 5) .. atable. 6) . two chairs. 7) . . lots of flowers. 8) acat. 9) four birds. 0) a ball. 1) . two trees. 2) -. adog. some + countable or uncountable noun (in affirmative sentences) any + countable or uncountable noun (in questions and negative sentences) eee ee There are some tomatoes. fo there any erence There is some bread. No, there isn’t any milk. 28) Fin in “some” or “any”. 1, Are there . any . 3. There are 5. There isn't 7. There is .childrenin the park? flowers in the garden. bread in the cupboard. lemonade in the bottle. —2. Are there 4. There isn’t 6. There are 8. There is eggs on the table? -Meat in the shop. -apples on the tree. milk in the bottle. 23 / 4, There is - are a/ some 9. There isn’t .......waterintheglass. 10. There are potatoes on the table. 11. Thereis .. tea in the teapot. - 12. Is there chocolate in the fridge? 13.Are there ........ children in the room? 14. There is cheese on the plate. 15. There aren't in the street. 16. Are there cakes in the cupboard? @® Look at the picture and write sentences as in the example: 1. Apples? . Are there any apples? Yes, there are some apples. . 2. Eggs? .... 4. Butter? 7, Oranges? 8. Juice? 9. Lemons? Gd Now write what there is or there isn’t in the fridge in your kitchen. There is some meat. There .. 4. There is - are a / som/ eany G@) Look at the picture and write sentences as in the example: . Three children? Are.there three children in the picture? No, there aren’t. There are five children. A birthday cake? . Three candles? Two boys? . Two girls? . One bottle of Coca-Cola? . Five glasses? . One box? . One woman? . One man? . Five lollipops? 4. There is -are a/ som/ eany @ Fill in “There is”, “There are”, “Is there” or “Are there”. any people on the bus? . any cheese in the sandwich? SO} sie sears 10. . any money in your pocket? any horses in the field? . some books in my bag. |) eee some Coca-Cola in that glass. - some meat in the fridge. . any sugar in this tea? b 12: caine 13. wainrais some letters on the table. any water in the bottle? . some dogs in the garden. 14, any chairs in the room? a policeman in that car. [E.sexe sane some paper on the desk. . any matches in the matchbox? 16. a cat under the tree. Guessing Game 8 The teacher choosesa leader from the class and tells him/her to imaginea fridge with 5 items inside (eg. milk, cheese, tomatoes, Coke, eggs). Then he/she divides the class into two groups and the groups in turn ask the leader questions about what is in the fridge. The group which finds most or all of the items within 10 questions wins. Group AS1: Is there any milk in the fridge? Leader : Yes, there is some milk in the fridge. Group B $1: Is there any butter in the fridge? Leader : Group A $2: Leader: No, there isn’t any butter in the fridge. Is there any cheese in the fridge? Yes, there is some cheese in the fridge. etc. Memory Game 9 The teacher divides the class into two groups and asks the students to look at the picture to ex 27 for 1 minute. Then the students close their books and the groups in turn try to remember as many items as possible. The group which finds most or all of the items wins. Group A S1: Group B S1: Group A S2: There's a slide in the picture. There's a ball in the picture. There's a tree in the picture. etc. &. Present Continuous 5: Present Continuous She is reading a newspaper. He is bringing the salad. The children are fighting. The cat is stealing the chicken. Long form Short form Long form. Short form | am working I'm working [am not working I'm not working Am | working? You are working Heis working She is working Itis working You're working He’s working She’s working It’s working You are not working Heisnotworking Sheisnotworking It is not working You aren’t working Heisn’tworking Sheisn’tworking Itisn’t working Are you working? —_Is he working? Is she working? Is it working? We are working We're working We are not working Wearen’t working Are we working? You are working They are working You're working They're working You are not working They are not working You aren’t working They aren’t working Are you working? Are they working? We use Present Continuous for temporary actions. Look at the spelling of these verbs. run - running dig - digging BUT lie - lying work-working walk - walking play - playing open - opening listen- listening etc. @ Add -ing to the verbs. 1.get....getting...... 4. sit gas e PANN wraraerenie weinies 2. swim . . ; ; 5. watch ve eee 8. put ......... 3. stop 6. listen : 9.dig..... 5. Present Continuous Look at the spelling of these verbs: dance - dancing G4) aca -ing to the verbs. J. live .... living 2. write 3. close 4. drive 7. ride 5. smoke 8. make 6. come 9. take G5) aaa -ing to the verbs. 1. sing . singing 8. go 15. draw .. 22. live 2. read 9. win 16. score 23. play 3. open 10. show 17. brin.g 24, wake 4. eat... 11. jump 18. help 25. move 5. wash 12. fly 19. look 26. visit... . 6. count . . 7. sleep .. 13. give 14. feed 20. dream 21. enjoy . 27. have. 28. call... . now at the moment at present [ Short Answers ] See eee Yes, lam. Gd Write short answers. "No, I'm not. 1. Is the dog barking? Yes, ... 2. Are the girls laughing? No,.. it is. oo they aren't. he Is)she| sleeping? % he Yes, /shejis. it he 3. Are you doing your homework? No, . “4. Is he driving a bus? Yes, 5. Are they watching television? Yes, 6. Is it raining outside? No, 7. Is she running? Yes, No, log ist 8. Are they watering the flowers?Yes, 9. Is he putting on his coat? No, " ae ey sou . Are they sleeping? No, they aren’t. 12.|.” Are erica. me 1 §. Present Continuous @? Match the sentences with the pictures as in the example: Grandpa is sleeping. Sarah and John are cooking. Carol is listening to the radio. Sally is crying. They are eating. Jane is dancing. The cat is jumping. Father is digging in the garden. 41.... Grandpa is sleeping. 2. 5. Present Continuous G8) Look at the pictures and write sentences as in the example: e (cry) Long form: ... The baby is crying. Short form: ... I'S crying. J AS 1. (talk) 2. (sing) 3. (come) . 4. (sit) 5. (wash the floor) .... . 6. (drink Coke) &. Present Continuous @) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. It is Sunday morning and the family is on the beach. Mrs Fairfax 1) ....i9 sleeping . (sleep) under a sun-umbrella. ME FAITAK 2)iecieistinsineitie anauismains (read) a book. 2. Their two daughters 3) ....... 00 (swim) in the sea. Their SOM4) ..csneseceencenens (play) with a ball. It is noon and the family is on the beach. Look! The two girls 5) the boy. Mrs Fairfax 6) them: Mr-Faltfax:7) ..seeecessereneceneecs some Coke and he 8) a book. It is Sunday afternoon and their picnic is ready. They:9): censarenen esiceceeteccsiwsetwaeeenierinwes (enjoy) their picnic. They 10) .... 6... . 66. aes (eat) sandwiches. John 11) ............ ..... (noteat) his sandwich. He 12)... 2... 6. eescecee nae . (feed) the birds. They 13) ..... 0.00000..4 (have) a wonderful day. 1. ...What is Mr Fairfax doing in picture 1? He is reading a book. Dy cose ems enieeiewaess siozuuraorcaortintns leant Mow atersfuin:nie:toseoiaes7eAsm)ioisraipieaymem 5. Present Continuous @ Look at the picture and write sentences as in the example: 1. Father is talking on the phone. .... Wrong! Father isn’t talking on the phone. He's drinking Coke. 2. Grandpa is listening to music. 3. Father and mother are playing with the cat. 4. The boys are drinking Coke. 5. Mother is sleeping. 6. Sue and Pam are watching TV. 7. Grandma is writing. 8. The cat is eating. &. Present Continuous @ Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. What is my father doing in the living-room? (re/ baoodk) ... He ig reading a book. 1. What are Tom and Tina doing in the disco? (dance) 2. What are you doing? (listen / records) 3. What is the baby doing? (ory) 4. What is your sister doing in the bathroom? (have / a bath) 5. What are the boys doing in the park? (play / football) @ Ask questions which match the answers as in the example: 1 Is mother cooking dinner? No, mother isn’t cooking dinner. 2 Yes, that man is cleaning the window. 3 No, | am not swimming. 4. cee Yes, we are going to the cinema tonight. 5. No, it isn’t raining today. 6. Yes, the teacher is writing on the blackboard. 7 Yes, the boys are swimming. 8 No, you are not wearinga black shirt. 9. No, I’m not washing my face. 10. No, the dog isn’t sleeping. Game 10 Your teacher divides the class into two groups. Then, he /she asks a student (the leader) to come to the front of the class. The leader writes what the teacher is doing on a piece of paper (eg. He is writing). The students, by asking questions, try to guess what the teacher is doing. Group A S1: Is he sleeping? Leader: No, he isn't. Leader: No, he isn’t. Group A S2: _ Is he writing? Group BS1: Is he reading? Leader: Yes, he is. Group A wins this time. Your teacher may choose another leader and you can play the game again. Revision Exercises | @ Revision Exercises I @ Look at the picture and write what each person is doing. Father (1) .. i cooking .. (cook). John (2) (read). Jane (3) (eat) an apple. Mother (4) (sleep). Grandfather (5) (watch) TV. The dog (6) (lie) on the carpet. The girls (7) (play) with their dolls. Now look at the above picture and ask and answer. 1. (Mo/ wer /blue jumper?) (red jumper) 5 other wearing a blue Jumper? No, she isn’t. She is wearing a red jumper. d 2. (John / write / a letter?) (rea/ book) r t 3. (Jane / eat / a banana?) (ea/ apple) 4. (Grandfathe/ listen / radio?) (wa/ TV) 5. (dog / sleep / on the chair?) (sleep / carpet) . a Revision Exercises I 6. (Father / watch TV?) (/hsleeep) @ Fill in “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “you” or “they’ 1. You and John you 5. eyes 2. Sally and| ies Sais Bais 6. sister 3. Jane and Mary 4. book . 7. co eees 8. pen brother Cy Fill in the blanks and answer the questions as in the example : 1. ..Look at. it! Is it a book? Yes, it is. 3. Look at Are they boys? 2. Look at... Is he a teacher? 4. Look at..... Are they rabbits? 5. Look at Isitpen? 6. Look at Isshea palicawowna (GD ask and answer as in the example : 1. she / a doll? 2. they / a picture? Has she got a doll? No, she hasn't. Revision Exercises | 3. the boy / a train? 5. the girl / an apple? 6. the dog / a doll? (48) Change to the lural. 1. My catis black. . Our cats are black. . Lam tall. 2. This dog is white. . This clown is funny. 3. He is an old man. . This fox is brown. 4. This is a fat cat. . He is a good doctor. 5. She is a good teacher. . Itis a book. 49 Fin in “This”, “These” or “That”. 4. is a picture. aS G0) Underline the correct word. 1. This book is (my / mine). 5. The black skirt is (her / hers). 2. Mr Smith is (their / theirs) teacher. 6. This is John’s book. It is (his / her). 3. This is (our / ours) house. 7. This car is (thei/r theirs). 4. (My / Mine) dog is black and white. 8. Dr Black is (her / hers) doctor. @ write “There is” or “There are” as in the example: There are. two pictures on the wall. 1. two beds in the bedroom. 6. four books in the bedroom. 2 a table in the bedroom. 7. two chairs in the bedroom. 3. a vase in the bedroom. 8. a dog in the bedroom. 4. flowers in the vase. 9. 5. a telephone in the bedroom. 10. a cat in the bedroom. two glasses on the table. 37 Revision Exercises | @) Fin in “some” or “any’ 1. Are there .... any eggs in the fridge? 2. Is there .... cake left? 3. | have got 4. Let's have pictures to show you. ice-cream. 5. Is there ..... bread on the table? 