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Amir Temur
Amir Temur was born in 8th April 1336 in Hodja Ilgor village (Yakkabag) near Kesh (Shahrisabz). His father emir Muhammad Taragaj was from notable family of a Turkic sort barlas. He was the influential person and had the big authority in Movarounnahr. His ancestors took a worthy place in the ranks of Chigatay ulus palace elite and made up their family tree from legendary turkis marshal Alan – Kuva, and their possessions were around Kesh and Nefes. Temur’s father emir Taragay constantly participated in kurultyas of chugatay beks, convened by the ulus khan on coast of the river Il.

In 1355 he marries the daughter of emir Dzhaku – of Turmush aga barlas. The Supreme emir of Mivarounnahr Kazagan, having convinced of advantages of Amir Temur., in the same year has given him his grand daughter Uldzhaj Turkan aga as wife. Due to this marriage there was a union of Amir Temur with emir Husajnom, grandson of Kazagana. They together opposed Mongols. In 1356 A. Temur had two sons – Djahangri and Omar Shajh.

The economic situation in Movarounnahr at the end of 13th – first half of 14th century worsened from day to day. Khan of Mongolia Togluk Temur who without resistance in 1360 has reached up to Kashkadarya has taken advantage of it. Amir Temur has arrived to him for service. But when Togluk Temur has appointed as the governor of Movarounnahr his son Iljas Hodzha, Amir Temur has not wished to serve this prince and having agreed with governor Balh emir Husejnom Amir Temur has entered persistent struggle against Mongols. 

At that time Samarkand was dominated by sarbadors – "hunged men", who were also struggling against Mongols. The name of this national movement has arisen from slogans of its participants «Struggle for freedom, or a head on the gallows». In 1370 Amir Temur on kurultay in Balh has been proclaimed by the Supreme as emir of Turan. 

And the marriage with daughter of Chingizs Saray Mulk Hanum allowed Amir Temur to add to his name a honorable title "kuragan", i.e. « the son-in-law of khan ».
The primary objective of Amir Temur became overcoming dissociation and association of separate possession into a uniform state. As a Capital of this state he has chosen Samarkand where has urgently started erection of city defensive walls, citadels and a palace. He has put in pawn a new Samarkand, near to ruins of ancient capital of Sogdiana (modern Afrasiab).

Having united and subordinated the lands between Amu Darya and Syr-Darya, and also Fergana and Shash viloyat, Amir Temur began aggressive campaigns. 

For 35 years had lasted board of A.Temur (1370 - 1405) in Central Asia. He has created enormous empire from Indus and Ganges up to Syr-Darya and Zarafshan, from Tien-Shan up to Bosporus, he had lead the most part of his life in campaigns.

During the campaign to China, in 1405 Amir Temur died in Ortrar.

During the life time of Amir Temur a special composition about the government known under the name «Temur Code» has been written. It is a valuable historical source of the Middle Ages, consisting of two parts. In it there is a biography of Temur and the events connected to his life, sights of this outstanding statesman and the commander on military art, the methods and management of the country are stated. It is the valuable code of laws from which it is visible on the basis of what Amir Temur has created the centralized, controlled mighty state.

Having created huge power, Amir Temur prepared conditions for economic and cultural development of the country. Century traditions of the last epoch revive in a new historical context. As Movarounnahr becomes the center of trade, economy and culture of Near and Middle East. Such ancient cities as Samarkand, Kesh, Bukhara, Termez, Tashkent, Merv, etc., which were destroyed by hordes of Chingizhan began to equip with modern conveniences. Majestic buildings of mosques, madrasah , the mausoleums, a caravan – sheds and bath houses were under construction. Became usual, that each victory or event were immortalized in architecture. In building activity Amir Temur pursued a certain political aim– the constructions erected by him were to show force, power and greatness of his empire.

During years of his board Amir Temur has put an end to feudal dissociation, has established trading - diplomatic relations with the largest kingdoms of Europe – France, England, Castile. Unfortunately, after death of Amir Temur trading - diplomatic relations with the Western Europe, incorporated by him have no further developed. 
The history puts Amir Temur in same line with such greatest commanders, as Alexander the Great, Dari 1, Yuriy Caesar.

