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Received: NEGBOYEVA M.

  1. Write 30 IT (computer) terms with translation make presentation

  2. Prepare presentation about alternative and tag question with examples

Write 30 IT (computer) terms with translation make presentation
Presentation on theme: "Frequently used computer terms and their translation."— Presentation transcript:
1 Frequently used computer terms and their translation
2 CONTENTS: 1. Computers In Daily Life 2. What is term? 3. What is an operating system? 4. What is RAM, What is a Hard Drive? 5. What is Shareware & Freeware? 6. Computer Terms Glossary 7. Modern Computer Terms 8. Glossary 9. Literature
3 The computer is one of the most important human inventions. A highly sophisticated electronic mechanical device, it has done a lot of good to mankind. Computers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry, science, and education. Computers are extensively used, as, for example, in many construction projects. The development of computers has also created many attractive job opportunities.
4 The computer is an electronic device for storing and analyzing information fed into it, for calculating, or for controlling machinery automatically. Charles Babbage developed this device first in 1812 followed by George Boole in 1854, Howard and Aitten in 1937, Dr. John Nouchly and J. P. Eckert in 1946. These computers were named the first generation equipment. Today, wit the 'Artificial Intelligence' technology, we are using fifth generation computers. Each new generation of computers has been smaller, lighter, speedier and more powerful than the earlier ones.
5 The computer is one of the most brilliant gifts of science. Most countries have developed fast due to computerization. Writing a program is essential for a computer. Speed, accuracy, reliability, and integrity are the main characteristics of a computer.
6 Many of the routine activities today at home and in business are done by computers. The computer has proved a friend and servant of science, technology and industry. Most offices, shops, factories and industries use computers. The Internet is a storehouse of information. The computer is a boon to all. Telecommunication and satellite imageries are computer based. Computers have made the world a global village today.
7 What is term? Term (language) or terminology, a noun or compound word used in a specific context: meaning. Computer terms are used in the context of your classes. In some cases, such as attachment, there is a brief explanation of HOW to carry out the function on the most common operating systems.
8 When it comes to a computer, there are so many computer terms like RAM, megahertz, gigabytes, etc. that people can find confusing. Having a better understanding of some of these terms can help you feel more comfortable using your computer, and ultimately get more out of it.
9 What is an operating system? First off, it's is a type of software. "Software" is all of the parts of the computer that you can't really see or touch. Software would include things like Microsoft Word, your email program, Windows or the Mac OS, plus all of your personal files like letters, photos, music, and more.
10 An Operating System (OS) is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Your computer would be useless if it didn't have an operating system.
11 What is RAM, What is a Hard Drive? One term many people confuse is memory or RAM, and hard drive storage space. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is a temporary working space the computer uses to get work done, which gets emptied when the computer is turned off.
12 The hard drive is the main place your computer uses to store information. It looks like a rectangular metal box which contains a non- removable disk (as opposed to something like a CD Drive where you can take the disk out). It is the disk inside the drive which stores everything on your computer -- every picture, every music file, every email, and every Word document. Not only that, but Windows or Mac OS X, the operating system that makes the computer run.
13 What is Shareware & Freeware? There is a huge variety of software available to run on personal computers, from business applications, to games, to screensavers. Most people are aware of commercial software — software you buy in a box at a store — but many internet users have also heard of shareware and freeware programs. Freeware, as the name implies, is software you can use for free. It can usually be copied to anyone as long as it’s not changed.
14 More common is shareware: software that you can also copy freely, but which comes with a trial period after which you are supposed to either pay for it or stop using it. Some shareware programs will allow only limited features during the trial period to give you a taste of what you can get for the full price, others give you all features but you must wait through a time-delayed message asking you to register. Many of the full-featured shareware programs stop working if you keep trying to use them after the trial period.
15 Computer Terms Glossary ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) - A method for moving data over regular phone lines. An ADSL circuit is much faster than a regular phone connection, and the wires coming into the subscriber's premises are the same (copper) wires used for regular phone service. An ADSL circuit must be configured to connect two specific locations, similar to a leased line. Browser - A Client program (software) that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources. See also: Client, Netscape, Mosaic and Home Page (or Homepage). DOS - Disk Operating System: The name of the operating systems on most brands of personal computer contains the acronym DOS. Often when DOS is used without further description, the operating system being referred to is either PC DOS, the operating system used on IBM personal computers, or MS DOS, the variety of DOS that runs on IBM compatible computers.
16 E-mail (Electronic Mail) - Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer. E-mail can also be sent automatically to a large number of addresses (Mailing List). See also: Listserv and Maillist. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - FAQs are documents that list and answer the most common questions on a particular subject. There are hundreds of FAQs on subjects as diverse as Pet Grooming and Cryptography. FAQs are usually written by people who have tired of answering the same question over and over.
17 File - A collection of information stored in any of numerous forms on any of numerous devices. A file may contain programs, data, or text. Font - A text formatting term: A complete assortment of printer characters in a particular type style, typeface, size and orientation. Most fonts include letters, numbers, punctuation and some special symbols.