6. Let’s buy .... cheese from the supermarket. G3) ask and answer as in the example: 1. (write) Can she write? .. Yeg, she can.. 3. (see) 2. (play football) 4. (talk) @ Write sentences as in the example: 1. He is watering.. . the plants... + 6. Simple Present a Usually Simple Present Today The monkey usually eats bananas. But today it is eating an apple. | work You work Long form | do not work You do not work . Short form | don’t work You don’t work Do | work? Do you work? He works She works It works We work You work They work He does not work She does not work — It does not work We do not work You do not work They do not work He doesn’t work She doesn’t work It doesn’t work We don’t work You don’t work They don’t work Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? We use Simple Present for permanent actions. Verbs ending in ss, sh, ch, x, 0 =p es Verbs ending in consonant y ==> ies |wash-hewashes_ 1Igo-hegoes |Icry-hecries BUT | play - he plays Once a week Twice a week Every day Every morning Every year Usually Always Sometimes Seldom Never At noon In the evening etc. 6. Simple Present G5) write the third person singular. 1. | cook - He . . Cooks. 4. They fly - It 7. You like - He 2. We study - He 5. | read - She 8.1 do - She 3. You teach - She 6. | buy - He 9. We walk - He G6) Complete the sentences as in the example: 1. She .. does 2. They not . . speak Italian. go to school. She .. doesn't They speak Italian. go to school. 3.We . swim very well. We swim very well. 4.He . watch TV every day. He watch TV every day. 5. You . 20. live in England. You live in England. GI write what these people “do” or “don’t do”. Se We’ 1. Penny. 2. Bob studies hard and swims very well but she doesn't ride a bicycle or listen to the radio. 3. Don and Alice 4.1 6. Simple Present @ Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the box below: be - love - clean - have - meet - go - sleep - teach - learn - come Mary (1) ig. a teacher. She (2) French. The children (3) her and they (4) a lot from her. Mary (5) home at 3:00 and (6) lunch. Then she (7) for an hour. In the afternoon she (8) shopping or she (9) her house. Sometimes she (10) her aunt and (11) tea with her. Every Sunday she (12) i her friends. you I/we : | they | work? ves, they lie No. tehseye| don't. e/ e/ e | hit she lees Yes, | hoo shi asin No, hi c: hi | eed G9 Complete the questions, then answer them as in the example: Do the girls like football? No, they don't. Jim eat beefburgers? Yes, you go to school? Yes, she drink lemonade? No, he help his mother? No, they walk to school? Yes, -fish live in the water? Yes, your dog sleep in your bedroom? No, you like bananas? No, Ann and Mary visit their grandparentsY?es, @ Write sentences as in the example: 1. Beth eats oranges. (bananas) 2. Paul likes walking. (running) .... She doesn't eat if bananas. ; 3. They usually go to a disco. (restaurant) 6c ee enue 4, Peter works in his office. (bedroom) 5. They drink water. (Coca-Cola) 4 6. Simple Present G) Match the adverbs with the time expressions. 1. every morning 2. once a year 3. every day 4. not at all 5. once a month 6. once every 10 years 7. twice a week 8. every Sunday always usually often sometimes seldom never Vv G2) write what they usually do and what they’re doing today. Usually Today 1. G. Simple Present @3) First write about Liz then about yourself. always usually often sometimes seldom never Liz You Liz You Liz You Liz You Liz You Liz You / wash / hair Vv help mother Vv smoke ; Vv do / homework 4 go / to the cinema Vv cry Vv play / tennis Vv . Liz often washes her hair. She usually helps her mother. She your 6. Simple Present @ Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or Present Cont. Today (1) .. 5 (be) Sunday. My sister (2) (paint) a picture at the moment. My | brothers (3) (ride) their bicycles in the garden now. _ They (4) (wear) their new jackets. | often (5) (read) a magazine on Sundays, but today| (Bes as (write) a letter to my cousin, Anna. She often a me letters. Anna (8) (7) (send) (want) to be a doctor. Sometimes my mother (9) (ask) me what | (10). (want) to be, but | (11) (not/know). @) You sent a you asked letter to Paula. This is her reply. Write the questions her. 114, Park Lane arrow: 2005 jddlese f ee March. end Dear Ques ina ° |. | am and | stranks for[live 1" é anal gite ing Ig0 got 4 P al en ‘ se withy YT é | imes | ke f; old. | have y otar rl ——— nema. ig Kylie. "eal write 900" Yours, Favla G6. Simple Present Where do you work? Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. It(1) . iS. (be) Saturday afternoon and my sister and | (2) (be) at my friend's party. Some children (3) (dance) in the sitting-room now. My friend (4) chocolate cake, and (open) a present at the moment. Two three children (6) children (5) (eat) (play) a game. | often (7) (go) to parties because |(8) (have) a lot of friends. But | (9) (not/go) to parties on Sundays because | always (10) (visit) my grandparents on Sundays. 45 6. Simple Present @ Choose a time expression from the box for each sentence. now - on Fridays - always - at the moment - every night 1. My father is listening to the radio 2.1 at the moment. have toast for breakfast. 3. We watch the 9 o'clock news 4, My brother is doing his homework 5. My mother goes to the supermarket 6. | read a book or a magazine in bed 7. My grandmother sends me a birthday present. 8. My brother is playing football 9. At school we have our history lesson 10. My father buys a newspaper from the shop near his office. G3) Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or Simple Present. 1. Listen! The birds ... are singing .. . (sing) in the garden! 2. | often (buy) fruit from the greengrocer’s. 3. My mother (drink) tea now. 4. Look at Tom and Jim! They ws (walk) up the hill. 5. That man ‘ 6. The cat . . (laugh) at the moment. (play) with a ball now. 7. We always ... (wear) warm clothes in winter. 8. He often (eat) a sandwich at lunchtime. Choose the correct item. 1.She ..drinks. .milk every morning. A) drinks B) is drinking C) drink 6. John A) walks . . to school now. B) is walking —C) walk 2. We to the park now. 7. My cat usually by the fire. A) goes B) are going C) go A) sleep B)is sleeping C) sleeps 3. The woman A) goes 4. She often A) wears B) is going B) is wearing swimmingnow. C) go her red dress. C) wear 8. | A) write 9. They A) eats a letter at the moment. B) amwriting — C) is writing in a restaurant every Sunday. B) are eating C) eat 5. Look! The cat A) climbs B) is climbing up the tree. —C) climb 10. Mother always A) cuts B) cut the grass. C) is cutting 6. Simple Present @ Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. It’s Sunday at Ann’s house. Helen: — Where (1) is (be) David? Ann: He (2) (clean) his bicycle. He usually (3) (play) basketball on Sundays, but today he (4) (not/want) to play basketball. Helen: (5) (be) your father in the garden now? Ann: Yes, he (6) (cut) the grass. He (7) (not/like) long grass. He often (8) a perfect garden! | usually (10) (say) that he (9) (want) (help) him, but now | (11) Helen: —§ Why? Ann: Because | (12) (learn) some French verbs. (not/know) them and we always (13) (have) a test on Monday morning! @ Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. Sarah usually (1) goes (go) swimming every Saturday but this Saturday it (2) (be) her birthday. She (3) (like) chocolate cake so her sister (4) food at the moment and (make) one for her now. her father (6) Her mother (5) (cook) (do) the shopping. Sarah (7) (want) everything to be nice for her party. Now (8) (make) hats for the children. They always (9) she and her brother (have) a good time at parties. They (10) (sing) and (11) (dance) a lot and (12) (play) their favourite games. Guessing Game 11 Your teacher divides the class into two groups and choosesa leader. Your teacher whispers into the leader’s ear what he/she often does (e.g. Teacher: “I often drive a car.”). The groups in turn try to guess what the teacher often does by asking the leader questions. Group A S1: Does he often play tennis? Leader: No, he doesn’t. Leader: No, he doesn't. Group A S2: Does he often drive a car? Group B S1: Does he often play the guitar? | Leader: Yes, he does. GroupA gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. 47 A 7. The imperative de The Imperative We use the Imperative when we tell one or more persons to do something. @ Match the following with the pictures: Open the window, please! Drink your milk! Sit down, please! Let’s go into the shop! Let’s play inthe garden! Be quiet, please! Please don’t walk on the grass! Don’t wake up the baby! Don't smoke in your bedroom! “a &. Prepositions of Place 8: Prepositions of Place @ Look at the picture and read the text. Then cover the text and try to answer the questions that follow it. The old man is sitting beside the old woman. The young womanis sitting opposite them. They are all sitting by the fireplace. There is a picture above the fireplace and a vase with flowers below the picture. There is a pram behind the woman. The pram is in front of the man. He is lifting the baby up. A young man is coming through the door-way into the living-room. There is a small table in the room and on the table there is a goldfish bowl. There is a goldfish in the bowl. A cat is near the bowl. The cat is putting its paw into the bowl. He is trying to take the fish out of the bowl. Alittle girl is going up the stairs and a dog is coming down the stairs. A boy is sitting at his desk. He is doing his homework. 1. Where is the old man sitting? Beside the old woman. 2. Where 3. Where 4. Where 5. Where 6. Where 7. Where is the young woman sitting? are they all sitting? is the picture? is the vase? is the pram? is the man? 8. What is the man doing with the baby? 9. Where 10. Where 11. Where is the young man going? is the goldfish? is the cat? 12. Where is the cat putting its paw? 13. What is the cat trying to do? 14, Where 15. Where 16. Where is the dog going? is the little girl going? is the boy sitting? 8. Prepositions of Place @ Look at the picture and read the text. Then cover the text and try to answer the questions that follow it. There is a boy between the two girls. There is a cat under the tree and a bird is flying over the cat's head. There are some birds among the leaves of the trees. A cyclist is going along the street and an old man is walking across the street. 1. Where is the boy? ..... Between the two girld. «0.2.66... 2. Where is the cat? 3. Where is the bird? 4. Where are the birds?. ..... 5. Where is the cyclist going? 6. Where is the old man walking? @ Look at the picture and fill in: “in”, “beside”, “behind”, “into” “out of”, “under”, “in front of” or “on”. Two boys are playing with a ball 1) ../H.. the swimming pool. The old lady is sitting 2)... . 6.6.66e e.s the pool. There is a man reading a book O) ies sie mnaien. seins her. There is a small round table 4) man. There is some .......... . the Coca-Cola or the table and a little dog Glies cxnsiienocanine the table. A young man is diving 7) .........-..65- the pool and an old man is coming B) ics cases oases the pool. &. Prepositions of Place Gs Look at the picture and fill in: “across”, “along”, “in front of” “near”, “out of”, “opposite” or “between”. There are some cars parked 1) ...along ... the street. Lots of people are waiting bank. A policeman is helping an Old lady 3)... 