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Olima Kholmurodova copyrighted


1.1. Classification of fairy tales and the role of cumulative fairy tales in it

Understanding our identity, re- discovering our history , and increasing attention to the study of folk art can be seen as the greatest opportunities presented by independence . Folk art is the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which has a history of thousands of years. The samples of folk art are considered to be the heritage of high wisdom , which speaks of the spirituality of the distant past of each nation , developed and sharpened in a series of historical stages , and has reached the present day . The fairy tale was formed as the most primitive word art until it developed as a folklore genre . In the most ancient times, the human society has shown the events happening around it , its relations with the real world through fairy tales . Fairy tales embody the unique spiritual heritage of each nation and can be said to be an immortal literary genre that is passed down from generation to generation.

study fairy tales as a complex form of popular folk culture that embodies a special structure and artistic and methodological features, is prone to accepting various artistic interpretations , and most importantly , has a long and complex history. in q . Cumulative fairy tales have a special place in the general fund of folk tales of the peoples of the world , and these examples are noteworthy as they belong to the ancient collection of fairy tales .
The Latin word "cumulare" which means to collect, gather , strengthen. As a folkloric term, it is used in the epic type of fairy tales, which express the events in a special chain based on repetition . In Uzbek folklore, cumulative tales are called cumulative, chain tales, and English and European scientists use the terms cumulative tale, accumulative tale, formula tale, chain tale , and in Russian folklore, they are called tsepochnaya skazka, kumulyativnaya skazka, rekursivnaya skazka, tsepevidnaya skazka 4. European scholars have used the terms kettenmärchen, haufungsmärchen , or zahlgeschichte to study this type of fairy tale found in German-speaking European nations. The term "accumulative tale" is now widely used by world scientists .
Children's folklore of the European peoples , I. Volte and G. Polivka published in 1915 the book "Anmerkungen zu den Kinder und Hausmärchen der Bruder Grimm" (Observations of Folk and Children's Tales of the Brothers Grimm ) among other fairy tales . far q They mention that they came across examples of fairy tales with a unique structure . In these tales , they are short and rhymed , characters or their actions are repeated , creating a unique chain . Scholars have noted that repetitions in these guru h tales include certain words, individual sentences , and even guru h and entire episodes. German scholars used the terms kettenmärchen, haufungsmärchen, or zahlgeschichte to study this type of fairy tale 5.
P. Andreev during the translation of A. Aarne 's 6catalog . It should be noted that in the 20s and 30s of the last century, there are articles on the types of cumulative tales in Russian folklore , literature and art studies . In this place, the works of scientists like V. Ya. Propp, A. I. Nikiforov, O. I. Kapitsa can 7be cited.
Ya . Propp 's book "Kumulyativnaya skazka" 8was published in full in 1976, it is considered one of the studies that significantly influenced the theoretical study of this type of fairy tales . Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp's "Morphology skazki" (1928 ‒ first edition, 1969 ‒ second edition), "Istoricheskie korni volshebnoy skazki" (1946), "Russkiy geroichesky epos" (1955 ‒ first edition, 1958 ‒ second edition), "Russkie agrarnie prazdniki" » (1963) books and many scientific treatises are of great importance in the study of the creativity of the Russian people . The scientist's research on the study of cumulative fairy tales is considered a direct continuation of his findings in the field of fairy tale structure research . V. Ya. Propp, first of all, noted the cumulative (chain) term in the process of analyzing types of fairy tales in Andre-Thomson and N. P. 9Andreev indicators . It emphasizes that the index is based on empirical skills, in particular, that the cumulative tales are not separated according to one criterion or structure, and that the same tales are located in the animal section of the catalog. It has been shown that others are from the cumulative group , and some are from completely different fairy tales , and the question of what is a cumulative fairy tale has not yet been answered 10.
, V.Ya. Propp shows the important role of repetition of one action in a series and the continuity of this chain without interruption as the main criteria in the composition of cumulative tales, and although he shows cumulative tales mainly as a type, at one place as a genre h am called. The scientist's research in this direction did not reach his goal . That is, although V. Ya. Propp wanted to, he could not say that cumulative fairy tales are a continuous genre. In fact, common aspects in the structure of the work are considered one of the signs of the genre . It seems that the diversity among its types has led to the presentation of cumulative fairy tales as a genre . This issue is one of the important problems that is still waiting for its solution . Further scientific research, in particular, the clarification of the cumulative tales of all peoples and the comparative -typological study can solve this problem . It is clear that a serious study of magical tales , especially cumulative tales from the structural and semantic point of view, will create innovations in the research of human thinking, in particular, the methods and methods of poetic thinking . It is hoped that the creation of artificial intelligence will give opportunities to open new directions of computer technology in this field .
