International conference on bioinformatics of genome regulation
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Key words: open angle glaucoma, single nucleotide polymorphism, LOXL1 gene Motivation and Aim: Open-angle glaucoma (OAG) is a chronic neurodegenerative eye disease caused by axons degeneration of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and subsequent neuron death. Pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEXG), which is characterized by severe course of the disease and poor prognosis in vision, is one of OAG types. The association of LOXL1 gene with PEXG in a genome-wide association study was shown [1]. The aim of this study was estimation of a possible association the LOXL1 gene rs1048661 (R141L) and rs2165241 (IVS1) with OAG and PEXG in West Siberia patients. Methods and Algorithms: In this case/control study, 197 unrelated patients with OAG, 197 patients with PEXG, and unrelated healthy individuals were genotyped using RLFP analysis. For intergroup comparison by the genotype frequencies, the exact Fisher test was calculated using the SPSS 11.0 computer program. The intergroup differences were considered statistically significant if the p- value was less than 0.05 (p < 0.05). Results: The analysis of the OAG and PEXG samples revealed a significant increase in the rs2165241 (IVS1) TT genotype frequencies (51.3% for OAG (p<0.0001) and 53.8% for PEXG (p<0.0001) respectively) compared to the control group (28.5%). The rs1048661(R141L) GG genotype frequencies were significantly higher in OAG (69.0%, p= 0.023) and PEXG (67.5%, p= 0.005) patients compared to the control (54,8%). A significant decrease in the frequencies of the carriers of ТТ genotype was detected in OAG (3.0%, p= 0.023) and PEXG (1,5%, p= 0.001) patients compared to the control group (8.0%). The frequency of GT genotype at the rs1048661 (R141L) was significantly decreased in OAG (27.9%, p= 0.034) patients vs control (37.2%). Conclusion: The LOXL1 gene rs1048661 (R141L) and rs2165241(IVS1) polymorphisms correlate with an increased risk of POAG and PEXG in West Siberia patients. The observed effect should be considered for further studies in order to estimate the contribution of the gene environment interaction to POAG and PEXG phenotypes. References: 1. G. Thorleifsson et al. (2007) Common sequence variants in the LOXL1 gene confer susceptibility to exfoliation glaucoma, Science, 317: 1397–1400 108 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY IDENTIFICATION OF PROTEINS ASSOCIATED WITH DRUG-INDUCED LIVER INJURY USING IN SILICO PREDICTION OF DRUG-TARGET INTERACTIONS S.M. Ivanov 1, 2 *, M.I. Semin 1, 2 , A.A. Lagunin 1, 2 , D.A. Filimonov 1 , V.V. Poroikov 1, 2 1 Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia 2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Medico-Biological Faculty, Moscow, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: drug-induced liver injury, idiosyncrasy, acute liver failure, drug-target interactions, off-targets, structure-activity relationships, PASS Targets, Gene Ontology Motivation and Aim: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is the leading cause of acute liver failure as well as one of the major cases of drug withdrawn from clinical trials and the market. Understanding of DILI-related mechanisms may help to improve the existing and develop new methods of DILI detection on the earliest stages of drug development. Most of the investigations focused on the formation of toxic or reactive metabolites, whereas specific interactions with protein targets are accepted to be the primary cause of many other adverse drug effects [1, 2]. Methods and Algorithms: Specific DILI-related protein targets were identified through the analysis of drug-target interactions which were predicted by PASS Targets software [3]. It predicts interactions with 1534 human targets. The study was carried out using a dataset containing 178 severe DILI-causing drugs, 310 moderate DILI-causing drugs and 211 non-DILI-causing drugs, which was created based on mainly SIDER (http:// and LiverTox ( databases. Results: Statistical analysis of predicted drug-target interactions of dataset’s compounds coupled