Infinitive or Gerund
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Lesson 18 (Infinitive or Gerund)
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Infinitive or Gerund
Gerund ega bolib kelsa umumiy ma’no tushuniladi.( xar doimgi) Smoking is bad for your health.
Infinitive ega bolib kelishi uchun vaziyat noodatiy, o’ziga xos bolishi kerak( xar doimgi xolat emas) To work with her was difficult for me after we broke up.
Bunday vaziyatlarda “IT +” strukturasidan foydalansa ham boladi. It was difficult to work with him after we broke up. In that period of economic recession it was impossible to find a job.
Infinitive ni negative shakli “not to do” gerund niki esa “not doing” I want to be a doctor in the future. I want not to be disturbed. He asked me not to tell his secret to anybody. I prefer not calling a second time if people don’t answer the first time. I hate not being able to help my family.
Yuqoridagi fe’llar toldiruvchi bilan kelsa ya’ni kimgadur yo’naltirilgan bo’lsa INFINITIVE olinadi, hech kimga yo’naltirilmasdan shunchaki hammaga umumiy qilib aytilsa ya’ni toldiruvchi berilmasa GERUND olinadi. Doctor recommended me not to smoke regularly. Doctors always recommend swimming in order to keep healthy weight. I advised them to work hard. I always advise working hard. Our teacher doesn’t allow us to help each other during exams. Our teacher doesn’t allow cheating during exams. *** it is not allowed to smoke here. Download 22 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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