Farewell Expressions

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Farewell Expressions — Xayrlashuv iboralari
Have a nice day!

— Kuningiz yaxshi o'tsin

Good night!

— Xayrli tun

Good night and sweet dreams!

— Xayrli tun, yaxshi tushlar ko'ring

See you later!

— Ko'rishguncha

See you soon!

— Yana ko'rishamiz

See you tomorrow!

— Ertaga ko'rishguncha

Good bye!

— Xayr

— Xayr, hozircha xayr

— Yaxshi qoling.

Have a good trip!

— Oq yo'l!

I have to go

— Ketishim kerak

I will be right back!

— Tezda qaytaman!

Greeting — Salomlashuv

— Salom!
Good morning!

— Xayrli tong/Assalomu aleykum!
Good afternoon!

—Xayrli kun/Assalomu aleykum!

Good evening!

—-Xayrli kech/Assalomu aleykum!

Welcome! (to greet someone)

—Xush kelibsiz!

Hello my friend!

— Salom, do'stim!

How are you? (friendly)

— Qalaysiz?

How are you? (polite)

— Yaxshimisiz?

I'm fine, thank you!

- Rahmat, yaxshiman

And you? (friendly)


And you? (polite)

—-O'zingizdan so'rasak


Not so good

—Unchalik emas
Long time no see

—Anchadan beri ko'rishmadik

I missed you

— Sizni sog'indim

What's new?

— Yangiliklar bormi?

Nothing new

— Yangilik yo'q

Thank you (very much)!

— Katta rahmat

You're welcome! (for "thank you")

— Arzimaydi

My pleasure

— Arzimaydi

Come in! (or: enter!)

Make yourself at home!

— O'zingizni uyingizdagidek his qiling!
Kirish so’z va iboralar
🎯 In a word — bir so‘z bilan aytganda
🎯 If I'm not mistaken — adashmasam
🎯 By the way — aytmoqchi, aytgancha
🎯 on the one hand — boshqa tomondan
🎯 In short— qisqasi
🎯 to tell the truth — to'grisi
🎯 Indeed — albatta
🎯 In other words — boshqa so’z bilan aytganda
🎯 However — Shu bilan birga
🎯 So / well — shunday
🎯 Besides / moreover — Bundan tashqari
🎯 Also — deb
🎯 Of course / certainly — albatta
🎯 In any case / anyway — baribir
🎯 Always / at all — umumiy
🎯 Therefore — Shuning uchun
🎯 Though / although — da
🎯 Meanwhile / meantime — shu bilan birga, qadar
🎯 Nevertheless — lekin shunga qaramay, hali ham
🎯 Perhaps / probably — ehtimol

Suhbat uchun odatiy iboralar (davomi)

🎯 Afsuski Ruscha gapira olmayman

— Sorry but I can not speak Russian

🎯 Ozgina bilaman

— Know a little

🎯 Ozgina tushunaman

— I understand a little bit

🎯 Nima dedingiz?

— What did you say?

🎯 Yozib bering, iltimos

— Write, please

🎯 Qaytarib yuboring, iltimos

— Repeat, please

🎯 Iltimos, yordam bera olasizmi?

— Please, can you help?

🎯 Tarjima qilib bering, iltimos

— Translate, please

🎯 Yozib bering, iltimos

— Write, please

🎯 Bizga tarjimon kerak

— We need a translator

🎯 Sabr qilganingiz uchun rahmat

— Thank you for your patience

🎯 Meni diqqat bilan tinglaganingiz uchun rahmat

— Thank you for listening to me attentively

🎯 Kattakon rahmat, menga juda ham katta yordam berdingiz

— Thank you very much, you helped me a lot

Suhbat uchun odatiy iboralar
🎯 Siz meni tushunayapsizmi?

— Do you understand me?

🎯 Men sizni tushundim

— I understand you

🎯 Men sizni tushunmadim

— I did not understand you

🎯 Nima xizmat?

— How can I help?

🎯Kimni qidirayapsiz?

— Who are you looking for?

🎯 Nima qidirayapsiz?

— What are you looking for?

🎯Kimdan savol so'rasam bo'ladi?

— Who can I ask?

🎯 Menejerni qayerdan topsam bo‘ladi?

— Where can I find the manager?