V. Ya . Propp emphasized that the compositional construction of cumulative fairy tales is ultimately simple . He showed that they consist of three words - exposition, cumulation (chain) and 11final .
Among the samples of other nations , the composition of Uzbek folk tales is shown in the same way. The author divides the cumulative tales according to the place of occurrence of the chain . The first type of fairy tale is based on the internal demand of reality , and the second one is observed in situations that do not obey any logic . At the same time, fairy tales are also described according to the form and method of performance . Emphasis is placed on the specific tone and artistic value of similar words . In general, each sample is distinguished by its own appearance, and the common aspect that unites them is shown to be a repeating chain 12.
Another point that V. Ya . Propp drew attention to in the study of cumulative fairy tales is the question of the influence of the poetics of the work on the listener or reader of the fairy tale. The scientist mainly draws the reader 's attention to the tone and the art of words in the text of these tales . At this point, we would like to mention that the folklorist A.Musoulov paid more attention to the performance of the "Three Goats" tale, in relation to the telling and listening audience ( we will dwell on this issue separately ) . The most important thing is that V.Ya. Propp emphasizes that most cumulative fairy tales belong to the ancient atmosphere of human thinking . The author writes: "They are the product of much earlier forms of consciousness . We can see a series of events in these stories . The international historical study of these tales in this direction should reveal what characters exist in this place and what kind of processes accompany them . Primitive thinking , as a product of abstraction , and time and space, in general, does not know any generalization . He knows only the empirical distance and q t in space measured by the empirical distance and h actions . In real life and in fantasy, space is traversed not directly from the primary syllable to the final syllable , but through successive syllables . An example of this in life is that the blind walk from one thing to another. The connection in this direction is not only folklore , but also an artistic tool and a 13way of thinking reflected in language phenomena .
In the text of cumulative fairy tales, the places that are considered to belong to the first stages of the poetic thinking of mankind are preserved and repeated unchanged as a tradition , not only this layer, but also the chain and images of these fairy tales, the compositional construction , performance , and modern education in the audience. q related to q _ q indicates that the issues should be studied 14.
Second part of V. Ya. Propp's article is devoted to the study of the main types of cumulative fairy tales , which are divided into two types: formulaic and epic. Formulaic tales consist of repetitive syntactic expressions that are formed in ani q , and the expressions are very q is q a and are repeated in the same way. Epic tales also consist of the same links, but in the syntactic form of each of them, differences are noticeable , detail is less reflected.
Such different variations may not have allowed V. Ya. Propp to judge these fairy tales as a single genre . However , this research of the scientist served as one of the theoretical bases for further research . This article can be cited as one of the theoretical foundations of our dissertation.
Cumulative fairy tales published in the 30s of the 20th century belonged to A.I. Nikiforov . Although this article is not as popular as V. Ya. Propp's study, the author's comments on fairy tale performance , stylistics , and main types are noteworthy .
A.I. Nikiforov draws attention to the unique construction and stylistics of the cumulative fairy tales and calls them "theatrical fairy tales". He emphasizes that such tales have a unique compositional structure , the plot has a method based on repetition. That is, it shows the repeated repetition of morphemes in the plot of the fairy tale 15.
Repeated actions (meeting, exchange and growth ) in cumulative fairy tales, the fairy tale itself does not exist, and the plot loses its meaning without repetitions . A.I. Nikiforov explains cumulative fairy tales based on his concept and shows their four subtypes:
) Literary repetitive prose dialogue ;
) Short , quick communication, which begins with a certain rhythmic connection with repeated pronunciation ;
3) A poetic structure based on the mood of singing ;
) Mixed poetic structure, that is, the predominance of dialogue and poetic structure in it.
The scientific significance of the "special performance interpretation" put forward by A.I. Nikiforov is that the characteristics of the cumulative fairy tales that he initially showed began to be studied more deeply in subsequent researches .
Another of the researches conducted on cumulative fairy tales in the first quarter of the last century belongs to O. I. Kapitsa (1928). O.I. Kapitsa analyzes the structural structure of the famous Russian folk tales " 16Kolobok ", "Koza s orekhami " and "Petushok podavilsya " . He divides the texts with such a structure into parts and offers a table reflecting the repetition or cumulation due to the increase of actions and the development of actions : " a + ab + abc + ...". According to the researches of O.I. Kapitsa, this table is very important in determining the process of actions, it combines the interpretation of the text of cumulative fairy tales in the section of ritual and mythological worldviews , and serves to illuminate the text structure . The same direction was further deepened in the research of the 60s .
The Finnish researcher M. Haavio ( 1929 ) paid attention to the concepts of " chain " and "cumulation" in his works and used them as synonyms . style, chain link requires 17linguistic analysis . M. Xavio divides the chain connection into several types:
1) Manti q you terminating connection ;
2) Logically final connection ;
3) Rhythmic connection ;
4) Question-and-answer session .
