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Low weight molecular heparine (Enoxaparinum) in arterial surgical

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Low weight molecular heparine (Enoxaparinum) in arterial surgical
reconstruction postoperative treatment
Efremova S., Kostov I., Kostova N.
Surgical Clinic “St. Naum Ohridski”, Special City hospital – Skopje
Reconstructive vascular procedures are related with high risk of deep venous thrombosis and tromboembol-
ic accidents.
The purpose of this study is the evaluation of low weight molecular heparin (enoxaparinum) application in
trimboprofilaction of arterial surgical reconstruction on peripheral blood vessels. In the last 18-month we treated 16
patients (10 male, 6 female, age of 46-78 years), divided in two groups: I. 11 patients with femoropopliteal by-pass
and II. 5 patients with femorodistal by-pass. After routine clinical and laboratory tests all patients were examinated
by CW Doppler sonography, Color Duplex scan, and angiography (DSA). After surgical procedure and 8 hours after
application of unfractionated heparin the patients were treated with enoxaparinum 2 X 2000 i.e. during the next 10
days with regular control of coagulant factors. In first 30 days we confirmed graft patency by Duplex ultrasonography.
In two cases, one with femoropopliteal and another with femorodistal by-pass we found perimaleolar edema (7.9 day)
in motion period without no evidence of deep venous thrombosis. In the following period we didn’t found deep
venous thrombosis of graft thrombosis.
Conclusion: Low weight molecular heparin is efficient in postoperative treatment of vascular reconstruction
for tromboprofilaction and graft protection. 
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 113 (2007)
PP - 45

Antiepileptic drugs and seizure agravation 
in idiopathic generalizes epilepsies
G. Kiteva-Trencevska
Clinic of neurology, Clinical Centre-Skopje, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Paradoxicaly, antiepileptic drugs (AED) could cause seizure aggravation. That means worsened seizure con-
trol with the use of certain AED, with increased seizure frequency and even appearance of new seizure types, not
manifested previously. There are reports of seizure aggravation and pseudointractability in idiopathic generalized
epilepsies (IGE) due to the use of certain AED efficacious for seizure control in some focal epilepsies. Proper use
of AED in IGE leads to seizure control. Some AED have multiple and even unknowen mechanism of action and for
their proper use classification of epilepsies as either focal or generalized, idiopathic or symptomatic is a fundamen-
tal part of the diagnosis and management of seizures and epilepsies. 
The aim is to show the seizure aggravation in IGE, concerning the seizure and epilepsy classification and
AED selection as drugs for seizure control.
Material and methods: One hundred patients with IGE were analyzed. The age range was 14-74 years, 42
males and 58 females.The patients were analyzed clinically, with EEG, wake-sleep EEG after sleep deprivation and
imaging (brain CT and MRI). 
Results: 43 patients had juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME), 12 juvenile apsence epilepsy (JAE), 2 noncon-
vulsive absence status epilepticus, 12 generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) on awakening, 31 GTCS. 24 patients,
2 of them pregnant had on referral misdiagnosis as focal epilepsies, used misappropriate AEDs and had seizure aggra-
vation. CBZ monotherapy, and polypharmacotherapy of CBZ and Pb, CBZ and PHY were AEDs causing seizure
aggravation in these IGE. VPA introduction and VPA monotherapy in most patients or in combination with TPM,
LTG, CNZ and Pb resulted in improvement and seizure control in the follow-up period of 1 to 11 years.
Conclusion: Seizure and epilepsy classification as focal or generalized, symptomatic or idiopathic is neces-
sary for proper AED selection. CBZ monotherapy or in combination with PHY or Pb, despite useful for seizure con-
trol of focal seizures and focal epilepsies caused seizure aggravation in IGE. Proper selection of AED could prevent
seizure aggravation thus reducing epilepsy morbidity and mortality.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 114-115 (2007)
PP - 46

