Hofmeyr, Jan Hendrik, 1894-1948 Professor of Classics, Principal and Vice
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G.E. Cory, J. Dunn, E.L. Gill, M.W. Gray, J.H. Hofmeyr, J.D. Rheinallt Jones, J.H. Pim, P. Ribbink, J.C. Smuts and E.A. Walker which relate mainly to the acquisition of Africana books, manuscripts and museum items; Ts drafts for his Three dimensional Thinking, published Cape Town, Miller, 1924; press clippings and his prospecting
38 permit issued on the 18 Nov. 1924; notes on the Baharutshe and notes on the history of Marico, printed in the Marico Chronicle, 1912-1913. (See also A1134, A1150, A1479.)
ARCHER-SHEPHERD, Laurence Percy (Anglican priest, photographer and writer).
Bushman paintings, Southern Rhodesia, accompanied by text (8p.), 1936. 1 vol. of 97 photographs.
AYRES, Thomas, 1828-1913 (Ornithologist).
Fragment of diary, 1869 May 7-27. 7p. Hg.
Describes a hunting expedition in the Transvaal and comments on Chief Lobengula.
See Journal of the S. African Ornithologists' Union v.9. p.113, 1913.
Contemporary copies of letters from captains of vessels to Rear Admiral James R. Dacres, Commander-in-Chief, Simon's Bay, re the erection of a lighthouse on Cape Agulhas, 1847 Apr.-May. 3 Mss.
WILMOT, John Alexander, 1836-1923 (President of the Temperance Alliance).
Letter to the Editor of the Cape Time condemning the consumption of 'Cape Brandy'. 2p. ALS.
A213f COSTE, Simon (Captain of L'Océanie).
Papers, 1826. 7 items.
Report of Captain Coste to F. de Lettre. French consular agent at the Cape; 2 death certificates of crew members and inventories of their belongings.
MORRIS, Rev. Henry Elliott, 1852-1935.
Account of a journey in 1860 by passenger cart from Cape Town proceeding by the mail cart route via Caledon, Swellendam, Heidelberg, Riversdale and George to Oudtshoorn. 14p. Ms.
KARROO. Botanic garden.
Memorandum suggesting the establishment of a botanic garden in the Karroo containing specimens of flora indigenous to that region. Pencilled 3p. Ms.
A216f DE WET, Johannes, 1794-1875 (Cape jurist, politician, writer and businessman).
Letter, 1831 Jul.21, Colonial Office, Cape Town, from John Bell to Advocate de
39 Wet. 3p. ALS.
Objects to de Wet's statement on the dual payment of salaries to public officials. Also draft translation in Dutch of this letter and of de Wet's reply of 25 Jul.1831. (4p.Ms.).
'Essai sur le vin, chap.3 of the methods of preparing the grapes for fermentation'. c.1824. 1 item, pp.13-24, Ms.
A220f DUNN, G.H. (?).
'The early history of missions at Graaf-Reinet'. 11p. Ts with Ms additions and corrections.
A221f HOFMEYR, Mrs. Debora, 1863-1959 (Mother of Jan Hendrik, 1894-1948).
Correspondence, 1898-1949. 2 ALS.
ALS, 1 Jul.1898, Wepener, from Alice Humann, of a personal nature and ALS, 18 Dec.1949, Pretoria, to the Misses McKitrick, Johannesburg, referring to her grief on the death of her son.
A222f BARKLY, Sir Henry, 1815-1898 (Governor of the Cape).
Letter, 1877 Mar.23, Cape Town to Robert Godlonton. 2p. ALS.
Thanks Godlonton for his farewell letter.
A224f CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Accounts and receipts.
Miscellaneous documents, 1812-1878. 63 items.
Accounts and receipts issued by or to A. Borradaile, D.F. Berrangé, P. Buissine, W. Currey, J. Fairbairn, Rev. A. Faure, G. Greig, J.L. Leeb, C.J. Pike, S. Solomon, H. Somerset, P.R. van Ryneveld.
The documents relate to taxes, land, rent, tuition, goods. The following institutions are represented: the African Club, Graaff-Reinet Public Library, Groote Kerk, St. George's Church, Scottish Church, South African Fire and Life Assurance Society, South African Infant School, South African Missionary Society, South African Museum, De Zuid-Afrikaan.
STOW, George William, 1822-1882 (Geologist and ethnologist).
Draft letter, 1874 May 23, Kimberley, to Freemasons appealing for financial assistance to enable him to complete a geological survey of South Africa. 12p. Hg.
40 A227f
GOETZ, M.A. (Attorney of Potchefstroom).
Letter-book, 1868 Aug.-1871 Apr. containing letters in English and Dutch on business affairs. 1 vol.
A228f - - Day book recording financial transactions, 1866 Dec.-1869 Mar. 1 vol.
A229f FAIRBRIDGE, Charles Aken, 1824-1893 (Book collector and lawyer).
Correspondence, 1875-1893. 17 ALS,
Letters to Fairbridge from D. Arnot, J. Bird, Bishop J.W. Colenso, T. Hahn, G.W. Stow, and R. Trimen re Africana books, design for the S.A. Museum, botany, geology, bushman drawings, Damaraland and Namaqualand. Also ALS from G. Maclear, 11 June 1877, commenting on Fairbridge's discovery of Captain Cook's place of residence at the Cape.
A230f FAIRBAIRN, John, 1794-1864 (Champion of the Freedom of the Press and of the Anti-Convict movement, M.L.A., editor of the South African Commercial Advertiser).
Papers, 1827-1858. 19 items.
Letters addressed to Fairbairn as editor of the South African Commercial Advertiser from correspondents including W. Porter, W. Robertson and Sir J. Wylde. Subjects are rainfall, shortage of money, South African College and the assault on a Hottentot.
Also Ms poem 'The Cape of Good Hope', 1836, and an article on Fairbairn from the Cape Argus of 26 Mar. 1921.
A234f LOCH, Henry Broughman, Baron, 1827-1900 (Governor of the Cape 1889-1895).
Letter, 1892 Aug. 14, Cape Town, to Lady Bunbury. 7p. ALS.
Refers to teaching in the English or Dutch medium and stresses that 'the cultivation of the English language is inseparably connected with the prosperity of the colony'.
BORCHERDS, Rev. Meent, 1762-1832 (South African poet and writer).
Letter in Dutch, 1823 May 26, Stellenbosch, to the Reverend Board of Church Councils of the Reformed Church in the Cape. 1p. ALS.
Agrees to settle a debt of the Stellenbosch Church Council by recalling 3000fl. owed by one of their debtors, P. Malang. Borcherds was the author of De Maan, the first literary work printed in South Africa, 1802.
SELOUS, Frederick Courtney, 1851-1917 (Hunter and explorer).
Letters, 1908-1915. 15 ALS.
To J.E. Harting, editor of The Field, mainly about articles which appeared in this magazine. Includes ALS, 28 Aug.1911, from R.T. Coryndon, Resident Commissioner for Swaziland, re an article on tsetse fly and game.
SANDERSON, Sir John Burdon, 1828-1905 (Professor of Physiology, Oxford).
Correspondence, 1875-1899. 13 items.
The letters are from Charles Darwin, Lord Derby, T.H. Huxley, Lord Kelvin and Lord Salisbury and refer mainly to the preparation of legislation regarding experiments on living animals.
A238f DE KORTE, Benedictus, 1859-1922 (Judge of the Transvaal Republic).
Papers, 1888-1889. 6 items.
Letters of appointment, in Dutch, as Third Judge of the Z.A.R. 27 Jul. 1888, and as Second Judge 6 Sep. 1889; addresses of welcome, in Dutch, Apr. 1888, from the field-cornet and citizens of the New Republic of Vryheid, from the citizens of Middelburg 13 Oct. 1888, from officials and citizens of Barberton 12 Mar. 1889; letter of naturalisation, Aug. 1890.
A239f HOLUB, Emil, 1847-1902 (Explorer and naturalist).
Lists of flora. 7 items. Ms. A240f
Account of how Eastertide was spent in British Kaffraria, 1878. Apr. 22. 2p. Ms transcript.
Records, 1913-1916. 9 items.
Report for 1914-1916, list of officials and members; papers read include: 'Criminal procedure at the Cape during the 17th and 18th centuries' (8p.) and 'A brief review of the Cape and its people at the beginning of the 18th century' (10p.) by C.G. Botha; 'Boomplaats: an eye account' (10p.) by J. Darling; 'The Kaffir War of 1835' (50p.) and 'A short history of slavery at the Cape' (30p.) by G.E. Cory; '100 years ago: the Slagters Nek Rebellion (15p.) by J.H. Malan, 'The Massacres in 1850 at Juanasberg, Woburn & Auckland' (7p.) by J.M. Stevenson.
