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- Country life
- Computer games
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- Education
- School discipline
Essay Topics City life Many people consider living in cities and they think that this is more advantageous while another group prefers living in the countryside as they find it as a better alternative. Living in a city and in an urban area, both has their advantages and disadvantages. First of all, living in a city is very stressful as the life is very busy and competitive there. Cities have lot more vehicles, industries and a large population and that pollutes the environment which is very harmful to the health. It is particularly tough for low earning people as the expenses in living in a city is always higher. People suffer from many health problems that live in a city and especially they suffer a lot in the old ages. Recently I have read a book and this book reveals some surprising facts about living in a city. I was pretty surprised to find that ''people who live in country sides have more life expectancy than live in an urban area.'' On the other hand, city life offers numerous facilities and opportunities compared to the living in urban area. For instance, job opportunity and to run small businesses have better prospects in a city than in the countryside. People can easily find a new job in case s/he loses a job and there are many other earning prospects in a city that could not be found in a village. For economically solvent people, the city offers many social and entertainment facilities like Cineplex, sports event in stadiums, amusement parks, museum etc. Opposite to this, rural areas do not offer many opportunities for social life and lacks the entertainment facilities. Also, people can’t purchase everything they need from a village market and markets are very rare in most of the urban areas. Regarding this, I would like to mention my own experience that I had a few days back. I went to a rural area called Tillo and I had my cell phone damaged there. I could not find any phone servicing centre there and I had to go to the city to have it repaired. In conclusion, both the cities and rural areas have their advantages and disadvantages. Country life Whether cities are better than rural area or vice-versa is a contentious question, it depends on one's choice, as to, what they prefer. Both cities and rural areas have their pros and cons. Rural areas have quaint environments whereas there is always something fascinating about big cities. Cities generally have better infrastructure, education system and advance health care facilities. You get to meet people from all walks of life, learn to coexist with people from different ethnicity, race, caste and culture; hence you become more tolerant, open minded and start respecting each other differences. Whereas countryside people are less tolerant, caste system still prevails and the powers lie with a certain group of people. If you see, today in India, Love marriages /inter-caste marriages are very common in cities, whereas people are being murdered in the name of honour in rural areas. Gender inequality is very evident in a rural area, where women are being restricted only to household chores and do not have much say in decision making, but in cities, both are treated equally. It is not uncommon to see people migrating to cities for better jobs, better education. People in the cities are always under tremendous pressure and stress, they always have to be up to date with technologies and hence there is no time to relax. Recently studies have shown a surge in the number of cases of heart attacks, which is due to increase in stress level. People in cities are constantly exposed to high level of pollution, adulterated food and chemically grown vegetables, which adversely affects their health, owing to which the average life of people living is cities is less than people living in rural area. Increased cases of obesity, suicides, diabetes are also resulting in stress and unhealthy living. Rural areas on other hand have no or very less pollution, pure food item and less stress, people have more time for themselves and their families. To sum up, I think both cities and rural areas have their own charm. Cities have more busy and hectic life but have better facilities, rural areas, on the contrary, have more relaxed, laid back lifestyle but lacks in up to date technologies like computers and international standard of healthcare and education system. Computer games In the modern world, computers and electronics entertainment devices have become totally pervasive in our society. Video game, one aspect of electronics entertainment, has triggered many debates about its positive and negative impact on health and psychology. Several studies have been done and researchers have divided opinion on the effects of video games on player's health and mentality. In my opinion, benefits of video games outshine the drawbacks if few cautions are taken by players in selecting the type of games. Among the bad effects of video games, its impact on health is most debated. Studies suggest that youngsters are spending more time at home than playing outside, which clearly has effects on their growth and development. But with the development of newer technologies, newer forms of games are available in the market, which encourages people to participate actively and physically in different sports. Sony Corporation, for example, has a virtual tennis game where a user needs to play with a computer holding a sensor in his hand which works as a tennis racket. This gives the user a virtual experience of a real game. And also helps to improve mind and body coordination by letting the user flex his responses. Therefore, choice of video game and the device make a lot of difference. Another important positive effect of the video game is on brain development and problem-solving skills. Online Puzzles and number games are increasingly being used by schools to improve thinking capacity of the pupil. Similarly, corporate have training programs designed in form of computer games. This helps to make sure that trainees focus and interest are maintained and maximum knowledge is passed in a fun filled way. Therefore, video games have a higher degree of positive effects on human than their negative effect and can be used as a tool for learning and development. But, like any other tool caution needs to be taken in selection and usage. Internet The given data shows the internet usages activity of seven age groups. As is presented in the data, teenagers mostly play games and get news while the mid-aged people mostly search and purchase products. According to the presentation, teenagers mostly play online games, look for news, download, and purchase products when they are online. They rarely search for people. With the increase of age internet users do product search mostly and their second most activity online involves getting news and buying products. Among the 40 to 60 years old internet users, the most common activity is product purchasing. With the increase of age, the download activity decreases and searching for people activity increases. For instance, only 5% activity of teenagers involves searching for people while