Being an Uzbek, a citizen of the heavenly country with a rich ancient history, hospitable   people and unforgettable natural     beauties gives me a great pride. The reason for this honour roots back to many facts that cannot be outlined with limited words. However, in the following paragraphs I will try to elaborate some of my motives that swell a sense of civic pride.   

The    history   of    Uzbekistan   is     very rich.  Over the   years,   Uzbekistan was    a superpower   and   put   great   emphasis on science and    education, being a home for many breakthroughs and civilizations.  The  most  eminent   scientists     such as   Abu  Ali  Ibn  Sino,  Abu  Rayhon   Beruniy, Al  Xorazmiy   were our ancestors.  As  well  as  this,  one  of  the  greatest  poets   in  the  world    Alisher  Navoi     whose    poems    had     great   influence    even  on   other    east  countries`  literature was also from  Uzbekistan.  Another example is  the   king  of   the  largest   and    most   baronial   country-Amir  Temur was   born in this holy land.  There  are    innumerable     ancient     places  that   serve    as  the   evidence   of  our   rich  history,  that  are  always   crowded   by  tourists.   This is one of the reasons why I am so proud of my homeland.  

With regard   to   present Uzbekistan, it     hasn’t been so far to achieve    its independence   that   didn`t   come   down    from  the  skies    as  a  gift. For  our  people,   the   independence,   won  over   the  during   scores  of  tests  and   difficulties,   is a  foundation   of  current     happy  days.       Although    Uzbekistan     was    considered   as    undeveloped    country    in   the   first years   of its  independence  but    it, however,   has started to   flourish     in  the   spheres of economy,  transportation  and  education  at high paces.  As  a  result   of    the     consistent     realization     of  the  Uzbek    Model  of    development,  worked  out  by     the  first  President  of  my    country- Islam  Karimov,   the   national   economy  has  grown    more  than  3.5  times. One typical    example   of   a great   development of my native land   is that     it      has begun   to    manufacture    high-tech products ranging from automobiles to consumer durables, diversifying its economy not to be dependent on only agriculture in particular, cotton cultivation within merely 20 years of independency.  As   well  as  this,   Uzbek    automobiles,  clothes  and   other   products    are   prevalent  in  the   world   trade.   The   developing    of    economy   in  the  country   cause   to   a  proportional      increase  of    locals’ living    standards .   It is  another  sign  of  a  great    potential   of   my  fatherland. 

       In a nutshell,   we  live  in   such    a wonderful   country  and therefore   we  should be grateful to  be  born     here   and   endeavor  to  bring   as  much   as  possible   benefit   to  this holy land.        

In their black suits and thin black ties, John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson are instantly recognizable as the stars of Pulp Fiction. Yet here, at the entrance to the Buka Gym in Tashkent, their outstretched arms proffer not pistols, but jump ropes: a boxer’s basic tool.

Today boxing is one of Uzbekistan’s most popular sports. Originally brought to the country after World War I by an American stuck in the Soviet Union, it has never before been the source of so much pride in the Central Asian nation. And for the country’s top contenders, Buka is the place to be.

Resting in a corner after his training is Fazliddin Gaibnazarov, the 28-year-old light welterweight who won gold at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Now working the professional circuit in California, he was home recently preparing for a tournament in neighboring Kazakhstan.

“Uzbeks have fighting in their blood. In the end, we are the descendants of Amir Timur [the 14th century conqueror known in the West as Tamerlane]. And we have a strong history of boxing in Uzbekistan,” Gaibnazarov told Eurasianet shortly before Tashkent went into lockdown to fight coronavirus.

“Boxing can teach you a lot in life, especially when you’re a man. It teaches you how to act towards people, to make friends.”

Uzbekistan became an undisputed leader in the discipline after the national boxing team won seven medals, including three golds, in Rio. Beating traditional boxing powerhouse Cuba elicited a wave of patriotism.

Four years previously, in London, the team took 16th place, with only one bronze medal. The victory in Rio, therefore, might seem a fluke. But, as Murodjon Mamadaliev, general secretary of the Uzbek Boxing Federation, explains, the successes are built on reforms after London, when most of the federation’s staff were replaced.

