Global environmental problems involve one or more of the following

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2.Environmental problems of the world

Global environmental problems involve one or more of the following:
1. Deforestation
2. Desertification
3. Rapid Population Growth
4. Food Production and Equitable Distribution
5. Global Warming
6. Depletion of the Atmospheric Ozone
7. Acid Precipitation and Air Pollution
8. Ocean Pollution

Global ekologik muammolar quyidagilardan biri yoki bir nechtasini o'z ichiga oladi:
1.  O'rmonlarni kesish
2.  Cho‘llanish
3.  Aholi sonining tez o‘sishi
4.  Oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish va adolatli taqsimlash
5.  Global isish
6.  Atmosfera ozon qatlamining yemirilishi
7.  Kislota yog'inlari va havoning ifloslanishi
8.  Okeanlarning ifloslanishi
The Aral Sea... Today, the name of the lake is related with the environmental disaster. But how did it look 60 years ago? The Aral Sea is located on the border between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Prior to the shallowing, the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. It had ports, fish plants and fishing boats floated on the Aral Sea. Up to the 80es of the 20th century it was inhabited by 34 species of fish, 20 of which had marketable value. During its history the Aral Sea has shrunk out several times as evidenced by the numerous remains of flora and fauna found in the dried bed of the Aral Sea. Various expeditions to the study of the Aral Sea were carried out. Scientists suppose that in the middle of the Cenozoic Era (21 million years ago) the Aral Sea was connected to the Caspian Sea, but then the rivers dried up, separating two seas apart.

The first studies of the Aral Sea were conducted by the Russian expedition of A. Butakov in 1849; a year later the Hydrographic Department of the Marine Department of the Russian Empire published the first map of the Aral Sea. And three years later the first steamer set sail in the Aral Sea. The industrial fishing in the Aral Sea was started by well-known Russian merchants Lapshin, Ritkin, Krasilnikov, Makeev, who organized large fishing unions later. In the 1950s, the Aral Sea took about 68 thousand km²; it had the length of 426 km, the width of 284 km and the maximum depth of 68 m. The Aral Sea began to shallow in the 60s, when the water from rivers flowing into the sea was taken to the irrigation works. In 1989, the Aral Sea separated into two isolated reservoirs: the Small Aral Sea in Kazakhstan and the Large Aral Sea in Uzbekistan.

By the early 2000s, the absolute water level in the sea went down to 31 m, which is 22 m lower than the initial level recorded in the late 1950s. In 2001, the South (Large) Aral Sea was divided into western and eastern parts. In 2003, the surface area of the Aral Sea was about a quarter of the original, and the volume of sea water was about 10%. Today, instead of the former deep sea, there is a new sand and saline Aralkum desert with the total area of 38 000 km².
Orol dengizi... Bugungi kunda ko‘lning nomi ekologik ofat bilan bog‘liq. Ammo 60 yil oldin u qanday ko'rinishga ega edi? Orol dengizi Qozogʻiston va Oʻzbekiston chegarasida joylashgan. Orol dengizi sayozlashgunga qadar dunyodagi to'rtinchi yirik ko'l edi. Uning portlari, baliq zavodlari va Orol dengizida suzuvchi qayiqlari bor edi. 20-asrning 80-yillarigacha unda 34 turdagi baliqlar yashagan, ulardan 20 tasi tovar qiymatiga ega edi. O'z tarixi davomida Orol dengizi bir necha bor qisqarganini Orol dengizining qurigan tubida topilgan ko'plab o'simlik va hayvonot dunyosi qoldiqlari tasdiqlaydi. Orol dengizini oʻrganish boʻyicha turli ekspeditsiyalar oʻtkazildi. Olimlarning taxminicha, kaynozoy erasining oʻrtalarida (21 million yil avval) Orol dengizi Kaspiy dengizi bilan bogʻlangan, ammo keyin daryolar qurib qolgan.
Orol dengizining ilk tadqiqi 1849-yilda A. Butakovning rus ekspeditsiyasi tomonidan olib borilgan; bir yil o'tgach, Rossiya imperiyasining dengiz departamentining gidrografik bo'limi Orol dengizining birinchi xaritasini nashr etdi. Oradan uch yil o‘tgach, birinchi paroxod Orol dengizida suzib ketdi. Orol dengizida sanoat baliq ovlashni taniqli rus savdogarlari Lapshin, Ritkin, Krasilnikov, Makeevlar boshlab, keyinchalik yirik baliqchilar uyushmalari tashkil qilganlar. 1950-yillarda Orol dengizi taxminan 68 ming km² maydonni egalladi; uzunligi 426 km, kengligi 284 km va maksimal chuqurligi 68 m edi. Orol dengizi 60-yillarda, dengizga quyiladigan daryolarning suvlari sug'orish inshootlariga olib kelinganidan so'ng sayozlasha boshladi. 1989 yilda Orol dengizi ikkita alohida suv omboriga boʻlindi: Qozogʻistondagi Kichik Orol dengizi va Oʻzbekistondagi Katta Orol dengizi.
2000-yillarning boshlariga kelib, dengizdagi mutlaq suv sathi 31 m gacha tushdi, bu 1950-yillarning oxirlarida qayd etilgan dastlabki darajadan 22 m past. 2001 yilda Janubiy (Katta) Orol dengizi gʻarbiy va sharqiy qismlarga boʻlingan. 2003-yilda Orol dengizi yuzasi asl maydonning chorak qismini, dengiz suvining hajmi esa 10% ni tashkil etdi. Bugungi kunda sobiq chuqur dengiz oʻrniga umumiy maydoni 38 000 km² boʻlgan yangi qum va shoʻr Orolqum choʻli paydo boʻldi.

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