M. Xavio focuses on the connection of chain links with one word or a whole sentence and their total repetition . He emphasizes that this type of fairy tale is close to children 's fairy tales in terms of content , and mentions that in the oral works of most peoples , along with cumulative fairy tales, there are also texts with a chain structure in religious ceremonies .
literary studies and folklorists, the work related to cumulative fairy tales , their research led to the emergence of a number of related researches . But the impression that this girl 's work faded for a certain period of time, and after the sixties of the century, we are witnessing that it came back with a new full force .
I.F. Amroyan , I.I. Tolstoy, I.I. Kruk, N. Roshiyanu , V.P. Anikin, N.M. Gerasimov are the second full volume of works on the cumulative tales of the peoples of the world in Russian folklore . , D.A.Nosov, 18etc. , are shown in the work of horsemen . In these studies , we can observe that cumulative fairy tales are studied not only in folklore , but also in pedagogical , psychological and linguistic fields .
I.I. Tolstoy (1966) in the article "Rites and legends of Athenian buffoons" tries to reveal the historical foundations of cumulative tales and justify the reasons for their appearance 19. He connects the foundations of the emergence of the cumulative form with the most primitive rituals . It is assumed that the composition of fairy tales and forms of expression arose as a way of thinking in the activity of people's interaction . I.I. Tolstoy , in the process of comparing the myths of Athenian buffoonery and Russian folk tales , finds surprising similarities between them , and the basis of these similarities lies in certain stages of the development of the culture of different peoples, corresponding to the most ancient periods of human culture. - as a reflection of the expression of conditions, in particular, it is concluded that it was created in the form of cumulative fairy tales 20.
I.I. Tolstoy , paying attention to the feature of texts based on a cumulative structure , identifies the priority of the appearance of "motivational" instead of "random" growth in the structure , that is , the action of a new character is determined each time by the action of the character in the previous episode , and shows that a whole chain of episodes produces a series of common causes . I.I. Tolstoy confirms that the ancient structure of the fairy tale is based not on the growth of random growth, but on the logic of motivation, on the example of the texts of the Athenian buffoonery ceremony . It shows that "this q a was killed, then the guilt of killing him is successively transferred from one participant to another, and transferred to the day when he should be punished 21. "
Folklorist V.P. Anikin in his research assesses that repetition in cumulative fairy tales is aimed at understanding and remembering , and their main direction is essentially pedagogical , therefore, cumulative tales about animals are mainly called children's fairy tales. puts forward the idea 22that
I.I. Kruk , who studied the tales of the East Slavic peoples about animals , assessed cumulation as one of the compositional principles in tales, and found that cumulation is characteristic of East Slavic animal tales from the point of view of structure . mentioned 23. I.I. Kruk shows that in most cases , the repetition of events serves to strengthen dramatic actions . The chain link is , first of all, a style, and based on this appearance , one should not conclude that they are a separate type of fairy tale .
While studying the compositional structure of fairy tales, I.I. Kruk paid special attention to how repetition, development, and strengthening of a style with the help of new elements are used in other genres of fairy tales . , that is, it recognizes only the formulaic type of cumulative fairy tales from the epic and formulaic type recommended by V. Ya. Propp .
I.I. Kruk "Vostochnoslavyanskie skazki o jivotnykh. Pictures In his book "Composition" ( Eastern Slavic tales about animals. Images. Composition ) he considers cumulation as a type of repetition and shows it as "an increasing repeating principle". Analyzing fairy tales based on this principle , the scientist says that there are certain laws in creating the plot structure of these tales, regardless of the repetition of motifs .
I.I. Kruk draws attention to the absence of a system of images in the fairy tale , in which he believes that each character is described by self-description in the form of an epithet- appendix . According to the scientist, this uniqueness is that for a cumulative fairy tale, it is important to show complex multifaceted causal relationships that encompass the entire human world, not by creating one or another artistic image of any particular event in life . . So, the main feature of cumulative fairy tales is not the interpretation of the events that happen in life or personal society through an artistic image , but the interpretation of the multifaceted and complex relationships between a person and the world around him . q is to do. At the same time, Kruk also pays attention to the sequence of the physical or mental size of the fairy characters in the cumulative fairy tales, and we can show this as a characteristic of the cumulative fairy tales.
See that these ideas of I.I. Kruk are related not only to the construction of cumulative fairy tales , but also to their semantics .
I.F. Amroyan is focused not only on the study of cumulative tales , but also on highlighting the features of the principle of repetition, which is the basis of folklore examples . According to I.F. Amroyan, cumulation is a type of structure based on repetitive structure, which can be explained only as a structural part of the text . Serial connection is one of the universal methods, characteristic of all levels of text structure and various genres of folk art . As a result of his research , I.F. Amroyan emphasizes the need to distinguish four types of repetition based on the chain structure : chain - likeness , cumulativeness, randomness , repetitions based on the principle of oscillation.
