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11 sinf Ingliz tili imtihon javoblari 2023
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- CARD 6
2022-2023-O'QUV YILIDA O'RTA TA'LIM MAKTABLARINING O'QUVCHILAR UCHUN INGLIZ TILI FANIDAN MUSTAQIL SHUG'ULLANISHUCHUN IMTIHON JAVOBLARI2023 ESLATIB O'TAMIZ, MAZUR JAVOBLAR SIZNI VAOTINGIZNI TEJASHGA VA IMTIHONLARGA ESA TAYYORLANISH UCHUN YORDAM BERADI. IMTIHON JAVOBLARINI TIJORIY MAOSADLARDA FOYDALANISH MUMKIN EMAS. ENGLISH GRADE 11 CARD 1 1. Some people like eating out$de•. thers prefer eating at hom What are good and bad sides of eating outside Phd home. Write about your preference ry-t@ive'æþsons to support your argument. Answer: If you enjoy beiyg OCIaìw etting and trying new—žþeriences, yo m ght prefer eating outside. Outdoor*dining a fun way to explore-new foods, restaurants/ and environments. You can the company of friend family, o* Ileagues while trying new things. eating at home. cgpk,nþandãing at home can to unWindenðenjoy me quality time with n be a money-sa ng option, as you don'.g.þgy to pay for a restaurant meal tihdd_oan$ol the quality and ingredientê ofyour food. isi b ween eating outside and at Alome depends on your personal preference ndihe asion. If you're nighttoyt, ðutcloor dining can be a the way to 2. Read the following paragraph and tel ourop n on • "'hat aeyotðdo to develop your skills? Why •t impor nt to regularly wopkòÿourself? Most saneve update our skills. We think that whate ve learned is quite enough. ut goo IS not g od when bette r/•expecteŒÞIarging s your knowledge regu I the key toqsuccess. There is a saying. "Sharpen your ax the tree"
before taking on a legå to bettersresultå.l the context of ski daelopment;ååhis means ffoft, into, learning' aå òpgrading achieve successintodaylscast-paced.and-coñ tly evolvin orl C ARD 2 1. Cpmputers can no do a lot of clever things. Buto intelligent than us? Why/Why not? Subport your a u nt wit •relevant eas. Write yoú%þbiio Answer: performin Compute ghave ome a 10 way in tenntftþeiaapabilities, and they are now ab to h rec gnition, nåtyyál language proc sing, an decisi • g. However, despite these advapcements, computers are not IYOre intellige thanÂ1umans Firstl omputers are designed end programmed u h and they operate within the boundari set by their programmers. They are unaffe to think or reason beyond their make decisions based on emotions or intuition. Secondly, while computers are incredibly fast and efficient at processing data, they lack the ability to understand and interpret complex human emotions and behaviors. They also cannot replicate the creative and innovative thinking that is inherent in humåintelligence. Lastly, humans possess the abilitÿ@ learn from experience, adapt to new situations, and continuously improve their skiUS ano knowledge. While compëY cån bè•programmed to learn from data, they are una le o repliÒatéAhe depth and of learnin and adaptation. In conclusion, while compul e capa e of performing matiýååSks that were pc xcluyve to humans, they are not l)lore intellig an humans. The himanbrain possessesg uni¶íe set of skills and abilities thåtcantiOt be replicated by comput rs, §uch aScreat1 intuitipn, and emotional intelligence— 2. Speak about smoking in—public places. What is your atti@de towards 'i Do you think stnokinž'in amptl What can you ådvêet/o¼Sm kers quit smoking? Answer: S n "publi laces has been a con roversiaVt0V1chfo many years, with some eir right to smoke whs ey choose,Avhile rs feel it is a health Id be banned altogeth ct• , smoking in pub •c places can_þe-harmful not only to the smoker but also arOug4Ñ1em. Secondhand Sl variou ealth problems, including garetté be\unpleasant for noÅsmokersv making it •fT1éulÿ for them to enjoy public av countries have implemented.mðking ba in public places, inclNding parks, achesA1d out¶óor seating ar€"These bansllave been effective in reducing e umber of effective in reducing the, caused. by.secondhand,srfioke. For quit, there are various resour ;ávaila61e,. and' is important to find a meth work them. h 1. You are having a birthday party this weekend?Write an invita tte your friend. Try to write about whereyou arg having the party, who are•pming hat kind of things you are planning t(yd Answer: