International law, Sixth edition
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International Law MALCOLM N. SHAW
The Paquete Habana 77 n26, 83 n43, 112, 157
Paraguay v. United States (Case concerning the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Request for Provisional Measures)) [118 ILR 1] 165 n187 Parent and Others v. Singapore Airlines Ltd and Civil Aeronautics Administration [133 ILR 264] 479 n136 Parking Privileges for Diplomats case [70 ILR 396] 171 n222 The Parlement Belge 148–9, 702, 705 Parot v. Spain 330 PAU: see Pan American Union Pauline Fraisse case 174 Pauling et al. v. McElroy et al. [26 ILR 1] 157 Pauwels case 806 n184 Pellat case [5 AD 145 et al.] 223, 787 n53 Pelletier v. UNESCO [38 ILR 379] 1053 n265 Perez et al. v. The Bahamas [63 ILR 350, 63 ILR 601] 723 lxii ta b l e o f c a s e s Permanent Mission of India to the US v. City of New York 723 Persinger v. Islamic Republic of Iran (No. 2) [90 ILR 586] 758 Peruvian Genocide case 673 n126 Peter P´azm´any University case (Czechoslovakia v. Hungary), Appeal from a Judgment of the Hungaro-Czechoslovak Mixed Arbitral Tribunal [7 AD 490] 264 n320, 987 n164, 989 n174 Petrotimor Companhia de Petroleos SARL v. Commonwealth of Australia 189 Pfizer Inc. v. Canada 167 n195 Phansopkar case: see R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Phansopkar [61 ILR 390] Phelps Dodge Corporation v. Iran 836 n343 The Philippine Admiral (Owners) v. Wallem Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited and Another [64 ILR 90] 705 Philippine Embassy Bank Account case [65 ILR 146] 746, 762 The Philippines v. Marcos and Others (No. 1) [81 ILR 581] 736 The Philippines v. Pimentel 699 n6, 700 n12 Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials case: see Draft Convention of the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Facilities and Transports (Ruling 1/78) [99 ILR 292] Piandiong et al. v. The Philippines 320 Pickstone v. Freemans 156–7 Re Pikelny, Estate of [22 ILR 97, 22 ILR 102] 466 n92 Pine Valley v. Ireland 355 Pinochet cases: see R v. Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No. 1) [119 ILR 50]; R v. Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No. 3) [119 ILR 135] Pinson, George case [4 AD 9 et al.] 135 n21 Re Piperno 687 n211 Re Piracy Jure Gentium [7 AD 213] 144, 397, 398 Ex parte Pirbhai [107 ILR 461] 182, 187 The Pisaro 194 n359 Pitcairn and Associated Islands (Governor of) v. Sutton [104 ILR 508] 167 Planmount Ltd v. Republic of Zaire [64 ILR 268] 707, 709 n64, 719 n112 Polish Nationals in Danzig case [6 AD 47 et al.] 135 Polites v. Commonwealth of Australia and Another; Kandiliotes v. Commonwealth and Another [12 AD 208] 167, 168 n205 ta b l e o f c a s e s lxiii Polyukhovich v. Commonwealth of Australia 170 n212 Re Poncet [15 AD 346] 1300 n73 Poropat v. Bosnia 380 Porter v. Freudenberg 151 n106 The Porto Alexandre [1 AD 146] 702, 703, 705 Portugal v. Goncalves [82 ILR 115] 767 Post Office v. Estuary Radio Limited [43 ILR 114] 153, 193 Ex parte Postlethwaite 155 n129 Potter v. BHP Co. Ltd 167 Prefecture of Voiotia v. Germany (Distomo Massacre) 728, 1178 n56 Princess Zizianoff v. Kahn and Bigelow [4 AD 384] 774 Princz v. Federal Republic of Germany [103 ILR 594] 127 n244, 715 n94 The Prins Frederik 702 n19 Propend Finance Pty Ltd and Others v. Sing and Others [111 ILR 611] 769–70 Public Committee against Torture in Israel et al. v. Government of Israel 166 n166 Public Prosecutor (Malaysia) v. Orhan Olmez [87 ILR 212] 771 Public Prosecutor (Netherlands) v. JBC [94 ILR 339] 769 Public Prosecutor (Netherlands) v. JO [74 ILR 130] 172 n225 Public Prosecutor (Sweden) v. Antoni [32 ILR 140] 663 Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay case (Argentina v. Uruguay) 1017 n33, 1093, 1095 nn249 and 251 Qatar v. Bahrain (Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions) [102 ILR 1] 197 n179, 491 n23, 498, 511 n131, 553 n2, 558, 559, 561–2, 566, 582 n130, 588 n159, 591–2, 601 n245, 603–4, 606, 905 n12, 906–7, 911, 933 n142, 935 n158, 940 n178, 1049, 1067 n66, 1072, 1077, 1091 n230, 1092 n232 Quebec Secession case: see Reference by the Governor in Council concerning Certain Questions relating to the Secession of Quebec [115 ILR 536] Quintanilla case [3 AD 224] 825 n281 R v. Abu Hamza 655 n42 R v. Anderson 557 R v. Asfaw 150 n99 R v. Berry 654 R v. Bow Street Magistrates, ex parte Mackerson 682 n177 lxiv ta b l e o f c a s e s R v. Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No. 1) [119 ILR 50] 126 n239, 145 n72, 146, 186 n301 R v. Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No. 3) [119 ILR 135] 126 n238, 146, 326 n336, 653 n35, 673 n129, 675, 698 n3, 699, 718, 737, 738 R v. Brown 154 n154 R v. Burgess, ex parte Henry [8 AD 54] 221 R v. Chief Immigration Officer, Heathrow Airport, ex parte Salamat Bibi [61 ILR 267] 154 R v. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, ex parte Home Secretary 687 n211 R v. Civil Aviation Authority [132 ILR 713] 1178 n54 R v. Cooke 653 R v. Council of Canadians 167 n195 R v. Director of the Serious Fraud Office and BAE Systems 182 n.274, 183 n286, 185 n300, 188 n322, 798 R v. Farnquist [94 ILR 238] 556 n13 R v. Governor of Pentonville Prison, ex parte Teja [52 ILR 368] 768, 769 n403 R v. HM Treasury and the Bank of England, ex parte Centro-Com 152 n113, 154–5 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Anderson 154 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Bagga [88 ILR 404] 768–9 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Bhajan Singh [61 ILR 260] 154 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Fernandes 154 n125 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Launder [114 ILR 402] 154 n124 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Phansopkar [61 ILR 390] 154 n124 R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Wynne 154 n124 R v. Horseferry Road Magistrates’ Court, ex parte Bennett [95 ILR 380] 682 R v. Jones [132 ILR 668] 130, 146–7, 181–2, 184–5, 398 n4, 400 n14, 670 R v. Kelly [77 ILR 284] 663 R v. Keyn 141–2, 143, 570 n85 R v. Lambeth Justices, ex parte Yusufu [88 ILR 323] 769 R v. Latif 682 R v. Lyons [131 ILR 538] 150 n98, 180, 184 n293 R v. Madan 740 n236 R v. Ministry of Defence (UK), ex parte Smith 181 n269 R v. Mullen 682 n180 R v. Officer Commanding Depot Battalion RASC Colchester, ex parte Elliott 682 n177 ta b l e o f c a s e s lxv R v. P (No. 2) 732–3 R v. Plymouth Justices and Another, ex parte Driver [77 ILR 351] 682 R v. Republic of Iraq [116 ILR 664] 727 R v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ex parte Rees-Mogg [98 ILR 166] 149 R v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ex parte Samuel 757–8 R v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ex parte Trawnik 103, 193 R v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Thakrar [59 ILR 450] 144, 827 n291 R v. Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame Limited (No. 2) (Case C 213/89) [93 ILR 642, 93 ILR 665] 179 n258 R v. Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame Limited (No. 3) (Case C 221/89) [93 ILR 642, 93 ILR 731] 179 n258 R v. West Yorkshire Coroner, ex parte Smith [78 ILR 550] 653 n33 R (Al Fawwaz) v. Governor of Brixton Prison 155 R (Al-Rawi) v. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 181 n270, 188, 811 R (on the Application of Alconbury Ltd) v. Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions 156 R on the Application of Channel Tunnel Group Limited and France-Manch SA v. Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions [119 ILR 398] 150–3 R (B) v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs [131 ILR 616] 773 n428 R (European Roma Rights Centre) v. Immigration Officer at Prague Airport and Another [131 ILR 652] 146, 152 R (Gentle) v. Prime Minister 130, 181 n272, 185 n295 R (Islamic Human Rights Commission) v. CAA [132 ILR 707] 185 n295 R (Suresh and Manickavasagam) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [123 ILR 593] 187 Racke (A) GmbH and Company v. Hauptzollamt Mainz (Case C-162/96) [117 ILR 399] 952 n225 Radovan Stankovi´c case (Case No. IT-96-23/2-AR11 bis.1) (Decision on Rule 11 bis Referral) 426 Radwan v. Radwan [55 ILR 579] 752 Re Rafidain [101 ILR 332] 728 n166 Rahimtoola v. Nizam of Hyderabad [24 ILR 175] 705 Railway Traffic between Lithuania and Poland (Series A/B, No. 42) [6 AD 403] 1016 |
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