Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi Shirinov Bekzodning
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“TASDIQLAYMAN” MAKTAB DIREKTORI: ________ B.Ravshanov Navoiy viloyati Xatirchi tumani 23-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi INGLIZ TILI fani o’qituvchisi Shirinov Bekzodning Xatirchi tumani 23-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi INGLIZ TILI fani o’qituvchisi SHIRINOV BEKZODNning 2021-2022-o’quv yili TO’GARAK mashg’ulotining YILLIK ISH REJASI
Xatirchi tumani 23-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi Shirinov Bekzodning 2021-2022-o’quv yilida tashkil qilingan to’garagiga a’zo o’quvchilar ro’yxati To’garak nomi: “ENGLISH CONVERSATION”
Date:_____________LESSON 1Theme: THE ENGLISH ALPHABET I.The aims of the lesson: ____________________________________ of the lesson: Act.1 Read and learn. Ingliz alfavitida 26 harf: 6 unli va 20 undosh mavjud. Tovushlarni belgilash uchun fonetik transkriptsiyadan foydalaniladi. Fonetik transkriptsiya belgilari kvadrat qavs ichiga yoziladi: 26 harf – 44 tovushni ifodalaydi. [ι:], [ι], [e], [æ], [α:], [], [:], [u], [u:], [], [ә], [ә:], [eι], [u], [aι], [au], [ι], [ιә], [εә], [uә], [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g], [t], [ʤ], [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [], [Ʒ], [h], [m], [n], [ŋ], [l], [r], [j], [w] Act.2 Vocabulary exercises. INGLIZCHA - O’ZBEKCHA LUG’AT
Act.3. Read the text Read and translate the text into Uzbek. Try to retell the text. TEXT INDEPENDENCE DAY Dear students!Hallo! Welcome to the Institute! I suppose the first & important thing I must tell you is my name. So, I’m Muminova Shahlohon an English translator. Now I'm going to tell I you about the great holiday of our people. First, I'd like to speak about the Independence which we, are celebrating now. Then, you'll ask me each other questions on the topic. At last, every will have to say anything how she or he observed the First of September. Each of you know that Independence of Uzbekistan was declared on August 31, 1991. Well, let me start the story about the holiday we've just observed. Yesterday (or the day before yesterday, or some days ago)it was First of September, the day on which the people of Uzbekistan usually celebrate the National Independence Day. On this day in 1991 our republic became an independent country. Today our Homeland is one of the Newly Independent States of Central Asia. Here are some important information on the history of the Independent Republic of Uzbekistan you are interested in First, to begin with, you have to know and remember the date of Independence, it's the First of September. Second, the date of Constitution-December 8, 1992. Third, Uzbekistan became the member of the United Nations Organization (UNO)on March 2, 1992, . Happy Independence Day! I wish each of you much success in this school year! Questions 1. When was declare the Independence of Uzbekistan? 2. When do we celebrate the Independence Day of Uzbekistan? 3. What do usually people do on holiday? 4. How many years do Uzbeks celebrate the Independence Day in Uzbekistan? 5. What do we say each other on the first of September? 6. Who is the President of Uzbekistan now? 7. What is your personal opinion about the Independence of Uzbekistan? 8. What can you say about the last 10 years of Uzbekistan? 9. What do you know about political parties in Uzbekistan? 10. What kind of other holidays do you know? III. Homework - " INDEPEDENCE DAY " matnidagi notanish, yangi so’zlarni yodlash va matnini og’zaki, Inglizcha qayta aytib berish. Date:_____________LESSON 2Theme: Phonetic drill I.The aims of the lesson: __________________________________ _______________________________________________________ II.The procedure of the lesson: Act.1 Read and learn. yumshoq unlilar: E, I, Y 2) qattiq unlilar: A, O, U
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