🎯 Nima bo'ldi?

— What has happened?

🎯 Biror kor-xol yuz berdimi?

— Has something happened?

🎯Nimani nazarda tutayapsiz?

— What do you mean?

🎯Iltimos, asta sekin gapiring

— Please speak more quietly

🎯O‘zbekcha tushunasizmi?

— Do you understand Uzbek?

🎯 O‘zbekcha gapira olasizmi?

— Can you speak Uzbek?

🎯 Men o‘zbekcha yaxshi gapira olmayman

— I speak bad Uzbek

🎯Men o‘zbekchani yaxshi tushunmayman

— I do not good understand Uzbek

Afsuski Ruscha gapira olmayman

— Sorry but I can not speak Russian

🎯 Ozgina bilaman

— Know a little

🎯 Ozgina tushunaman

— I understand a little bit

🎯 Nima dedingiz?

— What did you say?

🎯 Yozib bering, iltimos

— Write, please

🎯 Qaytarib yuboring, iltimos

— Repeat, please

🎯 Iltimos, yordam bera olasizmi?

— Please, can you help?

🎯 Tarjima qilib bering, iltimos

— Translate, please

🎯 Yozib bering, iltimos

— Write, please

🎯 Bizga tarjimon kerak

— We need a translator

🎯 Sabr qilganingiz uchun rahmat

— Thank you for your patience

🎯 Meni diqqat bilan tinglaganingiz uchun rahmat

— Thank you for listening to me attentively

🎯 Kattakon rahmat, menga juda ham katta yordam berdingiz

— Thank you very much, you helped me a lot

Munosabat bildirish iboralari
🇬🇧 He felt in with me on that point

🇺🇿 Bu masalada u mening fikrimga qo'shildi

🇬🇧 Willingly

🇺🇿 Jon deb

🇬🇧 I am with you on that

🇺🇿 Bunga qo'shilaman

🇬🇧 Quite so

🇺🇿 Ha, men ham shuni aytaman-da

🇬🇧 By all means

🇺🇿 Albatta

🇬🇧 Yes, certainly

🇺🇿 Ha, albatta

🇬🇧 Exactly

🇺🇿 To'ppa-to'g'ri

🇬🇧 You are mistaken

🇺🇿 Siz xato qilyapsiz

🇬🇧 I don't agree with you

🇺🇿 Sizning gapingizga qo'shilmayman

🇬🇧 I don't think so

🇺🇿 Menimcha unday emas, Men unday deb o'ylamayman

🇬🇧 I can't agree with you

🇺🇿 Sizga qo'shilolmayman

🇬🇧 I am of a different opinion

🇺🇿 Men boshqa fikrdaman

🇬🇧 He holds a different view

🇺🇿 U bunga boshqacha qaraydi

🇬🇧 This is out of the question

🇺🇿 Bu haqda gap ham bo'lishi mumkin emas

So'roq gaplar
1. How? - Qanday? Qanday qilib?