Antiepilepti~ni lekovi i vlo{uvawe na napadi 
kaj idiopatski generalizirani epilepsii
G. Kiteva-Tren~evska
Klinika za nevrologija, Klini~ki centar-Skopje, Skopje, R. Makedonija
Antiepilepti~nite lekovi (AEL), paradoksalno, mo`at da predizvikaat vlo{uvawe na napadite.
Toa zna~i vlo{ena kontrola na napadite od odredeni AEL, so zgolemena frekfencija na napadite, duri
i so pojava na novi tipovi na napadi, prethodno nemanifestirani. Postojat izvestuvawa za vlo{uvawa na
napadite i pseudorefrakternost kaj idiopatski generalizirani epilepsii (IGE) pri upotreba na odredeni
AEL koi se efikasni za kontrola na nekoi fokalni epilepsii. Pravilna upotreba na AEL kaj IGE dove-
duva do kontrola na napadite. Nekoi AEL imaat multipli, duri i nepoznati mehanizmi na dejstvo i za
nivna pravilna upotreba, klasifikacijata na epilepsiite kako fokalni ili generalizirani, idiopats-
ki ili simptomatski e neophoden del vo dijagnozata i terapijata na napadite i epilepsiite.
Cel:  Cel na prezentacijata e da se poka`e vlo{uvaweto na napdite od AEL kaj IGE, vo odnos na
klasifijacijata na napadite i epilepsiite i selekcijata na AEL.
Materijal i metodi:  Analizirani se sto pacienti so IGE, na vozrast od 14 do 74 god, 42 od ma{ki
i 58 od `enski pol. Pacientite se analizirani klini~ki, so funkcionalni metodi- EEG, EEG vo budnost
i spiewe po deprivacija na spiewe i so morfolo{ki tehniki KT i NMR na mozok.
Rezultati:  43 pacienti imaa juvenilna miokloni~na epilepsija (JME), 12 juvenilna apsans epilep-
sija (JAE), 2 nekonvulziven, apsansen epilepti~en status, 12 generalizirani toni~no-kloni~ni napadi
(GTKN) pri budewe, 31 GTKN. 24 pacienti, 2 od niv bremeni imaa nepravilna dijagnoza na fokalni epilep-
sii, koristea nesoodvetni AEL i imaa vlo{uvawe na napadite od AEL. Monoterapija so karbamazepin
(KBZ) i polifarmakoterapija na KBZ i fenobarbiton, KBZ i fenitoin bea AEL koi predizvikuvaa
vlo{uvawe na napadite kaj ovie IGE. Voveduvawe na valproat (VPA) i monoterapija so VPA kaj pove}eto
pacienti ili kombinacija na VPA so topiramat, ili lamotrigin, ili klonazepam ili fenobarbiton rezul-
tira{e so podobruvawe i kontrola na napadite vo period na sledewe od 1 do 11 godini.
Zaklu~ok:  Za pravilna selekcija na AEL neophodna e klasifikacija na napadite i epilepsiite
na fokalni i generalizirani, na idiopatski i simptomatski. Monoterapijata so KBZ ili KBZ vo kombi-
nacija so fenitoin ili fenobarbiton, iako korisna vo kontrolata na fokalnite napadi i fokalnite
epilepsii, predizvika vlo{uvawe na napadite kaj IGE. Pravilnata selekcija na AEL mo`e da go preveni-
ra vlo{uvaweto na napadite i da go reducira morbiditetot i mortalitetot kaj epilepsiite.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 114-115 (2007)
PP - 46