56... cee eeee the street. A woman is getting A) eccsewvns cases which is parked 5) .......0.055 two motorbikes 6) .......... the bank. There are some children standing 7) ......... the car. QZ) Look at the pictures and fill in: “through”, “on”, “above”, “in” “beside”, “over” or “into”. Sam 1) .. in... is sick and he is lying bed 2) hospital. His friends Sue and Tom are visiting him. Sue is sitting 3) ......... the bed and Tom is standing 4) ....... the bed. There is a picture 5)... .-...++.+. Sam’s bed. Sam is putting his hands 6) ............ his mouth because he is coughing. A nurse 5 i 8. Prepositions of Place Look at the picture and fill in: “above”, “behind”, “over”, “on” “under”, “at”, “out of”, “near” or “down”. Tom is sitting 1) on a tug 2) his bed. His mother is standing 3) the door shouting at him. His clothes are all 4) the bed. There are empty bottles of Coca-Cola 5) the table 6) his bed. His toys are 7) 8) the floor the chair and his books are 9) the bed. The poster 10) his bed is falling 11) . His socks are hanging 12) the drawer. His room is a mess and his mother is very angry. Game 12 Look at the picture of the living-room in exercise 73 page 49. Your teacher will ask a student to come to the front of the class. He/she will be the leader of the game. The leader must put the cat somewhere in the living-room. (e.g. The cat is under the table). Then the teacher divides the class into two groups. The groups ask the leader questions in turn until they find the cat. The winning group is the one which finds out where the cat is. Group A $1: Is the cat on the sofa? Leader: No, it isn’t. Group B S1: Is the cat behind the sofa? Leader: No, it isn’t. Group A S2: Is the cat under the table? Leader: Yes, it is. Group A wins. Now the teacher can choose another leader and you can play the game again. 9. Prepositions of Time gS. Prepositions of Time In the evening On Friday He does his homework She goes shopping in the evening. together at noon. on Friday. in the morning on Sundays in the afternoon in the evening in November (months) in summer (seasons) in 1992 (years) on Monday on Tuesday (days) etc on October 4th (dates) on Sunday afternoon ill in “at”, “in” or “on” as in the example: Saturday. 8. July. 1} 9. 15. autumn. 16. 1984. 10. March 25th. 11. Friday. 12. summer. 13. the morning. 14. 17. 18. 19. Thursday afternoon. 20. 21; Easter. 10 o'clock. winter. noon. llin “at”, “in” or “on” as in the example: December. 6. a quarter past six. midnight. @ . Wednesday evening. 8. April. 9. April 2nd. 10. February 8th. Saturday night. 1964. Monday. June 26th. 9. Prepositions of Time @i Fill in the blanks with “in”, “at” or “on” as in the example: 1. We always go on holiday . . .//7 summer. 2. My parents usually go shopping Saturday morning. 3. | always do my homework .......... the evening. 4. The circus usually comes to our town ..... . spring. 5. Sophia’s birthday is ... . . May 16th. 6. | usually get up ..... .. seven o'clock. 7. My favourite television programme begins 6:30 the evening. 8. Sometimes it snows .......... winter. 9. My friend’s birthday is .......... June. 10. Some birds and animals come out .......... night. @2 Choose the correct answer. 1. My lesson starts .. five o’clock. 5. | usually visit my grandparents A) on B) at C) in Sunday afternoon. 2. My brother usually buys a newspaper A) on B) at C) in the morning. 6. John’s birthday is August 16th. A) on B) at C)in * A) on B) at C) in 3. We wear warm clothes winter. 7. The film finishes 9:30. A)on B) at C) in A) on B) at C) in 4. We get presents . Christmas. 8. The supermarket is closed Sunday. A) on B) at C) in A) on B) at C)in Game 13 Your teacher will divide the class into two groups. Then he / she will say expressions of time without their prepositions. The groups in turn should complete the missing prepositions. Each correct answer gets one point. The group with the most points wins. Teacher: Group A S1: Teacher: Group BS1: Teacher: the afternoon in the afternoon night at night 1992 Group A $2: Teacher: Group B $2: _ Teacher: in 1992 Christmas in Christmas Wrong! at Christmas. Group B gets no point. 10. How much / How many 10: How much / How many How much cheese have | got? How many eggs have | got? @3) Write the words from the box in the correct column. bread lemon bottle boy water woman money table cheese sugar dog glass meat Coke girl tea coffee room car milk Countable ia eaheeeeare ance ee DOUG cosas G4) write questions as in the example : 1. sugar? .... 6... How much Sugar have YOU GOL?.... 0... 6s ec ee eee ee ee eens 2. dreSS€S? oo eee 3. lemonade? «6... ass Mo Gels Oe bra ASOFANGES? srewsiere ences warnien sales sretoeca's se aeere taver0.e . 5. M@at? eee eee Gi CHAIS? cic asics mw nsean eacien saiemis aeons Ty QIGSSOS? asenese n caaen es s B. CHEESE? eee eee ee eee O) CAS Rinna dinuaar sn anwaniswins iawEsaeONADSeKeN 10: SHAS? cies civeewans-comes sores dace neces neues comma mewnwenes “ Tc fQIN? sivas saweieie cece ceieces cae connie Rela CRN KOREN DEERE BENS 12.DOOKS? © 0oeeeeeee ees s KUnPa is RUNS ENN Res SENET ETE 10, How much / How many | 5) Ask aand answer as in the example: ce . How many apples are there?. 2 Not many. ... & 4. Ss 5 6 = see H\\\ Th) O = 7. 8. 9. 10. 10. How much / How many Fill in “How much” or “How many”. 1. How many 2 3 trees can you see? 11. money have you got? 12. eggs are there in the fridge? 13. dolls have the children got? balls have you got? sandwiches do you want? 4 biscuits have you got? 14, flowers are in the vase? 5 milk do you want? | 15. 6 bread do you want? 16. L boys are in your class? 17. 8 glasses are on the table? 18. 9 butter is there on the plate? 19. 10. books have you got? 20. juice is there in the bottle? pens are there in your bag? tea is there in the bag? hats have you got? water is there in the bottle? meat is there in the fridge? Ask and answer as in the examples: { How much 2 How many 3 4 5. 6. 7. 8 9 0 sugar is there? 1 kilo. oranges are there? .. 3 oranges. bread is there? meat is there? bananas are there? coffee is there? tomatoes are there? .biscuits are there? milk is there? potatoes are there? 57 Revision Exercises I] The teacher divides the class into two groups. Then he / she says nouns and the groups in turn add “how much” or “how many”. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher: cheese Teacher : water Group AS1: how much cheese? Group A $2: how many water? Teacher: eggs Teacher : Wrong! “How much water?” Group BS1: how many eggs? Group A gets no point. © Revision Exercises II 3) Fill in the blanks putting the verbs into their correct form: read go play eat want come be like work John (1) a bank. He (2) ... his job because it (3) veees Very interesting. Many people (4) . to the bank when they (5) ; money. When he (6) home at night he (7) his dinner and (8) with his two children. Before they (9) ... . to bed he (10) ... them a story. @ Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the box below: at the moment usually seldom never 1.1...never. go to school on Christmas Day. 2. 1am writing a letter ...... . 3.1 : ‘ eat meat; | don't like it very much. 4.1 eee ws go to church on Sundays. @ Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. The children . .are playing . .(play) outside now. 2. He sometimes ........... - «+ (go) to church. wmee was b now Bo Pvc aercieseieannier (do) my homework at the moment. WD occ ccc eee seueeeeseesss (read) the newspaper every morning. Bo cece cece cece eee cee esse (@at) my dinner . Revision Exercises Il 6. She usually 7. We (read) a book in the evening. | (go) to the disco tonight. | 8.He. (write) a letter to his penfriend every month. | 9. My mother usually (cook) dinner in the evening. | 10.She.... (travel) to work by train every day. @ Choose the correct item. 1.She ..eatS.. meat every day. 5. Mother never ......... the dishes. A) is eating B) eats C) eat A)is washing B) washes C) wash | 2. The baby ....... at the moment. A)is sleeping B) sleeps C) sleep 3: . to bed every night at 10.00 pm. A)amgoing __B) goes C) go 6. Jane .. A)isreading 7. She - «+.» A)isrunning .. abook at the moment. | B) reads C) read very quickly. Look! | B) runs C) run | 4. Mum ..... A) is watching TV now. B)watches C) watch 8.]......... my * A) am doing homework every day. i B) do C) does @ Fill in “in”, “at” or “on”. 1. | usually go to the park ..07.. Sundays. —_ 6. Are you going to the disco Saturday? 2. We go skiing December. 7. We learn many things school. 3. | am going to Spain .... summer. 8. | don't like getting up the morning. 4. We don't go to school Easter. 9. | am going to the dentist ..... . Monday. 5. | got up 8.00 am this morning. 10.1 go to bed 10 o'clock. @) Fill in the third person singular. 1. |write-He .. writes 2. | catch - He 3. | cry - He 4. | buy - He 5. | give - He 6. | kiss - He 7. |dance - He. . . 8. | take - He 9. | go- He @ Fill in “How much” or “How many”. an 1...Ow many .apples are there inthe bag? 6. ...... 2.00. butter do you want? 2. oo sss esses Money have you got? | 7, seesaw wan people can you see? 3. 0.0... girls are there in your class? 8... 6... sees sugar do you want? Bisse ewwe vases milk is there? 9. vce eeenee children can you see? Bocceeee records have you got? HO, ssaaacevss meat do you want? Revision Exercises Il] @ Fill in the correct preposition. under between behind out of at on in into The cat is sleeping 1) . . i its basket. Dinner is 2) the table. Grandfather is sitting 3) the table. Peter is sitting 4) Sally and Grandfather. Father is looking 5) the window. The dog is playing with a ball 6) the chair. John is 7) the chair. Grandmother is coming 8) the room with some lemonade. (6) Underline the correct word as in the example: 1. Tina is (my, mine) sister. 2. Thiscar is (her, his). 3. These are the children's shoes. They're (their, theirs). 4. These books are (your, yours). 5. That skirt is (her, hers). 6. (My, Mine) brother is tall. 7. This is Sue's bicycle. It's (her, hers) bicycle. 8. That is (your, yours) pen. 9. These are (our, ours) pencils. 10. This shirt is (her, his). Revision Exercises Il @ Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. It(1) iS. .(be) Friday evening and my friends and | (2) (be) at the disco. Some people (3) (dance) on the dance floor. Some people (4) (sit) down and By (5) f friends (6) (7) H (8) (drink) Coke. My (talk) and (laugh) together. We (go) to the disco every week. We usually (9) (drink) Coke and (10) (dance). @ Change to the plural. 1. She has got a child. They have got children. 2. This is my car. 3. It is an ox. 4. That is a fox. 5. He is a singer. @ Fill in "some" or "any". | 1. Is there any 2. There are 3. There aren't 4. There are milk in the bottle? biscuits in the tin. pens on the desk. flowers in the vase. | 5. Are there cups in the cupboard? 6. There isn't cheese in the fridge. (00) Fill in "There is" or "There are". There are some bottles of Coke on the table. some milk in the fridge. aman at the door. | zebras in the zoo. ! a box on the table. 61 11. Be going to ils Be goingto.SOS~S~S~S Miss Sheldan! Are you going to finish your work? lam ee e eju are going to + verb k tomorrow, tonight, next wee/ month / year We use “be going to” for plans and intentions or when there is evidence that something is going to happen in the future. @ Write sentences as in the example: | 1. (play/tennis) am going to 2. (fight) They play tennis, 3. (sleep) We ...... sae 4. (wash/the dishes) He... . 11. Be going to 5. (open/his umbrella) He 6. (post / a letter) He 7. (feed/the dog) He... .......6... 