mashgulot. Tas A the products that I buy: Meat vegetables fruits greens nuts 6 fish

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the products that I buy (Автосохраненный)


Fast food snacks will be ready very quickly. this saves time when you are in a hurry, you don't have to wait long for it to be ready. it is much more convenient to eat on the road. Fast food can be found almost everywhere in the city. Choose fast food and save your time!

Task2. A)


Fruits is considered the best non-acidic fruit and today is perfect for the millennial generation. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, fiber, and tons of antioxidants.You can take them with you by packing them in a small package, and you can take them with you at any time, even when you don't have time to eat in a hurry. When you add fruit to your daily diet rather than fast food, you can improve your health and energy levels, and you can work wonders.So go ahead and get started!

men sotib oladigan oziq ovqat maxsulotlari: 1) go'sht 2) sabzavotlar 3) mevalar 4) ko'katlar 5)yong'oq 6) dengiz maxsulotlari go'sht va baliq maxsulotlari oqsilga boy maxsulotlar xisoblanadi Chunki go‘sht tarkibidagi vitaminlar, oqsil, aminokislotalar tana uchun juda muhim. meva va sabzavotlarning har birining tarkibida hal xil vitaminlar mavjud va ularning har bir inson organizmi uchun juda kerakli xisoblanadi. men yong'oqni yog'ga boy bo'lishiga qaramay juda ham kerakli maxsulot deb bilaman. yong'oq miya faoliyatiga xotirani yaxshilashga yordam beradi. Fast food maxsulitlari juda tez tayyor bo'ladi. shoshib turganda vaqt tejaladi , tayyor bo'lishini uzoq vaqt kutish kerak emas. hamda yo'lda yeb ketishga juda ham qulay. Fast foodlar deyarli shaharning hamma joylarida topishingiz mumkin. Fast food larni tanlang va vaqtingizni tejang! Mevalar eng yaxshi kislotasiz mevalar deb hisoblanadi va bugungi kunda ming yillik avlod uchun juda mos keladi. Ular ko’plab vitaminlar va minerallar, tolalar va tonna antioksidantlarni o'z ichida saqlaydi.Siz ularni mayda paketga solib o'zingiz bilan olib yurishingiz mumkin va istalgan paytda shoshib ovqatlanishga vaqt topa olmagan vaqtingizda ham yoningizdan olib istemol qilishingiz mumkin. Kundalik ratsionga siz fast foodlarni emas balki mevalarni qo’shsangiz, sog’ligingiz va energiya darajangizni oshirishda va siz ajoyib ishlarni amalga oshirishingiz mumkin.Shunday qilib, davom eting va boshlang!

продукты питания, которые я покупаю: 1) Мясо 2) овощи 3) фрукты 4) зелень 5)орехи 6) морепродукты мясо и рыбные продукты-это продукты, богатые белком так как витамины, белок, аминокислоты, содержащиеся в мясе, очень важны для организма. в каждом из фруктов и овощей содержатся разные витамины, и каждый из них считается очень необходимым для организма человека. я считаю грецкие орехи очень желанным продуктом, несмотря на то, что они богаты жиром. грецкие орехи помогают мозговой деятельности улучшить память. Закуски из фаст-фуда будут готовы очень быстро. это экономит время , когда вы спешите, вам не нужно долго ждать, пока он будет готов. это намного удобнее есть в дороге. Фаст-фуд можно найти практически везде в городе. Выбирайте фаст-фуд и экономьте свое время! Фрукты считаются лучшими некислыми фруктами и сегодня идеально подходят для тысячелетнего поколения. Они содержат много витаминов и минералов, клетчатки и тонны антиоксидантов.Вы можете взять их с собой, упаковав в небольшую упаковку, и в любое время вы можете взять их с собой, даже когда у вас нет времени, чтобы поесть в спешке. Когда вы добавляете фрукты в свой ежедневный рацион, а не фаст-фуд, вы можете улучшить свое здоровье и уровень энергии, и вы можете творить чудеса.Так что продолжайте и начните!

4-Mashg’ulot . Task 1

What is Alternative medicine?.

Alternative medicine is a collective name for treatment methods that are United by the fact that they are not studied in medical schools. Most of the different methods and directions of traditional medicine are similar in relation to the person and his diseases. While traditional medicine treats a disease as a local organ problem or organ system, for most alternative medicine, every problem, even a local one, is a problem of the whole person, his body and soul. Alternative medicine treats a person's body, mind, and soul as a whole. Each person's disease is unique, it differs from another person's disease, even if they have the same name in traditional medicine.

