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“Pioner” asarida hind an`analari va yangi dunyo nomutanosibligi
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3.2. “Pioner” asarida hind an`analari va yangi dunyo nomutanosibligi
Garchi xranologiya jihatidan bu to`rtinchi asar bo`lib hisoblansada, “Pioner” asari 1823-yilda chop etilgan bo`lib, “Jun paypoq” xronologiyasining 1-bo`lib nashrdan chiqqan asaridir. Asarning I-II boblarida ko`chmanchilarning mahalliy hindularga o`z dinlarini olib kirishga bo`lgan urininishlari va bu borada joriy etilgan yangi qonun-qoidalari va hindu xalqining bu boradagi noroziliklari tasvirlangan. Tibbiyot va ilm – fan kabi taqchil tushunchalarning mahalliy hindu xalqining hayotiga kirib kelishi asarning III bobida tasvirlangan. Pioner asari tarixiy roman janrida yozilgan bo`lib asarda tabiat va sivilizatsiya o`rtasidagi nomutanosiblik alohida o`rin egallagan. Bampoda asar davomida kuchli urg`u berilgan, Billi Kirbi obrazi insoniylik timsoli sifatida namoyon bo`ladi. Yozuvchi millat madaniyati mavzusini asar qahramonlarining ovchilik va fermerlik kabi mashg`ulotlari orqali ko`rsatib berishga harakat qilgan. Mahalliy amerikaliklar va oq tanlilar munosabatlari misdan foydalanish evaziga tangalarning o`zgarishi mavzusi ko`tarilganda sezilarni tahlil qilindan.52 "Pionerlar" umid beruvchi romandir, chunki unda Kuper tarixni oqilona tartibga solishga bo'lgan ishonchni ochib beradi, bu uning oqilona respublika haqidagi g'oyalarini amalga oshirishga olib keladi. Ushbu roman Amerika respublikasi bu ikki an'ananing mevasi ekanligini ta'kidlab, mahalliy aholi va an'anaviy Yevropa hukmron sinfining markaziy anarxik ko'chishlarini hal qiladi. Garchi mukammallikdan yiroq bo'lsa-da, bu romanda Amerika tajribasi noyob muvaffaqiyat uchun mo'ljallangan ko'rinadi. Kuper o‘z faoliyati davomida insoniyat tarixini ikki tartib o‘rtasidagi mavjudlikning tartibsiz bosqichi sifatidagi umumiy tushuncha va zamonaviy Amerikaning eski aristokratik tartib va amerikalik janob hukmronlik qiladigan yangi tartib o‘rtasidagi tartibsiz bosqich sifatidagi alohida tasavvurida ishlagan. "Charm paypoq pentalogiyasi"ning dastlabki uchtasida Kuper yovvoyi dunyoning insoniyat bilan tanishish orqali aristokratik an'analarni tabiiylashtirish istagini ochib beradi. Bu jarayonning natijasi ilohiy kamolotdan uzoq bo'lsa-da, halok bo'lgan insoniyat uchun imkon qadar ko'proq baxt va'da qiladigan etuk tabiiy tartib bo'ladi. “Pioneer” asarining kirish qismida yozuvchi bu asarning bolaligida yashagan Nyu-York shahrini tasvirlashni maqsad qilganligini ta`kidlaydi. [T]hey who will take the trouble to read it may be glad to know how much of its contents is literal fact, and how much is intended to represent a general picture. The author is very sensible that, had he confined himself to the latter, always the most effective, as it is the most valuable, mode of conveying knowledge of this nature, he would have made a far better book. But in commencing to describe scenes, and perhaps he may add characters, that were so familiar to his own youth, there was a constant temptation to delineate that which he had known, rather than that which he might have imagined.53 “Pioner” asari na uydirma va na sof avtobiografik asar, balki shu ikkisining qorishmasi desak mubolag`a qilmagan bo`lamiz. Asar Amerikada ilm-fan taraqqiyoti, din, siyosat, ijtimoiy qarashlar va madaniyat haqida bizga ma`lumot beradi. Ijtimoiy va siyosiy hayot har tomonlama rivojlanayotgan bir paytda Amerikaliklar o`z milliyligini kashf etishga, yangi g`oyalar yoki tashkilotlar bilan yangi yerlarni zabt etishga emas , balki o`zlarining yangi qirralarini ochishga harakat qilayotgan edilar. Asar Amerika madaniyatining ko`zgusidir. Kuper templetoni yangi dunyoga sivilizatsiyaning qanday qilib kirib kelishini o`zida mujassamlashtirgan asosiy manbalardan biridir. Asar zamirida siyosiy teoriyalar va tajribalar bilan qorishgan yer egaligi muammosi yotadi. Post-revolyutsion qonun chiqaruvchi organlar tomonidan ulkan yer egaliklari tugatilayotgan bo`lsada, Nyu – York shahrida aristokratizm hali hamon davom etardi. Turli adabiy tanqidchilar asarni turlicha talqin qilib, muhokama qiladilar. Adams “Pioner”ni qonundagi adolatsizliklarni ko`rsatadi desa, Reylton sivilizatsiya va yovvoyi hayot