X. Answer the question on Text D:
How many heart sounds do we hear when we listen to ter heart? 2. When is the first heart sound heard? 3. When is the second heart sound heard? 4. At what moment is the third heart sound heard? 5. Where is the first heart sound heard loudest? 6. Over the surface of what valves is the first heart sound heard loudest? 7. Where is the second heart sound heard loudest? 8. In which costal interspaces is the second heart sound heard best? 9. In which costal interspaces is the second heart sound heard best? 10. Which of the two sounds-the aortic or the pulmonic is louder normally? 11. What do heart sounds help the doctors to determine?
O’qish qoidasi: eu, ew, ue harf birikmalari; u harfi r, l, j lardan keyin.
So’z yasalishi: -ian suffiksi; dis-, a-, ab-, be-, com-, con-, de-, ex-, per-, pre- prefikslari.
Grammatika: zamonlar moslashuvi.
1. eu, ew, ue harf birikmalari [ju:] o’qiladi; g, l, j harflardan keyin esa [u:] new [nju:] yangi; true [tru:] to’g’ri; blue [blu:] ko’k
2. – u harfi g, l, j harflaridan keyin [u:] o’qiladi: rule[ru:l] qoida; lunar [`lu:nə] oydin; junior [`dзu:nə] kichik;
3. –ian a) sifalar va b) otlar qo’shimchasi hisoblanadi. ss dan keyin yoki –ian qo’shimchasi bilan [∫(ə)n] o’qiladi: Russian [`rΛ∫ən] rus millatidan;
4. dis- old qo’shimchasi o’zak ma’nosiga qarama-qarshi so’zlar yasaydi: to appear [ə`piə] paydo bo’lmoq, to disappear [¸disə`piə] yo’qolmoq.
5. a-, ab-, be-, com-, con-, de-, ex-, per-, pre-old qo’shimchalariga urg’u tushmaydi.
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