8. (cut/some bread)She @2) com lete the sentences as in the example: 1. (dig/in the garden) . They are. dig in the garden. R= 9 Th ey are gigging .in the 3. (listen/to the record) 4 1. Fred /singer?... Is Fred going to be a singer? No, he isn’t. He isn’t going to be a singer. He is going to be a doctor. 2. Rod and Ben / teachers? 3. Joan / doctor? 4. Ted / singer? 11. Be going to 4) Look at Julie’s diary and write what her plans are for next week. Then write about your plans. nesdaY® Clean the house rsday? PLY New shoes 2 visit My grandmother s JO to the theatre 2 have dinner with some friends 1. 1am going to 2. 3. Game 15 The teacher divides the class into two groups and choosesa leader. The leader thinks of five things he / she is going to do tomorrow. The groups in turn ask questions. Each correct guess - gets 1 point. The group with the most correct guesses is the winner. | (List : dance - go shopping - do homework - go to the cinema visit my friend). Group AS1: Leader : Group B S1: Are you going to read? | No, I'm not. Are you going shopping? I Leader : Group A $2: Leader: Yes, | am. Are you going to do your homework? Yes, | am. etc. 12. Love / hate / like / don’t like doing something a Love / hate / like / don’t like doing something the entist ove eatig | hate dgoing .to Tice-cream. | don't like washing the dishes. (05) write about Tom, then write about you. like don't like love hate Tom You Tom You Tom You Tom You go on holiday Vv get up early Vv clean room Vv go to the doctor's Vv read stories Vv 1. Tom... . likes going on holiday. 12. Love / hate / like / don’t like doing something Sally and her family love going .(go) to the park in the summer. They like (1): ssareisisuarstmanyss (have) picnics and (2) love (sit) on the grass. Sally's mother hates (8); ceweswanacwme (make) sandwiches so her father always makes them. Sally and her brother love (4), sreiwiers arene (play) with — a ball in the park. Sally’s mother likes (5) .. 0... 0.05 (lie) on the blanket and loves (6) ......... (read) her favourite magazines. Sally loves (7) .............. (listen) to the birds singing in the trees and her brother likes (8)... 65... 0005 (watch) the people in the park. Sally's family likes the park because they love (9) ...........5. . (be) outdoors. Qi) write questions and answers as in the example: 1. the girls / eat chocolate. (like) .Do the girls like eating chocolate? (Yes, love) Yes, they love eating chocolate. 2. Polly / touch spiders. es —liK@) .. esse eceeeeeeeeeneeeues (No, hate) ..........-...e0ee0 12. Love / hate / like / don’t like doing something 3. the dog / have a bath. 4. the children / watch TV. (KG) sow eumensivneegweanannna ieons ( (Ne) (Yes, love) ....... veces | 5. Tom / do his homework. 6. . Sam / get up early. GY scacaccansenausavecdads edenx (IKE) oe . (NO: NOEIKG), cssitaanveyecawneas asus (No, hate) ............ . the baby / take medicine. (IKE) eee (like) . (No, hate) ....... 9. Father/ clean the car. caeaanen came sonar (KG): casssemsca 10. they/ eat meat. () . (NO :OEIIKE): acue were cians erence (Yas, like) eee 12. Love / hate / like / don’t like doing something 8) Complete the sentences as in the example: 1. Jane . . likes riding a bicycle and TV or playing football. 2. Mike swimming. She sass : ae doesn't like watching ... sia an woyetete RaeW ala weiae 3. Rod and Ben mo. — De 4. Jennifer........ Game 16 The teacher divides the class into two groups. Each group makes up sentences in turn. One student from group A starts saying what he/she likes. The next student from group B says what the previous student likes and adds what he/she likes and so on. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Example: GroupAS1: | like fishing. Group BS1: _ | Group A S2: _ | Group BS2: _ | like fishing and reading. like fishing, reading and dancing. like fishing, reading, dancing and singing. Group AS3: Group A gets (silence) no point. 13. Must / Mustin’t ™ M oar here. TBs ust/MusSnt You mustn't park your | must get out of here. Must expresses obligation or necessity. Mustn’t expresses prohibition. Mr Welsh has got a cold and is coughing a lot. The doctor is telling him what he must or mustn’t do. You1) .. MUST. . stay in bed. You 2) vaweeseneesene Qo to work, Yous) 000. S take some medicine. You Cs eat soup. You 5) . . .. drink cold drinks. You 6) .......+..... drink milk or hot tea. You OD) ves eeeeees ss @at ice-cream. You © 8)... 6.664... Stop smoking. @ Mother is telling her son what he must or mustn’t do. 1.You.... MUSb..... do your homework. 2 YOU cssceunsewewas be late for school. 9, YOU cesosnnsen ean talk in class. 4, YOU sescwwaweowss . tidy your room. 5. NOU ses cnaowas comes go to bed late. 6. You .........+..... get up early. @ 13. Must / Mustn’t q) Match the sentences with the pictures . You mustn't smoke in here. You mustn’t walk on the grass. You mustn’t swim here. You mustn't park here. You must drive slowly. You must stop here. 2 Mr Brown has problems with his heart. The doctor is telling him what he must or mustn’t do. You 1) . MUST . lose weight. You 2) ........... eat sweets. You 3) ........... eat so much. You 4) .. eat vegetables. You 5) .......... smoke. You 6) .........050: work too hard. You 7) sess Walk alot. You 8)... take some exercise. You 9) s lot of water. You 10)... ... ... drink a 2.004. go to bed early. You 11) take some medicine. You 12) ............ go out in cold weather. Game 17 Your teacher will divide the class into two groups. Then he /she will say “must” or “mustn't” and the groups in turn make up sentences. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher : must Group AS1: You must drive carefully. Teacher : must Group BS1: You must be polite. Teacher: mustn't Group AS2: Teacher : Group BS2: Teacher : You mustn't be late. must You must tell lies. Wrong! You must tell the truth. Group B gets no point. 1 | 14, Past Tense (Was - Were) t 1a: Past Tense (Was -Were) Jean Evans and this is my brother Ken. We are rich and Longform This is me when | was five and this is my brother Ken when he was four. We were poor and unhappy. Short form | was You were He was Shewas Itwas We were You were They were | was not You were not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not They were not | wasn't You weren't He wasn't She wasn't It wasn’t We weren't You weren't They weren't Was |? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they? We use past tense for actions which happened at a definite time in the past. yesterday _last week last month last year two weeks ago two months ago two days ago then etc. 14. Past Tense (Was - Were) a? Fill in “is”, “are”, “ was” or “were”. The birds . were . in the cage but they . are. out of the cage now. 2. The goldfish is in the bowl. The goldfish ....... . in the bowl butit......... in the cat’s mouth now. 3. The children are in the class. The children .........6- in the class but they at home now. 4. The cat is on the chair. THO Cal! cscs tines ve on the chair but it sia deat aoews ag under the table now. ' 14. Past Tense (Was - Were) t i) Fill in the blanks with “am”, “is”, “are”, “was” or “were”. 1. It. id... Monday today. Anna and Mary are at work. It .. was Sunday yesterday and they .. were... at home. 2.Mt oo. in bed. They midnight. The ............ children inthe living-room three hours ago. 8: lewwenwue 12 noon and she ... . in the kitchen. She ......... . inthe garden two hours ago. BoM. seston cers Saturday today. The girls at their grandmother's. They . at the zoo last Saturday. @) Look at ex. 114 then ask and answer questions as in the example: 1. Anna and Mary / at work / Sunday? ....Were Anna and Mary at work on Sunday? ......00ccc cece es eseeees ....No, they weren't. They were at home. ... 2. the children / in bed / three hours ago? 14. Past Tense (Was - Were) qs) Fill in “There is” or “There are”. St 1).. There is .. aman anda woman in the living-room. 2) .............. two children. 3) ove cece ATV: Aiwinssis cess two chairs and 5)... 6... e cee eee ee two armchairs. 6) .. 0.0.66. .006 a table in front of the fireplace and 7) ......... ‘ some books onit. 8)... .....0.6005 La vase with flowers on the table, too. 9). vse eeeeeess @ carpet on the floor. 10) wae .... two pictures on thenwalll:. 11) oo sacaweeescamne asmall .round table near the window and 12) sassaceswaees . «+. atelephone on it. UD Look at ex. 116 first. Then look at the picture and write what “there was/were” in the living-room. LIL There in the was a man and a woman . living-room. 5 14. Past Tense (Was - Were) t Fill in the blanks with “was”, “am”, “is”, “are” or “were”. Today .i5 Christmas Day and my family and | (1) at home. It (2) . Christmas Eve yesterday and we (3) in town shopping for presents. It (4) not cold yesterday but today it (5) very cold and it (6) . snowing outside. We (7) not cold because there (8) ... abig fire in the living-room and we (9) . all nice and warm. | like Christmas and | (10) very happy today. Game 18 The teacher divides the class into two groups and choosesa leader. The leader writes on a piece of paper where he/she was last night (e.g. | was at my grandmother's). The groups in turn ask 5 questions each. The group that finds out where he/she was is the winner. If the groups fail to guess correctly, the game is a draw. Group AS1: Were youathome? 4 GroupAS2: Were you at the cinema? Leader : No, | wasn't. Leader : No, | wasn't. Group BS1: Were you at work? Group BS2: Were you at your grandmother’s? Leader : No, | wasn't. Leader: - Yes, | was. GroupB is the winner. The teacher chooses another leader and you can play the game again. 76 15. Past Tense (Had) io Past Tense (Had) You look tired today Jane, why? Well, | had my birthday party last night. We all had fun but | had a lot of work to do after the party. Thad You had He had i She had It had Long form I did not have You did not have He did not have She did not have It did not have . Short form | didn’t have You didn’t have He didn’t have She didn’t have It didn’t have Did | have? Did you have? Did he have? Did she have? Did it have? We had We did not have We didn’t have Did we have? You had They had You did not have They did not have You didn't have They didn’t have Did you have? Did they have? 19) com lete the sentences as in the example: 1. (a banana) -He hag got a.. banana. He had a banana. 3. (a new car) 15. Past Tense (Had) Yai 5. (an umbrella) j 7. (a vase) GR nceuceueeeen @ They went on a picnic last Sunday. Write what each one of them had. k apples oranges pears sandwiches Coke mil— Jean 3 - 2 2 1 Mike 2 3 2 Don & Jim 2 3 2 3 Helen 1 3 2 1 Carol 1 2 2 2 1. Jean ..had three apples, two pears, two sandwiches and one bottle of ... . Coke. She didn’t have any oranges or milk. ..... 06sec ceeeneseee Al CPC eee Cote Cer CCE CCCLER CCC SOC ETT eR CCRC TC AnCC TTT. 8. DOMEHOUIN x ccvicm conan cams sieces dacesaw aera CaRGs Kae ER SORES OR ee RS CORR HOS MONGIEG NESS Se NAD WEES ol EATEN KREEN NENSUCNSEN Es URNS Ebesa weDEs ereRSEG Cowes } e A JHGIGH .stes'sinte-sistasiese’emaiertulnis daieiela sie csfaolese sinraleie ele Sesh -wodieS om SeSmoudisiae exes B.S ALOL ere:nres esere 0 acenecme.miwin ai9c0ni8 sewiein eceincenree.Rie alee Riaienela, sieleieie sra/a\es eal ae ewe SRE ATE Revision Exercises [hl (Short Answers] _ ®S;! 1/you/he/ she /it we/you/they | did. No| /you/ he/she /it we/you/they didn’t. a) Look at ex. 120. Then ask and answer as in the example: 1. (Jean / milk?) .. Did Jean have any milk? No, ean 2. (J/ pears?) she didn’t. a wnrneue asin’ Re 3, (Moranges?) .. 