o`rtasidagi konfliktni tasvirlaydi deb ta`kidlaydi. Dekker esa asar markazi qilib Natti Bampo obrazini oladi va uni tabiat bilan uyg`unlashtirgan bir paytda Jon Kendl Kuperning sivilizatsiya va tabiat bilan uyg`unlikdagi yovvoyi hayotga nisbatan muhabbati o`rtasidagi konfliktni asardagi bosh masala deb hisoblaydi. Asar 1823-yilda yozilgan bo`lsada, 1793-yil voqealarini tasvirlashini asar boshida muallif ta`kidlaydi: “Our tale begins in , about seven years after the commencement of one of the earliest of those settlements which have conduced to effect that magical change in the power and condition of the State to which we have alluded. Very soon after the establishment of the independence of the States by the peace of , the enterprise of their citizens was directed to a development of the natural advantages of their widely extended dominions. Before the war of the Revolution, the inhabited parts of the colony of New York were limited to less than a tenth of its possessions, A narrow belt of country, extending for a short distance on either side of the Hudson, with a similar occupation of fifty miles on the banks of the Mohawk, together with the islands of Nassau and Staten, and a few insulated settlements on chosen land along the margins of streams, composed the country, which was then inhabited by less than two hundred thousand souls. Within the short period we have mentioned, the population has spread itself over five degrees of latitude and seven of longitude, and has swelled to a million and a half of inhabitants, who are maintained in abundance, and can look forward to ages before the evil day must arrive when their possessions shall become unequal to their wants.”[11,462] Asarni o`qir ekanmiz Amerika xalqining sivilizatsiyaga nisbatan intilishi va pozitiv munosabatining ham guvohi bo`lamiz: “The former was thinking of the wife that had held this their only child to her bosom, when, four years before, she had reluctantly consented to relinquish the society of her daughter in order that the latter might enjoy the advantages of an education which the city of New York could only offer at that period. A few months afterward death had deprived him of the remaining companion of his solitude; but still he had enough real regard for his child not to bring her into the comparative wilderness in which he dwelt, until the full period had expired to which he had limited her juvenile labors.” [14,462] Kuper asarlarida tabiatni asar voqealariga moslab tasvirlanishi kitobxon e`tiboridan chetda qolmaydi: “The dark trunks of the trees rose from the pure white of the snow in regularly formed shafts, until, at a great height, their branches shot forth horizontal limbs, that were covered with the meagre foliage of an evergreen, affording a melancholy contrast to the torpor of nature below.”[14,462]54 Ushbu parchada Amerika xalqi sivilizatsiyalashayotgan bir paytda tabiat ham qishki uyqudan uyg`onganligi ifodalangan va yozuvchining yozish uslubini shu qisqa satrlarda mujassamlashtirgan. Tabiat unga taqdim etgan ideal turmush tarziga mukammal ravishda moslashgan Natti yashayotgan muhit Otseo ko`li sivilizatsiyalashayotgandi va ko`plab kishilar unda muqim turish uchun qo`nim topayotgandi, shular bilan birga Xristian dini ham joriy etilgan bir paytda Natti bu yangi dinga va tartiblarga nisbatan ijobiy munosabatda bo`lmaganligini quyidagi parchadan anglash qiyin emas: “…that dog is more to be trusted than many a Christian man; for he never forgets a friend, and loves the hand that gives him bread.” Natty.[18,462] “…let your doctor look to the shoulder; though if he will only cut out the shot, I have yarbs that will heal the wound quicker than all his foreign `intments.” Natty.[22,462]55 Kuper yangi tartiblar haqida yozar ekan Natti va Chingachkukning o`z ideal sivilizatsion dunyolarida qolishni Afzal ko`rishlarini ta`kidlaydi va bu asarda konfliktni hosil qiladi.56 Yangi tartiblar Temple tomonidan taqdim etiladi va u yer egasi sifatida asarda muhim o`rin egallaydi. U ko`chmanchilarni kelishi va joylashishiga o`z hisobidan ko`maklashadi va ular uchun turar joylar barpo ettiradi. When the war ended, and the independence of the States was acknowledged, Mr. Temple turned his attention from the pursuit of commerce, which was then fluctuating and uncertain, to the settlement of those tracts of land which he had purchased. Aided by a good deal of money, and directed by the suggestions of a strong and practical reason, his enterprise throve to a degree that the climate and rugged face of the country which he selected would seem to forbid. His property increased in a tenfold ratio, and he was already ranked among the most wealthy and important of his countrymen.