6-Mashg’ulot. Task1. City life

Life in the city can be very interesting and developed. currently, the city's industry is very developed. there are many shops, cinemas and theaters in the city center. Public transport is convenient, but the traffic is really heavy. in cities where there is a lot of transport, there is polluted air. cities use many complex products that can be harmful to health. The unemployment rate and cost of living are quite high. A healthy lifestyle is very important to me. I can't stand crowded and noisy streets! But it's also important to protect yourself when you live in a big city.

Жизнь в городе может быть очень интересной и развитой. в настоящее время городская промышленность очень развита. в центре города находится множество магазинов, кинотеатров и театров. Общественный транспорт удобен, но движение действительно интенсивное. в городах, где много транспорта, есть загрязненный воздух. города используют много сложных продуктов, которые могут быть вредны для здоровья. Уровень безработицы и стоимость жизни довольно высоки. Здоровый образ жизни очень важен для меня. Я не выношу многолюдных и шумных улиц! Но это также важно, чтобы защитить себя, когда вы живете в большом городе.

7-Mashg’ulot. Task 1

1 What is the discussion going to be about?. We are talking about the global food crisis and its solutions

2 What do you think are the causes of this problem worldwide?. Rising prices for staple foods such as wheat, rice, and corn have led to a global food crisis.

3 What are the possible solutions to this problem? Establishing food production at a sufficient level for the world's population.

4. To overcome the food crisis, first of all, it is necessary to thoroughly study all possible solutions and take the necessary measures.

8-Mashg’ulot. Task 1.

Picture A: The painting shows dying plants on the Ground, which may have contributed to several causes of plant death. the main thing may be poor-quality soil. seasonal droughts were caused by low productivity with soil and crops and lack of water supply.

На картине изображены мертвые растения на Земле, которые, возможно, повлияли на несколько причин гибели растений. главным может быть некачественная почва. сезонные засухи были вызваны низкая производительность с почвой и урожаем и отсутствие водоснабжения

Picture B: The picture shows a healthy crop of maize. this shows that the use of fertilizers is well started and as a result, a good harvest is expected . We can say that this is the result of a good irrigation system and the use of high-quality seeds.

На картине изображены здоровый урожай кукурузы. из этого видно, что применение удобрений хорошо запущено и в результате ожидается хороший урожай . Можно сказать, что это результат хорошей системы орошения

и использования высоко качественных семян.

9-Mashg’ulot. Task.

1 What do you think is meant by the terms ‘cultural boundaries’, ‘Western ideals’ and ‘sense of community’? . Cultural boundaries are that each nation has its own culture, that this culture should not be mixed with the culture of another people and I think that this is what eats Cultural boundaries. Western ideals-those that underlie Western culture, which is currently spreading around the world, can be Western ideals for those who have moved away from their national culture in my opinion, and those who live under one culture will have a sense of community.

Культурные границы - это то, что у каждого народа есть своя культура, что эта культура не должна смешиваться с культурой другого народа и я думаю что это то ест Культурные границы , . западные идеалы-те, которые лежат в основе западной культуры, которая в настоящее время распространяется по всему миру, могут быть западными идеалами для тех, кто отошел от своей национальной культуры на мой взгляд, и у тех, кто живет под одной культурой, будет чувство общности.

2 What are the two possible outcomes of global culture that are mentioned?. The former sweep away cultural boundaries, while the latter increasingly displace local culture.


1)created the possibility-means that it is possible to perform the action.

2) the dreams of ordinary citizens-the wishes of the common people who do not work in state bodies and do not participate in the production of products that are directly subject to the laws.

3) spread of values -dissemination of customs and culture belonging to one nation among other Nations.

4) inevitably fall victim to-death in a clear and undisputed state.

5) consumer values-cost of the consumed product

Mashg’ulot 10. Task.

  1. The university decided to standardize (Verb) all the examinations to get a better idea of the students’ level.

1 университет решил стандартизировать (глаголить) все экзамены, чтобы получить лучшее представление об уровне студентов.

  1. The people on the beach felt helpless (adj) as the boat was overturned by the huge waves.

Люди на пляже чувствовали себя беспомощными (ADJ), когда лодка была опрокинута огромными волнами.

