Infinitive(to) Maqsadni ifodalashda foydalaniladi.

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Infinitive 1

1.Maqsadni ifodalashda foydalaniladi.(to express purpose)
-Sam went to the bank to get some money
2.Ingliz tilida qachon ikkita fe'l yonma yon kelganda birinchi fe'ldan so'ng qo'yishda ishlatiladi.

Quyidagi fe'llardan so'ng infinitive (to) ishlatiladi.
-He promised to help us with the decorations
-I can afford to buy it
-The bank agreed to lend me some money
-We decided to go to the theatre
Attention: Ingliz tilida birinchi kelgan fe'l active va passive zamonlarda tuslangani kabi ikkinchi kegan fe'l ham active va passive zamonlarda tuslanishi mumkin
Active tenses
a) V+to+V=Present Simple,Future Simple
-He expects to stay here for a week
b) V+ to be +Ving=Present Continous,Future Continous
-He seems to be working hard(U qattiq ishlayotganga o'hshab tuyulyapti)
-He claims to be coming next Monday
c)V+ to have +V3/ed=Present Perfect,Past Simple,Past Perfect,Future Perfect
-He claims to have won a lot of money(U pul yutib olganini takidlayapti)(U birinchi pul yutgan va shuni hozir ta'kidlayapti)
d)V+ to have been+Ving=Past Continous,Present Perfect Continous,Past Perfect Continous,Future Perfect Continous
-He has got a headache.He claims to have been working on the computer all morning(U kompda ertalabdan beri ishlayotganligini ta'kidlayapti)
Passive tenses
a)V+ to be+V3/ed=Present Simple passive,Future Simple passive
-He hopes to be offered a promotion(U umid qiladi unga lavozim taklif qilinishiga)
b) V+to have been +V3/ed=Past Simple passive,Present Perfect passive,Past Perfect passive,Future Perfect passive
-She is believed to have been kidnapped(U ishontirildi o'girlab ketilganligiga)
3. His-tuyg'u/emotsiya(glad,happy), xohish-istak(willing,eager,anxious,unwilling),
insonning harakterini(mean,clever) ifodalaydigan Adjective(sifatlardan)so'ng va lucky,fortunate sifatlaridan so'ng Verb(fe'l) kelsa infinitive(to) ishlatiladi.
-I was annoyed to hear that he had left
-He is reluctant to help
-You were clever not to believe them
Attention:Biz quyidagi strukturani xarakterni ifodalaydigan Adjective(sifatlar)bilan,insonni maqtash uchun ishlatishimiz mumkin
It+to be+adjective+of+noun/pronoun
-It is clever of you not to believe them
4.Too va enough dan so'ng ham infinitive(to) ishlatilishi mumkin
-She is too young to stay out so late
-We have got enough room to put you up
5. Quyidagi struktura bilan ham infinitive(to)ishlatiladi
It+to be+adjective/noun
-It is important to get there on time
-It is her ambition to open her own shop
6.Quyidagi strukturadan keyin infinitive(to) ishlatiladi.
to be+the first,second...,next,last...+to+V
-He was the first to arrive
7. Agar fe'ldan keyin maxsus so'roq so'zlar(who,what,where,how...) kelsa ulardan so'ng fe'l kelsa infinitive(to) ishlatiladi.
-He explained how to operate the machine
-I do not know what to do

Exception: Qachonki fe'ldan keyin Why kelsa undan so'ng hech nima qo'yilmaydi.
-I don't know why he left
-I told him why he did this

Attention: Agar birinchi fe'l infinitive oladigan fe'l bo'lsa keyin ikkita fe'l ketma ket kelib "and" yoki "or" bilan ajratilsa unda uchinchi fe'ldan oldin infinitive(to) qo'yilmaydi.
-He agreed to come and help us
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