5. Conclusions
Application of nitrogen and sulphur significantly
increased the seed yield
of soybean. The most beneficial effect was obtained in the combinations with 60
kg N applied ½ before sowing +½ after emergence and ¾ before sowing +¼ after
emergence. In these combinations, sulphur application did not significantly affect
seed yield. In the remaining combinations
of nitrogen application,
application significantly increased the seed yield. Taking into account the yield and
the chemical composition
of the soybean seeds, fertilization with 60 kg N ha
two portions can be recommended—½ or ¾ before
sowing and the remainder
during the development of pods and seeds—in
combination with sulphur
In further research, it is worth paying attention
to the form of sulfur
introduced in fertilizers. An interesting issue is also the effect of sulfur fertilization
on the composition of fatty acids and the biological value of protein.