Slow-releasing methylprednisolone in the treatment of experimentally
induced pulpitis in rats; histological response
E. Mirceva
, K. Mladenovska
, T. Ristoski
, L. Popovska
Faculty of dentistry, 
Faculty of Pharmacy, 
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodious” Skopje, Macedonia
Caries that penetrate though the tooth structures, repeated dental procedures or tooth trauma are the main
causes for occurrence of inflammation of the dental pulp, which is usually associated with a bacterial infection. When
the pulp becomes inflamed pressure begins to build up in the pulp cavity exerting pressure on the nerve of the tooth and
the surrounding tissues, causing mild to extreme pain, depending upon the severity of the inflammation. Inflammation
in the tooth provides a difficult environment for reducing the inflammation in the pulp cavity. The pulp cavity inher-
ently provides the body with an immune system response challenge, which makes it very unlikely that the bacterial
infection can be eliminated. The pain will usually stop once the pulp has died, however the infection can spread to
the ancillary anatomy. In irreversible pulpitis in which usually pulp necrosis follows, the tooth may be endodontically
treated where the pulp is removed and is replaced by root canal filling and gutta percha. An alternative is the tooth
The aim of the work was to study the effect of the slow-releasing methylprednisolone on experimentally
induced pulpitis in rats after supraperiosteal infiltration in bucalle vestibule. Histological and histometrical response
was followed within 7 days in comparison with the control group of rats in which sterile saline was administered by
the same pathway.
Male Wistar rats (230-250 g, 12-15 weeks old), housed in air-conditioned room at 22±5oC, 55±5% humidity,
12 h light/dark cycles and maintained on a normal diet were used in this study. The rats were randomly divided in two
groups (n=12 for each of the groups), one (I) receiving 0.5 ml of slow-release methylprednisolone (20 mg) and to the
second group (II), marked as a control group, 0.5 ml sterile saline was administered by supraperiostal injection. All ani-
mals were anesthetized with ether and the pulpal tissue in both maxillary molars was exposed using round bur. The rats
were sacrificed the 1
, 3
, 5
and the 7
day of drug administration and block sections of maxillary molars were
processed for histological examination. The teeth with the surrounded alveolar bone were fixed for 24 h in 10% (m/m)
of neutral formalin, than for 48 h in osteomol for tissue to be decalcificated and processed further with standard paraf-
fin technique. Paraffin sections (3-5 
µm width) were coloured with haematoxylin/eosin. The histological response was
determined according to the tissue disorganization, inflammatory cells infiltration and bacterial penetration.
Considering the control group, hyperaemia in the coronary part of the pulp with mild inflammatory cells
infiltration in apical part was observed within 48 hours. For the same period well-preserved odontoblastic layer was
observed in the group treated with slow-release methylprednisolone. Besides vascular dilatation, no other changes
pointing to infection were observed. When histological sections analyzed 72 h after the pulp exposition in the con-
trol group, partially pulp necrosis occurred and disappearance of odontoblastic layer was observed. In the rest of the
pulp inflammatory changes were observed indicating irreversible pulpitis, but inflammation was not detected in the
periapical tissue. When histological sections in the investigated group were analyzed in the same period of time,
milder inflammatory response with polymorphonuclar leucocytes and preserved odontoblastic layer was observed.
Up to the 7
day, pulp inflammation progressed to pulp necrosis in the control group (II) and the pulp tissue disap-
peared. In the periapical tissue dense inflammation infiltrate was observed with polymorphonuclear cells and tenden-
cy for abscess formation. Considering the investigated group (I), odontoblastic layer was preserved; no alveolar
resorption and no inflammatory changes in periapical tissue were observed.
In conclusion, slow-releasing methylprednisolone may contribute to the successful outcome of the therapy
when administered in traumatic exposed pulp or in vital pulpotomy.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 116-117 (2007)
PP - 47

Efekt na metilprednizolon so prodol`eno osloboduvawe vo 
tretmanot na eksperimentalno predizvikan pulpitis kaj staorci
E. Mir~eva

