Idiom and its meaning
Steve is up to his ears in debt.
C) have no money at all
Stiv qulog`igacha qarzga botgan.
Kevin is on the dole.
receiving money that a government gives to people who do not have jobs or who are very poor B)
Davlat qaramog`ida
Jamie has made his pile.
make a lot of money. A)
Mo`maygina daromad qilmoq
Sue can't make ends meet.
to pay for the things that you need to live when you have little money. B)
Yeng uchida kun ko`rmoq
Jacqueline is stinking rich.
extremely rich A)
aql bovar qilmas darajada boy bo’lmoq
Mark's boss pays him chickenfeed.
He pays you very little money. B)
sariq chaqa olmoq, arzimas pul
Alison is rolling in it.
to be extremely rich A)
жить, как короли.
Laurence is hard up.
not have enough of money B)
Nochor ahvolda /Нуждающийся
Christine is well off.
A) Having enough money to live very comfortably or luxuriously.
To`kin-sochinlikda/ kam-u ko`stsiz/ в достатке/ обеспеченной
Brenda is in the red.
C) is in debt, running a deficit
zarariga ishlamo