with analysis of Gene Ontology allows revealing 145 protein targets putatively associated with DILI as well as cellular pathophysiological processes leading to DILI. Most of the revealed processes were associated with hepatocytes, the main from which was apoptosis. Interactions with proteins which were involved in immune system regu- lation were also identified. About half of DILI-causing drugs from various chemical- therapeutic classes interact with the revealed targets. We clustered drugs based on their interactions with 145 targets and confirmed correlations with DILI within clusters for 61 from those targets. These 61 protein targets are possibly the most essential for DILI development. Conclusion: We found that interaction with the identified specific protein targets has a major role in the development of severe DILI. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Re- search grant 16-34-01077. References: 1. M. Chen et al. (2015) Drug-induced liver injury: Interactions between drug properties and host factors, J. Hepatol., 63:503-514. 2. S.M. Ivanov et al. (2016) In silico assessment of adverse drug reactions and associated mechanisms, Drug Discov. Today, 21:58-71. 3. P.V. Pogodin et al. (2015) PASS Targets: Ligand-based multi-target computational system based on a public data and naïve Bayes approach, SAR QSAR Environ. Res., 26:783-793. 109 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY USING THE BIOINFORMATIC SOFTWARE TECHNICUES TO SEARCH CRISPR / CAS SYSTEMS IN THE GENOME OF ESCHERICHIA COLI STRAIN O157:H7 E.I. Ivanova 1 *, Yu.P. Dzhioev 1, 2 , A.Yu. Borisenko 2 , A.I. Paramonov 1 , V.I. Zlobin 2 , N.L. Belkova 1, 3 1 Scientific Center of the Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk, Russia 2 Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia 3 Limnological Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: E. coli O157:H7, CRISPR / Cas-system, bacteriophages, bioinformatics Motivation and Aim: CRISPR / Cas-system (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Pal- indromic Repeats / CRISPR-associated proteins, or short palindromic repeats regularly arranged in groups with CRISPR - associated protein) is a prokaryotic adaptive pro- tection system from foreign genetic material. CRISPR-cassette consists of palindromic repeats, between which there are spacers - sections of DNA that are complementary to protospacers of phages and plasmids. Bacteria containing spacers exhibit resistance to the corresponding phage or plasmid. CAS-proteins possess helicase and nuclease activ- ity and are usually in close proximity to each other. The aim of this work is to find and analyze CRISPR / Cas-systems sites in the genome sequence of Escherichia coli sero- type O157:H7 strain using bioinformatics methods. Methods and Algorithms: Genomic sequence of E. coli O157:H7 strain was taken as an object of research. It was downloaded from the GenBank database (accession number NC_002695). Methods from MacSyFinder ver 1.0.2 (Macromolecular System Finder) software package were used to find CRISPR / Cas-system sites. Identification of struc- tural and functional characteristics of discovered cas genes were carried by auxiliary programs of the makeblastdb ver.2.2.28 and HMMER ver. 3.0 packages. Visualization of the results was carried out through MacSyView web interface. «CRISPI: a CRISP RInteractive database» online application on Gen Ouest BioInformatics Platform were used for explanation of produced CRISPR-cassettes. Results: CRISPR / Cas-system locus was identified in the studied strain of E. coli in positions 2920680-2921322, ie its length was 642 nd. 7 cas 2 sse genes belonging to CAS-TypeІE were detected and visualized. Their structural and functional characteris- tics were determined. Consensus size of repeats was 29 nd. CRISPR-cassette structure was identified containing repeats and 11 spacer sequences. Their size ranged from 29 to 35 nd. Conclusion: Analysis of the decoded CRISPR-cassette in the E. coli O157:H7 strain allows evaluating its ability to defend against phages for which complementary spac- ers are identified. Presence of mandatory sse and cas proteins shows high anti phage activity of its CRISPR / Cas-system. The number of revealed spacers evidences its long evolutionary history. Information about the CRISPR / Cas-system of this strain makes it possible to select phages for strain-specific phage therapy. 