2. How far? - Qancha uzoq?

3. How long? - Qancha vaqt uzoqlikda?

4. How many? - Qancha (sanaladigan)?

5. How much? - Qancha (sanalmaydigan)?

6. How old? - Qancha yosh?

7. Since what time? - Qachondan beri?

8. What? - Nima? Qanday?

9. What colour? - Qanday rangda?

10. What kind of? - Qanday turda?

11. What type of? - Qanday turda?

12. What time? - Soat nechida?

13. What...about? - Nima haqida?

14. What...for? - Nima uchun?

15. What...with? - Nima bilan?

16. What? - Nima? Qanday?

17. When? - Qachon?

18. Where to? - Qayerga?

19. Where...from? - Qayerdan?

20. Where are you - Qayerdasiz?

Xayrlashuv - Partings

✅ 21 ta ibora
🎯 Good-bye! - Xayr
🎯 So long - Hozircha xayr, ko'rishguncha xayr
🎯 Bye-Bye - Xayr, hozircha xayr
🎯 Cheerio! - Yaxshilik tilayman
🎯 Good night! - Xayrli tun!
🎯 See you soon! - tez orada ko'rishguncha
🎯 See you tomorrow! - Ertagacha
🎯 See you tonight - Kechqurungacha
🎯 See you later - Keyinroq ko'rishamiz, ko'rishguncha
🎯 See you again! - Uchrashguncha
🎯 All the best - Ishlaringizda omad tilayman, muvaffaqiyat tilayman
🎯 Good luck - Omad
🎯 Have a good trip - Oq yo'l
🎯 I hope to see you soon. - Tez orada uchrashamiz deb umid qilaman
🎯 Till we meet again! - Yana uchrashguncha
🎯 Write to us - (xat) yozib turing
🎯 Here's my address - Bu mening manzilim
🎯 Talk to you later - Keyinroq gaplashamiz
🎯 Till next time - Keyingi safargacha
🎯 Until we meet again - Ko'rishguncha
🎯 Farewell - Alvido

Kirish so’z va iboralar

🎯 In a word — bir so‘z bilan aytganda
🎯 If I'm not mistaken — adashmasam
🎯 By the way — aytmoqchi, aytgancha
🎯 on the one hand — boshqa tomondan
🎯 In short— qisqasi
🎯 to tell the truth — to'grisi
🎯 Indeed — albatta
🎯 In other words — boshqa so’z bilan aytganda
🎯 However — Shu bilan birga
🎯 So / well — shunday
🎯 Besides / moreover — Bundan tashqari
🎯 Also — deb
🎯 Of course / certainly — albatta
🎯 In any case / anyway — baribir
🎯 Always / at all — umumiy
🎯 Therefore — Shuning uchun
🎯 Though / although — da
🎯 Meanwhile / meantime — shu bilan birga, qadar
🎯 Nevertheless — lekin shunga qaramay, hali ham
🎯 Perhaps / probably — ehtimol
🎯 Men amin emasman

— I'm not sure

🎯 Menimcha yo‘q

— In my opinion no

🎯 Yo‘g‘e!

— Really!

🎯 Bilmadim

— I do not know

🎯 Ajoyib

— Excellent

🎯 Menimcha adashdingiz

— I think you make a mistake

🎯 Afsus

— It's a pity

🎯 Afsuslanmang (xafa bo‘lmang)

— Do not be sad

🎯 Kayfiyatim judayam yomon

— My mood is very bad

🎯 Kayfiyatim judayam yaxshi

— My mood is very good

🎯 Kayfiyatim judayam yaxshi, tila-tilagingni

— My mood is excellent, ask whatever you want

🎯 Judayam yomon xabar

— Very bad news

🎯 Seni ko'rsam asabim buzilayapti

— My mood is spoiled when I see you

🎯 O‘zingni bos, hammasi yaxshi bo'ladi

— Relax, everything will be fine

🎯 Asabiylashma

— Do not worry

🎯 Shoshilmang

— Do not rush

🎯 Iltimos, shoshilmang

— Please do not rush

🎯 Gapirgan gaplariga e'tibor bermang (erkak)

— Do not pay attention to his words

🎯 Gapirgan gaplariga e'tibor bermang (ayol)

— Do not pay attention to her words

There are four seasons in a year

— Bir yilda 4 ta fasl bor

They are: spring, summer, autumn and winter

— Ular: bahor, yoz, kuz va qish

Spring is a very pleasant season

— Bahor eng yoqimli fasl

The weather is warm, sometimes it rains

— Havo iliq ba’zan yomg‘ir yog‘adi

Summer is the hottest season of a year

— Yoz yilning eng issiq fasli

Many people have vocation in summer

— Yozda ko‘pgina kishilar ta’tilga chiqadilar

Autumn is a very beautiful season

— Kuz juda ham chiroyli fasl

The leaves of the trees are red, yellow and brown.

— Daraxtlarni barglari qizil sariq va qo‘ng‘ir bo‘ladi

In winter it is very cold

— qishda juda sovuq bo‘ladi

It often snows in winter.

— qishda tez-tez qor yog‘adi

I like spring very much.

Men bahorni juda yoqtiraman

It is my favourite season

— U mening sevimli faslim

Introducing — Tanishtirish (davomi)
🎯 What is your age? - Yoshingiz nechada?

🎯 How old are you? - Yoshingiz nechada?

🎯 When were you born? — Qachon tug’ilgansiz?

🎯 I was born on the 23rd of January, 1997 — Men 1997-yil, 23-yanvarda


🎯 What year were you born? – Nechanchi yilda tug’ilgansiz?