3. 3 Sven was a heart specialist (noun) at a large hospital in Geneva. His work on the heart won him many awards.

Свен работал кардиологом в большой больнице в Женеве. Его работа над сердцем принесла ему множество наград.

4. Encouragement (Noun) by teachers can motivate students to do better.

Поощрение со стороны учителей может мотивировать студентов делать лучше

5. the hardness ( Noun) of the metal can be increased by adding carbon to decision.

Твердость металла можно увеличить, добавив в него углерод решение.

11Mashg’ulot . Task.

  1. The building was substandard and had to be pulled down- not meet the requirements.

  2. It is possible to preview a document before printing it- see before.

  3. Agriculture was unsustainable in that arid climate- give out in a different way.

  4. The professor said he would reconsider the student’s grade- think again about something.

  5. We shouldn’t prejudge the issue. The man may be completely innocent

of this crime- form an opinion before seeing the evidence.

  1. The earthquake was caused by a subterranean movement of tectonic plates- below the earth.

  2. The manager said he would redistribute the tasks after some staff complained of too much work- cannot be maintained.

  3. The students thought the lecturer’s argument on the world food crisis was unconvincing-not easy to believe.

14-Mashg’ulot. Task 1.


1)What is a dormer?.

2) Why are dormer windows used?.

3) What is the structure of the Geodesic dome?.

4) Why use triangles in the construction of domes?.

5) Where and why are series of columns used in building structures?.

6) What is the structure of Tensile architecture and its manifestations?.

15-Mashg’ulot. Task1.

Sports sponsorship is a 1)funds 2 )which, resources or services and an individual, event or 3)organization involved in sport, 4)sponsorship_offers in return rights and association that may be used for commercial advantage in 5)business relationship between a provider of for the 6) return investment.


1 Which sports have the most sponsorship? Why is this?. The sponsorship campaign for football sports is very broad. the main reason for this is that the football sport has a lot of fans.

2. What examples of sponsorship can you think of in sport?. Sponsorship in the field of sports has many directions. depending on which sports areas are in high demand and interest, you can come up with types of sponsorship.

3. Is sponsorship a good thing or a bad thing for sport?. Sponsorship plays an important role in the development and dissemination of sports.

Paragraph. Theme "Science can help successful sporstman and women" .

Top athletes don't become champions by chance or through luck. They work hard at it , day after day, training and exerciseng .Athletes work together with good sports coaches. But in addition to this they get help from sciense. Science helps them in anumber of ways. It tells them about nutrion - what they should eat and drink. Again, what foods are harmful to them in General, they should not be consumed. Athletes train both physically and spiritually. Finally it helps them to be mentally ready for sporting events. It is a combination of these factors that leads to sporting success and produces champions.






















Relaxing, relaxed-расслабляющий







Activity 2.

  1. Proportion-comparative part, share af a whole.

  2. Tend-to look after somebody or something.

  3. Applications-a programme designed to do a particular job.

  4. Usage-the way that words are normally used in language.

  5. Accessible-possible to be reached or entered.

Activity 3.

1.He could not work with the computer panel because he did not master this topic well. Due to the fact that the panel of the house at the end of the street was poorly treated, it broke in a strong wind. 2. The prescription the doctor gave me was effective . His journey was effective and happy , he was able to do everything he planned. 3. Many women have difficulty define their facial skin type. Many men do not know how to define items in their homes. 4. Anna, sending a letter to a friend, confused the index number of the state in which her friend lives. therefore, Anna\'s letter did not reach her friend. I sent all the necessary indexes to the bank, but they didn\'t get it . 5. It is not safe to lunch construction-related devices for a non-specialist . The Winter Olympic Games have launched.



Books: adventages- less adverse effects on vision. Disadventages-size.

Ebooks: adventages- Low update cost, Multimedia format, Searchable, No shipping cost. Disadventages- Not convenient to read, Printing coast, Piracy.


  1. People will download e-books illegally-consequently-d) they will not need to buy traditional books.

  2. Glare from s screen can hurt the eyes.-therefore-c) the reader can only use them for a few hourse a time.

  3. E-books also contain vidios, music, games,etc.-as a result-a) the reader may be distracted from the content of the book.

  4. E-readers need a source of power-so- people do not like reading in this way.



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