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Improving Creativity skill
What is creativity skill?
2. The ways of improving creativity skill
What are the Benefits of Creative Thinking?
How to think creatively
What is creativity skill?
Creativity isn’t a lightning bolt that strikes occasionally and can’t be predicted:
it’s more like a muscle. Creativity needs to be trained, challenged, and worked on
constantly to develop your skills.
Perhaps you have a job that requires a high degree
of creative thinking - or
perhaps you’d simply like to hone your creative skills for future job opportunities
and business ventures.
Regardless, even if you feel like you don’t have a creative bone in your body
right now, you absolutely can train yourself to boost your creativity.
What are the Benefits of Creative Thinking?
is an extremely useful skill, regardless of your aspirations in life.
Creative thinking can come in handy when you’re
playing word games with
friends at home, taking up a new hobby
such as playing an instrument, and
especially if you are interested in a career in which creative thinking is a necessary