🎯 I'm mоrе than fifty — Men ellikdan oshganman

🎯 In а year I’ll be fifty — bir yildan so'ng ellikka kiraman

🎯 Are you married? — Uylanganmisiz? (Turmushga chiqqanmisiz)?

🎯 married — uylangan

🎯 single — yolg'iz

🎯 widower — beva

🎯 divorced — ajrashgan

🎯 Do you have...? — Sizda...bormi?

🎯 children — bolalar

🎯 brother — aka

🎯 I have... – Menda bor

🎯 one child — bir bolam

🎯 two children — ikkita bola

🎯 I have a big family: a sister, two brothers, and my parents — Mening katta oilam bor: opam, ikki ukam va ota-onam

🎯 We live in a big house — Biz katta uyda yashaymiz.
Introducing — Tanishtirish
🎯 Let me introduce myself — O'zimni tanishtirishga ruxsat eting

🎯 Му name is Laylo — Mening ismim Laylo

🎯 Last name (surname) — familiya

🎯 First name — ism

🎯 Let us get acquainted — Keling, tanishaylik

🎯 Meet my friend, please — Marhamat, do'stim bilan tanishing

🎯 Му husband — Erim

🎯 Му wife — Xotinim

🎯 Му mother — Onam

🎯 Му daughter — Qizim

🎯 Му son — O'g'lim

🎯 Му teacher —O'qituvchim

🎯 Му student — Talabam

🎯 Please, introduce yourself — Iltimos о'zingizni tanishtiring

🎯 What is your name? — Ismingiz nima?

🎯 Where do you live? — Qayerda yashaysiz?

🎯 What country do you соmе from? — Siz qaysi mamlakatdan keldingiz?

🎯 Where are you from? — Qaysi davlatdansiz?

🎯 I аm native — Shu yerlikman

🎯 I аm from Canada — Kanadadanman.

🎯 How long will you stay here? — Bu yerda qancha bо'lasiz?

🎯 I’m stay here two days — Bu yerda ikki kun bо'laman

🎯 I heard much about your country — Sizning mamlakatingiz haqida ko'р eshitganman.

🎯 We соmе here on the invitation оf the government of Uzbekistan — Biz O'zbekiston hukumati taklifiga binoan keldik

🎯 I аm here as а tourist — Men turist sifatida keldim

🎯 I аm here on mу way to India — Men bu yerga Hindistonga keta turib to'xtadim

🎯 I аm glad to meet you — Sizni uchratganimdan xursandman

🎯 Nice to meet you — Sizni ko'rganimdan bag'oyat xursandman

-What is the weather like today?

— Bugun ob-havo qanaqa?

-Today is hot

— Bugun havo issiq

- Today is cool

— Bugun havo sovuqroq

- Today is cold

— Bugun havo sovuq

- The weather is fine

— Havo ajoyib

- The weather is good

Havo yaxshi

- The weather is bad

— Havo yomon

-It is windy today

— Bugun havo shamolli

-It is cloudy

— Bulutli havo

-It is going to rain

— Yomg'ir yog'ish arafasida

-It is raining

— Yomg'ir yog'moqda

-It is snowing

— Qor yog'moqda

-It is raining hard

— Sharros yomg'ir quymoqda

-It is pouring

—Sharillab yomg'ir quymoqda

Ish-faoliyat haqida
What is your job? – Kasbingiz nima?
I'm a businessman - Men biznesmenman.
I'm а writer - Men yozuvchiman
I'm an artist - Men rassomman
I'm а teacher - Men о'qituvchiman
Where do you work? – Qayerda ishlaysiz?
I work in а company - Kompaniyada ishlayman
I work in а bank - Bankda ishlayman
I work at school - Maktabda ishlayman
Where do you study? – Qayerda o’qiysiz?
I study at а university - Men universitetda о'qiyman
I study at а technical соllegе - Men kollejda о'qiyman
I'm а housewife - Men uy bekasiman

Suhbat uchun odatiy iboralar (davomi)
🎯 Afsuski Ruscha gapira olmayman

— Sorry but I can not speak Russian

🎯 Ozgina bilaman

— Know a little

🎯 Ozgina tushunaman

— I understand a little bit

🎯 Nima dedingiz?

— What did you say?