this rate increases to around 30% when they get older. On the other hand, 52% of teenagers’ internet activities involve downloading from the internet while this rate decreases to less than 30% over time. Similarly, the online game playing is most popular among teenagers and this percentage decreases significantly among the grownup people. In summary, teenagers mostly download and play games online while matured people mostly search and purchase products online. Getting news and buying products are done by all age group and aged people mostly search for other people online. Education Education is surely one of the most crucial sectors of every nation. The prosperity of a country is directly proportional to the number of educated citizens. I assent to this affirmation to a great extent. Opponents may opine that the skills are necessary for developments, not the education as many of the famous personalities of the world like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Bill gates were among school and college dropouts. They brought big revolutions in their respective fields without any formal education. However, I would say that ratio of such people is very low. Therefore, we cannot underestimate the power of formal education. As it has become one of the mandatory conditions for even job applicants. Take an example MNCs engaged in software production, they are more likely to employ candidates who are degree holders rather than those who have the required skill but no evidence of their skills in terms of education. Thus, firms only believe in educated youth to contribute in productive ways to the prosperity of their nation. Education is the basic needs for a skilled person and it is very unlike that without proper education a skilled generation would automatically build. There is a huge difference between an electric engineer who has a Masters degree from a reputed university and an electric technician who works in a shop. The former one is the type of people a nation needs for development while the later one helps people to complete their electric connections and repairing. Moreover, it has been observed that developed countries have a high literacy rate than the developing and under developed nations. This clearly bears the testimony of the fact that education is the reason behind their progress. So, educated populaces do affect the flourishing capabilities of the country .Therefore, it should be taken care of. In a compendium, I would say that education and prosperity of a country are closely correlated to each other. Jobs People have different opinions about whether women and men could fit the same type of work or not. Some people argue that both genders have the same capabilities, while others oppose this point of view. This essay will discuss both arguments. On the one hand, people who claim that both men and women could occupy the same types works, based their idea on the fact that the world has changed, these days more and more women go outside to work, and this development has approved that women are able to perform jobs successfully. For instance, many sensitive positions are occupied by women such as politics, teachers and doctors. According to this, it is clear that there is no any difference regarding the gender and the most significant factor is the individual abilities. On the other hand, there are people who said that women and men cannot suit the same type of employment. Due to physical and natural differences, women are not able to choose a career in the army, for example, because these types of jobs are quite difficult, and need a stronger body. In contrast ,some jobs are more suitable for women such as nursing and caring , because they have what it is called caring nature. In conclusion, this essay has looked at both views regarding the abilities to suits in different types of works and gender. It would seem that women and men are capable of having the same type of careers and individual ability is far essential than gender choice.
Learning a foreign language is a new trend followed nowadays. Even in schools’ curriculum, a subject with a different language is a must. Many believe that students at primary schools should start learning a foreign tongue and should not wait till secondary school level. I also believe that it has several advantages. The growth of an individual brain and increase in opportunities will support the argument. Firstly, learning a foreign language is helpful for the growth of a child’s brain. A study by United Nations has proved that learning any language other than the native one activates various new parts of the brain which were never used before. As a result, it increases the grasping and learning-power of a child. Not only this, it also accelerates the working of one’s brain. Therefore, making kids to learn a new language at an early age will help them in their mental growth. Also, nowadays people are getting drifted towards multinational companies. Here, opportunities are more for employees who know more than one language. Being multilingual helps a person get onsite opportunities. Hence, getting growth in career depends on this. Infosys, for instance, gives priority to their employees who have a good command over the English language, for any vacancy they have in the USA. So, getting used to a language at an early age will make one comfortable and confident. Looking at the points discussed above, we can come to a conclusion that advantages of learning a foreign language at an early age outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, this practice must be followed by all the nations. I believe many countries will include a foreign language in its school as a mandatory subject for the advantages it has to offer.
In the past, people mostly preferred to stay in the extended families. Today, it is observed that many individuals have their own nuclear families. In this essay, we will discuss how professional commitments forced people for opting this kind of families. To tackle this, an organisation’s role will be analysed. To begin with, individuals focus towards their career development to a greater extent. A good illustration for this is the group of professionals who spend most of their time in their companies. As a result, they do not have much time for themselves and hence, prefer staying in small families with less contact with other members. Thus, it is obvious that they are not much involved with other family members leading to the lack of closeness with them. To overcome this, companies can play a crucial role. The first step which a firm can take is to provide the work from home access to the employees. By doing this, they will allow their staff to spend more time with their families. The other steps which can be taken include declaring holidays on all festivals and organising family day in a company. This will allow them to spend more periods with their families and hence, can help them to recuperate their relationships. From the above, it is clear that hectic work schedule act as a major hindrance for creating close bonds with family. Therefore, the companies should allow remote work, increase holidays and announce family days at workplaces for enforcing individuals to concentrate towards their relationships.
