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grammar exercises

Dear Anybody,
I 1)_______ (be) on this island for six months now. It is a miracle that I 2)_______ (survive) for this long. I 3)_______ (eat) fish and fruit since I got here. Fortunately, I 4)_______ (not/ see) any dangerous animals yet. When I arrived here the weather was fine, but it 5)_______ (rain) continuously for the past two weeks, so I 6)_______ (build) a shelter out of sticks and leaves, which is really quite cosy. My main problem is loneliness, as I 7)______ (not/ speak) to anyone for so long. Recently I 8)_______ (talk) to myself, but it isn’t very interesting. Please help me.
R. Crusoe.
21 Fill in: will or be going to.
I 1) _____________ spend my holiday in Crete because there is a lot to see. I 2)__________ travel there by ferry because I enjoy boat trips. I’m not going on my own; my best friend 3)_________ come with me and I think my cousin 4)__________ come too if I ask her. We 5)________ stay in Hania for two weeks, then we 6)__________ go somewhere else. I hope we 7)_____________ find a hotel easily but if there’s any problem, we 8)__________ stay at a campsite. We 9)___________ swim every day so I 10)____________ take a lot of suntan oil with me – I think we 11)___________ need it. I am looking forward to this holiday. I’m sure it 12)__________ be the best holiday ever.

22 Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple, Present Continuous, going to or Future tense. (Sometimes 2 variants are possible)

Gary: What 1) are you planning (you/plan) to do after the exams? 2) _________ (you stay) in London?

Angela: No, I 3) ____________ (leave) on Saturday. I’ve bought my ticket already. I 4)_______ (visit) my brother in Wales. What 5) _________ (you/do)?
Gary: I think I 6) _________ (start) looking for a job. I 7) _________ (need) some extra money because my mum 8) _________ (come) here in August. She 9)________ (stay) with me for a month. I 10) ___________ (plan) to show her London.
Angela: When exactly 11)__________ (she/ arrive)?
Gary: Her flight 12) _________ (arrive) at Heathrow airport at 4.30 p.m. on August 3d. I 13)____________ (meet) her there.
Angela: You’ve missed her a lot, haven’t you?
Gary: Yes, I 14) ___________ (look) forward to seeing her.

23* Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Future.

“You 1) will meet (meet) Agent 205 under the clock at the railway station. When she 2)_______ (arrive), she 3)_______ (give) you an envelope. I don’t know if you 4)______ (recognize) her in her disguise, but if she 5)_______ (not/ say) the secret code word, you 6)_______ (know) she is an enemy agent. You 7)_______ (take) the envelope and head for the train to Waterloo Station. When the train 8)_______ (come), you 9)_______ (get on) it and go to Waterloo. If you 10)______ (miss) the 9.15 train, you 11)_______ (have to) get the next one. As soon as it 12)_______ (reach) Waterloo, leave the train and take a taxi to the Opera House. You 13)_______ (meet) Jenny there, although I’m not sure exactly when she 14)_______ (get) there. Give her the envelope. Wait until she 15)_______ (drive) off and then go home. We 16)_______ (call) you there. Are there any questions?”
24* Fill in the correct tense.
Kevin Adams 1) loves (love) trains. He first 2)_______ (see) one when he was four years old and he 3)_______ (think) it was great. He 4)_______ (go) to a different railway station every week and 5)_______ (write down) the engine number of every train he sees. He 6)_______ (do) this since he was eight. By the time he was fifteen he 7)_______ (collect) over ten thousand different engine numbers in various countries. Once, while he 8)_______ (stand) in a station in Cheshire he saw something very unusual. He 9)_______ (wait) for over an hour for a train to go by when suddenly he 10)_______ (see) a very old steam train coming down the track. It 11)_______ (not/ stop) at the station and, as it passed, Kevin noticed that all the passengers 12)_______ (wear) old-fashioned clothes. When he told the station guard about this, the poor man turned pale. He said that no steam train 13)_______ (pass) through that station for years, and that the last one 14)_______ (crash), killing everyone on board.
25 Complete the dialogue.
Phil: 1) How was your holiday?
Flo: It was really great?
Phil: 2) ______________________________?
Flo: To Cairo, in Egypt.
Phil: 3) ______________________________?
Flo: I went for a week.
Phil: 4) ______________________________?
Flo: With my brother, Simon.
Phil: 5) ______________________________?
Flo: We flew from London direct to Cairo.
Phil: 6) ______________________________?
Flo: In a big hotel, right next to Nile.
Phil: 7) ______________________________?
Flo: We saw the Pyramids of course.
Phil: 8) ______________________________?
Flo: We went on a boat trip along the Nile, too. That was fantastic.
Phil: 9) ______________________________?
Flo: We arrived home last night, but I wish we had stayed longer.