K. Mladenovska

T. Ristoski

L. Popovska
Stomatolo{ki fakultet;
Farmacevtski fakultet; 
Fakulet za veterinarna medicina, 
Univerzitet ”Sv. Kiril i Metodi” Skopje, Makedonija
Glavni pri~ini za pojava na vospalenie vo dentalnata pulpa koe mo`e da bide pridru`eno so bak-
teriska infekcija se karies koj penetrira preku zabniot imajl i dentinot vo pulpata i/ili dentalni pro-
ceduri (traumi). Koga pulpata e vospalena se sozdava pritisok vrz zabniot nerv i okolnite tkiva koj predi-
zvikuva blaga do intenzivna bolka vo zavisnost od stepenot na vospalenie. Samoto vospalenie ja ote`nuva
sekoja postapaka za otstranuvawe na istoto, a imuniot odgovor naj~esto ne e dovolen za da se eliminira
bakteriskata infekcija. Bolkata voobi~aeno prestanuva posle propa|awe na pulpata, me|utoa, infekci-
jata mo`e da se pro{iri do ancilijarnata regija. Kaj ireverzibilniot pulpitis koj e naj~esto pridru`en
so nekroza, zabot mo`e da bide endodontski tretiran pri {to pulpata se otstranuva i zamenuva so gutta
percha. Alternativen pristap e vadewe na zabot. 
Cel na ispituvaweto e da se sledi efektot na metilprednizolon so prodol`eno osloboduvawe vrz
eksperimentalno predizvikan pulpitis kaj staorci posle supraperiostealna infiltracija vo bucalle
vestibule. Histolo{kiot i histometriskiot odgovor se sledeni vo tekot na 7 dena vo sporedba so kontrol-
na grupa na staorci na koi po ist pat e primenet sterilen fiziolo{ki rastvor. Vo ispituvaweto bea ko-
risteni ma{ki Vistar staorci (230-250 g, vozrast 12-15 nedeli) ~uvani na postojana temperatura od 22±5
vla`nost 55±5%, ciklusi na svetlina/temno 12 ~asa i standardna dieta. Staorcite bea podeleni vo dve
grupi (
n=12); ispituvana grupa tretirana so 0.5 ml metil-prednizolon so prodol`eno osloboduvawe (20 mg)
i kontrolna grupa tretirana so 0.5 ml sterilen fiziolo{ki rastvor kako supraperiostealna inekcija.
Site `ivotni bea anestezirani so eter i pulpnoto tkivo vo dvete maksilarni molari be{e eksponirano
na okruglest bur. Staorcite bea `rtvuvani posle 1, 3, 5 i 7 dena od primenata na lekot i blok-presecite od
maksilarnite molari bea podlo`eni na histolo{ka analiza koja vklu~uva fiksacija na zabite zaedno so
alveolarnata koska 24 ~asa vo 10% (m/m) neutralen formalin, potoa 48 ~asa dekalcifikacija vo osteo-
mol i standardna parafinska tehnika. Histolo{kiot odgovor be{e sleden spored tkivnata dezorgani-
zacija, infiltracijata na vospalitelni kletki i bakteriskata penetracija. 
Posle 48 ~asa kaj kontrolnata grupa be{e zabele`ana hiperemija vo koronarniot region na pul-
pata so infiltracija na vospalitelni kletki od lesen stepen apikalno. Vo istiot period, kaj ispituvana-
ta grupa se zabele`uva za~uvuvawe na odontoblastniot sloj. Osven vaskularna dilatacija, ne se zabele`u-
vaat drugi promeni koi upatuvaat na infekcija. Posle 72 ~asa od ekspozicija na pulpata, kaj kontrolnata
grupa se zabele`uva propa|awe na pulpata i is~eznuvawe na odontoblastniot sloj prosledeno so vospali-
telni promeni vo ostatokot od pulpata, no ne i vo periapikalnoto tkivo. Histolo{kite preseci na ispitu-
vanata grupa vo istiot period upatuvaat na vospalitelen odgovor od umeren stepen prosleden so polimor-
fonuklearni kletki i so~uvan odontoblasten sloj. Do 7-ot den, kaj kontrolnata grupa se zabele`uva {irewe
na vospalenieto do pulpna nekroza i potpolno propa|awe na pulpata. Vo periapikalnoto tkivo se
zabele`uva izrazen vospalitelen infiltrat od polimorfonuklearni leukociti i tendencija za pojava
na apsces. Kaj ispituvanata grupa, odontoblastniot sloj be{e so~uvan i ne se zabele`uva alveolarna resor-
pcija i vospalitelni promeni vo periapikalnoto tkivo. 
Kako zaklu~ok, metilprednizolonot so prodol`eno osloboduvawe mo`e da pridonese kon uspe{-
niot tretman na traumatski eksponirana pulpa ili kaj vitalna pulpotomija.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 116-117 (2007)
PP - 47