DeavLEriend's„Name I hope thisgletter finds you we am.writing' to invite you hdayparty this weekend. I'm turning [age], and I would be elighted if you could j n e celebrations. The íarty will tahe place at my holi§e, located at [addres ill start at [time] and will' go on until t in thgnight. I'm expecting a lot of ou tua nds to come over and celebrate with Affor the food, e ill have-pizza, h dogs, chi s, and soda. r dessert, we have a birthday cake that I'm really Syitéd about. It Nkould mean! thegworld to me if u could ake t 'the p lty. I'm looking forward to celebvating my 6irthday with all of yiy friends, nd it wouldn't complete without you there. Pleasevet me know if you can make it or not so an accordingly. I can't wait to see you! Best regards, 2. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. What should you pay attention during ajob-interview? Why do you think it is important? "If you are going to a job interviৠou should follow several rules. Firstof all, you should take all necessary documents witWy You should be polite and shoys; your èood manners. Be clear with your working sche Be 1 and go on your ow4Výou shòuld Choose suiÿable clothes for the position you e åpþlying&•. Finally, you should take a few"ninùtes toiha)ik the person who interview you ave an e-mail an e-mail' a thank ou note". Answer: What should u pay attention to during a jo During a job intervWVyou should pay attention to s eraÞtbings ringing all necessary document showing-good manners and polite? , ing Clear about yo r working schedule, dressingÐpropnaÐbfor the position, bemgon time ånd oirigon"o r own, and thanking the Why do you think it is important? Paying atte hes4ŽÿýÅgs is important becau e they can€reåtea positive impression on the intervi eran crease your chances og•getting the job. Being pFepÐed, punctual, and profession t you are responsible andSerious about the position you are applying for. Additionallyùÿþån g the interview can leave a positive impression and show your y laptop brogk*esterday, ge ne. Tell me about your pew,computer. to John with answers toülll hisÀuestions• Answer: Dear John, I'm sorry to hear that yo êPtop broke, t I'd be-happy to tell you abouVm co puter. I purchased it a few mc%k agoÂYdit has. been great so far. As for th paid 81000 for The best thing about y*ne computer it"pqed and performa has a fasèprocessor and plenty of memory, Ikich esqit greatfOr Uliitasking and run • applications at once. Overall, I am very satisfiect m purchas and would highþ½.recommen it to anyone in need of a new-computev.ëop&this-jnformafion is helpfu o in nding a suitable replacemen€for your broken lapto Best wishes, [YoyrName] 2. Read the following paragraph nd speak about it. Alis th q stions. I-IOW do you thihk boutq(hefuture. I/o you think I • e 'Il be more diffic t or easier e next •I what ways. eneratio . Modem high technologies will make thei} S entific d velo tand ovation will bring bright futuFq, Others think life can be mgre difficult r our grandchi dren. Increasing number of diseasbž and environmental problems may make may be digitalized and auto tized. A lot of peo may lose their jobs.' Answer: Regarding the future, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I believe that advancements in technology and innovation will make life easier for the next generation. We have already seen remarkable developments in various fiel s uch as medicine, communication, transportation, education. These advanc ents will undoubtedly continue and make life more c e t and comfortable. However, on the other hand, e are e concerns that r 81aybe m more diff cult for future generations. The cre ronmental problems, climate and /oþal health issues could pose si"lfiêànÿc alt nges. Additionally aúfðñation and digitization c uld lead to job losses, especially for th are not skilled/ the technðlogy Overall, I believe that the future will bring both advantages ånd disadvantages, It 1 ential to continue development knd "ensuring th th benefits of technology are distri uted to minimize negativ aci . CARD1. Write a blog about the ok you read receptly to post on-social media. Try to include the followin teaChes readers hop-to live n the present moment and lid i pgace. he main idea of the boob. iksthat we on the