26 Fill in the correct prepositions.

Jack Smithers, the famous British secret agent, was 1)_____ holiday in Scotland when he got a message. “Some terrorists are sending guns from America to Africa 2)_____ ship. Your job is to stop them”. Jack decided to go to the airport 3)_____ helicopter and not 4)_____ his car. He was 5)_____ Glasgow airport, sitting 6)_____ a chair waiting for his flight to New York, when he saw one of the terrorists. It was clear that the terrorists had a different plan, and wanted to carry the guns 7)_____ plane. Jack had to do something fast or the people 8)_____ the plane would be 9)_____ danger. The plane was full of people going 10)_____ summer holidays. What could he do?

27 Fill in: ‘on’, ‘at’ or ‘in’.

Mr. Bell wanted to go somewhere warm and sunny 1) at Easter. 2)_____ April 25th he flew to Greece early 3)_____ the morning. He arrived 4)_____ Athens airport 5)_____ 6 o’clock and drove directly to his friends’ village. He reached the village 6)_____ 2 o’clock 7)_____ the afternoon. 8)_____ Sunday he ate a wonderful traditional lunch. 9)_____ the evening he went out with his friends and met lots of new people. They returned home 10)_____ midnight and went to bed. He flew back home to England 11)_____ April 29th.

28 Fill in: ‘on’, ‘at’ or ‘in’.

This year I spent my summer holiday in Capri, Italy. I arrived there 1)_____ August 1st, and stayed in my friends’ villa for two weeks. 2)_____ the mornings we went swimming and water-skiing, 3)_____ noon we had lunch and 4)_____ the evenings we went to a disco. I left 5)_____ Monday morning but I promised to go back next year.
29 Fill in: ‘on’, ‘at’, ‘by’ or ‘in’.
Last year when I was 1)_____ holiday I received a telegram asking me to go home immediately. I traveled 2)_____ plane and landed 3)_____ London 4)_____ midnight. My flight was terrible because there were lots of babies 5)_____ the plane with me, and most of them cried throughout the trip. After I left the airport, I waited 6)_____ a bus stop for over half an hour but no bus came so I decided to continue my journey 7)_____ taxi. My sister lives 8)_____ 10, Mill Road, Hariton, and so I asked the driver to take me there. The house is 9)_____ the outskirts of the town and it took quite a while to find. We had to stop 10)_____ the suburbs to ask for directions as I had never been there before. When we finally arrived 11)_____ the house, my sister was waiting for me.

30 Fill in: ‘on’, ‘at’, ‘by’, ‘to’ or ‘in’.

Last year 1)_____ Easter I went 2)_____ England for a short holiday. I arrived 3)_____ London 4)_____ Friday 5)_____ 11 o’clock 6)_____ the evening. I went 7)_____ my hotel 8)_____ taxi, which got me there in about and hour. I was so tired by then that I went straight 9)_____ bed. When I woke up 10)_____ the morning I remembered that I had made an appointment to meet a friend 11)_____ 10:30. I thought I could never get ready in time, but in the end I had reached the café 12)_____ 10:15. My friend arrived on time. 13)_____ 1 o’clock we went 14)_____ a restaurant for lunch and 14)_____ the afternoon we went 15)_____ a museum.

31 Fill in ‘a’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

Last year 1)_____ Smiths went on holiday to 2)_____ London with their friends 3)_____ Browns. They visited 4)_____ Hyde Park and went on 5)_____ boat trip on 6)_____ Thames. 7)_____ Mrs Brown visited 8)_____Buckingham Palace hoping to see 9)______ Queen. Unfortunately, 10)_____ Queen Elizabeth II wasn’t at 11)_____ home at the time.

32 Fill in ‘a’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

Last summer I visited 1)_____ New York. I stayed at 2)_____ Hilton Hotel. I could see 3)_____ Statue of Liberty from my window. One day I crossed 4)_____ Hudson River and had lunch in 5)_____ expensive restaurant.
33 Fill in ‘a’ or ‘the’ where necessary.
Last year we went to 1)_____ Egypt. We had 2)_____ amazing holiday. On our first day we saw 3)_____ Pyramids. They’re fantastic! Then we went on 4)_____ boat trip down 5)_____ River Nile. I’m going there again this year!
34 Fill in ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary.
Last month we went to 1)_____ England. We had 2)_____ wonderful holiday. On our first day we went to 3)_____ Tower of London. It was fantastic! Then we went on 4)_____ interesting tour of London. London is 5)_____ most fascinating city I’ve ever been to.