In today’s world, socialism and being a member of the society is a crucial value in our life. Contributing positively to the society is a target for everyone. Some people see that directing children to participate and being a member of the society is something that should be ensured by the parents’ duty, while another camp believes that it is school’s task. Both sides of this debate will be analysed before drawing a conclusion. On the one hand, assigning parents to teach their children to be the good members of the society is supported by some people. For example, parents may teach their children and guide them to assist poor people by providing the food prepared by their parents. This example shows how parents may take the lead to guide their children to be positive and valued in the society. Therefore, this idea is supported by many. The parents are more close to the children and they can teach their kids the important aspects of being a good member of the society. Most of the children mimic their parents’ activities and thus the parents have a greater role in setting good examples for their kids. On the other hand, many believe that school plays golden rule in children life. For instance, a school may prepare a campaign to their students to clean certain areas in their city. Such attitude gives children practical experience in contributing to the society. Thus, many argue that it would be better to leave this to the school. The teachers on behalf of the school have a big role to teach the students those responsibilities. Since students listen to their teachers’ suggestion and command, they are more likely to obey the things their teachers would teach. Finally, the curriculum and textbooks can include such topics to increase the awareness among the students. In conclusion, the debate will always remain between both camps for assigning this responsibility. In my opinion, schools should take this task on their shoulders as the children spend most of their daytime there.
Usages of private vehicles as the main transportation media is rife and has grown abundantly among citizens. This reliance on private cars, somehow, can trigger several impacts, for instances, increasing traffic jam and elevating air pollution. These problems will be elaborated through the following paragraphs. Traffic jam is considered as the impact of an imbalanced capacity of roads towards the number of cars and other means of transportation. As vehicle and other commuter lines grow significantly, moreover, when people tend to use their personal cars which obviously increase the quantity of vehicle on road, the road cannot provide fair space to allow all cars running smoothly. As a result, people have to encounter the traffic jam. Despite traffic jam, air pollution also becomes classic problem of car growth. The higher the rate of cars operated, the higher the amount of residual fume produced by motor activities. This phenomenon can elevate the amount of CO2 in the air which contributes major pollutant in the air pollution and damage people’s health. In my point of view, one of the solutions dealing with this traffic issue is by increasing tax payment for private cars and motorcycle. Imposing high tax for private vehicle users will affect their judgment in using their cars as they have to spend extra money to run their own vehicles. Whitehorse city, for example, has managed to give higher tax for personal car users and as the fact, citizen there prefer using public buses than private cars due to less cost paid for public bus transport. All in all, reliance on private cars can improve traffic problems and pollution. Nevertheless, by implementing discretion of higher tax for personal car user, it can help coping with this problem. TV Some people believe that the existence of television brings many negative effects in our communities. It is reported that television is one of the main reasons for the miscommunication problem between families, relatives and friends. I personally disagree with the statement, since it is not the television’s fault, but mainly due the irresponsible act of the individuals themselves, and the following paragraphs will explain it in more details. For a number of reasons, television brings a lot of benefits for many individuals and societies. Firstly, televisions provide lots of crucial information which are certainly useful for many communities. For example, it is common that news on television informs about the economic and political conditions of a particular country. This crucial information is definitely important for investors, financial analyst or bankers in making short and long term investment. Secondly, television also provides educative shows which are truly beneficial for the communities, specifically for students and scholars. Some of the shows are National Geographic Channel, Discovery or Animal planets which educate the public regarding the wildlife and natural sciences. On the other hand, some people are addicted to television and have spent a large portion of their personal time in front of the television and ignore their main duties as a member of a family or part of certain communities. I personally think that these kinds of problems are not due to the existence of the television, but due to the individuals themselves who are not capable and responsible in managing their times. It is also noticed that some people are not being wise in utilising their smartphones which certainly exaggerate the issues. In conclusion, I strongly disagree that televisions have caused some serious problems for individuals in terms of communication among families and friends, as it is the mistake of the individuals themselves who are not being responsible for organising their time.
Nowadays people are divided on the issue how to utilise leisure time effectively. One line of thought believes there should be mind-twisting activities to develop mind but on the other hand, there are those who affirm with this notion that it is better to rest .I am partial accord with this ideology. In following paragraphs, I will shed light on arguments to supporting my views. To launch into the topic, as according to some people rest is necessary to keep our mind fresh and healthy and up to some extent it is right. Giving rest to mind revitalise it, helps to think better. Moreover, as our body is not a machine, so respite is mandatory. 24 hours use of mind can cause stress and many types of health maladies. So up to some extent ,it is mandatory to take a respite for some time. On the flip side, in the modern era, cut throat competition is going on in every domain, so developed minds can attain success. So these types of activities play a pivotal role in life. Activates like reading books can also play a role in broadening our knowledge, which will be helpful in later life. It can open new vistas of employment and opportunity. By solving puzzles and playing brain games, it escalates creative power of our mind, a level of thinking also develop in an effective manner. At the end of the discussion, after analysing of arguments, both sides have their reasons for their arguments. Rests, as well as the development activities, are both are equally important. At last, I am in favour of both of these. I would suggest a good balance of taking rest and engaging in mind enhancing activities in leisure time for any individual. Download 23,92 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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