Ranitidine versus Omeprazole in NSAID-induced dyspepsia 
in patients with rheumatoid diseases
S. Filkova
, K. Mladenovska
, D. Antova
, K. Goracinova
Hospital pharmacy, Clinical Centre; 
Faculty of Pharmacy and 
Faculty of Medicine, 
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodious”, Skopje, Macedonia
Approximately half of the patients taking NSAIDs report dyspepsia and gastric ulcers, with three to four
times increased risk for upper GI bleeding, perforation, or both. Increased risk of a serious adverse reaction has been
associated with rheumatoid arthritis, while independent risk factors associated with upper GI bleeding include his-
tory of peptic ulcer (with or without complications). It has been also reported that H pylori infection could increase
the risk for developing NSAID-related ulcers. Traditional therapies in this case include proton pump inhibitor class
of medications and H2 antagonists, which can be also used as prophylactic treatment. 
In this study the protective effects of Ranitidine, a H2 antagonist, and Omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor,
in NSAID-induced dyspepsia after 6 months treatment were compared in patients with rheumatoid diseases treated
at the Clinic of Gastroenterohepatology (Medical Centre, Skopje, Macedonia). For this requirement, all the patients
were previously submitted to H. pylori eradication using a standard triple treatment consisted of Clarithromycin tbl.
500 mg bid, Amoxicillin caps. 500 tid and Omeprazole caps. 20 mg bid. Eradication and absence of erosions, gas-
tric and duodenal ulcers were endoscopically confirmed. Adult patients of both sexes, age between 35-65 yrs. receiv-
ing Diclofenac sodium tbl. 50 mg tid were divided in three groups: a group I receiving no protection (n=10), group
II receiving Ranitidine tbl. 150 mg bid (n=13) and the third group of patients (III) receiving Omeprazole caps. 20
mg od (n=10). Homogeneous groups of patients were studied in respect to previous GI diseases including erosions,
gastric and duodenal ulcers. One-blind control clinical study was applied in which patients were informed for the
drug used. The status of the GIT was endoscopically determined and the success/failure of the therapy was evaluat-
ed in respect to occurrence of gastric and/or duodenal ulcers or more than 10 gastric or duodenal erosions. Twelve
months after, serologic test for detection of H. pylori was performed in order to determine the re-infection rate. The
data obtained were statistically evaluated using analysis of variance with 95% of confidence interval. 
Considering the data analysis, in the Ist group of patients, erosions, gastric and duodenal ulcers in 60% of
the patients were observed, while in the IInd group treated with Ranitidine and in the IIIrd group treated with
Omeprazole, failure in the therapeutic effect in 38.5% and 30% of the patients, respectively was observed. Percent
of erosions was the lowest in the IInd group (7.7%) and they were equally present in the Ist and the IIIrd group of
patients (10%). Recurrence of gastric ulcers was the lowest in the IIIrd group of patients (20%), then in the IInd
group (23.1%) and the highest in the Ist group of patients (30%). The same was observed considering the duodenal
ulcers (7.7% in the IInd group, 20% in the Ist group and no lesions at all in the IIIrd group). Recurrence of GI lesions
differed depending on the type of lesions before eradication of H. pylori. The treatment failure was higher in patients
with serious lesions in respect to those with mild to moderate lesions. Thus, re-ulceration occurred in 45.8% of the
patients with initial ulcers from all three groups, while reoccurrence of erosions was confirmed in 37.5% of the
patients with initial erosions. The number of recurrent duodenal ulcers was significantly lowered (12.5% vs. 37.5%
before eradication of H. pylori), while the number of gastric ulcers decreased insignificantly (33.3% vs. 37.5%) con-
firming the unequal influence of H. pylori on gastric and duodenal mucous. Statistical analysis showed significant
difference between the groups of patients protected from NSAID-induced dyspepsia and the group of patients receiving
no prophylactic drug indicating higher probability for remission to be maintained when H2 blocker or proton pump
inhibitor is used. Considering the difference in the prophylactic effect between both the treatments, the rate of recur-
rent GI lesions was lower in the patients treated with Omeprazole in respect to the patients treated with Ranitidine,
but without statistical difference.  
In conclusion, both Omeprazole and Ranitidine may protect the GI mucosa from NSAID-induced dyspep-
sia in patients with rheumatoid diseases.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 118-119 (2007)
PP - 48

Ranitidin nasproti Omeprazol vo tretman na dispepsija 
inducirana so NSAIL kaj pacienti so revmatski bolesti
S. Filkova

