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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Australian tourism facts
- How many tourists visit Australia each year
- International visitors by country
- United States of America
- International arrivals by state
- How many tourists visit Sydney each year
- How many tourists visit Melbourne each year
- International visitors to Australia by month
- International arrivals by month
- Average duration of visits
- Most visited destinations in 2016 10
- Australian outbound tourism statistics
- Most popular destinations for outbound Australians in 2017
- How much money does Australia make from tourism
- Projections for the future
- Summary of Australian tourism facts
Kenguru 57 million kenguruga 24 million aholi! Avstraliyaning haqiqiy aholisi kim ekanini angladingizmi? Qish faslida bu jonzotlarni shaharda uchratish mumkin. U yerdan yegulik va boshpana izlashadi. Qizg‘in o‘yinlar Bu borada Las-Vegasga teng keladigani yo‘q, deb o‘ylaysizmi? Adashasiz! Avstraliya kazinolari AQShda joylashganlari bilan bemalol bahslasha oladi. Bundan tashqari, ularda o‘yin avtomatlari ham talaygina. Nima ham derdik, bu yerdagi odamlar jo‘shqin o‘yinlar ishqibozi. Axir, ularning 80 foizi o‘yinlarda doimiy ravishda ishtirok etadi. Pushtirang ko‘l Uning nomi Xiller. Shu kunga qadar olimlar suvning bunday rangda bo‘lish sababini aniqlay olishmagan. Dunyoda shu rangdagi boshqa ko‘llar tubidagi suvo‘tlari sabab ana shu rangda. Biroq Xillerning tubi toshlardan iborat. Teleshou Kulinariya shoulari – qit'adagi haqiqiy ishtiyoq. Yuzlab kishilar mana shu mavzudagi ko‘rsatuvlar efirga uzatilganida televizor ekranidan ko‘z uzisholmaydi. Oddiyroq qilib aytganda, aynan shunday ko‘rsatuvlar sabab siyosiy muzokaralar ham qoldiriladi. Australian Tourism Statistics 2019 Australian tourism facts
How many tourists visit Australia each year? In 2018, approximately 8.5 million tourists visited Australia from overseas. This marked a 4.7% increase from 2017, when 8.1 million tourists visited Australia from overseas3. In 2019, this figure is projected to grow to over 10 million overseas visitors1. Since 2009, Australia has seen a steady increase in international arrivals, with dramatic growth observed every year from 2012 onwards. This growth is expected to continue with projections estimating the number of international visitors to Australia will increase to 15 million by 2026-20274. International visitors by country Where do the majority of Australia’s tourists come from? Currently, the top six countries people visit Australia from are: China, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Singapore. Arrivals by country 2018 (year ending 2018) Chinese tourists spent $12 billion while in Australia in 2018. The main purpose for travelling to Australia was for holidays. 772,752 visitors came to Australia for holiday purposes. The most popular destinations were Sydney with 57%, Melbourne with 51%, and Brisbane with 20% of visitors. Chinese visitors spent an average of 43 nights in Australia. China has a population of 1.38 billion people meaning that less than 1% of their population visited Australia in 20185. New Zealand Tourists from New Zealand spent $2.6 billion in Australia in 2018. The main purpose for travelling to Australia was for holidays. 533,754 tourists came to Australia for holiday purposes. The most popular destinations were Sydney with 32%, Melbourne with 27%, and Brisbane with 19% of visitors. New Zealand visitors spent an average of 10 nights in Australia. New Zealand has a population of 4.69 million people meaning that around 29% of the population visited Australia in 20185. United States of America Visitors from the United States of America spent $4 billion in 2018. The main purpose for travelling to Australia was holidays. 380,877 visitors came to Australia for holiday purposes. The most popular destinations were Sydney with 66%, Melbourne with 32%, and tropical north Queensland with 16% of visitors. Visitors from The United States stayed an average of 17 nights in Australia. The United States has a population of 325.7 million people meaning that only 0.2% of their population visited Australia in 20185. United Kingdom Tourists from the United Kingdom spent $3.3 billion in Australia in 2018. The main purpose for travelling to Australia was visiting friends/family. 145,180 tourists came to Australia to visit their friends and family. The most popular destinations were Sydney with 51%, Melbourne with 32%, and Perth with 22% of visitors. Visitors from the United Kingdom spent an average of 32 nights in Australia5. Japan Japanese tourists spent $2 billion while in Australia in 2018. The main purpose for travelling to Australia was for holidays. 272,237 travellers came to Australia for holiday purposes. The most popular destinations were Sydney with 45%, tropical north Queensland with 26%, and Melbourne with 20% of visitors. Visitors from Japan spent an average of 24 nights in Australia. The population of Japan is 127 million people, meaning that 0.3% of their population visited Australia in 20185. Singapore Visitors from Singapore spent $1.5 billion while in Australia in 2018. The main purpose for travelling to Australia was for holidays. 