A249f BOGGIE, Alexander.
'Second trip to the Diamond-fields' 1878 (?). 32p. Hg. A250f
BEET, George, 1845-1935 (Diamond Fields pioneer).
'The Black Flag rebellion. Alfred Aylward the moving spirit a
thrilling chapter of plot and counterplot'. 11p. Photocopy of the Ts.
Deals with an upheaval at the Diamond Fields in Apr. 1875.
A251f PERCY, Gilbert.
An account of the uprising instigated by A. Aylward at Kimberley in Apr. 1875. 8p. Ts.
A252f CONSIDINE, Dr. (of Port Elizabeth).
An account of the trial of 'Dr' A. Aylward at Klipdrift, his imprisonment and the
Contains Ms corrections by George Beet. A253f MACLEAR FAMILY.
Papers, 1843-1890. 5 items.
Order in Dutch to the veld-cornets in the Clan William district, 9 Feb. 1843, signed by the Civil Commissioner, to give Sir Thomas Maclear (H.M. Astronomer) all assistance; Ms account of the early life of Sir Thomas and photograph; letter-book containing copies of letters 1878-1879 from Capt. Harry Maclear, Natal, to his brothers and sisters. At the other end of book is an extract from a sermon and copy of lines written by J.F.W. Herschel on his father's old sidereal clock. Also Ms meteorological notes at Kamies Berg, Swart Kop, Cape Point, 1843-1844.
A254f DU PLESSIS, Johannes, 1868-1935 (N.G. Kerk minister, traveller, author and Professor of Theology).
Letter in Dutch, 1923 Dec. 29, Stellenbosch, to J.D. Kestell, Bloemfontein. 2p. ALS.
Recommends several books which will be useful in connection with the work of translating the Bible into Afrikaans.
A255f KESTELL, Rev. John Daniel, 1854-1941 (N.G. Kerk minister, Bible translator and writer).
Letter in Dutch, 1923 Dec. 28 to the Rev. D.S. Botha, Stellenbosch. 1p. ALS.
The 'Commissie voor die vertaling van de Bybel in Afrikaansch' cannot make use of the services of Dr. B.B. Keet.
Correspondence, 1811-1837. 12 ALS.
Letters to Honiball in the Cape from his brother Thomas in London, and from his nephews and nieces, Henry and Elizabeth Jervis and John and Jane Honiball mainly about family matters.
43 A257f
CATO, George Christopher, 1814-1893 (Natal pioneer, first mayor of Durban).
Letter, 1869 Feb. 15, Natal, to R. Godlonton, Grahamstown. 2p. ALS.
Refers to the large number of gold diggers who have arrived from Australia, attracted by the 'golden account' reported in the Mercury.
SIEVEKING, Dr. Herbert.
Papers, 1891-1892. 11 items.
Letters and telegrams testifying to the satisfactory service of Dr. Sieveking, who was in charge of the hospital at Tuli and subsequently employed as medical officer on the Kimberley/Vryburg railway line.
A260f CRONRIGHT-SCHREINER, Samuel, 1863-1936 (Husband and biographer of Olive Schreiner).
Letter, 1925 Oct.22, Cape Town, to Dr. Bertram. 2p. LS.
Asks for information about W. Bertram re references to him in Cronwright- Schreiner's Life of Olive Schreiner, London, 1924.
RHODES, Cecil John, 1853-1902 (Prime Minister of the Cape, financial genius and empire-builder).
Agreement between J.B. Robinson (on behalf of J.J.C. du Toit), C.J. Rhodes and Fergus Donovan, 1887 Jan.22, Pretoria. 4p. DS.
Cedes 10 claims in the Botha reef to Rhodes and 5 claims to Donovan in full settlement of claims against Du Toit. Signatories: J.B. Robinson, C.J. Rhodes, A.W. Francis for F. Donovan. Witness: C. Jeppe. A provision in Rhodes' handwriting reads 'Mr. Rhodes makes this settlement in order to avoid the worry and annoyance of legal controversies but he begs to place on record his opinion that Mr. du Toit has shewn a total disregard as to the obligations of our contract'.
A262f ATHERSTONE, Dr. William Guybon, 1814-1898 (Medical and Scientific pioneer).
Part of letter, 1874 Jun.30. 4p. ALS.
Condemns proposal to build a railway line from Graaff Reinet to Uitenhage and criticises Molteno's centralisation policy.
