Foundation kursi: Video taqdimot hisoboti isft instituti

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Demonstrative Pronouns, Subject, Object pronouns,Describe an object

Foundation kursi: Video taqdimot hisoboti

ISFT Instituti


Video taqdimot hisoboti

Fan:Ingiliz tili
Guruh a’zolari:
Nurmanova Simbat
Nurmatova Ezozxon
Mirsoatov Asliddin
Odilov Ibroxim
Fan o’qituvchisi:
Maxkamova Komila

Mavzu: Demonstrative Pronouns, Subject, Object pronouns,Describe an object
1. Kirish qismi. “Demonstrative Pronouns, Subject, Object pronouns,Describe an object” mavzusini guruh a’zolari bilan muhokama qilindi. Olmoshlarning quyidagi turlari bor: 1) Personal pronouns. 2) Possessive pronouns. 3. Reflexive pronouns. 4. Emphatic pronouns. 5. Demonstrative pronouns. 6. Indefinite pronouns. 7) Reciprocal pronouns. 8. Interrogative pronouns. 9) Conjunctive pronouns . Mavzu bo’yich ma’lumotlarni “Destination Grammer and Vocabulary” hamda “Raund Up” darsligidan foydalanildi.
2. Vazifalar bo’limi. Guruh a’zolari birgalikda “Pronouns” mavzusini rejalar asosida taqsimlab video taqdimot yaratildi.
Nurmanova Simbat Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns ko'rsatish olmoshlari bo'lib, biror shaxs, narsa yoki predmet ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi.
Ko'rsatish olmoshlari 4ta bo'lib, ular: this, that, these va those.
This - bu (yaqindagi 1ta narsa uchun) This is a pen.
These - bular (yaqindagi 1dan ortiq narsalar uchun) Those are pens.
That - u, anavi (uzoqdagi 1ta narsa uchun) That is a kite.
Those - anavilar, ular (uzoqdagi 1dan ortiq narsalar uchun) Those are kites
Nurmatova Ezozxon Subject
A subject is one of the five major elements of clause structure. The other four are: verb, object, complement and adjunct. Subjects are essential in declarative, negative and interrogative clauses.
The subject acts as the ‘doer’ or agent of an action. Subjects are typically noun phrases (e.g. a noun or pronoun and any dependent words before or after it):
The teacher told the class to sit down. (determiner + noun)
Doesn't he eat meat? (noun)
Spring is like a breath of fresh air after a winter indoors. (noun)
Callum is so good at sport. (proper noun)
They don't open the shop on Sundays. (noun)
Surfing is becoming more and more popular. (-ing form as a noun)
Examples of the work of the four artists will be in an exhibition at the Tate Gallery from Nov 4–29. (noun + prepositional phrase)
Mirsoatov Asliddin Object pronouns
Object pronouns
An object is one of the five major elements of clause structure. The other four are subject, verb, adjunct and complement.
Objects are typically noun phrases (a noun or pronoun and any dependent words before or after it). Objects normally follow the verb in a clause:
Everyone likes her. She knows everyone.
They didn’t take their mountain bikes with them.
Have you seen the car keys?
Yes I had them earlier.
There are direct objects and indirect objects. A direct object (in bold) is the thing or person that is affected by the action of the verb. An indirect object (underlined) is usually a person (or animal) who receives a direct object:
They gave her a present when she left.
Can you get me some butter?

Odilov Ibroxim Describe an object

Describe an object
Describing objects can be a great way to practice naming adjectives, functions, locations, and category labels. Describing also encourages students to expand the length of their utterances or how much they speak. They practice thinking about an object as a whole. Students are asked to describe often in the classroom so let's look at how you can encourage them to give a complete description of an object.
What category is the object in? It's a food or fruit
What does the object do? We eat it, we cut it, we cook or bake with it
What does it look like?
What color is it? It can be red, green, or yellow
What is it made of? It has skin, a core
What does it taste like? It is sweet
What parts does it have? It has seeds, a stem
What shape is it? It is round
Where can you find it? It can be grown on a tree, in a store, in the produce section
Anything else you know about it? It is juicy, there are many varieties

3. Qiyinchiliklar. Bu loyihani tayyorlashda biroz qiyinchiliklarga duch kelindi va guruh qiyinchiliklarni yengib o’tishdi. Agar imkoniyat bo’lganida bu loyihaga yana qo’shimcha ma’lumot kiritgan bo’lar edik.
4. O'rganilgan saboqlar. Kelajakdagi loyiha ishlariga qo’l keladigan ko’plab foydali va samarali bilimlarga ega bo’ldik va biz buni loyihaga tayyorgarlik davrida anglab yetdik. Ingliz tilida to’g’ri so’z tuzish uchun qayerda qanday Pronouns foydalanish zarurligini bilib oldik. Biz bajargan loyiha ishimizdan qoniqdik. Ishimizni 1 dan 10 gacha bo'lgan mezon bo'yicha 8 ball bilan baholadik.
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