International law, Sixth edition
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International Law MALCOLM N. SHAW
Re Schmidt [111 ILR 548] 682
Schneider v. Kissinger 190 n336, 191 The Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon 558, 653 n33, 699 Schreck case 1054 Schroeder v. Bissell 158, 159 The Scotia case 83, 112 SD Myers Inc. v. Canada (Partial Award) [121 ILR 72] 49, 801 n150, 830 n305 ˇSe´cerbegovi´c v. Bosnia 380 Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Relations v. Tomlin 757 Security Pacific National Bank v. Iran 742 SEDCO v. National Iranian Oil Company and the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case No. 129) [84 ILR 483] 831 n309, 841 Sei Fujii v. California 163 Sellers v. Maritime Safety Inspector (New Zealand) [120 ILR 585] 614 n319 Selmouni v. France 326 Semco Salvage v. Lancer Navigation 155–6 Sengupta v. Republic of India [64 ILR 352] 714, 725–6, 770 Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium 1060 n19 Serbia and Montenegro v. UK 963, 1065, 1071, 1073–4, 1075 n88, 1085–6, 1157 n199 lxx ta b l e o f c a s e s Serbian Loans case (Payment of Various Serbian Loans Issued in France) [5 AD 466] 2, 102, 136–7, 796 Serre et R´egnier case 663 SGS Soci´et´e G´en´erale de Surveillance SA v. Pakistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/01/13) (Procedural Order No. 2) [129 ILR 360] 1043 Shanghai Power Co. v. United States 831 n307 Shaw v. Shaw [78 ILR 483] 769 n405 Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. and Another v. Maclaine Watson and Company Limited and Another and International Tin Council (Intervener) (No. 2) [77 ILR 107] 763, 1327 n202 Shimoda case [32 ILR 626] 1188 Short v. Islamic Republic of Iran (Case No. 11135) [82 ILR 148] 792 Shrimp/Turtle case 869 n134 Shufeldt Claim (USA v. Guatemala) [5 AD 179] 103, 830 Siderman de Blake and Others v. Republic of Argentina and Others [103 ILR 454] 126 n238, 160, 684, 700, 742 Sidhu v. British Airways 155 Siemens v. Argentina 832 n313 Sierra Leone Telecommunications Company Ltd v. Barclays Bank plc [114 ILR 466] 150 n100, 194 n358, 481 n150 Simpson v. Libya 715–16 Simsek v. Macphee 168 n202 Sinclair v. HM Advocate 682 n177 Skeen v. Federative Republic of Brazil [121 ILR 481] 766 Skiriotes v. Florida [10 AD 258] 663 Smith v. Libya [113 ILR 534] 685 n202, 742 Soci´et´e Eram Shipping Co. Ltd v. Cie Internationale de Navigation 654 n37 Soci´et´e Internationale pour Participations Industrielles et Commerciales SA v. Rogers, Attorney-General et al. [26 ILR 123] 689 n223 Soering v. United Kingdom [98 ILR 270] 349, 358, 687, 938 Sokoloff v. National City Bank of New York [2 AD 44] 483 Sola Tiles Inc. v. Iran (Case No. 317) [83 ILR 460] 816 n237, 836 n341 Sol ´orzano v. Venezuela (Communication No. 156/1983) [94 ILR 400] 274 n48 Somalia (Republic of) v. Woodhouse Drake and Carey (Suisse) SA and Others [94 ILR 608] 194, 481 Somchai Liangsiriprasert v. United States (Government of) [84 ILR 55, 85 ILR 109] 655 Some Powers of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 383 ta b l e o f c a s e s lxxi South-West Africa cases (Second Phase) (1966) [37 ILR 243] 12, 99 n113, 100 n119, 107, 137 n34, 225, 230, 252 n276, 277 n71, 279 n79, 286 n125, 288 n136, 493 n33, 905, 1059, 1067 n73, 1068, 1088, 1307 n116, 1331 South-West Africa cases (Second Phase) (1966) [37 ILR 243]: see also International Status of South-West Africa [17 ILR 47] South-West Africa (Hearings of Petitioners), Admissibility [23 ILR 38] 225 Southern Bluefin Tuna cases (Australia v. Japan; New Zealand v. Japan) (Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility) [119 ILR 508] 636, 637–8 Southern Bluefin Tuna cases (Australia v. Japan; New Zealand v. Japan) (Request for Provisional Measures) [117 