Final Evaporation Control in reservoirs
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Measures adopted in Gujarat and Other States Compartmentalisation by construction of dykes to isolate the shallow area of water was adopted in Wadhwan Bhogavo-I (Naika dam) in Gujarat during the beginning of 74 1988. This dam maintains supply of water to the twin cities of Surendranagar and Wadhwan. The evaporation loss in and around Surendranagar is reported to be between 2.5 to 3.0 / annum. To reduce this huge loss of water due to evaporation, a bund was constructed to isolate the shallow portion of the reservoir, which resulted in reduction of 20% of the surface area of reservoir. Water from this shallow portion was pumped into deeper pocket. By adopting this measure it is reported that a quantity of 0.23 MCM of water could be saved between January and July 1988. The expenditure involved in the evaporation control measures was Rs. 27 lakh, comprising Rs. 12 lakh on construction of bund and Rs. 15.00 lakh on pumping water. By adopting this measure, it is reported that an amount of Rs. 110 lakh on transportation of water in tankers from a distance of about 25 km could be saved. 75 TABLE 7.17 Details Of Evaporation Losses In Red Hill Lake Before And After Compartmentalisation 5 year average values Chemical required (as of today in Tonnes) Chemical required after bifurcation Tonnes Before compartmentalisation After Compartmentalisation Month Stage in m. Area Sq.Km . Volum e MCM Avera ge area for the month Sq.K m. Mean month ly averag e mm Evapo ration loss MCM Area after bifurc ation Sq.K m. Avera ge area Sq.K m. Evapo- ration loss MCM Monthwise reduction in evaporation % MCM Jan 12.99 14.82 14.52 14.66 5.00 2.05 12.38 12.27 1.90 0.15 7 20.50 17.30 Feb 12.82 14.50 44.22 14.39 6.00 2.68 12.16 11.95 2.00 0.68 25 22.30 18.80 Mar 12.70 14.28 42.33 13.87 6.80 2.83 11.75 10.90 2.29 0.54 19 20.80 17.60 Apr 12.20 13.47 34.37 12.42 8.00 3.08 10.05 8.76 2.10 0.98 32 19.30 15.60 May 11.49 11.38 26.91 10.7 7.80 2.52 7.47 6.61 1.60 0.92 36 16.20 11.20 June 11.10 10.17 22.43 9.64 6.40 1.91 5.75 5.35 1.03 0.88 46 14.90 8.90 July 10.70 9.11 18.61 8.67 5.70 1.53 4.96 4.75 0.84 0.69 45 13.40 7.70 Aug 10.35 8.23 15.71 7.47 5.40 1.21 4.55 4.13 0.69 0.52 43 11.20 6.20 Sep 9.75 6.71 11.22 7.27 4.20 0.95 3.71 4.03 0.51 0.44 46 11.30 6.20 Oct 10.19 7.83 14.36 10.43 3.50 1.12 4.36 7.08 0.77 0.35 31 15.60 10.60 76 Nov 12.04 13.04 33.25 13.25 3.40 1.27 9.81 10.14 1.07 0.20 15 20.50 15.70 Dec 12.26 13.45 36.39 14.13 4.10 1.78 10.48 11.43 1.45 0.33 18 21.90 17.70 Jan 12.99 14.82 46.52 12.38 22.93 16.25 207.90 153.50 77 TABLE 7.17 (Contd.) For present configuration of the lake After compartmentalisation Annual evaporation loss MCM 22.93 16.25 Chemical requirement (a) For whole year Qty. Cost 207. 90 Tonnes Rs. 6.5 Million 0.50 Tonnes Rs. 4.8 Million (b) For selected period (March-June) Qty. Cost 78. 60 Tonnes Rs. 2.5 Million 63.20 Tonnes Rs. 2.0 Million Savings in evaporation loss due to application of chemical: (a) For whole year (b) For selected period (March-June) MCM MCM 8 2.5 5.90 1.85 Savings 6.68 MCM i.e. 29% without chemical i.e. 6380 Million gallons or say 100 day supply. 78 Also an amount of Rs. 40 lakh were earned by raising fodder crop in the emptied reservoir bed by using available soil moisture. Providing underground storages for prevention of evaporation was also reportedly done in Talaji rivulet near town of Talaja in Bhavanagar district in the Saurashtra region. Significant increase in ground water level was registered by recharging the aquifers in the locality. Minimising exposed water surface through storage management or integrated reservoir operation was also used successfully in the lakes of Vaitarana, Tansa, Vihar and Tulsi supplying water to Mumbai city. This method was also used successfully for the two Hiran Reservoirs in Junagarh district of Saurashtra area in Gujarat State. |
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