presept moment ther han dwelli lg on the past the future. Tolle argues thHbyèdoing so, wc-can free ouvselves from negativesmotions and find. fi•üihappiness and ful me readers with simple techniqueStðÄuiet beeome more awarætheíOhoUéhts and emotions. I found these be incredibly.helpful in my o • fe, owed me to let go of anxiety fee¼nore grounded and centered Overall, I would highl r commend this book o anyone looking for a_yay to inner peace and happiness. It's an with sights that be to life. By indfully and ow book that e way you think and live. If fo way-to find • er peace and a pines highly recommend giving thisbook a read. 2. Speak about famous people. • Wh do you thi k theyerefamous •D you think b i famous is goo . Why/Why not? Answer: Famo ople ar.ften w Il-known forthCFfålen omplishments, or public pe onas. They t: a e famous for many reasons, su as being a successful actor, m ician, wri r, let'Ç scientist, or politiéian. mèqb me famous due to their coÂtroversial actions or ehaviors th draw attention o em. Whit? being famous can have benefits,kžuch incre ed recognition, wealth, and opporiunities, it also comes with own set of face a lachof privacy and ilÿrûsion into their persona Ives. They are also under constant scrutiny and their every move is often criticized and analyzed. Furthermore, the pressure to maintain their fame and reputation can lead to stress, anxiety, and mental health issues. Additionally, fame can be fleeting, and once the attention fades, some celebrities struggle to adjust to a less public life. In conclusion, while being famouÂ2èan have its advantages, it alscycomeš'yith its own set of challenges and drawbacks. It's ilOþoitånt to recognize that fame dóesóo@ecèssarily equate to happiness or fulfillment, an to prioritize weir over p blic recognition. CARD 61. Read the following ues n taken from internet chat page. "I want to improve bad and I feel Worried„Yhat ca I " What are the best ways to lea Englis d what can you do t e y çoñfidence? Write an answer ment to th question. Answer: Learning ltålgùage can be chall ginžïbut with de effort, it's definitely possible&im e. Here are some • s h an hel you improve your English skills and b Practice, p ct tice: The more you better yoúbqco Try to speak, write, read and I e to En i as much as possibly-Watch English movies V shows, listen to Englishm nglish books, newspapers, and articles. Take4WtEngŽis • Joining an with structured learning, and acceyto teachers and peers who Ÿan offerguidance and feedb Ck. Find a nguage )artner: Look for dþngUage partner w English and is willing to ractic ith you You can both improve r language conversing wi each other I Eng is t-Îse online res ces: The interne isAvaSt„resourcèfor learning English. Use o ine Ols resources-such as language learning and websites. Boost your confidence: Do to m ccept them as o lea ing process. Remember that ne tart s e and that yo p gress
2. Speak about touris In what ways tourism What do you suggest to A nswer: si . It creates jobs, generates„revenue, and promotes I ent of the tourism industry can hel to boost the nomy of the country,pend money on hotels, trans ortation, f d, venirs, an ther goods and serv s. To evelop to in kistan, re are several thingt done. First of all, the go rnment c i est in nfrastru re, such as„trånsportatl accommodations. The co try can mote its uniq culture ch as the ancient cities of Sa kand u ra, d the ional U ek Fu ermore, e development of tourism dustry an be couraged by creating more attra •ve tourist packages and ac Ities, such adventure rism, cultural tourism, ecotouris and gastronomic tour• Additionally, improve its visa regulations and sim the visa pro make it easier for touns to visit Uzbekistan. Finally, it is essential to nt customer service to tourists and to ensure their safety and security. This can be achieved by training tourism industry workers, such as tour guides and hotel staff, to provide high-quality service and by implementin safety measures and soon and I am very excited •about it. I have always been interðsted in historñnd your.eity has so much to offer in tgrm»f sites and monumen I have heard so mucliebout-th"ncient architecture anu rlChçu tural heritage your city, and I cannot wait u»see-it fðro)self. I am