It products Task 1: Read and translate the text in written form. It products
Task 2: Prepare a plan of project activities for two months ( Gantt Chart ). Use the given template
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- 4. Online transactions Task 1. Shayan is telling Monika how customers will pay for something online a new website. Read and translate the text in written form.
- Task 2. Complete the flowchart and speak Task 3. Put the given words with relevant suffixes (-er, -or) to these defenitions below.
- Thank you Hamda Banna TRANSLATION.
- 6. Network range and speed
Task 2: Prepare a plan of project activities for two months ( Gantt Chart ). Use the given template.
4. Online transactions Task 1. Shayan is telling Monika how customers will pay for something online a new website. Read and translate the text in written form. Monika: Shayan, can you explain how a customer completes an online transaction? Shayan: OK, it’s very easy. First the customer will place an order. The seller’s web server will confirm availability of the product and send a response. After that, the customer checks out and completes the payment instructions. Then the security will send a payment request to a payment gateway . The payment gateway will check the buyer’s ability to pay with a bank OK? Monika: Fine. Go on. Shayan: The bank will respond and send payment acceptance or rejection to the seller’s web server through the payment gateway. Finally, the customer will receive the server response with the order confirmation or rejection. Monika: Will the customer have to register? Shayan: Yes, all buyers must have their accounts before they complete the transaction. Monika: Thank you. Now I understand. Translation Monika: Shayan, mijoz onlayn tranzaksiyani qanday bajarishini tushuntirib bera olasizmi? Shayan: OK, bu juda oson. Avval mijoz buyurtma beradi. Sotuvchining veb-serveri mahsulot mavjudligini tasdiqlaydi va javob yuboradi. Shundan so'ng, mijoz to'lov ko'rsatmalarini tekshiradi va to'ldiradi. Keyin xavfsizlik to'lov shlyuziga to'lov so'rovini yuboradi. To'lov shlyuzi xaridorning bank bilan to'lash qobiliyatini tekshiradi OKmi? Monika: Yaxshi. Davom et. Shayan: Bank javob beradi va to'lov shlyuzi orqali sotuvchining veb-serveriga to'lovni qabul qilish yoki rad etishni yuboradi. Nihoyat, mijoz buyurtmani tasdiqlash yoki rad etish bilan server javobini oladi. Monika: Mijoz ro'yxatdan o'tishi kerakmi? Shayan: Ha, barcha xaridorlar tranzaktsiyani yakunlashdan oldin o'z hisoblariga ega bo'lishi kerak. Monika: Rahmat. Endi tushundim. Task 2. Complete the flowchart and speak Task 3. Put the given words with relevant suffixes (-er, -or) to these defenitions below. painter teacher translator builder corrector driver trainer dancer A person who dances is a dancer . A person who builds is a builder. A person who paints is a painter . A person who teaches is a teacher . A person who trains is a trainer . A person who drives is a driver . A person who translates is a translator . A person who corrects is a corrector . 5. Talking about network security Task 1. Read and translate the text in written form. TO: All Employees From: IT Director Subject: Online transactions security We are developing new website security features. We will have a virtual private network with a firewall which will help stop cyber-attacks on the network perimeter. The web application protection firewall (WAF) will protect our website from hacker attacks on customer contacts and login boxes. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) will create a secure connection for the users. We will have two-factor authentication (2FA). Website administrators will go through two layers of security before they access the hosting environment. This will prevent password leaks. All data will have encrypted backup to protect sensitive information. I am sure the company will benefit from the new security measures. Thank you Hamda Banna TRANSLATION. Kimga: Barcha xodimlar Kimdan: IT direktori Mavzu: Onlayn tranzaktsiyalar xavfsizligi Biz yangi veb-sayt xavfsizligi xususiyatlarini ishlab chiqmoqdamiz. Tarmoq perimetrida kiberhujumlarni to'xtatishga yordam beradigan xavfsizlik devori bilan virtual xususiy tarmoqqa ega bo'lamiz. Veb-ilovalarni himoya qilish xavfsizlik devori (WAF) bizning veb-saytimizni mijozlar kontaktlari va kirish qutilariga xakerlik hujumlaridan himoya qiladi. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) foydalanuvchilar uchun xavfsiz ulanishni yaratadi. Bizda ikki faktorli autentifikatsiya (2FA) bo'ladi. Veb-sayt ma'murlari hosting muhitiga kirishdan oldin xavfsizlikning ikki qatlamidan o'tadilar. Bu parol sizib chiqishining oldini oladi. Barcha ma'lumotlar maxfiy ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish uchun shifrlangan zaxiraga ega bo'ladi. Ishonchim komilki, kompaniya yangi xavfsizlik choralaridan foyda ko'radi. rahmat
Hamda Banna
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