I.F. Amroyan , while considering the specific features of the formation of a chain-like structure , shows the connection as a chain repetition, which is a unique unit of the text and allows to divide it into important structural parts . The presence of repeated bonds (at least three times) leads to the formation of a chain structure. I.F. Amroyan says that for the principle of cumulation to be true in the text, it is necessary to have an additional method. The scientist shows three internal types of cumulation: direct , inverse and complete .
decumulative method, as noted by I.F. Amroyan, as the fairy tales with a cumulative structure exist in the fund of Uzbek and English folk tales , it will help to form a broader understanding of this technique . In the Uzbek folk tale "Three Goats", we can clearly see the structural forms of the decumulative technique . The tale "Three Goats" is a cumulative tale based on the principle of diminishing returns.
A. Kretov presents an analysis of the structures in the q house in the study of cumulative fairy tales :
a+a+a+a singular structure, i.e. endless continuity, unchanged continuation and repetition of the text. This structure performs three functions:
creating a new text ;
store information or message ;
rhythmic tone ;
Cumulative structure 24.
The example of the tales "Repka", "Kolobok", "Terem Mukhi" presents the scheme .
V. Ya. Propp classified the formula of these fairy tales according to the q house : a+(a+b)+(a+b+c)……. Here we can see the consistency of A. Kretov's scheme.
The works devoted to the study of English cumulative fairy tales, which is our object , we can mention the article "Strukturno-lingvisticheskie osobennosti skazochnogo discursa (na primere angliyskikh kumulyativnyx 25skazok ) " by N.A. Akimenko .
N.A. Akimenko, studying the discourse analysis of English cumulative fairy tales , notes that the category of iterativeness (from the Latin iteratio means repetition) has not been studied 26.
Linguists and folklorists point to the fact that the cumulative term is used to define types of tales that contain different repetitions, and the reason for the wide spread of this term is that cumulative tales are separated as a separate type . Repetition is so important in discourse structure that we can see various repetitions in cumulative tales, and only one of them is called cumulative repetition. According to N.A. Akimenko, this nomination, which includes various repetitions, as well as cumulability, does not belong to the cumulative category, but to the iterative, which is a linguistic category .
N. _ A. _ Akimenko "Henny-Penny", "The Old women and her pig", "The cat and the Mouse", "The Wee, wee Mannie", "Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse", "The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat " like one q is much English cumulative of fairy tales discourse ta h lilini I 'm sorry is enough
Cumulative of fairy tales fairy tales in the classification basically h to porches belongs to fairy tales in the q ator be counted and fairy tale ­ s classification h so far different level , different in appearances to come h am showing transition need . This in place h ar one of solution q fairy tales different in character the fact that h am of the matter complicated view to get reason to be telling transition need Stith Thompson's « Solution q of fairy tales motif - index ", V . Propp 's « Tales morphology » and modern h am extended as ATU ( Aarne / Thompson / Uter ) « International fairy tales types : classification and bibliography , Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson system based on » 27 fairy tales classification for basis being Come on . _
Uzbek point q fairy tales to species in separation scientist M. _ Afzalov fairy tales fantastic and realistic to species is , h porches in h a q fairy tales fantastic fairy tales to the composition increasing q if he sends - this classification compliance q ilmay , h porches in h a q fairy tales Hello _ _ learns and that's it next Uzbek point q of fairy tales three internal kind of ownership confession will : These :
1 ) Animals in h a q fairy tales ;
2) Magical- fantastic fairy tales ;
3) He expresses it in the form of literary and satirical tales 28.
B. Sarimsoqov classified fairy tales into fairy tales about animals , figurative, magical and household fairy tales, based on such characteristics as the poetic nature of 29the fairy tale genre, its structure, the ratio of reality reflection and the world of images .
G. Jalolov studied Uzbek folk tales by dividing them into figurative tales, magical -fantasy tales and life- satirical types 30.
K.Imamov divides Uzbek folk tales into two types: magical and life -like , and recommends studying animal tales based on magical tales. On the other hand, life stories are divided into three internal types, such as war novel type , action - adventure type, and comic type 31. The researches of S. Jumaeva and Z. Usmonova confirm that in the series of Uzbek folk tales , tales 32about animals form a separate group , as well as novelistic tales . Based on these considerations, three different types of Uzbek fairy tales are now being studied . These are the ones in house q :
1) magical-fantasy tales.
2 ) Tales about animals . _
3) Household fairy tales.
cumulative tales in Uzbek fairy-tales only in later generations and opinions were expressed with different relationships.

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