Great Depression
A period of the deepest worldwide economic decline in history. It began in October 1929 following the collapse of the Wall Street Stock Exchange and ended in about 1934.
Harmony Week
A national week commemorated in Australia that celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity and promotes intercultural understanding and peace.
That which belongs to an individual, group, community or nation as a result of birth, inheritance or membership. It can also be applied to significant examples of the built or natural environment.
historical inquiry
The process of developing knowledge and understanding by posing questions about the past, and applying skills associated with locating, analysing, evaluating and using sources as evidence to develop an informed argument or interpretation.
The process whereby people come to a new land with the intention of permanently settling.
The policy of extending control or authority over foreign territory, particularly through the creation of an empire.
Indigenous peoples
This term is used when referring collectively to the first peoples of a land in international communities. The term Indigenous Australians is used when speaking about both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within Australia (see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples).