master Rasûlullah (’alaihi ’s-salâm), there were many such matters
of ijtihâd. There are many hadîths stating that the mujtahid who
could not hit the right way will also be given thawâb. The
important thing here is that this thawâb
is meant for mujtahids
only. According to the above âyat, which is in Sûrat an-Nahl, those
who follow mujtahids will be given that much thawâb, too.
Religion reformers who do not follow mujtahids will not be given
this thawâb. They do not obey Allâhu ta’âlâ’s command. They will
go to Hell. The hadîth ash-sherîf,
“None of the ’ibâdât of a holder
of bid’a is acceptable,” is the proof of our argument.
Some scholars of usûl
al-fiqh said, “Following
a mujtahid
requires one’s trust
and belief in his knowledge; the âyat,
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