K. Mladenovska

D. Antova

K. Gora~inova
Klini~ka apteka, Klini~ki Centar; 
Farmacevtski fakultet i 
Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet „Sv. Kiril i Metodij“, Skopje, Makedonija
Kaj najmalku polovina od pacientite koi primaat NSAIL se javuva dispepsija i `eludo~ni ulceri,
so tri do ~etiri pati zgolemen rizik od krvavewa na gorniot segment od GIT i perforacii. Zgolemeniot
rizik se povrzuva so revmatoiden artritis, dodeka za nezavisen rizik faktor se smeta istorija na pepti~en
ulcer (so i bez komplikacii). Poznato e deka i infekcija so H. pylori mo`e da go zgolemi rizikot za razvoj
na ulcer predizvikan so NSAIL. Tradicionalnata terapija vo ovoj slu~aj vklu~uva lekovi od klasata
inhibitori na protonska pumpa i H
antagonisti, koi istovremeno se koristat i kako profilakti~en
tretman. Vo ispituvaweto e sporeduvan protektivniot efekt na Ranitidin, H
antagonist, i Omeprazol,
inhibitor na protonskata pumpa, kaj dispepsija predizvikana so NSAIL posle tretman od 6 meseci kaj
pacienti so revmatoiden artritis tretirani na Klinikata za gastroenterohepatologija (Klini~ki cen-
tar, Skopje, Makedonija). Za taa cel, site pacienti prethodno bea podlo`eni na eradikacija na H. pylori
so primena na standardna trojna terapija sostavena od: Claritromycin tbl. 500mg 2x1, Amoxicillin cap. 500mg 3x1
i Omeprazol cap. 20mg 2x1. Eradikacijata i otsustvo na erozii, gastri~ni i duodenalni ulkusi be{e potvr-
dena endoskopski. Vozrasni pacienti od dvata pola, na vozrast pome|u 35-65 god. na terapija so Diclofenac
natrium tbl. 50mg bea podeleni vo tri grupi: grupa I bez za{tita (n=10), grupa II tretirani so Ranitidin tbl.
150mg 2x1 (n=13) i grupa III tretirani so Omeprazol cap. 20mg 1x1 (n=10). Be{e primeneta ednostruko slepa
kontrolirana metoda vo koja pacientite bea informirani za upotrebeniot lek. Statusot na GIT be{e
endoskopski determiniran i (ne)uspehot od terapijata be{e evaluiran vo pogled na pojava na `eludo~en
i/ili duodenalen ulcer ili pove}e od 10 gastri~ni ili duodenalni erozii. Dvanaeset meseci podocna, bea
sprovedeni serolo{ki testovi so cel da se odredi stapkata na reinfekcija. Dobienite podatoci bea sta-
tisti~ki evaluirani so koristewe na analiza na varijansa so 95% interval na doverba.
Kaj I-ta grupa, kaj 60% od pacientite bea zabele`ani erozii, `eludo~ni i duodenalni ulceri, dode-
ka vo II-ta grupa tretirana so Ranitidin i vo tretata grupa tretirana so Omeprazol be{e zabele`an terapis-
ki neuspeh kaj 38.5% i 30% pacienti, soodvetno. Procentot na erozii be{e najnizok vo II-ta grupa (7.7%)
i podednakvo prisuten vo I-ta i III-ta grupa pacienti (10%). Povtornata pojava na `eludo~ni ulceri be{e
najniska vo III-ta grupa pacienti (20%), potoa vo II-ta grupa (23,1%) a najvisoka vo I-ta grupa pacienti
(30%). Istoto be{e zabele`ano i vo odnos na duodenalnite ulceri (7.7% vo II-ta grupa, 20% vo I-ta grupa
i bez lezii vo III-ta grupa). Neuspeh na tretmanot be{e povisok kaj pacienti so seriozni lezii vo odnos na
onie so umereni lezii. Taka, re-ulceracii se javija kaj 45.8% od pacientite so inicijalni ulceri vo site tri
grupi, dodeka povtorno javuvawe na erozii be{e potvrdeno kaj 37.5% od pacientite so inicijalni erozii.
Brojot na rekurentni duodenalni ulkusi be{e zna~itelno namalen (12.5% vs. 37.5% pred eradikacijata
na H. pylori), dodeka brojot na `eludo~ni ulceri be{e nezna~itelno namalen (33.3% vs. 37.5%) {to go potvrdu-
va razli~noto vlijanie na H. pylori na GI mukoza. Statisti~kata analiza poka`a zna~itelna razlika pome|u
grupite na pacienti za{titeni od dispepsija predizvikana so NSAIL i grupata na pacienti koi ne pri-
male lek za profilaksa, kako i pogolema verojatnost za odr`uvawe na remisija koga se koristat H
tori ili inhibitori na protonska pumpa. [to se odnesuva do razlikata vo profilakti~noto dejstvo pome|u
dvata tretmani, stapkata na rekurentni GIT lezii be{e poniska kaj pacientite tretirani so Omeprazol
vo odnos na pacientite tretirani so Ranitidin, no bez statisti~ko zna~ewe. 
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 118-119 (2007)
PP - 48

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