This is your responsibility to put CW through to the Turn-it-in anti-plagiarism software before or right after submission until 23:59 on the date of deadline.
Quality of analysis
Synthesis of literature
Communicative competence and layout
70 +
Excellent and complete analysis of theories with well selected examples. The analysis is very clear and relevant to the areas required by the CW task. Excellent application of theories studied in the module to the company proposed.
Brilliant reference made to literature. Wide range of resources and reading are used throughout. Only academic sources are used. Referencing is very well structured and presented throughout the report.
Excellent coherence and cohesion of ideas presented. Well structured bit of writing. Free from grammar and spelling mistakes. Appropriate style and register. Excellent layout.
60 - 69
Good and complete analysis of aspects chosen with well selected examples. Analysis is almost always clear and relevant to the areas required by CW task with only occasional inconsistencies. Very good application of theories studies in the module to the company proposed
Very good reference made to literature. Wide range of resources and reading are used throughout. Mostly academic sources are used. Referencing is well structured and presented throughout the report
Good coherence and cohesion of ideas presented. Well structured bit of writing. Free from grammar and spelling mistakes. Appropriate style and register. Very good layout.
50 – 59
Satisfactory discussion of findings and theories with well selected examples. Analysis is often clear and relevant to the areas required by CW task with some inconsistencies. Average application of theories studied in the module to the company proposed.
Some reference made to literature. Limited range of resources and reading are used throughout. Only some sources are academic. Some mistakes in referencing style are made throughout the report.
Average coherence and cohesion of ideas presented. Structured bit of writing. Some grammar and spelling mistakes. Somewhat appropriate style and register. Average layout.
40 - 49
Adequate discussion of findings and theories with some examples. Analysis is sometimes relevant to the areas required by the CW task with some inconsistencies. Poor application of theories studied in the module to the company proposed.
Limited reference made to literature. Limited range of resources and reading are used throughout. Very few academic sources. Number of mistakes in referencing is made.
Poor coherence and cohesion of ideas presented. Poorly structured bit of writing. Some grammar and spelling mistakes. Poor layout.
30 - 39
Poor discussion of findings and theories with no examples. Poor or nonexistent link of theories to the company proposed.
Few references made to literature. No academic resources and reading are used throughout.
Irrelevant coherence and cohesion of ideas presented. Poorly structured bit of writing. Grammar and spelling mistakes. Extremely poor layout
< 30
No discussion of findings and theories with no examples. No theories or always irrelevant theories are used.
No reference made to literature. Limited and irrelevant range of resources and reading are used throughout. No academic sources
Irrelevant coherence and cohesion of ideas presented. No structure. Grammar and spelling mistakes.