particulaÁy interested •siting the town and the ancient the local museumS andårt galleries. As a local, I anhS1gvžo&ow the best t ' Visihand„the hidden gems that are not iouris . I would be grateful you côuldçsuggest some places for me to visit and e to do during my aps you Coul mend some local restaurant rÈafe I can try the locql cuisi Thank you ad e your help, and I 'looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, e] 2. Read the following paragraph anœtell your opinion. Answer the questions. geÿ good knowledge in foreign iversitles, They ant to get mo€ðxperienceand become independent. Makingjngernational friends, trying*different foods and-experiencing neuccultures are some oth&reasOns people-want-tó study abroad. Moreover}somewant to imp ve their langua s". • Do you think studying can be an excellén pportunity for persona d academic growth. It can broaden hori make international friends, apd develoPSlanguageßkil . tudents who s ay also gain new perspectives and inžights into,ztheir- of s dy, which c adjusting to çylturahdifferenees, and-beiníaway from famil There mayåÍso be language barriers;bmesickness, and f ci Overallístudying abroad can be òlife-changing experien f provide new op rtùnjties for perkpnal growth, acade prospects. How it ssential carefully consider t ac rdingly. CARD 8 1. rite a small artic e about the place you live. Trò o introduce it to visitors anderovidefact at atíráct th • Wha re good and bad sides of ving there? valuqþl their future friend* can be difficult. aÄ1enges. e hoare open to it. It can t, and future career s and prepare oneself Answer: I live in the beautiful city ofTashkent, the capital ofUzbekistan. Tashkent is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage that dates back to the Silk Road era. It is a modem metropolis with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary architecture. One of the most prominent tour' actions in Tashkent is the 9 d To which features a 0 attraction for visitors, the rich culture d buyu •que souvenirs. Another fascinat ng-"åttractiÓ n Tashkent is the Amir Timur uÅeum, "eh houses a collection of if Tim r, a legendary Central Asiansonquer Tashkent also boasts ofhaVingsome of the best restaurants and cafeSin_ z ekistarh;qo ering delicious traditional and "intgnational cuisine. For oseinterestedin shòpping, there are several modern and markets that"òffer a 2varietÿ•of products, from local handicrafts to luxgg•y.brand'. Livpng in Tashkent hasåts advantagðS*diSadvanta es. On the one hand, a rich history iú4d cultural heritage, are always
in *Which we contribute to solvingènvironmental problems, such as r uci wa conserving wåter, using renewable energy sources, and practicing eco-frien In Uzbekistan, like many other•CðUntries, thergare•sevetffl environmental be addressed. One of is åir.pollutlon caused by ustr1êÿ.emi4sions, vehicle exhaust fumes, dust from construçtion sites. This pollution •lead to respiratory caused by ork together. The government to liltÇiVpollutiŸn:• d encourage •Žens also make •ifïerenge by reducing their ems and educate peopleaóål how to protect the en ment. This can be do h vironmental campaigns, educ •onal pro ms, d media erage. Overall, solV1 tal problems requires ac ective effo m e one. B g action and ma in our daily lives, we c elp to pro t planetfor fu generatio metimes animalsare used tot t new drugs a eatin s. How do you think about ould animals be used in r rch or no Write r arguments. Answer. e use of animals search is a controversla pic, and there are valid arguments on both sides. animal testing has contributed significantly to the development of medical treatments, vaccines, and surgical procedures that have saved countless human lives. It allows scientists to study the effects of drugs and treatments on living organisms before human trials. Additionally, animal research is strictly regulated to nsure that animals are treated humanely, and their welf protected. On the other hand, the use of a als research has been critici fO•thidaJ reasons. Many people believe that it is wrongto„subjè anG1als to pain and suñeýng, andhthåtit is unjužt to use animals for human bene9ÿ.Furtþermorþ', animal testing does not always prodUce results, as animals do not }kwaý$react" drugs and treatment'iffthesame