6... eee een eee FASE SURE NURER MilNOR MNS TTRUIS Ue 4. (Mike / milk?) 5. (Mike / apples?) 6. (Don and Jim / milk?) 7. (Don and Jim / sandwiches?) 8. (Carol / pears?) Game 19 The teacher divides the class into two groups and choosesa leader. The leader makesa list of the things he /she had for breakfast. The groups in turn try to guess what he /she had for breakfast.Each group can ask five questions. Each correct guess gets 1 point. The group which guesses most or all the things is the winner. Leader: eggs, jam, toast, tomato juice, cake, eggs Group AS1: Did you have tea for breakfast? Leader : Yes, | did. Leader : No, | didn’t. Group AS2: Did you have eggs for Group BS1: Did you have toast for breakfast? breakfast? Leader : Yes, | did. etc. © Revision Exercises III 2 Fill in “must” or “mustn’t”. 1. He is late. He .. MUS~ .. run to school. 2. He is sick. He ...... go to school. 3. She has a cold. She .. . . take some medicine. 4. Your hands are dirty. You ... wash them. 79 Revision Exercises [ill Fill in “How much” or “How many”. 1. ... How much ... money have you got? Dis swe .. days are there in a week? 3. .......... butter is there on the plate? 4 books have you got? 2) com lete the chart and then write sentences. Vv 4 Vv @ Change to the plural as in the example: Itisarecord. .. They are records. .. 4, Thisis a box. 1.He is apoliceman......... eee 2. am English: 0.0 cw wea wan eee 3. She is awoman. .... 0... 6.060005 5. She is a housewife. . . . C.Htis afoot. «2.000. 7. That is a goose. ... Revision Exercises Will «2 Match the sentences with the pictures as in the example: You mustn't talk in the library. You musin’t eat or drink in the classroom. You must have a bath. You must brush your teeth after meals. 1.... You must brush your teeth. APbEr MEAIG... 6.0 .c see eeeeee 1. Sam /in London / last week? 2. Jim and Tom / at work / yesterday? Was Samm in London last week? ..No, he wasn’t. He wag in Faris.. Revision Exercises Illi 28) ask uestions and answer with short answers as in the example: 1. John / dog? 2. boy / bike? 3. children / television? Has John got a dog? YES, hE HAG... eee 2 Fill in the right word from the list as in the example: mine yours __shis hers its ours our theirs __ their 1. The catis ..herd........ (Sally) 2. The cariS .... 0... .cccene (You and Helen) 3. These books are ...... .... . (Donna and |) 4. Are those cards .... 6... ..055 ? (Debbie and Jane) Si CiSiais saaseawialsinefood. (dog) 6. That red caris .........+.0+ . (Jane): 7. Those flowers are ........... . (Mother) 8.Whenis .......0200005 birthday? (Father) Dia aman canine car is black. (Jack and Joan) 10. That bagis ...........600. (I) @ Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or Simple Present. 1. Mary . .i5 washing .... (wash) her hair at the moment. 2. My brothers ...........55 .. (play) basketball now. 3. My father... 0..e (work) in a bank. 4. My mother always ........... . .. (go) to the supermarket on Fridays. 5 NUNS setsensew ence acne (paint) a picture at the moment. 6. Michael .... 2.0.0se.e0ee (not/live) in Athens. T LUCY a cemine awsieis vanes (wear) her new shoes now. 8 TIOVOl seas seven cvceses (not/like) potatoes. es cece e 9. My father always ... 2.0... (drive) to work. 10. Weisxine sexs canes ee (do) our homework at the moment. 82 Revision Exercises Ill Fill in “some” or “any”. 1. There are S0MEé people in the shop. 2. Is there milk in that cup? 3. There is 4. Are there 5. There isn't 6. There are 7. Are there 8. There isn't 9. There are 10. Are there cheese in this sandwich. pencils on the table? bread here. pens on his desk. letters in the letter-box for me? meat on the plate. elephants in the zoo. . Cats in the garden? 11. Is there . water in the bottle? 12. There is . Coffee in the cup. Write the words in the correct column as in the examples: box money cheese tomato pencil star dress meat water circus bag book bread milk tea pen CountableNouns = =——-UncountableNouns BOM, wexsunsn wawinavewsenns CHEESE: sans svavevaneawene Fill in with “a”, “an” or “some”. a .teacher | 8 ininiace jam 1B: ne ween ne sugar egg 9: lemonade —_'16. ...... bowl of sugar tea 10. meat 17. ~... milk umbrellas 11... shirt 12. money 13. Spoon 14. bottle of Coke coffee loafofbread bread 18. .........cartonof milk 19) sis acainies aie glass of water 20. .........water 24. .........0¢topus Revision Exercises Illi] (34) Fill in “There is”, “There are”, “Is there” or “Are there”. 1. .. There are. some eggs in the basket. 9. any mice under the bed? 2 some butter in the fridge. 10. any Coke in the bottle? 3 any knives on the table? 11. 4. ‘ any popcorn in the box? 12. any water in the glass? any horses in the field? 5. any jam in this sandwich? 13. monkeys in the zoo? 6 some birds in the tree. 14. apples in the fridge. it trees in the garden? 15. 8. any money in that box? 16. some flowers in the vase. any milk in the fridge? @ Fill in “Am”, “Is”, “Are”, “Do” or “Does”. Do ... you want to come with us? 6. she work hard? she like her new house? he you still angry with me? . he ill? 8. . they going to be at the party? 9. he like your new dress? 10. he finish work at 6 pm? you coming to the party tonight? I late again? (36) Ask and answer the questions as in the examples: 1. Look at .. it! IS it... abird? Yes, it is. 2. Look at... them! Are they . apples? No, they aren't. They are trees. 3. Look at | 4. Look at nara a helicopter? bicycles? 6. Look at .. ! a church? Revision Exercises Ill @ Write the -ing form for these verbs. . 2. look 3. buy helping ‘ 4. make areata 5. walk 6. laugh vee 7. drive 8. write 9. hit @ Look at the picture and fill in the correct preposition. There is a plant 1) .On....... the table. There is a telephone 2) ........ 0.0045 the book and the plant. There is a picture 3) ...... the table. There is acat 4) ...... the table. There is a mat 5) : the door. 6) «+... the mat there are some letters. There is a shopping bag 7) the chair. There is a newspaper 8) .... umbrella. There is a boy 10) the shopping bag. 9) .... the chair there is an the door. ie Put the verbs in the “Simple Present” or “Present Continuous”. Kate: Hello Peter! What (1)... are you doing ... (you/do) right now? Peter: 1 (2) ........... (play) with my dog Rex. Kate: (.) (you/want) to take Rex for a walk on the beach? Peter: No, Rex (4) 00. s cenceee (not/like) the sea! Kate: (5) ; (he/like) the park? Peter: Yes, he does. Let's go there now! Revision Exercises Mill a Put the verbs into the “Simple Present” or “PresentContinuous”. / 1(1).. am watching . .(watch) television now. | (2) .. . (not know) the name of the television programme. It (3) ............... (finish) at seven o'clock. My sister (4) s wise wialRtomainianeconaiarn te (listen) to the radio now in the kitchen. She (5) (make) acake:'She (6) eevee ceviee won (not / like) television. She (7) (read) a lot of books. She (8) ..........055 (go) to the library every Saturday, and (9) (borrow) four or five books. | (10) ...... (not / know) how many books she (A) wsicwves dave ae (have) in her room. @ Fill in “in”, “at” or “on”. 1. ..0N.. Monday 6. ...... noon | 11. . August Dison ars May 7. «2... the morning 12. midnight Biveniearern summer Bis cose 1995 13. -. 10 o'clock 4 aeseas 8 o'clock 9. ...... Sunday morning 14. ...... August 2nd Sonnac are Christmas 10. ...... the afternoon 15. ...... Monday afternoon @ Complete the sentences using “be going to” or Present Continuous. 1. (eat) 2 . They are going. e .to eat. 3. (have / a bath) 16. Simple Past (Regular Verbs) a Simple Past (Regular Verbs) Did you tidy your room Ben? | helped Helen make a cake. We form the past tense of regular verbs by adding -ed. __ Regular verbs | _ Affirmative | walked You walked He walked She walked It walked We walked You walked They walked [Spelling love - loved like - liked Long form | did not walk You did not walk He did not walk She did not walk It did not walk We did not walk You did not walk They did not walk study - studied stay - stayed > Short form | didn't walk You didn’t walk He didn’t walk She didn’t walk It didn’t walk We didn’t walk You didn’t walk They didn’t walk stop - stopped prefer - preferred “Interrogativ—e Did | walk? Did you walk? Did he walk? Did she walk? Did it walk? Did we walk? Did you walk? Did they walk? walk - walked listen - listened iy) Write the Simple Past of the following verbs. ..watched. 7. walk .......... 13. play ......... 19.climb . 2.GGRN. ves veceewss 8. visit... 2) 14, SUdy isseaves | 20, SAY ws cence BESO: sjcazseweseia 9. work T5 (OVE: s sinicais ve QA CAll vin cewese ALONTIVG was ewsreaees 1 (oc) a 16. open......... 22.kiss .... 5. return oe. eee ee 11. like... 2... eee 17. start 23. tidy .. 6. COOK «2.2.2. eeeee 12. iron oo. wees 18. water . 24, wash 16. Simple Past (Regular Verbs) We use the Past tense for which happened in the past at a actions definite time. @ Helen and Peter usually share the jobs at work but last week Helen was ill so Peter did all the jobs. Write sentences as in the example: Usually Yesterday 1. open/the office Helen usually opens the office but yesterday Feter opened the office. 2. water/the plants 16. Simple Past (Regular Verbs) write sentences as in the example: 1. Mike.. cleaned the floor and bose “He didn’t watch TV or watered the flowers yesterday. .........+.. listen to the radio. 1/you /he/she/it oe | a |/you/shhee/ i/t No, we/you/they | didn't. oy Look again at exercise 145 then ask and answer. 1. Mikellisten to the radio? Did Mike listen to the radio yesterday? No, he didn't. 2: MikeWatch IV?! secawcececeeis canes eeweeieie sc arene anoles Cee es Meee Ree Reed COON 3. Simon/clean the fl0Or? o.oo ee eee ee eee eee e eee eneeeee 4: SIMON/WALOT the MOWSIS!?: 5. Simon/watch TV? oie aiaiarnis ainiaiais ojnieieiainin tiacayase. oj6:ajnie alelain's aisles slg Karaiwia sie’alere . 6. Mr and Mrs Hill/clean the floor? ©. eee eee eee eee e eens 7. Mr and Mrs Hill/listen to the radio? ..... SSW ASUS TEES GETS TORE GUND HaRETs 8. Mr and Mrs Hill/water the flowers? ......... tate wiaiirnus prac srawiewece ewarete ewietere © 16. Simple Past (Regular Verbs) @ Put the verbs into the Simple Past. Yesterday my family and | visited grandparents. My (visit) my mother (1) (help) my grandmother in the garden. My father (2) the windows outside. My (clean) brother and | (3) (watch) cartoons on television with my grandfather. Later we (4) = We (5) (climb) the tree to our tree-house. We in the garden. (6) (play) outside (stay) there all afternoon. Then our mother (7) concen (call) us because it was time to go home. Our grandparents (8) ........ (kiss) us goodbye and we (9) (return) home. We (10) ...« (arrive) home at 8 o'clock. Father (11) (look) for the key, (12) (open) our front door and we all (13) (walk) inside. ey) Fill in with the Simple Past. Yesterday my brother and | (1)... helped .... (help) our mother in the house. First we era (2) sain winrar seagate (clean) our clothes. After that we (@) 5 oteatelnale aitotels cists (cook) some spaghetti. The spaghetti (5) a srericeissieriacaniias r (not / be) happy to eat it. Then | (0), wcorateia ewwreze sitar 0 (have) a bath and my brother and | (8) ....... 