MAGRATH (?), George.
Letter, 1815 Aug.19, Dartmoor, to his brother. 2p. ALS.
Contains a long description of Napoleon whom the writer saw 'for a full half an hour at a short distance'.
44 A266f
'Reports upon Lands in the district of Albany', 1826 Feb.12. 2 items.
Names of petitioners were Robert M. Bovey and John Grant. The reports were signed by W.B. Dundas, landdrost and John Hope, surveyor.
Memorial to Lord John Russell (Colonial Secretary, Great Britain) from inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope, urging that revenue received from the sale of waste lands in the Colony be diverted to the transportation of emigrants from the United Kingdom. n.d. 1l. Ms.
A268f GORDON, Gen. Charles George, 1833-1885 (Chinese Gordon).
Letters, 1881-1883. 5 ALS.
3 ALS 1882, Aliwal North, to Mr. and Mrs. MacArthur, and ALS, 18 Jun. 1883, Jerusalem, to their young son, Freddy MacArthur. The latter letter reveals the deep religious convictions of the writer and his knowledge of the Bible. Also 1 ALS Oct. 1884, Khartoum, in Arabic written on extremely small piece of paper, to Governor of Dongolla, asking for information about the locality and number of enemy troops.
A269f 'DIARY of South African Boer War, 1899/1900-01/1902'.
29p. pp.20-25,28,30 missing. Ms.
Gives daily chronological list of events and at the end describes the war in the form of a sporting competition.
A270f EDMEADES, Capt. William (of the East Indiaman 'William Pitt').
Extract from the diary of Edmeades, 1806, describing the capture of Cape Town from the French. 3p. Ts.
A271f FOURIE, Joseph Johannes (Jopie), 1878-1914 (Martyr of the 1914 Rebellion).
Letter, 1914 Nov. 29, Enkeldoorn, to James A. Bacon granting the latter permission to pass to Scherparabie. 1p. ALS.
Application to the Government of the South African Republic for permission to construct a tramway on the Boksburg gold-fields, 1898 Oct. 2p. DS.
Accompanied by an English translation. Signatories include A.J.J. Celliers, J.C. du Plessis, G.W. Higgins, D.E. Schutte.
45 A274f
Collection of papers relating to the Jameson Raid, 1896-1897. 10 items.
Correspondence between A.D.H. Cooper, Sir W. Conyngham Greene, J.W. Leonard, N. Leviseur re the pleas for mercy for the Jameson Raid signatories and the Boer determination to see them hanged. Includes undated (?1897) letter from W.D. Karri- Davies, of a secret nature, explaining that Chamberlain will support the Reformers.
Also statements on the Raid by Sir G. Farrar, S. Klagsburn, L. Phillips and F. Rhodes, together with a press clipping 'Mr. Farrar on the situation'.
Collection of military letters and despatches in Dutch mainly between the Presidents and the Boer commanders, 1900-1901. 31 items.
Names of correspondents include L. Botha, P. Botha, S.W. Burger, J.H. de la Rey, C.R. de Wet, F.W. Reitz, M.T. Steyn, B. Viljoen and E. Wrangel.
Subjects are British troop movements, meeting of General Botha with Lord Kitchener, suggested attack on General Smith-Dorrien, destruction of rail communications, death of Danie Theron and peace negotiations.
Letter in Dutch, 1901 Jul. 21, signed by the inmates of the Camp and addressed to N.J. Scholtz expressing their regret at his transfer to a new appointment. 9p. ALS.
DE WET, Gen. Christiaan Rudolph, 1854-1922 (Boer General and Member of the Volksraad).
Instructions, 1914 Oct. 28, 'In het veld' to Harry Theunissen to collect all available horses, etc. 1 leaf Ms.
A278f ESSELEN, Dr. Ewald, 1858-1918 (Advocate).
Notice in Dutch, advising that all assistance be given to Dr. Esselen to proceed to Lydenburg. Newcastle, 1881 May 4. 1p.
Document signed by S.J.P. Kruger, M.W. Pretorius and P.J. Joubert.
DE VILLIERS, Tielman Nieuwoudt, 1846-1925 (Attorney).
Letter, 1876 Oct. 20, Pretoria to G.J. de Korte, Cape Town. 1p. ALS.
Disappointed to learn that de Korte has declined to stand as presidential candidate in place of President Burgers.
ROWLANDS, Sir Hugh, 1829-1909 (British General). |
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