is the expression of human communication through which knowledge, belief, and behavior can be experienced, explained, and shared. This sharing is based on systematic, conventionally used signs, sounds, gestures, or marks that convey understood meanings within a group or community. (Brown, 1987)
is systematic and generative.
is a set of arbitrary symbols.
is used for communication.
is essentially human, although possibly not limited to humans. (Brown,1987 p. 5)
is often defined as a change in behavior (Birkenholz, 1999), which is demonstrated by people implementing knowledge, skills, or practices derived from education. ''Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice'' (Kimble and Garmezy 1963)
is acquisition or getting.
is retention of information or skills, which implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization.
is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting .
involves reinforced practice.
is a change in behavior. (Brown,1987p. 6)
is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. (Brown, 1987)
is guiding and facilitating learning.
is setting the conditions for learning.
Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. (Brown, 1987)
Intelligence - Cognitive Skills
Prior knowledge
Learning from Experience
Reception of information
Understanding the information
Retention in long-term memory
is the belief and confidence in your own ability and value. No successful cognitive or affective activity can be carried out without some degree of self-esteem, self-confidence, knowledge of yourself, and belief in your own capabilities for that activity." (Brown, 1987 p.106)
It is a feeling of worry or nervousness about something with an uncertain outcome, strong desire or concern to do something. "Both, too much and too little anxiety may hinder the process of successful second language learning." (p. 106)
is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, i.e. the capacity to place oneself in another's position.
may be a factor in the development of general oral communicative competence, which requires face-to-face interaction, but not in listening, reading, and writing. Nevertheless, on a practical level, the facilitating or interfering effects of certain methods, which promote extroversion, need to be carefully considered.
This is the opposite of extroversion and refers to a mental state in which there is a hesitation or blockage of action. Those with weaker self-esteem maintain walls of inhibitions to protect a fragile ego or a lack of self-confidence in a situation or task.
Both learners and teachers of a second language need to understand cultural differences in order to recognize openly that everyone in the world is not “just like me”. There are real differences between groups and cultures. We can learn to perceive those differences, appreciate them, and above all, to respect, value, and prize the personhood of every human being.
Individuals’ attitude to something is the way they think and feel about it, especially when this shows in the way they behave. Attitudes, like all aspects of the development of cognition and affect in human beings, develop early in childhood and are the result of parents and peers' attitudes. (Brown, 1987)
Foreign Language Context is the environment where the learner does not have immediate social and commu-nicative functions within the community, ex. Colombian people learning English in Colombia. (Brown, 1987)
is the environment where the learner has social and communicative functions within the community, ex. Colombian people learning English in the USA or UK. (Brown, 1987)
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