35* Fill in ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

Last summer we went to 1)_____ seaside for two weeks. Unfortunately, we hadn’t booked 2)_____ accommodation before we went, and we had 3)_____ awful time finding 4)_____ room to stay in. 5)_____ only room we could find was very small, but it had 6)_____ lovely view of 7)_____ sea and was only two minutes from 8)_____ beach. 9)_____ weather was very hot, and on 10)_____ first day I stayed out so long, I got 11)______ terrible sunburn and had to stay in bed 12)_____ next day. After that, however, everything went well and we had 13)_____ wonderful holiday.

36* Fill in ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

Last week I had 1)_____ accident in 2)_____ Italy. I was skiing in 3)_____ Alps. One day I was going too fast down a mountain, when I crashed into 4)_____ tree. I broke both my legs and cut my arm. There was so much 5)_____ blood, I had to be rushed to 6)_____ hospital in 7)_____ ambulance. When I got there, 8)_____ doctor told me that I would have to stay there for at least two weeks. I was very depressed. All I wanted to do was to go 9)_____ home.

37 Fill in ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

Once 1)_____ Frenchman was travelling in 2)_____ Sweden. He stopped at 3)_____ hotel in 4)_____ little Swedish town. It was 5)_____ evening, 6)______ man was tired, so he went to 7)_____ bed at once. In 8)_____ morning he had 9)_____ breakfast in 10)_____ hotel restaurant. After 11)_____ breakfast he went for 12)_____ walk. He walked along 13)_____ streets of 14)_____ town, visited 15)_____ museum and 16)_____ shops. Presently he felt hungry and dropped into 17)_____ café for 18)_____ lunch. He sat down at 19)_____table, called 20)_____ waiter and wanted to order 21)_____ mushrooms. But 22)_____ Frenchman did not know 23)_____ Swedish and 24)_____ waiter didn’t know 25)_____ French. Nobody in 26)_____ café could speak 27)_____ French. Then 28)_____ Frenchman took 29)_____ piece of 30)_____ paper and 31)_____ pencil and drew the picture of 32)_____ mushroom. 33)_____ waiter looked at 34)_____ picture and left 35)_____ room at once. Five minutes later he returned with 36)_____ umbrella.

38 Fill in ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

In 1)_____ fifteenth century people knew only three continents: 2)_____ Europe, 3)_____ Asia and 4)_____ Africa. They knew nothing about such 5)_____ big continent as 6)_____ America. 7)_____ man who discovered 8)_____ America was born in 1451 in 9)_____ Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus. He became 10)_____ sailor at 11)_____ early age. Knowing that 12)_____ Earth was round, he decided to reach 13)_____ India sailing to 14)_____ west. He tried to arrange 15)_____ expedition, but did not have money, and nobody wanted to help him. At last 16)_____ king of 17)_____Spain gave him 18)_____ money for 19)_____ expedition. He set sail in 1492. 20)_____ voyage was very dangerous and difficult. On 21)_____ 12th of October his ship reached 22)_____ land. When they landed, they saw 23)_____ strange trees and flowers. 24)_____ men and 25)_____ women with olive-coloured skins gathered around 26)_____ sailors and looked at them with great surprise. Columbus was sure that he had discovered 27)______ new way to 28)_____ India. Some time later 29)_____ other sailor reached 30)_____ America. 31)_____ name of 32)_____ sailor was Amerigo Vespucci. He understood that it was 33)_____ new continent.

39* Fill in ‘the’ where necessary.

1)_____ Last summer we went to stay in 2)_____ village where my grandmother was born. I had never been there before, so when we arrived at 3)_____ station I was surprised to see how small it was. As in 4)_____ many villages in 5)_____ north of 6)_____ England, all 7)_____ houses are built of 8)_____ same stone. Running through the village is 9)_____ River Tyne. The village has a church which was built in 10)_____ Middle Ages. Although 11)_____ population is only about 500 people, this village has 12)_____ best cricket team in 13)_____ county, and many people play 14)_____ rugby as well. Apart from 15)_____ sport, though, so little happens there that many of 16)_____ people still remember 17)_____ time 18)_____ Queen visited their village in 19)_____ 1955.

40* Fill in ‘the’ where necessary.

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