6.600005 (watch) TV. 17. Simple Past (lrrequiar Verbs) i ae Simple Past (Irregular Verbs) Did you pay the electricity bill dear? 4 No, | didn’t. | bought a new Manchester United shirt, instead. | went You went He went She went It went We went You went They went Long form I did not go You did not go He did not go She did not go It did not go We did not go You did not go They did not go Short form | didn’t go - You didn’t go He didn’t go She didn’t go It didn’t go We didn’t go You didn’t go They didn’t go Did | go? Did you go? Did he go? Did she go? Did it go? Did we go? Did you go? Did they go? 49 FFiitll iinn tthhee bbllaannkks. Present Past Present Past 1. is/are 2. ..break... 3. buy 4. come 5. cut ..WaS/Were.. broke 14. meet Hse putt = 16, read AZ 18. saeaeeeeeneens ainaswandenaien aentevsaweneee rode ran 6. wweseesees cost 19. SCO § ss ninietwaanawee's T Gi ———(=‘éCNtwnwaemaewncns 20. st 8 8. dive «anew 21. ttswweennmrernns swam Q).. series sip ate 22) aasaaeene, spent 10. have TS exidewsone 12. lose 13. make 23, take nae aeeeneeeees 24. tell «nan eeeneeeeees 25. sesaeeree wrote maw me 26; get «eeen 91 17. Simple Past (Irregular Verbs) @ Fill in the blanks with verbs from the box in the Simple Past. : break swim have make buy spend drink lose sit write wash t 1.She..made..acake 2.She.......... ahat . The boy a -anhourago. lasweek. letter yesterday. 4. They .......... some 5. They........ inthesea 6. They......... alotof plates a minute ago. = for an hour. Coke last night. TSN 0 wae cae her arm Be wes -. all his 9. He veces. abath last week. money last week. two minutes ago. a |Z | 1 co TONHG cnves canes his Ts SWO cass exawes on the 12. She ....... the clothes wallet last night. old chair a minute ago. yesterday. 17. Simple Past (imreqular Verbs) Gi Complete the sentences. 1.1.. did not ... play tennis yesterday. |... didn’t ... play tennis yesterday. 2. You............ go to the theatre. You ... . go to the theatre. 3. He ave feed the dog. He .. ..... feed the dog. A THEY, wrereisie vase oe send a letter. They .... send a letter. 5. She... find her keys. She............ find her keys. @ Complete the sentences. cut the grass Jane Peter Vv mast Hens Vv a magazine Vv write a letter Vv Pam & Ben Vv 4 Ann v Vv 1. Jane . read a magazine and wrote a letter yesterday, She ....gtags or meet her friends yesterday. didn't cut the . eee 17. Simple Past (Irregular Verbs) 3) Look again at exercise 152, then ask and answer. 1. Jane / meet / friends / yesterday? Did Jane meet her friends yesterday? No, she didn't. 2. Jane / cut the grass / yesterday? 3. Peter / write a letter / yesterday? 4. Peter / meet his friends / yesterday? 5. Pam and Ben/ write a letter / yesterday? 6. Pam and Ben / meet their friends / yesterday? 7. Ann / write a letter / yesterday? 8. You / meet your friends / yesterday? 9. You / cut the grass / yesterday? 10. You / write a letter / yesterday? i) a). Write what Jean did or didn’t do yesterday. b). Write what you did or didn’t do yesterday. @& Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets. Last Saturday my father . took . (take) my friends and me to the circus. We (1) (see) lots of things. My father (2) (buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. We (3) (eat) the popcorn and (4) (drink) the orange juice. We (5) (laugh) at the funny clowns. There (6) (be) a lion-tamer. The lions (7) (do) tricks; they (8) (jump) through hoops. A girl (9) (ride) an elephant around the ring. We all (10) (have) a wonderful time. 17. Simple Past (irregular Verbs) Gs Choose the right verb, put it in the Simple Past and fill in the blanks. write drink do drive be tell see buy sit meet come take cost go Yesterday morning we 1) .. wert .. to the market. We 2) our shopping baskets. Father 3) . us there in the car. At the market, we 4) some fruit and vegetables. | 5) some birds that | wanted to buy. They 6) .. alot of money. Mother 7) me they 8) . too expensive. Then we 9) some friends and we all 10) to a café. We 11) at a table outside and 12) orange juice. Then Mother and | 13) home. In the afternoon | 14) my homework and 15) a letter to my grandmother. i Complete the sentences with one word or phrase from the box. onSundays usually yesterday atthemoment last night every morning intheevening tomorrow last week two months ago 1.1 usually walk to school. 6, We drink milk for breakfast 2. We are going to visit them 7. Father doesn’t work 3. Tom went to bed at 12 o'clock 8. She wrote a letter to John 4. She watches TV 9. Don’t go outside! It’s raining 5. You didn't come to school 10. He telephoned me @ Put the verbs into the correct tense. 1. She always goes (go) to church on Sunday. 2.1 (buy) a new bicycle last week. 3. My family (go) to the theatre yesterday. 4. Tom (live) in London three years ago. 5. My mother (make) some coffee now. 6. Sam (go) to the circus tomorrow. 7.1 (talk) on the telephone at the moment. 8. Sally always (tidy) her room at the weekend. 9.1 (have) dinner in a restaurant last Friday. 18. Question Words 18. Question Words (Who-Whose-What-When-Where-Why-Howmuch/How many) Some reporters are interviewing John Birch, a famous pop singer. When did you arrive in our city? Whose is that car? How many days are you going to spend here? How much money did it cost? / { Who is the lady in \ the car? der How old are you? What do you like? Where you \\_lived y ie FY \ Ae 2 . you hate? 4} R Why do you hate reporters? LU ‘ Because | don't like anowering all these questions. a) Match the question words with the phrases as in the example : 1. At the circus. 2. 8.30 pm. A. Who? 1....G B. When? 2. 3. A bird. C. How much money? 3. 4. Twelve. D. How many? 4. 5. Tony. 6. Because she is clever. 7. On Monday. 8. Ben's. 9. £27. E. Why? 5. F, Whose? 6. G. Where? ra H. What time? 8. |, What? 9. 97 18. Question Words Fill in “Who”, “Whose”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why”, “How much”, “How many” or “What time”. oe 1... When?..... At 2:30. {Biases cones 2 Sophia's. Dor acainrarainverminnien ? At the cinema. Wiens oe ? Mary. OL waaeaeanennees ? The teacher. TS. save ? 10 o'clock. Gs tancpicieeas . 2 Inthe morning. 16... ? Next Thursday. Sy erareneeveerernewcee ? In the kitchen. Ticarsrs eve . ? Four. Cunckocstnininln siinleli a8 ? My brother's. TBisclelarsteyslelersierelste-e ? In the park. Towasiwaisia sasmmnas ? Because it’s cold. 19 sciain sara siniviees ? Mary's. ? On Saturday. Q0vca9 caaoas -. 2 Acar. OysaRella oeiseinlet nRie ? In the classroom. 21.. - 2245. WO i sietwewmignwaiawraa ? At the station. 22) sca saeeemeee ? Tomorrow. Tenses ewes oo? Johns] D8 cca vasanmavaen 28pm. 12. ccc eee ee ? An umbrella. 24 ccene eee ? Acup. Choose the correct word. 1... What A)Who .. is it? It’as bird. B)Where C) What 6: swe esmae xe A) What are you late? —_B) Who C) Why 2. .......++. is that radio? My father’s. , A) What B)Whose CC) When De wwwarea ies ar A) What is your sister's name? B) Who C) Why Sa wanaiiaraers is that girl? My cousin. A)Who B)Where CC) Whose 8; waa escan v0 A) Where is it? It’s 2 o'clock. —B) What time C) When Bowen wees do you go to the shops? A) What B)Whose C) When Bo cee eee is the dog? In the garden. A) Whose B) What C) Where 9. ©. ........ A) Who 10) aera siorerace ov A) Who does the film start? B) When —C) What speaks English? B) Where C) Why Fill in the blanks with “Who”, “Whose”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why”, “How much”, “How many” or “What time”. Ts ce: Whihics case are you wearing a coat? Because it’s cold. Qo cen is your party? On Saturday. 9. sisemenversiala stele are these football boots? They're John’s. 4, sexes casa cns money have you got? £10. Bi owas eens eune is your school? It’s near the station. 18. Question Words brothers have you got? Two brothers. . books have you got? Not many. is he? He’s Mr Smith. . are you reading that book? Because it's interesting. people are there in this room? Twenty. .. Coat is this? It’s John’s. .. does he come from? He comes from Brazil. .. is your birthday? In January. .. is it? 7.30. . are you running? Because | am late. . Sugar is there? One kilo. Wises . are you going tonight? To the cinema. 18... is he? In the kitchen. 19. girls are there? Twelve. are they doing? They are watching TV. (64) Fill in with “Who”, “What”, “Where”, “When” or “What time”. 1.... Where.. .. D eaceamnca ier .. is the cheese? It’s in the fridge. iS your party? On January 21st. .. iS your brother's name? Michael. .. is that man? He’s my uncle. . do you visit your grandparents? On Sundays. have you got?A box of chocolates. does this lesson finish? At eleven o'clock. is the cat? It's on the chair. . can answer my question? | can. .. is there in that bag? Some apples and oranges. Game 21 Your teacher divides the class into two groups and then says words. The groups in turn say which question word matches the word said by the teacher. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher: Group A S1: Teacher: Group B S1: Teacher : at the station. where? at noon. when? Nick's. Group AS2: Teacher: GroupBS2: Teacher : whose? Mary. — whose? Wrong! Who! Group B gets no point. 99 [am taller than you. Yes, but | am stronger strongest and the tallest of all of us. one syllable long longer than the longest of /in two syllables more than two syllables happy beautiful happier than more beautiful than the happiest of/ in the most beautiful of/in — ending in: one stressed vowel between two tl aavion aVI old-older- oldest ’ larg-e large-r | largest | h heavy- rheavier~ - Hheav Get BUT big- bigger- biggest 65) Fill in the blanks. t.short shorter... the shortest. 6 fat — eeseeee sce BATION)! aiesaroewra a) Rnsevenata see/ieih ante TASMAl «si temwnanimion « QiRCAVY! ois wise saree: a ereiote e ‘ BS. friendly — scvcencceee seevenseesnwes A. FUNNY eee ee 9. interesting .. . simares wvelaceloleratanlole 5. old ‘ vee sis PIOLCACU seamecccane ssinwaceeaoeess |_ Irregular Forms | Positive = good bad much y man/a lot little Comparative», better worse more more less Superlative)» best worst most most least (6) Tommy, Tony and Terry are brothers. What do we know about them? ane * ak hk * hk ak 1. Tony . .i6 polite. : .. Terry Is more polite than Tony... ... Tommiys the most polite of all. * hk * * ak * kk 5. Tommy 2. ..seeeeeeee Cees Saisieia Gasol oie SoRipla ‘ ak hk ak kk ak * oNeR AE RERERERE SOUR NNN WERE 2. Tommy dain 6. Tony 3. Tony ..... 4. Tony 101 19. Comparisons i) Fill in the blanks with “than”, “of” or “in”. 1. My roomis larger .. than ..... yours. 2. The white car is the fastest ................... the three cars. 3. WatTV cis mhoreiintneresgting ............. listtoetnhe irandigo. 4. He is the best student ...... 0.6.6... e ee his class. 5. She has got the most money .......... ome aien ae all. 6. I've got more money ... . caames YOU 7. Summer is hotter... .. . .. +» winter. 8. Tom is the oldest ..... 6... c eee nee all. 9. Winter is the coldest month ... cee the year. @® Complete the sentences. David Tom George Age : 25 Weight : 70 kgs Height : 1.68 Salary : £800/month House : 3 rooms Age : 30 Weight : 72 kgs Height : 1.72 Salary : £1000/month House : 4 rooms Age : 35 Weight : 75 kgs Height : 1.80 Salary : £1500/month House : 5 rooms 1. (young) Davidis ... younger than ... Tom and George. 2. (old) George and Tom are Ess wls Kaaiwre oie . David. 3. (heavy) George is the sc wimrecaoacecaress eon earns fall 4, (light) Tomis......... : ..... George. 5. (tall) TONS sess canes cinewssdonneconss DEW, 6. (tall) George is the ... . cece eee all. 7. (old) George is... oe eee ceces . Tom. 8. (litle) David gets... 6... cece eens money .... . Tom. 9. (much) George gets .............. ..... Money . iia . Tom. 10. (small) David's house is .. 