110 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY MIR-619-5P BINDING SITES IN PROTEIN CODING REGION OF ORTHOLOG GENES MRNA A.T. Ivashchenko*, S.A. Atambayeva, R.E. Niyazova, A.Y. Pyrkova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan * Corresponding author: Key words: miRNA, miR-619-5p, mRNA, binding sites, ortholog genes Motivation and Aim: miRNA binds to the 5′UTR, CDS, and 3′UTR of mRNA. miR-619- 5p has binding sites in coding regions of mRNA for the C8orf44, ISY1, NANOGNB, ZNF429, and ZNF714 genes. It is important to know how conservative the prediction is for the binding sites in mRNA of orthologous genes. Methods and Algorithms: The target genes for miR-619-5p were revealed using the Mir- Target program [1]. This program defines: a) the origin of the initiation of miRNA bind- ing to mRNAs; b) the localisation of miRNA binding sites in the 5′-untranslated region (5′UTR), the coding domain sequence (CDS) and the 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) of the mRNA; c) the free energy of hybridisation (∆G, kJ/mole); and d) the schemes of nucleotide interactions between the miRNAs and the mRNAs. The ratio ДG/ДGm (%) was determined for each site (ДGm equals the free energy of a miRNA binding with its perfect complementary nucleotide sequence). Results: miR-619-5p (5′-GCUGGGAUUACAGGCAUGAGCC-3′) has 526 binding sites in 3′UTRs, 10 sites in 5′UTRs, and 5 sites in CDSs in mRNAs of 508 genes, with ΔG/ΔGm equal to 98-100%. miR-619-5p binding sites in CDS may encode a protein in the three reading frames, two of which encode the WLMPVIP and AHACNPS oligopep- tides, and the third has a stop codon. The miR-619-5p binding site in the mRNA of the C8orf44 gene was perfectly complementary (ΔG/ΔGm=100%) in the orthologs Homo sapiens, Gorilla gorilla, and Macaca nemestrina, and it encoded the GRARWLMPVI- PALWE polypeptide, which contains the WLMPVIP oligopeptide. In the C8orf44 ortho- log gene of Macaca fascicularis, Macaca mulatta, Cercocebus atys, and Mandrillus leu- cophaeus, the binding site is encoded in the WLMPAIP oligopeptide (ΔG/ΔGm=98%). miR-619-5p binding sites (ΔG/ΔGm = 100%) in the mRNA of the ISY1 gene of H. sapiens and Pan troglodytes are encoded by the RQVRWLMPVIPALWE polypeptide. In mRNA of the NANOGNB gene of H. sapiens, Nomascus leucogenys, Pan paniscus, P. troglodytes, Pongo abelii, miR-619-5p binding sites are encoded by the HRARWLT- PVIPALWE polypeptide (ΔG/ΔGm=98%). miR-619-5p binding sites in mRNA of the ZNF429 and ZNF714 genes are oligopeptides encoded in another reading frame and were synthesised as the oligopeptides AHACNPS (ΔG/ΔGm=100%) and AHACNPN (ΔG/ΔGm=98%). mRNA of the ZNF429 gene of H. sapiens, M. nemestrina, M. fas- cicularis, and M. mulata encoded the MGVVAHACNPSTLG polypeptide. mRNA of the ZNF714 gene of H. sapiens, G. gorilla, P. paniscus, and P. troglodytes encoded the QGMVAHACNPNTLR polypeptide. Conclusion: miR-619-5p binding sites in CDS mRNA of C8orf44, ISY1, ANOGNB, ZNF429, and ZNF714 orthologous genes are highly conserved. Reference: 1. A.T. Ivashchenko et al. (2014) MiR-3960 binding sites with mRNA of human genes, Bioinformation, 10: 423-426. 111 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY FEATURES OF MIRNA INTERACTION WITH MRNA GENES IN CORONARY HEART DISEASE A.T. Ivashchenko*, R.E. Niyazova, S.A. Atambayeva, A.Y. Pyrkova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan * Corresponding author: Key words: miRNA, miR-619-5p, mRNA, binding sites, ortholog genes Motivation and Aim: In total, 268 binding sites for 2578 miRNAs were found in mRNA of 187 genes involved in the development of coronary heart disease. Of these, 52 were lo- cated in the coding domain sequence (CDSs), 23 were located in the 5′-untranslated region (5′UTRs), and 193 were located in the 3′-untranslated region (3′UTRs). From the database of miRNAs involved in the development of coronary heart disease, none of the miRNA had binding sites on the mRNA of 187 genes that play a