“Six months before the 2016 Olympic games in Rio we sent our boxers to Cuba. They had to feel the Cuban experience in the ring. Sometimes, boxers are intimidated by their opponents, especially the Cubans. They had to break this psychological barrier. They were there for two weeks and they finally believed that they could start winning,” Mamadaliev told Eurasianet.

But becoming a champion is the easy part, Mamadaliev says; holding the title is the challenge. The federation has received increasing state support since Shavkat Mirziyoyev became president in 2016. Private donors like the founder of the Buka Gym, whose Buka line of clothing is worn by the national boxing team, are also stepping up. 

It might surprise fans today, but these successes are part of a tradition dating back 100 years to a New Yorker with a sore thumb.

Sidney Jackson was born to a poor Jewish family in the Bronx in 1886. A professional boxer by the age of 18, he was traveling in the UK with the U.S. boxing team in 1914 when he broke his thumb in Glasgow. Unable to fight, he decided to travel Europe. Drawn "by the ad man's promise of Polar bears roaming Russian streets,” he set off for Arkhangelsk, wrote Jim Riordan in the Journal of Sport History in 1993. 

Unimpressed with Arkhangelsk, and having seen no bears, he moved on to Moscow where he learned that war had begun. The U.S. consulate advised that the only way to return to the States was across Afghanistan and the Arabian Sea, but by the time Jackson got to Tashkent he had run out of money.  

He worked as a tailor to make ends meet, falling in with a small group of exiled Europeans. When the civil war reached Central Asia, he fought against the Whites on the Caspian Front and helped interrogate British POWs. In early 1921, Jackson returned to Tashkent and began organizing sports classes for kids, including boxing. He traveled around the city on his bicycle looking for recruits, his daughter told Eurasianet. At first, Uzbeks were not keen on this American with his unknown exercises. The idea of boys fighting with their fists did not instantly appeal.

Sidney Jackson in Tashkent (Jewish.ru)

But he managed to gain trust and founded the first boxing club in the new Soviet Union. “There was no equipment. The students sewed their gloves themselves. They would find sticks, place them in four corners, tie them with ship ropes and make a ring,” explained Jackson’s daughter, Paina Jackson-Katz, now 86 and living in Tashkent.

Jackson lived the rest of his life in Uzbekistan, turning down a chance to return to the States. Before his death in 1966, he trained a number of boxing champions, including 1976 Olympic silver medalist Rufat Riskiyev. Other "Jacksonovtsy" became successful doctors, writers and engineers.

“Jackson showed that fighting is an art, that there are rules, that you can do it in a humane way. Our trainers always tell the boxers: box, don’t fight. Boxing is an art. It’s not the arms but the mind that is working,” said Mamadaliev, the Boxing Federation chief.  

Of boxing, Jackson once told his daughter that “in war you have two generals in a confined space. When the space is large, it is easy to work out tactics. But in a small space, it’s harder. So first of all the boxer has to use his head,” recalled Jackson-Katz, who grew up next to the ring.  

Asked why boxing is enjoying such renewed interest in Uzbekistan, Jackson-Katz has no doubt that it is her father’s legacy bearing fruit.

“Why does a beautiful tree grow? Because it has strong roots,” she said.

Gaining the independence by Uzbekistan enabled to restore historical justice, the names of our great ancestors and their rich heritage. Sahibkiran Amir Temur - a symbol of bravery, courage and wisdom, the Uzbek people’s national pride toke a special place in it.

Amir Temur’s star through many centuries is shining for today’s generations, who left an indelible mark on world history. His life is an example for the young people of our country, who want to be its worthy successors.

The outstanding military leader and political strategist built a powerful centralized state in the Mawarannahr (Land Beyond the River), based on the rule of law and respect for traditions. Being wise politician with broad horizon and subtle analytical mind, Amir Temur went down in history primarily as the creator. He surrounded himself with the best of science and culture, skilled architects, builders and artists, whose beautiful works were an indicator of the power of the state. He built the magnificent monuments which still cause an infinite pride in our compatriots, foreign visitors’ great interest and admiration.

