6. Biz yashaydigan yerdagi doimo muntazam boradigan yerlarimiz masalan bank, pochta, shahar
sartaroshxona shunga o’xshash joylarga biz the artiklni ishlatamiz. Sababi tinglovchi/o’quvchi
ongida biz doim boradigan joy ma’lum, shaxarda mingda sartaroshxona bo’lshi mumkin lekin biz
doimo boradigan sartaroshxona aniq bitta sartaroshxona. Sizlarga bir nechta misol keltiraman bu
joylar doim the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: the bank, the library, the grocery store, the post office, the
doctor, the dentist the(corner) store, the pharmacy, the gas station, the office, the gym, the hospital,
the hairdresser, the nail salon, the barber… etc
She usually goes to the gym after work – U odatda ishdan so’ng sport zalga boradi.
You should go to the dentist more often – Siz tish do’xtirga tez tez borishiz kerak(katta shaxarda
yashasangiz minglab banklar, sartaroshxona, tish shifokori bo’lshi mumkin ammo barbir the
ishlatamiz sababi siz tinglayotgan odam biladi siz aniq bir joyni siz doimo boradigan joyni
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