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- My favourite season
MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION THE REPUBLIC UZBEKISTAN SAMAMRKAND STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER SHAROF RASHIDOV FACULTY OF “HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ” “ECONOMICS” DIRECTION INDEPENDENT WORK Subject name: English Group:101 Done by: Qudratov.G’ Checked by: Abdusalomova.X My favourite season Just like many other kids my age, I like the summer season the most. What’s not to like about it? You get to enjoy long holidays as everyone gets a break from school. Similarly, parents allow the kids to have ice creams. Cold drinks are another reasons why summer is my favourite season. We get to have such a wide variety of food items during this season. On the healthier side, we also get incredible mangoes in the summer season. As mangoes are my favourite fruit, I tend to like summers even more. Summers make us truly appreciate and savour a lot of things. During the summer season, we get holidays for a long time. During the summer holidays, I get to spend time with my family and friends to the fullest. When we get lucky, we even go on family trips. I look forward to them every year, even if it is a small trip. Most importantly, there are so many activities that I get to do during summers like joining summer camps, cycling, swimming, and more. Summers are so bright and exciting that it has always been my favourite season. The summer season has long days and short nights. The days are sunny and bright. We get to relax completely during the afternoons during summers. Similarly, we also get so much sunlight. The water parks are always full of people during summers that help people stay cool and have a good time. I like swimming in the pools during summers as it makes me feel free. There are also different varieties of food items I get to enjoy during summers. There are fresh cucumbers, huge watermelons, juicy oranges, sweet guavas, nutritious muskmelons, and more. The early mornings of summer are incredible and nothing can match the atmosphere. Another speciality of summer has to be the clothes. People enjoy wearing shorts, dresses, sleeveless shirts, and more to enjoy summers to the fullest. The hill stations are swarmed during the summer season as everyone goes there to escape the heat. Therefore, all these specialities make me love summer even more. Mening sevimli mavsumim Mening yoshimdagi ko'plab bolalar singari, menga ham yoz fasli ko'proq yoqadi. Bunda nima yoqmaydi? Siz uzoq ta'tildan zavqlanasiz, chunki hamma maktabdan tanaffus oladi. Xuddi shunday, ota-onalar bolalarga muzqaymoq ichishga ruxsat berishadi. Sovuq ichimliklar yozning mening sevimli faslim ekanligimning yana bir sababidir. Bu mavsumda bizda juda xilma-xil oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari mavjud. Sog'lomroq tomondan, biz yoz mavsumida ajoyib mango olamiz. Mango mening sevimli mevam bo'lganligi sababli, men yozni ko'proq yoqtiraman. Yoz bizni chinakam qadrlashga va ko'p narsalarni lazzatlashga majbur qiladi. Yozgi mavsumda biz uzoq vaqt ta'til olamiz. Yozgi ta'tilda men oilam va do'stlarim bilan to'liq vaqt o'tkazaman. Nasib qilsa, hatto oilaviy sayohatlarga ham chiqamiz. Har yili kichik sayohat bo'lsa ham ularni intiqlik bilan kutaman. Eng muhimi, yozgi lagerlarga qo'shilish, velosiped haydash, suzish va boshqalar kabi yozgi mashg'ulotlarim juda ko'p. Yoz shunchalik yorqin va hayajonliki, bu har doim mening eng sevimli faslim bo'lib kelgan. Yoz fasli uzoq kunlar va qisqa tunlarga ega. Kunlar quyoshli va yorqin. Yozda tushdan keyin butunlay dam olamiz. Xuddi shunday, biz ham juda ko'p quyosh nurini olamiz. Yoz faslida akvaparklar har doim odamlar bilan to'la bo'lib, odamlarga salqin va maroqli vaqt o'tkazishga yordam beradi. Men yozda hovuzlarda suzishni yaxshi ko'raman, chunki bu o'zimni erkin his qiladi. Bundan tashqari, yozda men zavqlanadigan turli xil oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari bor. Yangi bodringlar, ulkan tarvuzlar, suvli apelsinlar, shirin guavalar, to'yimli mushak qovunlari va boshqalar mavjud. Yozning erta tonglari aql bovar qilmaydigan va hech narsa atmosferaga tenglasha olmaydi. Yozning yana bir xususiyati kiyim bo'lishi kerak. Odamlar yozdan to'liq zavqlanish uchun shortilar, ko'ylaklar, yengsiz ko'ylaklar va boshqalarni kiyishni yaxshi ko'radilar. Tepalik stantsiyalari yoz mavsumida to'lib-toshgan, chunki hamma issiqdan qochish uchun u erga boradi. Shuning uchun, bu barcha ixtisosliklar meni yozni yanada yaxshi ko'radi.
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