🎯 Yozib bering, iltimos

— Write, please

🎯 Qaytarib yuboring, iltimos

— Repeat, please

🎯 Iltimos, yordam bera olasizmi?

— Please, can you help?

🎯 Tarjima qilib bering, iltimos

— Translate, please

🎯 Yozib bering, iltimos

— Write, please

🎯 Bizga tarjimon kerak

— We need a translator

🎯 Sabr qilganingiz uchun rahmat

— Thank you for your patience

🎯 Meni diqqat bilan tinglaganingiz uchun rahmat

— Thank you for listening to me attentively

🎯 Kattakon rahmat, menga juda ham katta yordam berdingiz

— Thank you very much, you helped me a lot

Suhbat uchun odatiy iboralar
🎯 Siz meni tushunayapsizmi?

— Do you understand me?

🎯 Men sizni tushundim

— I understand you

🎯 Men sizni tushunmadim

— I did not understand you

🎯 Nima xizmat?

— How can I help?

🎯Kimni qidirayapsiz?

— Who are you looking for?

🎯 Nima qidirayapsiz?

— What are you looking for?

🎯Kimdan savol so'rasam bo'ladi?

— Who can I ask?

🎯 Menejerni qayerdan topsam bo‘ladi?

— Where can I find the manager?

🎯 Nima bo'ldi?

— What has happened?

🎯 Biror kor-xol yuz berdimi?

— Has something happened?

🎯Nimani nazarda tutayapsiz?

— What do you mean?

🎯Iltimos, asta sekin gapiring

— Please speak more quietly

🎯O‘zbekcha tushunasizmi?

— Do you understand Uzbek?

🎯 O‘zbekcha gapira olasizmi?

— Can you speak Uzbek?

🎯 Men o‘zbekcha yaxshi gapira olmayman

— I speak bad Uzbek

🎯Men o‘zbekchani yaxshi tushunmayman

— I do not good understand Uzbek

Sabab va oqibat so‘zlari
🎯 Consequently- Natijada
🎯 As a result- Natijasida
🎯 Thus- Shu sababli
🎯 Hence - shundan so'ng
🎯 Since- sababli
🎯 Because- chunki
🎯 Therefore- shuning uchun
🎯 Accordingly- muvofiq ravishda
🎯 This suggests that- Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki
🎯 For this reason - shu sababli ham
Getting — be + getting (iboralar)
🎯 It's getting late ! - Kech tushyapti
🎯 It's getting dark ! - Qorong'u bo'lyapti
🎯 It's getting cold ! - Sovuq bo'lyapti
🎯 It's getting old - eskiryapti
🎯 It's getting better- yaxshilanyapti
🎯 Its getting worse - yomonlashyapti
🎯 Its getting worse and worse. Kundan kunga yomonlashyapti
🎯 It's getting crowded in here - odam ko'payyapti
🎯 It's Getting Harder - og'irlashyapti
🎯 It's getting serious - jiddiylashmoqda
🎯 I am getting confused - ikkilanib qoldim
🎯 I am getting better - yaxshilanayapman
🎯 I am getting bald - Sochim to'kilyapti
🎯 I am getting bored - zerikayapman
🎯 I am getting married - uylanyapman
🎯 I am getting ready -tayyorlanayapman
🎯 I am getting stronger- kuchimga kuch qo'shilyapti
P.S. Pastda so‘zlarning o‘qilishi audio shaklda beriladi

Kundalik iboralar
🎯 That's right. - Bu to'g'ri.
🎯 I agree with you. - Sizga qo'shilaman.
🎯 I think so. - Shunday deb o'ylayman.
🎯 I am afraid so. - Qo'rqamanki shunday.
🎯 I am sure of it. - Ishonchim komil.
🎯 I don't agree with you at all. - Men sizga bilan umuman qo'shilmayman.
🎯 Far from it. - Bundan uzoqda
🎯 I don't think so. - Bunday deb o'ylamayman.
🎯 I am afraid you are wrong. - Adashyapsiz deb qo'rqaman
🎯 I am not sure of it. - Ishonchim komil emas.
🎯 I doubt it. - Men shubhalanaman.
1. Are you OK? — Yaxshimisiz?

