International law, Sixth edition
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International Law MALCOLM N. SHAW
In re Uranium Antitrust Litigation 689 n223
Re Urios [1 AD 107] 667 US Nationals in Morocco case (USA v. France) [19 ILR 255] 83, 216, 934 n148 Vafadar [82 ILR 97] 769 Vagrancy cases (De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp) (Merits) [56 ILR 351] 356 n61 Valdez v. Oklahoma 158–9 Valsabbia v. Commission 369–70 Van Duyn v. Home Office (Case 41/74) [60 ILR 247] 827 n291 Van Gend en Loos (Algemene Transport en Expeditie Onderneming van Gend en Loos NV v. Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen (Case 26/62)) [93 ILR 1] 241 Van Zyl v. Government of RSA 809 n206, 810 ta b l e o f c a s e s lxxvii Vel´asquez Rodr´ıguez case [95 ILR 232] 390, 789, 804–5 Verlinden BV v. Central Bank of Nigeria [63 ILR 7, 63 ILR 390, 63 ILR 548, 63 ILR 573] 750 Vermont v. New Hampshire [7 AD 127, 7 AD 135] 112 n187 Vgt Verein gegen Tierfabriken case 357 Victoria Leasing Ltd v. United States 189 Victory Transport Inc. v. Comisar´ıa General de Abastecimientos y Transportes [35 ILR 110] 705 n34, 708, 735 Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange v. Dow Chemical Company 161 n168 Vietnam (Republic of) v. Pfizer Inc. and Others [94 ILR 199] 482 Vijayanathan and Pusparajah v. France 355 Vitkovice Horni v. Korner 748 n282 Vladimir Kovaˇceviˇc case 430 The Volga (Russian Federation v. Australia) (Application for Prompt Release) [126 ILR 433] 642–3 Vuolanne case [96 ILR 649] 322, 326 Waddington v. Miah [57 ILR 175] 154 Wahda Bank v. Arab Bank plc 155 n130 Waite and Kennedy v. Germany (Application No. 26083/94) [118 ILR 121] 1321–2 Waksman case 321 Walker v. Baird 151 n106 Walker v. UK 356 n58 Ware v. Hylton 161 Wei Ye v. Jiang Zemin 738 Weinberger case 274 n48 Weinberger, Secretary of Defense (United States) and Others v. Rossi and Others [101 ILR 562] 164 Wellington District Legal Services Committee v. Tangiora [115 ILR 655] 167 n197 Wemhoff case [41 ILR 281] 689 n221, 938 n168 West Rand Gold Mining Co. v. R 142–3, 1001 n237, 1002–3 Western Sahara case (Advisory Opinion) [59 ILR 30] 88, 197 n7, 198 n10, 199 n13, 200, 206 n46, 253, 254–5, 257, 264, 491, 493, 503, 508, 514, 516, 524, 525, 1062, 1109 n340, 1110–11 Ex parte Westfallen 682 Westland Helicopters Ltd v. Arab Organization for Industrialization [108 ILR 564] 184 nn291 and 292, 1302, 1310 n127, 1317 n158 lxxviii ta b l e o f c a s e s Westland Helicopters Ltd v. Arab Organization for Industrialization, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Qatar, Arab Republic of Egypt and Arab British Helicopter Company (Interim Award, 1984) [80 ILR 600] 135 n23, 1043, 1316 Westminster City Council v. Government of Iran [108 ILR 557] 749, 758 Whitney v. Robertson 158, 165 n182 WHO Regional Office case (Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt) [62 ILR 450] 260 n310, 1113 n357, 1303 n89, 1311, 1312 n138 Wildenhus case 557 Williams & Humbert Ltd v. W & H Trade Marks (Jersey) Ltd; Rumasa SA and Others v. Multinvest (UK) and Others [75 ILR 268] 191 n345, 650 Wilson v. Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs 189 SS Wimbledon [2 AD 99 et al.] 212 n76, 540, 930, 1098 Woodpulp cases (Ahlstr¨om Osakeyhti¨o and Others v. Commission (In re Wood Pulp Cartel) (Joined Cases 89/85, 104/85, 114/85, 116–17/85 and 125–9/85)) [96 ILR 148] 652, 695 Re Woods [53 ILR 552] 170 n217 Wright v. Cantrell [12 ILR 133] 167 Wulfsohn v. Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic [2 AD 39 et al.] 446 n6, 482 n153 Wynne case: see R v. Home Secretary, ex parte Wynne X v. Argentina [114 ILR 502] 726 n157 X v. Austria 355 X v. Commission 369–70 X v. FRG 355 X v. UK 355 Xuncax and Others v. Gramajo; Ortiz v. Gramajo [104 ILR 165] 160 n165 Y v. Belgium 355 Yeager v. Islamic Republic of Iran (Case No. 10199) [82 ILR 178] 791 n72, 792 Yessenin-Volpin v. Novosti Press Agency, Tass et al. [63 ILR 127] 723, 732 Yossi Beilin v. Prime Minister of Israel 1122 n19 Youmans case [3 AD 223] 788, 791 n73 Young, James and Webster case (Closed Shop case) (Merits) [62 ILR 359] 357, 787 ta b l e o f c a s e s lxxix Young Loan Arbitration (Kingdom of Belgium, the French Republic, Swiss Confederation, United Kingdom and United States/Federal Republic of Germany) [59 ILR 494] 934 n148, 935 n158, 938 n172 Yugoslavia v. Belgium (Legality of the Use of Force) 1093 n238, 1157 n199 Yugoslavia v. Spain (Legality of the Use of Force) 921, 1074 Yugoslavia v. USA (Legality of the Use of Force) 915, 921, 1074 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Interlocutory Decision (Opinion Nos. 8, 9 and 10) [92 ILR 194] 1053 n262 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 1 (Succession to SFRY) [92 ILR 162] 198, 210, 217–18, 448, 959, 962 n30 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 2 (Right to self determination of Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) [92 ILR 167] 291, 527–8, 1005 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 3 (Internal boundaries) [92 ILR 170] 528, 968 n68 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 4 (Independence of Bosnia and Heregovina pending referendum) [92 ILR 173] 201 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 5 (Recognition of Croatia) [92 ILR 178] 201 n24, 461 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 8 (Dissolution of SFRY) [92 ILR 199] 208, 210, 218, 449, 962 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 9 (Succession to SFRY) [92 ILR 203] 962 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 10 (Recognition of FRY) [92 ILR 206] 450, 962 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 11 (Succession to SFRY: date of) [96 ILR 718] 454 n.34, 960 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 13 (Succession to SFRY: principles applying to) [96 ILR 726] 958, 991–2 Yugoslavia Peace Conference, Arbitration Commission, Opinions, 14 (Succession to SFRY: assets and liabilities) [96 ILR 729] 991 Z v. Geneva Supervisory Authority for the Enforcement of Debts and Bankruptcy [102 ILR 205] 747 n268 Z v. UK 356–7 Zachevning v. Miller 219 lxxx ta b l e o f c a s e s The Zafiro [3 AD 221] 789 Zambian Embassy v. Sendanayake (Decision No. 5941/1992) [114 ILR 532] 727 Zedan v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [92 ILR 462] 724 Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum v. Zimbabwe 394 n288 ZM v. Permanent Delegation of the League of Arab States to the United Nations [116 ILR 643] 1321 T A B L E O F T R E A T I E S A N D S E L E C T E D O T H E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L I N S T R U M E N T S Download 7,77 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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