Obturator hernia
Obturator hernias are more
common in women than in men, espe-
cially thin, multiparous and older women. A wider pelvis and larger
obturator canal in women may be the predisposing factor. They tend
to occur more commonly on the right side
and may be bilateral in
about 6%
. The hernia sac passes through the obturator foramen
between obturator muscle and pectineus muscle. This is often a re-
sult of atrophy of the obturator fat. Small
intestine often prolapse
into the foramen with resulting incarceration and presentation as
small bowel obstruction. Obturator hernia is usually only diagnosed
at laparotomy or on CT for investigation
of unexplained pelvic
Richter hernia
Richter hernias refer to herniation of the anti-mesenteric wall of the
bowel but not the entire wall circumference. It most commonly oc-
curs in association with femoral hernias
and found in older patients
. It occurs in women more than men which is likely related to the
gender distribution of femoral hernias.
Abdominal Wall Hernias:
The Common and the Uncommon.
Dr Mark Sparnon,
Dr Parineet Takhar, Dr Sarah Constantine, Dr Khimseng Tew
Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South Australia
Other Rare Hernias