2. Are you still here? — Haliyam shu yerdamisan?

3. Attention! — Diqqat!

4. Don’t be late, please —Iltimos, kech qolmang

5. Don’t bother me! —Jahlimni chiqarma!
6. Don’t mind it, please —Ahamiyat bermang

7. Exactly so - Aynan shunday

8. Farewell — Alvido

9. Give me a chance — Menga imkoniyat ber

10. Good luck! — Omad!
11. Have a nice a day! — Kuningiz yaxshi o'tsin!

12. Hello! — Salom

13. How are you? - Ishlaring qalay?

14. How’s it going? — Ishlaring yaxshimi?

15. I can’t believe it! — Ishonish qiyin
16. I’m (so) sorry — Kechirasiz

17. You are right — Siz haqsiz

18. I’m sorry, I can’t — Kechirasiz, mening ilojim yo'q

19. It can hardly be so — Bunday bo'lishi mumkin emas

20. It doesn’t matter — Buning ahamiyati yo'q
Foydali 10 ibora
Ingliz tilida eng foydali 100 ibora – Useful 100 phrases in English
1. Did I say it correctly? – To‘g‘ri aytdimmi?
2. What time is it? – Soat necha?
3. This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
4. I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak.
5. Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/Ertaga
6. Can you give me an example?– Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
7. Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting, iltimos.
8. Excuse me! – Kechirasiz! (E’tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
9. I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr.
10. Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapiradimi?
Foydali 10 ibora
1.Have a good holiday! - Bayramni yaxshi o‘tkazing!
2.Have a good time! - Vaqtni maroqli o‘tkazing!
3.Have a good trip! - Oq yo‘l!
4.Take care! - O‘zingizni ehtiyot qiling!
5.Good luck! - Omad!
6.See you (later)! - Keyinroq ko‘rishamiz!
7.See you soon! - Tezda ko‘rishamiz!

8.I need help. - Menga yordam kerak.

9.I am lost - Men yo‘qolib qoldim.
10.I have an emergency - Men favqulotda holatdaman.

Get back = orqaga qaytmoq

What time will you get back?

Get in =ichkariga kirmoq

She’s trying to get in the house.

Get by = o’tmoq,bosib o’tmoq

That truck wants to get by us.

Put on=kiyinmoq

He’s putting on his shoes.

Put off = kechiktirmoq

Don’t put off your homework.

Put down = haqoratlamoq

His wife always puts him down.

Look up = qidirmoq

Look the information up online.

Look at = ko’rmoq

They’re looking at you.

Look out=ehtiyot bo’lmoq

Look out for falling rocks!

Bring up=so’ramoq

Sam brought up a good question.

Bring back = qaytarmoq

I have to bring these books back.

Bring along=ko’tarmoq.
Do up– tugmani o’tkazmoq,

Do up-tamirlamoq

blow up - portlamoq,

Blow up – kattalashtirmoq

💥 in the morning – ertalab;
💥 in the evening – kechqurun;
💥 in the day – kunduzi;
💥 in the afternoon – kunduzi;
💥 at night – tunda;
💥 at dawn – tongda;
💥 before dawn – tongdan oldin;
💥 after sunset – shomdan keyin;
💥 from morning to night – ertalabdan kechgacha;
💥 early in the morning - sahar tongda;
💥 all through the day – kun boʻyi;
💥 day after day – kundan kunga;
💥 day and night – kun-u-tun;

Kunlik muloqot so'zlari
🎯 May I ask you a question? – Savol bersam maylimi?
🎯 Say it again, please – Iltimos, qaytarvoring
🎯 That's where the trouble lies – Mana gap nimada
🎯 What do you mean by saying it? – Bu bilan nima demoqchisiz?
🎯 What is the matter? – Nima bo’ldi?
🎯 Where were we? – Qayerda to’xtagandik?
🎯 You were saying? – Biror narsa dedingizmi?
🎯 Please, call for help! - Iltimos yordamga chaqiring!
🎯 Call the police! - Politsiyani chaqiring!
🎯 Call for a doctor! - Doktorni chaqiring!