18 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) - The coding language used to create Hypertext documents for use on the World Wide Web. HTML looks a lot like old-fashioned typesetting code, where you surround a block of text with codes that indicate how it should appear, additionally, in HTML you can specify that a block of text, or a word, is linked to another file on the Internet.
19 Memory - The part of a computer system which is used to run programs. The word memory is used to refer to the capacity of the system (for example, a 1 meg machine), and also to the actual chips that provide the memory (a memory upgrade). Netiquette - The etiquette on the Internet and E-mail. NIC (Networked Information Center) - Generally, any office that handles information for a network. The most famous of these on the Internet is the InterNIC, which is where new domain names are registered. Another definition: NIC also refers to Network Interface Card which plugs into a computer and adapts the network interface to the appropriate standard. ISA, PCI, and PCMCIA cards are all examples of NICs.
20 Router - A special-purpose computer (or software package) that handles the connection between 2 or more networks. Routers spend all their time looking at the destination addresses of the packets passing through them and deciding which route to send them on. Shared File System (SFS) - Lets users organize their files into groups known as directories and selectively share those files and directories with other users.
21 Spam (or Spamming) - An inappropriate attempt to use a mailing list, or USENET or other networked communications facility as if it was a broadcast medium (which it is not) by sending the same message to a large number of people who didn't ask for it. The term probably comes from a famous Monty Python skit which featured the word spam repeated over and over. The term may also have come from someone's low opinion of the food product with the same name, which is generally perceived as a generic content-free waste of resources.
22 Terminal - A device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else. At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry. Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer - the software pretends to be (emulates) a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else.
23 WWW (World Wide Web) - Two meanings - First, loosely used: the whole constellation of resources that can be accessed using Gopher, FTP, HTTP, telnet, USENET, WAIS and some other tools. Second, the universe of hypertext servers (HTTP servers) which are the servers that allow text, graphics, sound files, etc. to be mixed together. ZIP - Data compression and file packaging programs for personal computers. An example is PKZIP which is available on the ADN Computer Centers public personal computers. Another is WinZip. See also ARCUTIL.
24 Modern Computer Terms For some reason the computer field has been rife with lingo, slang terms and acronyms pretty much since they have been in existence. This might be perhaps because so many computer names, terms and concepts have been originally named by computer scientists who as a general rule may not be among the most socially aware group and who have thus quite often named things that either don’t make a lot of sense to regular people, or just flat out sound strange. Thus, it has fallen to the regular people (or advertising companies) in our society to come up with names for things that sound cooler, or at least more reasonable.
25 One of the most recent of these is the terminology used to refer to cell phone transfer rates. Because one company wanted to sound better than another, they came up with the term 2G for second generation, which begat 3 and 4G networks, which really don’t mean anything except for that you can send more stuff faster than before. Another popular word that has come to almost defy modern definition is “virtual.” A word that used to mean, almost.
26 But now it has come to mean something that isn’t real, but represents something that is, or is symbolic for something else. The idea of living in a virtual world for example now exists, as does the concept of virtual space on the “Internet;” which is another new word that we have all come to accept as this virtual place that exists in our lives now, and almost seems to have always been there. Along with technology lingo, there now exists a whole new sublanguage that has developed to allow for quick messaging; words that now exist in our everyday lives, such as: LOL and ROFL.
27 And of course there are the sometimes confusing terms that describe options for our computers; RAM, ROM, megabyte, gigabyte, flat screen, MHz, motherboard, etc. and the words to describe file formats, such as Jpeg, MPEG, doc, etc. and the ways we use our computer, such as “cut and paste”, click, double click and “mouse over.” There are also slang words we use describe such things as “burning” a CD or DVD (new acronyms themselves) and spam to describe unwanted emails.
28 Glossary: BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) Бейсик Сеll, location Ячейка Cipher, enciphering Шифр, шифрование Computer virus Компьютерный вирус Date bank Банк данных Date base База данных Directory Каталог файлов Disk Operation System (DOS) Дисковая операционная система (ДОС) Display image Изображение Drive, storage, accumulator Накопитель Floppy disc Гибкий диск Formatting Форматирование Frame Кадр Gap, blank Пробел General purpose computer Универсальная ЭВМ Hard disk Жесткий диск Interface Интерфейс Job Control Language (JCL) Язык управления заданиями Keyboard Клавиатура Memory unit; storage device Запоминающее устройство (ЗУ) Output Вывод, выход, выдача Punch card. Type Перфокарта. Перфолента Random access memory (RAM) Оперативная память Read only memory (ROM) Постоянное запоминающее устройство Software Программное обеспечение
29 Literature: Arnold Burdett, Diana Burkhardt, John Cushion, Aline Cumming, Alan Hunter “A glossary of computing terms” Edited by The British Computer Society Schools Committee Glossary Working Party Santiago Remacha Esteras “Infotech. English for computer users” Douglas Downing Ph.D., Michael Covington Ph.D., Melody Maudlin Covington, Catherine Anne Covington “Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms” Olejnicza M. “English for Information Technology” www.insidetechnology360.com www.basic-computerskills.com pctechnotes.com www.saugus.net www.useofenglish.ru
Prepare presentation about alternative and tag question with examples
Five types of questions 1.General 2.Alternative 3.To subject 4.Special 5.Tag-question." — Транскрипт:
1 Five types of questions 1.General 2.Alternative 3.To subject 4.Special 5.Tag-question