role in coronary heart disease. It is possible that these miRNAs act on mRNA genes that are not included in the database of genes involved in the development of coronary heart disease. Methods and Algorithms: The target genes for miR-619-5p were revealed using the MirTarget program. This pro- gram defines: a) the origin of the initiation of miRNA binding to mRNAs; b) the localisa- tion of miRNA binding sites in the 5′UTR; the CDS and the 3′UTR of the mRNA; c) the free energy of hybridisation (∆G, kJ/mole); and d) the schemes for nucleotide interactions between the miRNAs and the mRNAs. The ratio ΔG/ΔGm (%) was determined for each site (ΔGm equals the free energy of an miRNA binding with its perfect complementary nucleotide sequence). Results: Features of the interaction of miRNA with the mRNA of 85 target genes are de- scribed below. mRNA of some genes can bind five or more miRNAs. Five miRNAs bind to the mRNA of the MTHFR, PLA2G7 genes. Six miRNAs bind to the mRNA of the AS3MT, F2RL3, MLXIPL, PPP1R3B, and TGFB1 genes. Seven miRNAs bind to the mRNA of the IL6R, LDLR, MLXIPL, and NPC1L1 genes. These data indicate a strong dependence of the expression of these genes on miRNA. The mRNA for the CD36 and PLA2G7 genes has multiple binding sites for miR-466, which belongs to a class of unique miRNAs. The mRNA for the IGF1, NOS1, and PPARA genes has multiple binding sites for miR-574-5r, which also belongs to a class of unique miRNAs. We have previously shown that unique miRNAs are encoded in the human genome, and they have more than 300 binding sites. These miRNAs include miR-619, miR-5095, miR-5096, miR-3960, miR-1322, and some of the miRNAs of the miR-1273 family. Expression of a significant part of the genes in- volved in the development of coronary heart disease may depend upon these unique miR- NAs. For example, miR-619-5p has 14 target genes, whereas miR-5095 and miR-5096 have 10 target genes each. miR-1273a,c,d,e,f,g,h family miRNAs have 38 binding sites, including 19 binding sites for miR-1273g-3p in mRNA for 17 genes. miR-6089-5p, consisting of 24 nt, binds to the mRNA of the TGFB1 gene at two sites with free energies of binding of -132 kJ/ mole and -136 kJ/mole. The same miRNA binds to the mRNA of the IL6R gene with a bind- ing free energy of -138 kJ/mole ( 93% of the maximum binding free energy). Conclusion: These data show that the interactions between the examined miRNA and mRNA can serve as a basis for selecting associations between miRNA and mRNA for diagnostic evaluation of coronary heart disease. Association means the connection of one miRNA with mRNA of one or more genes, or one or more miRNAs with the mRNA of a single gene. 112 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY SEX CHROMOSOME EVOLUTION IN PAMPHAGIDAE GRASSHOPPERS I.E. Jetybayev 1, 2 *, A.G. Bugrov 2, 3 , O.G. Buleu 2, 3 , A.G. Bogomolov 1 , N.B. Rubtsov 1, 3 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia * Corresponding author: Key words: Pamphagidae grasshoppers, karyotype, neo sex chromosome evolution, the neo-X, the neo-Y Motivation and Aim: In evolution of grasshoppers, formation of neo sex chromosome is a rare event. However, numerous neo sex chromosomes were revealed in Pamphagidae family. It was shown that neo-Y chromosome had undergone heterochromatinistion and degradation [1]. The neo-Y chromosome of studied closely related species showed dif- ferent stages of heterochromatinistion and degradation making this group to be perspec- tive model of sex chromosome evolution. Methods and Algorithms: Classical banding, molecular cytogenetic mapping and FISH of microdissected DNA probes were used for analyzing of the neo sex chromosomes. VISSIS software [2] was used to analyze images of cross hybridization results. Results: Twelve previously unstudied species were karyotyped. Two different types of neo-Y chromosomes were revealed. The first type was similar to the XR arm of the neo- X but contained two small proximal interstitial C-bands. The second type of the neo- Y chromosome was smaller than the XR of the neo-X and more heterochromatinized. Cross hybridization of microdissected DNA probes derived from neo sex chromosomes with chromosomes