Sahibkiran actively engaged in legislative activity. The work entitled “The Code of Timur” outlined his vision of the most effective state system and the country governing fundamental principles. Leafing through the pages of the treatise, it is impossible not to admire Amir Temur’s personal qualities and strong-willed character. Here are some of his statements: “My word was matched by my action and I never showed no one callousness, I did not show the severity in any case, so as not to undergo anger. With friends and foes treated courteously ... If someone from friends or foes came to me with a request, I spoke with friends that their friendship increased even more, and the enemies I had the attitude that their feud turned into a friendship”. The famous phrase: “One enterprising, courageous, brave, resolute and wise man is better than a thousand lazy and weak-willed. Thus one experienced better controls than thousands of people” is also in the “Code.

Our great ancestor’s noble principles, underlying on the basis of a powerful state, a just society, strengthening generosity and kindness atmosphere, population’s welfare, today have become the main criterion of modern Uzbekistan’s social and economic life.

On the initiative of President Islam Karimov, 1996 was widely celebrated the 660th anniversary of Amir Temur. The year has been named after him in the country. International conferences and exhibitions were organized under the auspices of UNESCO. Monuments to Amir Temur were built in Tashkent, Samarkand and Shakhrisabz. A lot of streets, parks and other geographic features are named after him in our country. “The Code of Timur” was restored and reprinted several times as a unique source of study of national statehood history. On the eve of the 675th anniversary of Amir Temur, an updated edition of the book with a preface by the President of Uzbekistan was published.

Along with these, Amir Timur Museum was opened in the capital Tashkent, which is the inexhaustible fount of spirituality, keeper of ancient relics and real masterpieces of art with great historical value. Its funds are stored unique items, including manuscripts, letters, coins, ceramics, bronze and copper products, decorative patterns, manuscripts, ethnographic objects, silver jewelry, and many others. Numerous exhibitions, dedicated to the epoch of the Timurids, have been held during the museum’s existence. Such significant exposure as “Samarkand-2750”, “Gifts”, “The life of Amir Temur”, “Timurids renaissance era”, “Shohruh - a monument to the creative activity of the Timurids” are among them. They tell us about the various aspects of multifaceted and creative activity of the great statesman that could serve as a vivid illustration for the young generation’s moral education in the spirit of independence, awaken national consciousness, exploring the rich traditions of the people, ancient values, respectful and careful attitude to ancestors’ invaluable heritage.

The fact that the Order called after the name of Amir Temur is also of particular attention, which is symbolizing his descendants for independence and justice, national pride, and selfless devotion to the Motherland. It took a special place in a number of high state awards, established in our country in the years of independence. It is awarded to citizens of Uzbekistan for great merits in strengthening of statehood, development of military affairs, as well as persons who are not citizens of our country, but who have made great contribution to the strengthening of international cooperation, peace and friendship between peoples. In addition, in some cases, it may become owners of enterprises, institutions, organizations, public associations, creative teams and military units, as well as administrative-territorial units of the republic.

Order “Amir Temur” is an eight-pointed star with dihedral rays. The majestic figure of Amir Temur, seated on a horse, is in its center. You should also pay attention to the inscription around the image: “Strength in justice”. This principle is the basis of our state’s modern domestic and foreign policy. The Order will remain for us a source of strength to achieve the noble goals, symbol of freedom, respect and reverence for the outstanding ancestors.

The merits of Amir Temur adequately assess not only by our country’s residents, but the entire enlightened world celebrates these days of his 680th anniversary. The life and work of one of the greatest personalities in the history of mankind, “the Savior of Europe”, as he is called in some European chronicles, attracted the attention of more and more researchers, artists and culture outside of Uzbekistan. Research-scientists of Temurids are conducting in more than 50 countries around the world. More than 900 papers in the European and more than a thousand in Oriental languages are published about Amir Temur. The archives and libraries of Venice, Spain, France, Great Britain have kept written records of the diplomatic correspondence of the outstanding statesman and his successors with many countries of the world.

Thus, the priceless heritage of Amir Temur is a source of strength and energy courageous, hardworking Uzbek people for the building of state with a great future. Conducted reforms on human exaltation, respect the principles of justice in all spheres and tangible results are its clear proof.

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