0.6... Tom's. 11. (big) George’s house is the .. 0... eee .s cave All 12. (big) Tom's house is . . . ves wavesess David's: 19. Comparisons (69) Complete the sentences as in the example: 850/90 Set, 1. The red dress is ... the most.. expensive a (if So of all. (expensive) 2. The clown with the red nose is ..... <> rr than the other clown. (funny) 3. John is than Jim. (tall) Bi TINA IS! as weues 6. George is ...... than her brother. than James. (fat) (short) 7. Sally is 8. Amouseis ..... than a cat. (small) (beautiful) 9.Bertis ... 10. The red T-shirt is of all. (expensive) qo Complete the sentences. 1. (fast) My caris .. faster than......... yours. 2. (thin) She is the 2... cece eee eee eee all. 3. (interesting) 4. (short) eens c Itisthe ... Paulais .. 2... 0.000. 0 cee eee .. «+» book of the three of them. .. Helen. 19. Comparisons 5. (difficult) Mathematics is : History. 6. (pretty) She is the her class. 7. (happy) Tim is sa Harry. 8. (careful) Tom is Sontalents John. e 9. (bad) Donis th.. . student class. 10. (beautiful) Karenis...........4 Nora. (i) com are yourself with Mary Taylor. Name: Mary Taylor Name: Age: Height: Weight: House: 23 1.70m 55 kgs 10 rooms or put’ gel? Age: | Height: Weight: House: 1. Mary is older than me. . 2. Mary is . . 3. Mary is 4. Mary’s house is Game 22a . Competition Game: Your teacher will divide the class into two groups and say an adjective. The groups, in turn, will tell him/her its comparative and superlative forms.Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher: thin Teacher: big Group A S1: thinner - the thinnest Group A S2: more big - most big Teacher: Group B $1: boring Teacher: more boring - the most boring Wrong! bigger - the biggest Group A gets no point. Game 22b 2. Your teacher will divide the class into two groups and say an adjective or adverb. The groups in turn say its opposite. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner. Teacher: big Teacher: tall Group A S1: small Group AS2: small Teacher: young Teacher: Wrong! Short. Group A gets Group B S1: old no point. Revision Exercises IV © Revision Exercises IV @ Change to the plural as in the example: 1. That is an ox. Those are oxen. 4. This is a goose. 2. 1am a student. : ‘ 5. He is a good doctor. 3. She is a woman. cee ee 6. That is a big box. @ Fill in with “some” or “any”. 1. There are ..50/M@. glasses onthe table. 4. There isn’t . . . Coke in the bottle. 2. Is there . ‘ milk in the fridge? 5. Are there .. . .. Students in the 3. There is water in the glass. classroom? a) Fill in the blanks using “in”, “at” or “on”. On Sunday. 4 1. the afternoon. 5 2. night. 6. 3. 3 o'clock. 7 February 1st. 8. summer. 9. Easter. 10. . Thursday morning. 11. the morning. 1992. Christmas. August. @ Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present or Present Continuous. Every day my father (1) .. drives . . (drive) to work. He (2) . . (work) ina bank. He (3) (like) his job. He (4) (get) up at seven o'clock every morning and he (5) (make) breakfast for us all. We (6) (eat) breakfast at the moment. He always (7) (leave) home at half past seven. At the moment he (8) (laugh) because Ted, my brother, (9) (tell) him a joke. ip Fin in “Who”, “Whose”, “What time”, “Where” or “Why”. 1 What time 2 is it? 8.30. is this car? It's my father’s. 3. is she? She’s my sister. 4. .... is the milk? It’s in the fridge. 5 are you wearing your coat? Because it is cold outside. 6 did she leave? At 6.20. 105 Revision Exercises IV @ Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct reposition from the list below: next to on in behind in front of above between under Look at this pet shop. There is a goldfish bowl on (1) the table. There is a goldfish (2) the bowl. The catis........ (3) the bowl. The dog is (4) the table and ...... (5) the goldfish bowl there is a bird in a cage. The goldfish bowl . is (6) the cat and the box of dog biscuits. There's a ball gslavetein sin) the plant. There’s a mouse : (8) the cat food. | i) Fill in “How much” or “How many”. 1 How much 2. money have you got? . water is there in the bottle? a feseteess 4. 5 trees are there in the garden? milk does the baby drink? . friends have you got? 106 Revision Exercises IV a Some of the tenses of the underlined verbs are wrong. Find the mistakes and correct them. John (1) waits for the bus now. He (2) takes the bus to school every morning because his school (3) was far away. It (4) is raining, so John (5) holds an umbrella. He (6) likes taking the bus because many of his friends (7) ride on it. 1, ..16 waiting 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (80 Fill in with Simple Past. Last Sunday we (1) . wert . (go) on a picnic in the country. My mother (2) (drive) the car. My father (3) (sleep) all the way there because he (4) (be) tired. When we (5) . (arrive) we (6) (run) straight to the river. We (7) ; (swim) for a long time and then we (8) (eat) our lunch. After lunch my father and | (9)... . ~. (play) rugby. We (10) eee ((-7-17-)) at six o'clock and (11) -« (go) home. We all (12) - aes (Nave) a lovely time. a) Mary and Sam are talking about their last summer holidays. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past. Mary: Where (1) .. did you go (you / go) on holiday last summer? Sam: | (2) Mary: — How pate Gases long (3) (go) to France to visit my cousins there. (you / stay)? Sam: 1 (4) (stay) for two months and | (5) (have) a wonderful time. Where (6) . : . (you / spend) your holidays? Mary: We (7) (not / go) anywhere. My mother (8) (be) in hospital, so we (9) (stay) at home. Sam: _ That's too bad! Mary: Well, she (10) (come) home after three weeks, and we (11) (be) happy to see her. 2) Put the verbs into the “Simple Present” or “Present Continuous”. Donna: Hello, David. How .. are . . (be) you? David: 1 (1) Donna: (2) (be) fine, thanks! (be) your father at home? 107 Revision Exercises IV ’ David: No, he (3) . s+... (Work) at the office. There (4) (be) no one at home. | (5) (be) alone. Donna: Where (6) (be) everyone? What (7) (they / do)? David: My mother (8) (shop) in town with my aunt. They (9) (10) * Donna: What (11) David: | (12) (buy) Christmas presents. My brother and sister (play) in the park. (you / do)? (watch) television. Donna: Please ask your mother or father to phone me later. David: Okay. Bye. Donna: Bye. 8 Fill in the blanks and answer the questions as in the example: 1. Lookat .. her! 2.Lookat .........! Is she. a singer? No, she isn’t.... SSMS She is a teacher. Are they geese? cca 3. Look at ! Is he a doctor? 4. Look at ! Is it a skirt? 84) Fill in the blanks with “This”, “These”, “That” or “Those”. ds are shoes. aS 2. is a chair. aS RB 108 3. is a bird. aS ) Find the differences in picture A using comparisons. Picture A 1. The dog is bigger. It has a longer tail and bigger ears. 2: 3. 4. Revision Exercises 1V (86) Choose one verb from the box and fill in the blanks. | have _hasn’t got had live lived is didn’tstay are go were was didn’tgo works _ stays worked They 1) .. live .. ina big house in London. Mr Smith 2) in a school. He 3) a teacher. Mr and Mrs Smith 4) two children, Tina and Andrew. They 5) to school. They 6) very good students. Mrs Smith 7) at home, she 8) a job now. Last year the family 9) in France. Mr Smith 10) in an English school there, too. Their children 11) ......... younger then so they 12) ..... to school. They 13) .. ananny to look after them because Mrs Smith 14)icwess a job then. She 15) a teacher, too. She 16) ......... at home. They 17) ......... alla lot happier this year than they 18) ......... in France last year. @ Choose the correct item. 1.She .. A..... now. A) is sleeping B) sleeps C) slept 2. They A) are going .. to the theatre last night. B) go _ C) went GillO owewee wie. some A) is going to buy new clothes tomorrow. B) buys C) bought 4. Look at her! She . . . A) cries ave B) is crying C) cried 5. He A) wakes up late yesterday. B) is waking C) woke 6. We A) visited our grandparents tomorrow. B) visit C) are going to visit 7. Look! The cat A) climb up the tree. B) is climbing C) climbs 8. We A) didn't go 9. He A) has TO. beincwas A) buy to school yesterday. B) don't go a bath at the moment. B) had a pair of shoes yesterday. B) bought C) aren't going C) is having { f } C) am buying 110 Revision Exercises IV (88) Find the mistakes and correct them. 1. How m@hy sugar do you want? much . 2. There’are some money on the table. 3. That car is my. 4. She is the better student in the class. 5. Who is it? It’s a box. 6. That cars are red. 7. Carol and John is listening to the radio. 8. There are two waters on the table. 9. They not watch TV in the morning. 10. Jane don't like coffee. 11. Is these a dog? 12.She don't like spaghetti. 13. They is playing in the garden. 14. We has got a car. 15. That dress is her. 9 Find the mistakes and correct them. 1. Are there He cars in the street? any . 2. The children is at home. 3. How much trees are there in the picture? 4. Tom having a bath. 5. She have got a watch. 6. Who is Sally? She is in the park. 7. They didn’t came late last night. 8. She is oldest than her sister. 9. He don’t like fish. 10.We never go to school in Sunday. 11. We didn’t went to school yesterday. 12. How much books have you got? 13. She is the taller in her class. 14. There are any apples on the table. 15.When are the children? At school. 11 Pre-Test 1 (Units 1-5) @ Fill in: he, she, it, they, them, him or her. 1 LOOK at o.ecseees | eesesnneeeeennee are trees. 2 Look at policeman. 3) LOOK at ssisscssssssscsssesl B LOOK a scsssscesscessscese| Raa is a flower. sees IS an Old 5 LOOK at sscssessviiscinsaad seseesee are dolphins. T LOOK at ssssissasccessens! B LOOK:AL scscsssvcsadioont| scones (8 attooth, @® Change to the plural. IN ashisavsaznns is a dancer. A W go 9 Itis a deer. 10 Itis a bird. 11 That is a knife. 12 This is a monkey. 13 She is a nurse. 14 That is a tooth. 15 She is a singer. 16 Itis a guitar. 17 This is a bicycle. 18 He is a magician. © Fill in: my, your, his, her, its, our, your or their. 19 He’s got a dog. as 20 He's got flowers. NGS! secsrerscoravanttss dog. THeY'TC ..seeseessessseesnee flowers. 112 Pre-Test 1 21 She’s got an umbrella. TRIS sercnssecenss umbrella. 23 You've got some books. They are . ... books. 25 I've got a guitar. VES sscciccrnscoennes guitar. 22 We've got shorts. THEY. B00 ssssssscrscnssnenss shorts. 24 He's got a banana. IiShinsecsesnssensseenssncsenensn banana. 26 They've got a TV. TES ancseeeccs cere TV. © Fill in: There is or There are. .. some cats in the garden. some records in the room. .. some milk in the bottle. .. a chair in the room. some books on the desk. some cheese on the table. ... some dogs in the park. a car in the garage. .. some coffee in the cup. 37... .. some flowers in the vase. ... Some bread in the BB eccseeeneenneennee some meat on the plate. cupboard. © Fill in: some or any. 39 There is .......4..... Cake on the table. 45 There isn’t... butter in the fridge. 40 There aren't ......sesseecsneens tomatoes in the fridge. 41 Is there uu... SUgar in the jar? 46 There are . 47 \|s there 48 There is .... .. boys in the classroom. .. cake in the cupboard? beer in the glass. 42 There are ...... children in the park. 49 There are. girls in the classroom. 43 There isn't . Coke in the cupboard. 50 Are there .. ... birds in the trees? 