216,977 tourists came to Australia for holiday purposes. The most popular destinations were Melbourne with 35%, Sydney with 32%, and Perth with 26% of visitors. Visitors from Singapore spent an average of 15 nights in Australia. The population of Singapore is 5.6 million people, meaning that 7.8% of their population visited Australia in 20185. By state States that are home to major cities and well-known landmarks consistently attract more international visitors each month. Incoming international visits also correlate with states that have the highest populations in Australia. Every state saw an increase in visitors from 2017 to 2018. International arrivals by state There was a total of 4.3 million international visitors to New South Wales in the 2018 calendar year. The total international spend in New South Wales was $11.2 billion which accounted for 37% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 97.4 million nights in New South Wales, which made up 36% of all nights spent in Australia6. How many tourists visit Sydney each year? The vast majority of tourists to New South Wales are visiting Sydney. In 2018, 11.1 million domestic tourists and 4.1 million international tourists visited Sydney7. Victoria There was a total of 3 million international visitors to Victoria in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in Victoria was $8.5 billion which accounted for 19.3% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 72 million nights in Victoria, which made up 25% of all nights spent in Australia6. How many tourists visit Melbourne each year? Melbourne is one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations. In 2018, 10.8 million domestic overnight tourists and 2.9 million international overnight tourists visited Melbourne8. Queensland There was a total of 2.7 million international visitors to Queensland in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in Queensland was $6 billion which accounted for 19.6% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 54 million nights in Queensland, which made up 20% of all nights spent in Australia6. Western Australia There was a total of 961,000 international visitors to Western Australia in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in Western Australia was $2.2 billion which accounted for 7% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 23.7 million nights in Western Australia, which made up 8.7% of all nights spent in Australia6. South Australia There was a total of 457,000 international visitors to South Australia in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in South Australia was $1.08 billion which accounted for 3.5% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 9.5 million nights in South Australia, which made up 3.5% of all nights spent in Australia6. Northern Territory There was a total of 297,000 international visitors to the Northern Territory in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in the Northern Territory was $473 million which accounted for 1.5% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 3.3 million nights in the Northern Territory, which made up 1.2% of all nights spent in Australia6. Tasmania There was a total of 299,000 international visitors to Tasmania in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in Tasmania was $490 million which accounted for 1.6% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 4.4 million nights in Tasmania, which made up 1.6% of all nights spent in Australia6. ACT There was a total of 248,000 international visitors to the ACT in the 2018 calendar year. The total spend in the ACT was $603 million which accounted for 1.9% of all dollars spent in Australia for the year. International tourists spent a total of 5.7 million nights in the ACT, which made up 2.1% of all nights spent in Australia6. International visitors to Australia by month The summer months of December, January, and February attracted the most visitors to the country with a combined total of 2,617,000 international visitors in 2018. The warmer weather combined with popular seasonal sporting events are major factors in high international arrivals during the summer. Autumn was the quietest season for international visitors to Australia, with only 2,159,600 people coming into the country in March, April, and May. International arrivals by month Average duration of visits The average length of trips to Australia has decreased over the past decade. In 2009, the average international trip to Australia lasted 35 nights. In 2018, the average international trip to Australia lasted 32 nights. Holidays and backpacker trips have decreased over the same time period, while the average stay for categories like visiting friends and family and employment have increased. While the total number of visitor nights in Australia have risen from 176,589,264 to 271,000,000 since 2009, this is the result of the increase in traffic rather than an increase in duration of stay9. Out of the top six countries for international visitors, only Japan saw an increase in the average duration of trips from 2009. The average stay in 2009 for Japanese tourists was 22 nights, which increased to 24 nights in 2018. Chinese tourists had the longest trips to Australia in both 2009 (54 nights) and 2018 (43 nights). In contrast, tourists from Singapore spent the least amount of time here with an average of 21 nights in 2009 and only 15 nights in 20189. Only New Zealand saw a decrease in the total number of nights spent in Australia from 2009, with the total dropping from 13,256,850 nights in 2009 to 12,929,000 nights in 2018. Chinese tourists saw the greatest increase in the total nights spent in Australia, with 18,507,311 nights in 2009 and a total of 54,658,000 nights in 20189. Australia vs global Australia’s isolation from the other continents makes it a difficult destination for travellers living in the northern hemisphere. Australia does not make the top ten countries visited in 201810. The long distances and cost of flights can act as a deterrent to people wishing to visit Australia from the northern hemisphere. The abundance of cheaper travel destinations around Australia such as Indonesia and Thailand also affect the number of tourists coming into the country. Most visited destinations in 201610
