Geographical composition of uzbekistan's foreign economic relations
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- Abstract
GEOGRAPHICAL COMPOSITION OF UZBEKISTAN'S FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS Akaboyev Ismatulla Ziyodulla ugli Lecturer, Department of Geography, Namangan State University Khasanova Shoira Dilmurad qizi Namangan State University is a second-year student of Geography E-mail: Phone number: +998978274606 Abstract: This article examines and analyzes the geographical structure of foreign economic relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Keywords: Uzbekistan, export, import, foreign economic relations, Russian Federation, People's Republic of China No country in the world can develop without developing foreign economic relations. Because any economically highly developed country is forced to sell a lot of industrial products abroad, and to buy some products that are in short supply. The countries of the world have very different foreign economic relations with each other. Independent Uzbekistan is rapidly entering not only world politics, but also the world economy and is striving to establish and develop trade relations with a number of countries. Foreign economic relations are one of the most important areas of international cooperation. Increasingly improving economic, scientific, technical and cultural relations with different countries will make it possible to arm some sectors with modern equipment and technology, and make effective use of land, water, mineral resources and labor resources. Currently, there are great opportunities in the republic for active participation in the international division of labor, the effective establishment and expansion of foreign economic relations. Since ancient times, Uzbekistan has been located on the old caravan route - the Great Silk Road, and has had active economic relations with the outside world (West and East). With the honor of independence, a new direction in the economy of our country was opened - a wide way for cooperation with the outside world in various fields. Now Uzbekistan is able to transit goods, capital, labor force between countries, integrate the world economy, implement large transnational and international projects. In order to develop and regulate foreign economic relations in the country, the Foreign Economic Relations Agency, the National Bank of Foreign Economic Relations, and the Customs Committee were established. The country has developed a system of foreign economic relations and the main principles for establishing them. Political, legal and organizational factors were created in order to establish relations with foreign companies and banking systems. "On foreign economic activities", "On improving the management system in the field of foreign economic and trade relations, attraction of foreign investments" and a number of other laws and regulations were adopted. created conditions for implementation, conclusion of international agreements in the field of foreign economic activity and their implementation. The main indicators of the foreign economic activity of the republic are growing compared to previous years. By the end of 2022, the foreign trade turnover amounted to 50,008.4 million US dollars. This indicator indicates an increase of 7837.9 million US dollars or 15.7% compared to 2021. The annual growth of Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover is due to several reasons. First, the Uzbek government has tried to stimulate the development of foreign trade, and many reforms have been implemented in the foreign trade system. Through these reforms, guidelines are being applied to facilitate foreign trade activities, attract large investments and develop exports. The second one was focused on the integration of Uzbekistan with the international financial system, in particular, it participated in the European program "Proposed Alliance for Textile Foreign Economic Relations of Russia" (GSP). Through this program, discounts can be given on the European market for products produced in Uzbekistan. Third, with the transition of Uzbekistan to the free time regime, additional guidelines are being used to create private facilities for private sectors, provide financial guidelines and attract large investments. This helps to increase foreign trade turnover. Fourthly, with Uzbekistan becoming an independent state, the structure and management of foreign trade relations and dialogues underwent important changes. These processes often affected foreign trade relations. By showing more of these, Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover is growing every year and helps the country to further improve its financial development, especially in the field of foreign trade. Analyzes of the foreign trade turnover of the republic show that the export volume in 2022 will be 19309.1 mln. 2646.3 million USD compared to 2021. The volume of imports increased by 13.7% to USD 30699.3 million or by 17% compared to last year. Studying the geographical composition of export and import volume in the foreign trade turnover of the republic shows that almost all of the country's foreign trade turnover corresponds to the share of developed countries. CIS countries accounted for 38.4% of TSA, and this indicator increased by 0.7% compared to last year. The remaining 61.6% was contributed by other countries of the world. The share of the CIS countries in the volume of imports is 40.7% or 7855.2 million US dollars, while 59.3% or 11454 million US dollars is the share of foreign countries. Compared with 2020-2021, our main partners for the export of goods and services in January-December 2022 are the PRC, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. was. Their share in the total export was 55.5% (Table 1). During the years of independence, Uzbekistan mainly exported cotton fiber in its foreign economic relations, but now it is mainly specializing in the export of finished products. In 2022 alone, the share of goods in Exports will be 79.5%, including industrial goods (23.0%), food products and live animals (8.4%), and chemicals and similar products (6 corresponds to .7 %). Download 21,06 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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