44 Are there .... books on the table? © Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. It is Saturday morning. The family is at the zoo. Sally 51) cae a monkey. It 52) (eat) a banana! John 53) (look at) the lions. Father and Mother 54) (sit) under a tree. They all like it at the zoo. They 55) (have) a lovely time. 113 Pre-Test 1 @ Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. It is Sunday morning. The family is at the park. It is a lovely day and the sun 56) . 6 + (Shine). JOHN 57) ou... eseecsesssessseesseesseessesssessseeseesses(play) on a swing and Sally 58) (run) after the dog. Mother 59) (sit) under a tree watching everybody and Father 60) ..........csssessessessessees @ Look at the pictures and write what they are doing. A.) 62 They. @ Write complete sentences about you. 69 Name: l 70 Nationality: | 71 Job: I 72 Hair: | 73 Eyes: | 74 Abilities: | Now write complete sentences about your friend. 75 Name: 76 Nationality: 77 Job: 78 Hair: 79 Eyes: 80 Abilities: He/She ... He/She He/She He/She He/She ... He/She ... Pre-Test 2 (Units 1-10) @ Complete the questions and the short answers. 1. .. you like Coke? Yes, . 2 Father go to work in the morning? Yes, . 3. .. they do their homework in the morning? No, .. 4. .. she go to the zoo every day? No, .. 5 she visit Grandmother at the weekends? Yes, . 6 .. John drive a car? Yes, . 7 .. you like snakes? No, .. 8 .. you help your father? No, .. 9 .. she watch TV every day? Yes, . 10... .. they play in the morning? No, .. ® Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. Mr Brown 11) ... a ve (WOFK) iN @ SCHOO! HE 12) oo. .ecsecsecssesssesssesseeneesnens (teach) English. Sometimes | he 13). (go) to work on Saturdays, too. He 14) ... a ey his “_ and he 15).. ... (be) a good teacher. is students 16) ... aves ... (love) him. © Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. John 17) ... .. (tide) a bike well but he 18) ... (not/ride) a horse. IS sister a 20) ... .. (go) riding every day. She 21)... essences white horse. Its nne amnee 22) . avansssouassonnasoanasuasiuensssiasy(be) Snowy. © Fill in the correct preposition. DS) i ecssiripiecennitd Sundays the children get Up 24) ........ 10 o'clock. 25) ....... eee the morning they watch TV and they usually go to the park 26) .................. the afternoon. © Fill in the correct preposition. Mandy goes to school 27) ........... She does her homework 29) §.... watches TV. ... 8 o'clock and comes home 28) ........sses000 2 o'clock. ... the afternoon. 30) ................ the evening she 115 55) his bed. His mother is coming 57) 116 Mark is in his bedroom. It is very untidy. His mother is Standing 58)... the door and she is angry. NW His toys are 59) oe the floor. There are books 7 60) oeccssssseeee the bed. His clothes are a chair 62.). .. the lamp. 63).. window there isisasmall table and Mark's s s records are £64) cesses fesse it. His mother wants him to tidy his | room. He isn’t very happy. @ Put the verbs into the present simple or the present continuous. John usually 65) (go) to the park every Sunday but today it 66) ....... (be) Christmas Day. He 67) .......ssescssseesesssseeeessseesenes(like) Christmas dinner and his mother 68) .........ssscsseessseecssesssseeesses(cook) it at the moment. He 69) a (play) with his new toys in the living room and his father 70) .... (watch) television now. His sister 71.). (help) his mother in the kitchen. They always 72) ... (have) fun at Christmas. ! ®© Put the verbs into the present simple or the present continuous. Ann: Where is John? | Sally: He 73) .. (wash) the car. He usually 74) .. ee (play) football on Saturdays, but today he 75) Ann: Sallys: (not/want) to play. Is your mother in the kitchen now? Yes; She T6)\vesssssessesssssssessnissannssssscassave(scook) dinner. | usually 77) ... Pr (make) the dinner on Saturdays but | 78) ..........sss0+« . (go out) now. Ann: Where? ’ Sally: 179) .. (go) to my grandmother's. | alwayS 80) 0... (visit) her at the weekend. 117 Pre-Test 3 (Units 1-15) Father is telling his son what he must or mustn’t do. Fill in the blanks with must or mustn't. TD YOU westernforsget to do your homework. 2 You... w. Mrink your Mik. 3 be late home. | 4 ... be so noisy! | YOU nccsccrsscerseenscnenrnatecemneremember to feed the dog. © VOU ssevississvenasvanas leave your room untidy. YOU bsssssnisycanasertanstaneseeesses™wash your hands before you eat dinner. 8 YOU wee. fight with your sister. 9 YOU ....sesssseeereeeeseeneesNEP YOUF mother. YO YOU woeecssseteccssseesessseeeeeeeevisit your grandmother. © Write questions and answers. 11 the boy/go to the dentist’s (like) 12 Annie/do the housework (like) .. 13 the children/play with their toys (like) . 14 the girls/go to the beach oe (like) .. (Yes, love) 118 2) . Pre-Test 3 © Complete the sentences using “be going to” or the present continuous. 15 (play/football) 16 (play/football) 17 (clean/the windows) () Fill in the blanks with: is, are or were. It523) . ... Saturday today. The children 24) uo... at home. They ... at school yesterday. © Fill in the blanks with: is, are or were. .. four o'clock. The Children 27) .....sssssessssessessseees in the kitchen now. ... at school three hours ago. 119 Pre-Test 3 © Complete the sentences with: has got or had. 29 (he/a balloon) 31. (she/a bag) 33 (the girl/a glass of milk) 30 (he/a balloon) 32 (she/a bag) 34 (the girl/a glass of milk) _ 36 (the dog/a bone) @ Fill in: at, on or in. Today is Saturday. | don’t go to SCHOO! 37) .........ssecse Saturdays. | get up 38) eleven O’CIOCK 39) .......ssessesssees the morning and | watch TV. | eat lunch 40) ANAM) sssisoscevcassvssies the afternoon | always visit my grandmother. 42) ........ evening Dad always takes us to the cinema. @® Fill in: at, on or in. Today is Easter Day. We have fun 43) .......:.sssscee Easter. 44)... wake up early and we give each other chocolate eggs. 45) Easter Sunday we + 9 O'CIOCK 46) ......seecsseee the morning we go to church. We always havea lovely dinner 47) .........cse008 Easter Day and we usually visit our grandmother 48) ... .... the afternoon. 120 Pre-Test 3 @ Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 49 David (wash) the car at the moment. BO: MY'SISHED .....--o-roeesnseeonscsncerssensessscensrensvansonnsseneansteencennsennessorenscenessasssnesne (eat) her dinner now. 51 | always...... .. (do) my homework in the evening. 52 Mother usually . (go) to the cinema at the weekend. BS) SOW sssssesessasisisesccensestasucauricesssecesavcossuaaatiarnaneyaseesitecseinatanceasbarsaveszsro(nteisds y) his room now. 54 They usually — on holiday in August. 55 Jane always ... 56 Today Tom .... 57 Father usually 58 At present he . SON sice 60 We usually .. ssssieessee (JO) to bed early. -. (go) to the beach. (sleep) conn Saturday afternoon. reneycaveavenunsntease (write) a letter. . (go) to the gym on Saturdays. ... (wake up) at seven o'clock. @ Fill in the right word from the box. mine, your(s), his, hers, its, ours, theirs, her, their 61 The radio is... « (Tom) 62 When is .. birthday? (you) 63 This book is wigs ¢ house is big. (I) (Peter and Sue) «+ hair is very long. 68 Thatis. bone. (Mandy and |) (Mother) (Jane) (dog) 69 Are these magazines .. 70 That car is vssoasnt — (YOU) (Sally and Tom) ®© Fill in: Is, Are, Do or Does. 71 you like eating chocolate? 72 . you thirsty? 73 . you going home now? 74 . he go to school in the morning? 75 . he in bed now? 76 .. . they come from England? a ks . you going swimming now? 78 . he like Anne? 79 . that a penguin? 80 . you go to work every day? 121 Pre-Test 4 (Units 1-19) @ Fill in: Where, Who, What time, Why or Whose. do you go to school? 7.30. cat is this? Peter's. is your mother? In the sitting-room. is Mary? She’s my sister. guitar is this? John’s. is my basket? On the table. is he tired? Because he worksa lot. do you go to bed? 9.30. is the man on the bicycle? Mr Smith. do you want an umbrella? Because it’s raining. © Choose the correct item. 11 JOAN wees anew bike yesterday. 21 Simon uu... the windows now. A bought 12 Mark wee BB buying C buys coffee at the moment. A is going to clean B cleaned C is cleaning A makes Bmade C_ is making 22 Last Easter they .............. to their village. 13 We uu. to the cinema yesterday. A are going B went Cgo ~ 14 Tomorrow he.............. his grandmother. A visit B visited A went B go C are going 28 IL eescsesseeee my favourite cartoon yesterday. A watched B am going to watch C watch C is going to visit 15. ‘SHG sssssonssssss a new dress next week. 24 Ben.. A is reading a book now. B reads C read A buys Bis going to buy C bought 16 Last month they ............ on holiday to France. A go B aregoing C went 25 | ..........0. @ MEW record tomorrow. A am going to buy B buy C bought 26 He............ the dog to the park yesterday. A takes B took C is going to take .. football in the park yesterday. B is playing C played 27 They. A ate .... IN a restaurant last night. B areeating C eat .... their dinner at the B areeating C moment. eat 28 Listen! The A sang birds. .. inthe garden. B aresinging C sing 19 She... A wrote ... a letter at the B is writing moment. C writes 29 They. A wash .... the car tomorrow. B washed C are going to wash 20 |. . my A amdoing homework now. B do C did 30 The girl ............... to her mother now. A talks B istalking C talked 122 [ET Pre-Test 4 © Fill in the gaps with: some or any. 31 John wants ... 37 Is there .. COffee left? 32 Have you got 38 | want...... .. candles for 33 | don’t have ... ee Dave's cake. 34 Grandpa doesn’t have .......c. GOGS. 39 Are there oo... lollipops in the 35 We need....... eggs. cupboard? 36 There are «apples inthe 40. There af w..esesseeseeeneene birds in the kitchen. garden. © Complete the sentences. ee ee EX 4100s 1 (old) —Benis the 2 (short) Tonyis ... 43 (heavy) Tony is... 44 (young) AS \(Simiall): Mark is the. TOMY'S ROUSE IS .essscscasevsccsssxcenevorsssstsasonsseenssnorvasannsconsnecrnccaninanasdenanssaacnMvanrnkn ’s. Complete the sentences. ce ee 15 1,77m TEM Brown-long Black-long 4 rooms Black-short 5 rooms 3 rooms 46 (young) Johnis the ....... 47 (big) Paul’s house is 48 (tall) John is . 49 (short) Tomis .. 50 (long) John’s hair is 123 Pre-Test 4 ©! Fillin: in, on, near or under, @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. John: Anne: Yohin:: Where did you go on “How long !62) holiday last year? . (go) to Spain to visit some friends. isassesisesssvescssestavasanvssaassesssaseeasccrencsavasassaves(st you/stay)? Anne: .. (Stay) there for three weeks and We 64) ........sssessssseesssssee (have) a lovely time. Where 65) .........csecsseecsseessseesssessssessseeees(syou/go) on holiday? OHI: UGG)... .ncsrdeordsnceeevecesneeerdboncraeeersdeen (not/go) anywhere. My father 67) .........:.sssssssecssees (be) ill all summer so we 68) (stay) at home. The doctor 69) .... (tell) my father to stay in bed and we 70) .............. (look after) him. Anne: Oh dear, that’s too bad! John: Well, he’s fine now. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Last Saturday we went for a picnic at the beach. My father 71) ..... : car. We 72) (listen) to music on the way ANd 73) ......cssssseesssseeessene songs. When we 74) .. (arrive) we 75) ... ( and 76) (make) sandcastles. We 77)....... (eat) our sandwiches and then We 78) ....sssssesseeseerssees (play) on the beach. We 79) uu... (leave) the beach at five o’ClOCK. We 80) .......cessssesesseeesseeeeeee have) a lovely day. : Download 0,77 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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