Australian outbound tourism statistics In 2018, Australian residents undertook 9,521,000 outbound international trips. 5,385,000 of those trips were for holidaying purposes, while 4,136,000 trips were for other purposes such as visiting relatives and business trips11. Outbound international trips have nearly doubled in the past decade, increasing from 5,143,000 total trips in 2008. Indonesia has seen the greatest increase in outbound trips in the last decade, from 287,000 trips in 2008 to over 1.4 million trips in 201812. Most popular destinations for outbound Australians in 2017 Australia is home to some of the world’s most iconic landmarks and attractions. Visitors to Australia are more motivated than ever by social media to visit popular and well-known landmarks and attractions on their trips. Some of the most popular sites include: The Sydney Opera House The Opera House is synonymous with Sydney as a city. The uniqueness of the design of the Opera House has seen the building declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 8.2 million people visit the site every year. The building is home to theatres, studios, a concert hall, exhibition rooms and a cinema, however most tourists are only interested in the exterior design of the building. The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is considered to be one of the largest living structures in the world and is listed as a World-Heritage site. Visible from outer space, the reef is home to over 3000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and mangrove islands. Over 2 million tourists a year come to experience the reef via snorkeling, scuba-diving, glass-bottomed boats and seaplanes. Uluru Another World Heritage site, Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock) is situated in the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in the Northern Territory. The red monolith is 348 meters high and is the number one destination for those travelling through the outback, with over 300,000 visitors each year. Sunrise and sunset are particularly popular times for visits as the colours of the rock and surrounding area are transformed by the changing light. Bondi Beach Home to one of the oldest surf life saving clubs in the world, Bondi Beach is an iconic Australian beach known for its prime location to the city centre and fantastic views. The beach is home to many cultural events that take place throughout the year and is close to a variety of cafes, restaurants and other beachside attractions. Over 1 million visitors make their way to the beach each year. How much money does Australia make from tourism? Given these statistics, it should come as little surprise that tourism is a lucrative industry in Australia. In 2018, tourism in Australia accounted for 3.1% of the national GDP, contributing $57.3 billion to the Australian economy. The means that tourism GDP grew at a faster rate than the national economy. Of this, 26% came from international visitors to Australia while 74% came from domestic tourism14. History Travel around Australia before the invention of the rail was slow and laborious, with many people only travelling for their trades or to pursue new opportunities and settlements. Australia saw an increase in international travel after The Great Depression, with the first cruises between New Zealand and Australia organised in 1934. Australia then experienced an international tourism boom with the rise in commercial international flights in the 1960’s. In the past two decades international tourism has experienced significant growth, with the number of visitors doubled, rising from 2.5 million in 1992, to 8.8 million in 2017. Projections for the future Travel around Australia before the invention of the rail was slow and laborious, with many people only travelling for their trades or to pursue new opportunities and settlements. Australia saw an increase in international travel after The Great Depression, with the first cruises between New Zealand and Australia organised in 193414. Australia then experienced an international tourism boom with the rise in commercial international flights in the 1960’s. In the past two decades international tourism has experienced significant growth, with the number of visitors doubled, rising from 2.5 million in 1992, to 8.5 million in 201816 17 3. Summary of Australian tourism facts Tourism is Australia’s largest services export industry. Australia’s proximity to Asia, natural assets and high standard of living make it a desirable holiday location for those travelling overseas. The international tourism industry is on the rise with transportation means becoming faster and more comfortable. Download 1,83 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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