«Электроника ва автоматика» факультети «Ишлаб чиқариш жараёнларини автоматлаштириш» кафедраси
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- 3. Models of Random Disturbances
ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ ОЛИЙ ВА ЎРТА МАХСУС ТАЪЛИМ ВАЗИРЛИГИ ИСЛОМ КАРИМОВ НОМИДАГИ ТОШКЕНТ ДАВЛАТ ТЕХНИКА УНИВЕРСИТЕТИ «Электроника ва автоматика» факультети « Ишлаб чиқариш жараёнларини автоматлаштириш» кафедраси ___________________________________________________________________________________________ фанидан МУСТАҚИЛ ИШИ Мавзу: Digital Control Systems Design, Identification and Implementation Бажарди: AS14-22-гуруҳ талабаси ______________ Текширди: Тошкент – 2023. Reja:
KIRISH. Models for Random Disturbances. Models of Random Disturbances . The ARMAX Model (Plant + Disturbance). Oydalanilgan adabiyotlar. Kirish:
Models for Random Disturbances. Description of the Disturbances First consider the basic deterministic disturbances, namely the Dirac pulse, the step and the ramp, represented in Figure 1. Figure 1. Main deterministic disturbances Figure 3. Recording of a controlled variable in regulation. By examining Figure 4.3, one observes that the evolution during one day may be described by a deterministic function f(t), but that this function will be different every day (f(t) is known as the “realization” of the stochastic process). If the time for carrying out the measurement of the observed variable is fixed (e.g. at 10 a.m.), each day (at each test) a new value will be measured (this it what is known as a random variable). However, for all values measured every day at the same time, statistics can be defined characterized by the mean value and the variance of the measurements. The probabilities of the occurrence of different values may be defined as well. The stochastic process (partially) represented in Figure 4.3, is dependent on the time (during a day) and on the experiment (first, second...fourth day). More formally, a stochastic process may be described as a function f(t, ξ) where t represents the time and belongs to the set T of real variables, and ξ 4.Discrete-time white noise sequence. 3. Models of Random Disturbances As it has already been mentioned in Section 4.1, different types of random disturbances, whose spectral density can be approximated by a rational function of the frequency, can be considered as resulting from the filtering of a white noise through a shaping filter. Several types of processes thus obtained will be examined. “Moving Average” Process (MA) Consider, for example, the process. 4.The ARMAX Model (Plant + Disturbance). FOYDALANILGAN ADABIYOTLAR: 1..Основные процессы и аппараты химической технологии . Пособие по проектированию; Под. Ред. Ю.И.Дытнерского - М.: Химия, 1983. -272с 2. Yusupbekov N.R., Nurmuhammedov H.S., Ismatullaev P.R. Kimyo va oziq-ovqat sanoatlarining jarayon va qurilmalari fanidan hisoblar va misollar. - T.: Nisim, 2000.-351 bet. 3.Кувшинский М.Н., Соболева А.П. Курсовое проектирование по предмету ≪Процессы и аппараты химической промышленности≫ - 2 е изд., перераб. и доп. –М.: Высшая школа, -223с 4. Chizma qismining hajmi: A1formatli qog‘oz. 5. Asosiy qurilma qirqimida 1proeksiyada M 1:10, 1:25, 1:50 masshtablarining birida 6. O‘qituvchi ko‘rsatmasiga binoan asosiy bo‘laklar M 1:1, 1:2, 1:3masshtabda 7. Tushuntirish xatining hajmi: Download 1,72 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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