Internet tarixi va hozirgi kundagi o’rni article · February 021 citations reads 8,727 authors
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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: INTERNET TARIXI VA HOZIRGI KUNDAGI O’RNI Article · February 2021 CITATIONS 0 READS 8,727 2 authors: Nurmuxamad Duisenov Chirchik state pedagogical Institute 188 PUBLICATIONS 311 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Bekjan Akhmedov Chirchik state pedagogical institute 121 PUBLICATIONS 950 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Nurmuxamad Duisenov on 16 February 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. INTERNET TARIXI VA HOZIRGI KUNDAGI O’RNI N. E. DUISENOV ABSTRACT: The Internet is a collection of thousands of computer networks located around the world and connected to a single network. The exchange of information on the Internet is based on standard rules. The rules of data transmission on the Internet are called protocols (for example, TCP / IP - TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL / INTERNET PROTOCOL). The method of data transmission of the TPP / IP protocol is as follows: The TCP protocol divides information into packets; All packets are transmitted to the receiver via the IP protocol and all packets are checked for acceptance by the TCP protocol; Once all packets are received, the TCP protocol organizes them and makes them integrated. Due to the creation and development of a device called a modem (1979 by Nayes) that allows computers to send information over telephone networks, millions of people with only a personal computer and phone Today, the Internet is becoming one of the most important tools of modern business in the study of the world market and the organization of trade. The Internet was not only a network of interconnections or data exchange, but also existed in it 2 Ma'lumotlar ombori majmuyi dunyo bilimlar omborini tashkil etadi. Internetning kompyuterlar bilan bog'hq bo'lgan narsalardan muhim farqi shundaki, u o'zi haqidagi ma'lumotlarni ham o'zida saqlay olishidir.1992—93-yillarda axborot texnologiyasining rivojlanishi sababli tasviriy va tovushli axborotlarni olis masofalardan qisqa vaqtda uzatishning shunday imkoniyati yaratilganki, u World Wide Web deb nomlangan.World Wide Web ning yaratilishiga 1989-yil Shvetsariyadagi Yevropa Yadroviy Tadqiqotlar Kengashining loyihasi asos bo'ldi. Bu loyihaning maqsadi Internetda axborot tarqatishning samarali usullarini izlash va uning oqibatlarini kuzatishdan iborat edi. Hozirgi kunda World Wide Web Internetning eng tez rivojlanayotgan sohalaridan biri bo'lib qoldi.Internet deganda ko'pchilik World Wide Web (qisqacha Web yoki WWW) ni tushunadi. Aslida World Wide Web Internetning bir qismi bo'lib, xalqaro o'rgimchak to'ri ma'nosini anglatadi. World Wide Web multimedia (multimedia — rasm va matnli axborotni tovushli va harakatdagi shakllardan iborat axborot bilan birlashtirish texnologiyasi) imkoniyatlariga ega boigani uchun foydalanuvchilar e'tiborini juda tez qozondi. 3 II. Asosiy qism. 1.Internet tarmog`ining vujudga kelish tarixi Download 122.1 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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