[32,462]57 Marmaduke, more fortunate in his native clearness of mind than the judge of King Charles, not only decided right, but was generally able to give a very good reason for it. At all events, such was the universal practice of the country and the times; and Judge Temple, so far from ranking among the lowest of his judicial contemporaries in the courts of the new counties, felt himself, and was unanimously acknowledged to be, among the first.[32,462] Ammo Richard Jons kabi ezgulikni suiste`mol qiladigan, Natti kabi qadryatlar asosida yashayotgan hindularga qarama-qarshi turuvchi tartiblardan butunlay yiroq ko`chmanchilar ham asarda tasvirlangani bizga sir emas: Richard usually assented; and when rival geniuses who monopolize not only all the reputation but most of the money of a neighborhood, are of a mind, it is not uncommon to see them lead the fashion, even in graver matters.[38,462] Asarda qonunlar, boshqaruv va boshqaruv sistemasi kabilarga millatni millat sifatida shakllanishini ta’minlovchisi sifatida urg`u berilgan. Yozuvchi sivilizatsiyaning kelishi va yangi dunyoning shakllanishining mahalliy hindularga ta’sirini asar qahramonlari misolida ko`rsatib bergan. Yerlarning tozalanishi, yangi jamiyatning o`rnatilishi mavjud tuzum va yangi tuzum orasida nomutanosiblikning kelib chiqishiga sabab bo`lganligi asarning markaziy qismi bo`lib hisoblanadi. “The enterprise of Judge Temple is taming the very forests!” exclaimed Elizabeth, throwing off the covering, and partly rising in the bed. “How rapidly is civilization treading on the foot of Nature!”[211,462] “Should we offer the old man a home' and a maintenance, his habits would compel him to refuse us. Neither were we so silly as to wish such a thing, could we convert these clearings and farms again into hunting grounds, as the Leather-Stocking would wish to see them.” Elizabeth[282,462]58 Siyosiy kuch yetarli kapital va harbiy kuchga ega shaxslar qo`lida bo`lishini asar mutolaasi davomida anglash qiyin emas. “They say that there's new laws in the land, and I'm sartin that there's new ways in the mountains. One hardly knows the lakes and streams, they've altered the country so much. I must say I'm mistrustful of such smooth speakers; for I've known the whites talk fair when they wanted the Indian lands most. This I will say, though I'm a white myself, and was born nigh York, and of honest parents, too,” – Leather Stocking.[205,462] Asar markazida uzoq vaqt davomida og`ir mehnat evaziga erishilgan qadimiy an’analar va osonlik bilan qurilayotgan yangi dunyo o`rtasidagi to`qnashuv turadi desak adashmagan bo`lamiz. Natti Bambo o`zining butun hayoti davomida to`g`ri deb o`ylagan va bajargan ishlari uchun yangi dunyo tartib-qoidalari bilan jazolangan mahalliy aholi vakilidir. “- If he harbors too much about the cabin, lad, I'll shoot the creatur',” said the Leather-Stocking, quite simply. “- No, no, Natty, you must remember the law,” said Edwards, “or we shall have you in trouble; and that, old man, would be an evil day and sore tidings to us all.”[293,462] Pioner yangi siyosiy demokratiya qurish uchun tuzilgan kapitalizm qonunlari mavjud tabiat qonunlarini qanday qilib yo`qqa chiqarganini tasvirlovchi asardir. Roman yangi dunyoning to`liq qurilib bo`lmasidan oldin o`z nihoyasiga yetadi. Kitobxon Jun Paypoq pentalogiyasining boshqa asarlaridan ham batafsil ma’lumotga ega bo`lishi mumkin. Kuper Templeni millat asoschisi qilib tasvirlaydi va Oliver va Yelizabetning turmushi qurishlari orqali Mavjud va Yangi dunyoni simvolik birlashtiradi. The two principal were the marriage of Oliver and Elizabeth, and the death of Major Effingham. They both took place early in September; and the former preceded the latter only a few days. Download 122,58 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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