waýqs human' do. Personally, I believe that,ammal testings ould be minimized much as-possible and replaced with alternative methodé•whettavailable. For example, compúter simulationSand cell£últures can provide the effects of drubs and•treatmentsyithout the need for animal testing. þétional using animals that a€hpt sen tÀuch ' as insect or worms, can reduce the ethiÿakðoncerns sociated with animal testing. In Uzbekistan, Iso a controversial are con ut the use of animals in cosmeti@ÿsting d the effects ofpollýtion om.yildlife. It is important for scientists and policy gether to find ethicaÍ and effectiv&vays to conduct research without ca ngtunli essary harm to animal environme Speak abo@t travelling. Do you likêträveØn nd why? you prefer visitin "'hat an you learn from travelling? Answe; Travelling is a great way t p •ence new e t new people, and explore of the world. Personallya-enjðytravelliógþfçaúse it providespme with an to about the h take a break from my daily routine. en itcomes places I prefer to visit, fiike'exploring citišwith•ricll history and cultural heritageXalso enjoy spending time ture, hiking in the mountains or beaqh. Travelling can teach thingsž*You can learnabout different culture cÇtr tions, try new foods, and imprpve skills. Travelling can @elp yousgaín new perspectives and seet e orl • 0 different ay. It can be a great w to challen e yourself and step outside of yo r om rt zon However, it is importapt o aware o th im t of travel on ent and local communities. It is essèptl to vèl*e ponsib and the natural environment and local culture ARD 101. Som people like eating fast d even though they knoyÎi" bad for their health. Why do you think tha is?'What are th&most effective ways i'nprovép ple's eating habits? Write about ita vide.yoursug tions. Answer: Fast f d s a popular and nvenient ple, but it is also known to e unhealth D pite this knowledge, some'þeople Ontin to consume fast food on a re lar basis. her be sever reasons or this behavio Firstly, fast food is easily acc ssible and ana'be purchased quif y, maki g it venie option for busy individuals whoNon't have time to cook or prepëÍe a health eal. Ådditio ly, fast food is often cheaper than heelthier options, making it an affordable choice fopþOse on a tight budget. Another reason c d be that fast food • addictive due to its high evels of sugar, salt, and fat, which can trigger pleasure centers in the brain and lead to cravings. Fast food companies also use marketing tactics to make their food appear more appealing and desirable. However, the negative health consequences of consuming fast food Gå•regular basis are well documented. It can lead to obgg• diabetes, heart disease, and othethhealth problems. Therefore, it is important to find.etT •ve ways to improve peoplé's eating habits. of a healthy diet. This can health campaigns, schookprOgramst• community outreach way is to make eálthy•food more äçcessible ,and affordable. Governmentycan provid«_ sidies for healthy ood option'•or offer incentives for grocery stores and reståurant$that offer healthy option Schools a workplaceš-cpn also provide healthy food ns cafeterias. In conclusion, whil ast.zfoodhis a popular and conV¶1ien ptiON-,for many p ople, it is ž important to recognizethe neg ve health consequences of re ular basis. Effective ways improve pap e's eating habits cludeeducation and food more accessible afford e. 2. Read the following par raph and tell your opinion. Answerthe questions. "About ha , of la 17-year-olds in the U ot jobs, arid of this group also go to o part-time jobs ef0 after school and•atyeekends. The most né girls) and pape[ rounds (popular with boys). Iso o ularjObé. Teena do part-time jobs because thgý want,to earl) some money". Answer: In U'bekistan, students an arious Ibar&-tllñf jobs, such as wo Ing Atilt waiters/waitresses, delivety cðuriers, and o fice assistants. with atÆportun• 1 can provide students some.gxfi•a money, use I for covering their expenseÉsqving \ðFthtfuturet or helping their families oreover, n help them to gain work e perien devèlop skills, and improve eir fimè•management abilities. On the other and, i an alsoaffect their,academic perfo cc, social lif&, and well-
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