Frameworks for Environmental Assessment and Indicators at the eea
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- Illustrations (pr obability bands based on IPCC 2001)*
erall S tr ength of E vidence O utcome (e.g., R elev ant exposur e Association† P lausibility† Causality† M echanism of Ov erall w eight D ir ection of childhood asthma) (e.g., indoor action?† of evidence evidence air pollution (w eak, moderate, (str onger or [NO x ]) or str ong) ‡ w eaker o ver last 5–10 years) N ote: This table is designed to be used to ev aluate the scientific evidence for each hypothesis (at an appr opriate lev el of detail, r elev ant to the exper tise of those doing the ev aluation) against the factors in the frame wor k and judge the o verall str ength of evidence for the hypothes is and the dir ection in which the evidence is mo ving. *F rom obser vations or theories. †Commonly accepted among r elev ant scientists. ‡Commonly accepted b y r elev ant scientists as “ w eak,” “ moderate,” or “ str ong,” categories based on H ill (1965), IPCC (2001), and IPCS/WHO (2002). Scope 67 FM, TEXT.qxd 3/28/07 2:44 PM Page 158 T able 9.4. D iffer ent lev els of pr oof for differ ent purposes: S ome examples and illustrations. Q uantitativ e D escr iptor Q ualitativ e D escr iptor Illustrations (pr obability bands based on IPCC 2001)* 100% pr obability V er y likely (90–99%) • “S tatistical significance ” • P ar t of str ong scientific “ causation ” evidence • “B ey ond all r easonable • M ost criminal law; the S w edish chemical law , 1973 doubt ” (for evidence of “ safety ” fr om manufactur ers) Likely (66–90%) • “R easonable cer tainty ” • F ood Q uality P rotection A ct, 1996 (U.S.) • “S ufficient scientific • W orld T rade O rganisation SPS Agr eement, evidence ” A rt. 2.2, 1995, to justify a trade r estriction • I nternational Agency for R esear ch on Cancer (IAR C) Categor y 1: “P robable H u man Car cinogen ” M edium likelihood • “B alance of evidence ” • I ntergo vernmental P anel on Climate Change 1995 and 2001 (33–66%) • “B alance of pr obabilities ” • M uch civil and some administrativ e law • “Limited evidence ” • IAR C Categor y 2 B: “P ossible H uman Car cinogen ” • “R easonable gr ounds for • E u ropean Commission on the P recautionar y P rinciple 2000 concern ” • B ritish N uclear F uels occupational radiation compensation • “S tr ong possibility ” scheme, 1984 (20–50% pr obabilities triggering differ ent • “Scientific suspicion of risk ” awar ds up to 50%, which triggers full compensation) • S w edish chemical law , 1973, for evidence r equir ed for regulators to take pr ecautionar y action on potential harm fr om substances Lo w likelihood • “S ome evidence of • IAR C criterion for selecting substances for ev aluation (10–33%) car cinogenicity ” • W T O SPS Agr eement, Ar t. 5.7, to justify a pr ovisional • “ A vailable per tinent trade r estriction wher e “ scientific information is insufficient ” information ” V er y unlikely • Lo w risk • H ousehold fir e insurance 0% pr obability (1–10%) • “N egligible and insignificant ” • F ood Q uality P rotection A ct, 1996 (U.S.) *S implified b y r emo ving the top (>99%) and bottom (<1%) lev els. Ther e is rar ely pr ecision on contested issues to allocate speci fic numerical pr oba- bilities, and the boundaries betw een categories ar e in practice fuzzy: The quantitativ e descriptors illustrate br oad categories of evidence based on Incr easing Probability Scope 67 FM, TEXT.qxd 3/28/07 2:44 PM Page 159 has been achieved. The appropriate level of proof varies in each case, depending on the likely nature and scale of the hazards and the availability and feasibility of alternatives. After further discussion and improvements, the EEA believes that this framework for evaluating scientific evidence will be a helpful tool in the process of producing consis- tent overviews of the existing states of knowledge. Conclusion Measuring sustainable development requires innovative techniques and indicators, rig- orous underlying models, and frameworks for interpretation of complex evidence. The approaches and frameworks presented in this chapter and the associated critique are expected to contribute to improved assessment of sustainability by shedding light on new techniques, providing criticism of existing systems, and contributing new approaches to analyzing and interpreting results. Notes 1. The criteria were initially introduced by the EEA in 1998–1999 in Europe’s Envi- ronment: The Second Assessment, p. 284, and in Europe’s Environment at the Turn of the Century, p. 20 (EEA 1998, 1999b). The criteria were based on key environmental pro- grams such as the Rio Declaration; the European Commission’s 5th Environmental Action Programme; the Pan-European Environmental Programme for Europe; policy papers produced to implement the EU Treaty provisions on integration, including the Commission of the European Communities Communication on Integration; conclu- sions of the Cardiff, Vienna, and Cologne summits; draft council papers on sectoral integration for the Helsinki Summit; and associated commentaries from the European Environmental Bureau and member states. 2. Council Regulation (EEC) no. 1210/90 of May 7, 1990, as amended by Coun- cil Regulation 933/1999 of April 29, 1999. 3. The EEA Expert Group on Guidelines and Reporting brought together national experts on the state of the environment and indicator reporting, meeting twice a year to discuss topics of mutual interest and to advise the EEA on its reporting activities. Download 1,58 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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