2 She likes watching films in a cinema 1.Does she like watching films in a cinema? 2.Does she like watching films in a cinema or at home? 3.Who likes watching films in a cinema? 4.What does she like? Where does she like watching films? When…? Why…? How often…? 5.She likes watching films in a cinema, doesnt she?

3 Define the type of question 1.Do you speak German? 2.They like to quarrel, dont they? 3.When does she jog? 4.Who often eats my cake? 5.How much money does it coast? 6.Do we turn left or right? 7.Kate is Johns wife, isnt she?

4 Define the type of question 8.Does he like apples? 9.Why do you leave? 10.Does it coast 10 or 15 pounds? 11.Who constantly takes my pen? 12.I dont go to the doctor, do I? 13.Dont you pick up into my schedule? 14.Whom do I bring milk? 15.Does mum cook porridge or eggs on the morning?

5 Ask five types of questions 1.My family didnt go to the south last summer. 2.My friend is learning English at Malta now. 3.Mum hasnt cooked the dinner yet

6 Present Simple + V 0, Vs (3 person singular – he, she, it) -do/does not V ? Do/Does ___ V?

7 Open the brackets using Present Simple 1.She (not to like) wearing dresses. 2.Your husband (to work) as an engineer? 3.I (to swim) very well. 4.Ice (to melt) at 0. 5.We (not to talk) very often? 6.He (to love) her. 7.A teacher (to be) very good. 8.They even (not to greet) each other.

8 Translate from Russian into English using Present Simple 1.У меня большая семья. 2.Моя бабушка не любит громкую музыку. 3.Ты умеешь плавать? 4.Он не говорит по-японски? 5.Мы работаем в большом офисе. 6.Я не люблю боевики (action films). Я считаю, что они глупые и скучные. 7.Она – самая прекрасная девушка на свете. Я люблю ее.

9 Present Continuous now, at the moment + am/is/are Ving -am/is/are not Ving ? Am/Is/Are ___ Ving

10 Open the brackets using Present Continuous 1.It (not to rain) any more, it (to clear) up and the sun (to shine). 2.The jazz band (to play) in the park. 3.A lot of people (to listen) to the music and they really (to have) a good time. 4.But they (not to dance). 5.There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people (to sit) there, and only five people (to wait) in the queue.

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