You are right - Siz haqsiz

🎯 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
🎯 Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
🎯 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
🎯 Go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
🎯 I don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yo‘q
🎯 I have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
🎯 I mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
🎯 I wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
🎯 It doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
🎯 It doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yo‘q
🎯 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
🎯 Never mind - Hechqisi yo'q
🎯 No way - Hech qanaqasiga
Yes - Ha

🎯 No - Yo'q

🎯 Thank you - Rahmat

🎯 Thank you very much - Katta rahmat

🎯 You are welcome - Arzimaydi

🎯 Please - Iltimos (orMarhamat qilib)

🎯 Excuse me - Kechirasiz

🎯 Good - Yaxshi (or Soz)

🎯 Very good - Juda yaxshi (or Juda soz)

🎯 Not good - Yaxshi emas

🎯 Bad - Yomon

🎯 Very bad - Juda yomon

🎯 Not bad - Yomon emas

🎯 Very - Juda (or Ko'p)

🎯 Very much- Juda ko'p

🎯 Little - Oz

🎯 Very little - Juda oz

🎯 Much/Many - Juda

🎯 O.K - Bo'pti (or Xo'p)

🎯 Certainly - Albatta

🎯 Maybe - Ehtimol

🎯 That's right - To'g'ri

🎯 Not right - Noto'g'ri

🎯 With pleasure - Bajonidil

🎯 Help - Yordam (or Madad)

🎯 I apologize - Uzr

🎯 I am sorry - Kechirasiz (or Uzr)

🎯 Possible - Mumkin

🎯 Impossible - Mumkin emas

🎯 Sir/Mr. - Janob

🎯 Lady/Mrs. - Xonim

🎯 I know - Bilaman

🎯 I don't know - Bilmayman

🎯 I understand - Tushunaman

🎯 I don't understand - Tushunmayman

🎯 I want (it) - Istayman (or Xohlayman)

🎯 I don't want (it) - Istamayman

🎯 (or Xohlamayman)

🎯 Please repeat - Marhamat qilib takrorlang

🎯 Please speak slowly - Marhamat qilib sekinroq so'zlang

Kundalik so‘zlar

1. What is it to you? - Senga nima?

2. What's the use of? - Nega? / Nima qizig'i bor?

3. What if I refuse? - Agar rad etsamchi?

4. What is going on (here)? - (Bu yerda) Nima bo'lyapdi?

5. Are you kidding? – Hazillashayapsanmi?

6. Why worry him? - Uni bezovta qilishning nima keragi bor?

6. Coming along? - Kelayapsanmi?

7. Make yourself clear. – Aniqroq gapiring.

8. So what? - Nima qilibdi? Xo'sh, nima bo'libdi (bo'pti)?

9. Surely you can see that. - Nahotki buni tushunmayotgan bo'lsang?

10. Get it? - Tushundingmi?

11. No fooling? - Rostdanmi? / Aldamayapsanmi?

12. So what's the hitch? - Xo'sh baxonang nima?

13. Are you nuts? - Sen g'alatimasmisan?

14. Can you manage it? - Eplay olasanmi?

15. How's that? - Buni qanday tushuntirish mumkin?

16. Is that where you were? - Ha, bu yerda ekansizku?

17. Why is it ...? - Nega bu ..,?

18. Are you out of your mind? - Esing joyidami

Daily Expressions - Har kunlik iboralar
🎯 What time is it?

Soat necha bo'ldi?

🎯 It's 3 o'clock

Soat 3
🎯 Give me this!

Buni menga bering
🎯 Are you sure?


🎯 Take this! (when giving something)

🎯 It's freezing (weather)

Juda sovuq
🎯 It's cold (weather)

🎯 It's hot (weather)

🎯 Do you like it?

Senga Yoqadimi?

🎯 I really like it!

Menga yoqadi!

🎯 I'm hungry

Qornim och

🎯 I'm thirsty


🎯 He is funny

U kulguli

🎯 In The Morning

🎯 In the evening

🎯 At Night

🎯 Hurry up!

Tez bo'l
🎯 Dear Davron

Hurmatli Davron

🎯 My trip was very nice

Safarim yaxshi o'tdi

🎯 The culture and people were very interesting

Bu yerning madaniyati va odamlari qiziqarli edi

🎯 I had a good time with you

Sen bilan vaqtimni yaxshi o'tkazdim

🎯 I would love to visit your country again

Mamlakatingizga mamnuniyat bilan yana kelaman

🎯 Don't forget to write me back from time to time

Vaqti-vaqti bilan menga yozishni unutma

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