Have you ever played a game called " _________ Birds"?
cruel B) evil C) bloody D) angry
Yesterday, two girls were _________ by the group of thieves and got stabbed during robbery.
approached B) attacked C) spreaded D) hidden
I ________ I won't let anyone hurt you ever again
promise B) agree C) think D) guess
________ is considered as a terminal disease Because there's no cure for that.
Flu B) Cancer C) Headache D) Cancel
We ________ in London yesterday and stayed at the hotel called "Winsdor"
killed B) bleed C) break D) arrive
It's said that the Gyza Pyramids were built by _____ but that's not true. They were built by ancient Egyptians.
Romans B) Americans C) Aliens D) Irishmen
You can't tell this anyone. It's our _____! What's wrong with you?
error B) excuse C) secret D) anger
She is so ________________ that I can never forget her! She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!
sweeten the deal B) red tape C) easy on the eyes D) green light
I felt so _______ when I performed first. But now I am always relaxed.
hungry B) clever C) wise D) nervous
Oh my God! We're running late. We are ________ time
run out of B) trial balloon C) easy on the eyes
Giving up
I gave him an impossible task that no one could have ever ________. But he managed to do it.
Put on B) pulled off C) given up D) taken over
I asked her ____ so I paid the bills. The dinner was amazing. We liked that restaurant.
out B) in C) after D) around
My neighbours are very polite and friendly people who always ask me ____.
out B) in C) after D) around
If you're going to have surgery you need a good doctor. So you should ask _____. It's for your safety
out B) in C) after D) around
The theory of quantum physics is so ________ that I think I'll never be able to understand it
easy B) clever C) complicated D) overrated
I have some ______ related to my personal life. I need to solve them.
promises B) issues C) disasters D) illnesses
Earth is the third ______ of the Solar system
universe B) star C) sun D) planet
Tuxedo's lapels are made of a _______ called satin.
fabric B) metal C) silk D) cotton
Put ______ your leather jacket. It's about to rain
up B) out C) in D) on
The ______ consists of twelve kids who were trained by special music teachers.
crew B) choir C) team D) squad
Optimistic people are the ones who ____________. They never see the negative side and give up early.
Live on the breadline B) from A to Z
Look on the bright side C) in the black
This car is too expensive. I don't think I can _____ this one.
afford B) declare C) adopt D) buy
My grandfather is a veteran of the World War II. He _______ the horrors of _____.
witnessed/universe B) saw/disaster
witnessed/invasion D) performed/event
Oh no, my car broke _____ in the middle of the way. I need to find a mechanic to fix it.
out B) in C) up D) down
COVID-19 broke ____ in 2019 and became a global threat
out B) in C) up D) down
Have you ever been to _______?
- Yes, I have. I have been to England, France, Italy
heaven B) abroad C) church D) school
Everyone was freaking out when the earthquake happened. But Sam is the only one who didn't ___.
scare B) kill C) panic D) hunt
Your _____ are red and puffy. Have you been crying?
cheeks B) eyes C) legs D) lips
Have you ever read the book of Mario Puzo called " the _______". It's about Don Vita Corleone and his sons.
Stepfather B) Exorcist C) Godfather D) Adventure
-Oh, hello John. It's good to see you again. If I'm not mistaken it's the third time we have met each other in a week
- It's a ________ , my friend. It's normal to meet the ones who are close to you.
Knee Jerk Reaction B) small world C) red tape
Green light
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Correct answers: ____________ Grade: ________