of different species revealed partial homology of C-positive block in neo-Y chromosomes of Glyphotmethis and Asiotmethis genera. Partial homology was also observed in neo-Y chromoosmes of species belonged to Nocarodeini tribe. Conclusion: Most studied Pamphagidae species from the Western Asian region showed a neo sex chromosome. There are two evolutionary lineages of Pamphagidae grasshop- pers in this region, characterized with different neo sex chromosome systems. Analy- sis of cross hybridization results indicated that X-chromosome-autosome fusions were probably independent events in the ancestors of the group of Trinchinae species and the Nocarodeini tribe. The more advanced reorganization of the sex chromosomes in Nocarodeini in comparison with the neo sex chromosomes in Trinchinae species pointed to the “older” history of their formation. Further investigation of the Pamphagidae fam- ily neo sex chromosome systems can help to clarify the mechanisms of neo sex chromo- some formation and evolution in grasshoppers. References: 1. Bugrov AG, Jetybayev IE, Karagyan GH, Rubtsov NB. Cytogenetics Sex chromosome diversity in Armenian toad grasshoppers (Orthoptera , Acridoidea , Pamphagidae). 2016;10:45–59. 2. Bogomolov AG, Zadesenets KS, Karamysheva TV, Podkolodnyi NL, Rubtsov NB. Visualization of chromosome-specific DNA sequences by fluorescence in situ hybridization of microdissection DNA probes with metaphase chromosomes. Vavilov jaurnal Genet. Sel. 2012;16:348–57. 113 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY DNA REPAIR AND DEATH SIGNALING TARGETED BY ALKYLATING ANTICANCER DRUGS B. Kaina Department of Toxicology, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany * Corresponding author: Key words: DNA repair, cancer Alkylating agents are first-line therapeutics for the treatment of malignant brain tumors and several other types of cancer. Although they alkylate DNA at several sites, the mi- nor product O6-alkylguanine represents a major cytotoxic DNA lesion, activating the apoptotic pathway. Autophagy and replicative senescence are also induced by the dam- age, indicating a compex signaling network evoked by a single type of damage. While for methylating agents the DNA repair enzyme MGMT protects against all these ef- fects, mismatch repair is essentially required for eliciting these responses. Downstream in the pathway are DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), representing the key trigger of cell death and presumably also replicative senescence. Searching for drug modifyers, we identified homologous recombination as a major pathway for repairing alkylating agent- induced DSBs, with XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51, BRCA2 and other repair proteins being involved causing cancer cell resistance. We further showed that DNA damage signaling (DDR) activating ATR-CHK1 and, to less extent, ATM-CHK2, results in resistance to methylating agents. Data will be presented demonstrating that pharmacological inhibi- tion of homologous recombination and DDR ameliorates the killing response of alkylat- ing anticancer drugs; PARP inhibition causes synthetic lethality and histone deacetylases may have an impact on DNA repair and survival. The role of p53 and JNK/AP-1 in upregulating DNA repair and apoptosis genes will also be discussed, highlighting their importance at the cutting edge between survival and death in cancer therapy. Supported by DFG KA724. 114 THE TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF RNA-SEQ TRANSCRIP- TOMES FROM OESOPHAGEAL CANCER SPECIMENS OF KAZAKHSTANI PATIENTS U. Kairov 1 *, A. Molkenov 1 , S. Rakhimova 1 , A. Abilmazhinova 1 , M. Zhalbinova 1 , D. Yerezhepov 1 , A. Akhmetova 1 , Y. Zhukov 2 , M. Omarov 2 , M. Popova 3 , A. Zinovyev 4 , A. Akilzhanova 1 , Zh. Zhumadilov 1 1 Center for Life Sciences, NLA, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan 2 Oncology Center, Astana, Kazakhstan 3 Department of Pathology, Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan 4 Institute Curie, Paris, France * Corresponding author: Download 3,91 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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