ILR 148] 643–4, 1015 n24 Sovereign Order of Malta v. Soc. An. commerciale [22 ILR 1] 243 Sovereignty over Certain Frontier Land, Case concerning (Belgium/Netherlands) [27 ILR 62] 505 Spanish Zone of Morocco Claims, General Decisions (Principles of State Responsibility) [2 AD 157] 113, 781, 791, 802 n154 Sporrong and L¨onnroth case (Merits) [68 ILR 86] 829 n299, 832 n315 SPUC v. Grogan 369 Staki´c case (IT-97-24-T) 433 Standard Chartered Bank v. International Tin Council and Others [77 ILR 8] 1316 Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline case 1038 Starrett Housing Corporation, Starrett Systems Inc. and Starrett Housing International Inc. v. Iran, Bank Omran, Bank Mellat and Bank Markazi (Case No. 24) [85 ILR 349] 103, 831 State (C´eara) v. D’Archer de Montgascon [6 AD 162] 733 n194 State (C´eara) v. Dorr [4 AD 39] 733 n194 State Party Responsibility for Awards Rendered Against Its Nationals (Case A/21) 1044 State (South Africa) v. Ebrahim [95 ILR 417] 682 n179 Stauder v. City of Ulm 369 Steiner and Gross v. Polish State [4 AD 291 et al.] 259 Strassheim v. Dailey 654 Su´arez-Rosero v. Ecuador [118 ILR 56] 802 nn150–2 Sullivan v. State of S˜ao Paulo [10 AD 178] 733 Sunday Times Case (Merits) [58 ILR 491] 356, 357, 389 n254, 786 n51 Ex parte Susannah Scott 682 n177 lxxii ta b l e o f c a s e s Svenska Petroleum v. Lithuania 720–1, 741–2 Swedish Engine Drivers’ Union case [58 ILR 19] 348 Swiss–Israel Trade Bank v. Government of Salta and Banco Provincial de Salta [55 ILR 411] 733 Swissborough Diamond Mines v. South Africa [132 ILR 454] 189 Syria (Arab Republic of) v. Arab Republic of Egypt (Case No. 298-DF) [91 ILR 288] 184 n292 T v. Belgium [115 ILR 442] 186 n302 Taba Award (Arbitral Award in the Dispute Concerning Certain Boundary Pillars between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel) [80 ILR 224, 80 ILR 691] 516, 935 n155, 1054–5 Tabag v. Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Australia) 170 n212 Tabatabai case [80 ILR 388] 769, 775 Tabion v. Mufti [107 ILR 452] 767 n383 Tachiona v. USA 737–8 Tacna-Arica Arbitration (Chile/Peru) [3 AD 357] 947–8, 1017 n32 Tadi´c case (IT-94-1-A) (Appeal against Conviction) (Appeals Chamber) [124 ILR 61] 121 n184, 438, 791, 1065 n55, 1081 n163, 1173 n29 Tadi´c case (IT-94-1-AR72) (Jurisdiction) (Appeals Chamber) [105 ILR 419, 105 ILR 453] 404–5, 406, 435, 1191–2, 1195 n142, 1196, 1269 n320, 1271 n332, 1308 n120 Tadi´c case (IT-94-1-T) (Judgment) (Trial Chamber II) [112 ILR 1, 112 ILR 214] 437 Tag v. Rogers 158 n149 A/S Tallinna Laevauhisus v. Tallinna Shipping Co. (The Vapper) [13 AD 12] 961 n24 Tanli case 357, 358 Tatchell v. Mugabe 737 Tavignano case 1020 n52 Tel-Oren v. Libyan Arab Republic [77 ILR 192] 160, 683, 684, 750 Temeltasch v. Switzerland [88 ILR 619] 915 nn61 and 62 Temple of Preah Vihear case (Cambodia v. Thailand) (Merits) [33 ILR 48] 102, 496, 516, 518–19, 522, 802 n154, 935 n155, 939, 941–2, 1061 Teoh (Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (Australia) v. Teoh) [104 ILR 460] 151 n104, 167–9 Texaco Overseas Petroleum Company (TOPCO) and California Asiatic Oil Company v. Libya [53 ILR 389] 105 n146, 262, 803–4, 829, 834–5, 905 n16 ta b l e o f c a s e s lxxiii Texas v. White 482–3 Texas Trading and Milling Corporation v. Federal Republic of Nigeria and Central Bank of Nigeria, Consolidated Appeal [63 ILR 552] 724 Thai-Europe Tapioca Service Ltd v. Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Directorate of Agricultural Supplies (Imports and Shipping Wing) (The Harmattan) [64 ILR 81] 145, 706 Thakrar case: see R v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex Download 7,77 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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