Jsc rusHydro 2009 annual information update Table of contents

part of the GDR program is 37.5 billion (14.7% of RusHydro’s charter capital). At present

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part of the GDR program is 37.5 billion (14.7% of RusHydro’s charter capital). At present
RusHydro’s total GDR program represents in aggregate 7.62% of the Company’s charter capital 
as of August 6
, 2009. 
Certain statements in this press release may contain projections or other forward-looking 
statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of JSC RusHydro. These 
forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could 
cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-
looking statements. 
These risks include the risk of changes to JSC RusHydro's operations and business prospects, 
possible changes in the political and economic climate in Russia, changes in current or future 
circumstances relating to regulation of the Russian energy industry and Russian legislation, and 
the impact of competition and other risk factors. Many of these factors are beyond JSC 
RusHydro’s ability to control or predict. Given these and other uncertainties, JSC RusHydro 
cautions not to place undue reliance on any of the forward-looking statements contained herein 
or otherwise. 
JSC RusHydro does not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to these 
forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect 
the occurrence of unanticipated events. 

August 13 2009 
JSC RusHydro announces results on accepting bids for Company shares placed through 
open subscription  
Investors submitted more than 150 bids with a total value exceeding 13 billion rubles. JSC 
RusHydro adopted a decision to satisfy bids for the acquisition of 7.5 billion shares.  
On August 10
, 2009, JSC RusHydro (the “Company”) closed the application process for 
accepting bids to acquire additional shares in the Company through open subscription. During 
the period in which bids were accepted, the Company received more than 150 offers with a total 
value in excess of 13 billion rubles. Through the open subscription process, legal and physical 
entities – both existing RusHydro shareholders and those who did not currently hold the 
Company’s shares – were eligible to submit offers.   
RusHydro’s additional share issue, placed via open subscription, was registered by the Russian 
FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) on May 14
, 2009, on the basis of both an 
October 7
, 2008 resolution by the Company’s Board of Directors and an Extraordinary General 
Meeting (EGM) of shareholders as of November 17
, 2008. The additional 16 billion ruble share 
emission was designed to contribute state budget funds into the Company’s charter capital to 
finance RusHydro’s investment program. The price for the additional share issue was determined 
by the Company’s Board of Directors on March 11
, 2009 and was set at 1 (one) ruble per share.  
According to Russian Federal law “On joint-stock companies”, the price for a share issue cannot 
be set at a price lower than the nominal value per share (1 ruble). As of July 10
, 2009, the price 
for RusHydro’s shares on the MICEX Stock Exchange stood at approximately 1.10 rubles. 
On July 2
, 2009, the application period for acquiring shares based on preemptive rights was 
closed. On July 7
, 2009, were totaled the results of implementation of preemptive rights by 
shareholders. An additional 7,200.4 million shares were placed via preemptive rights, of which 
4.923 billion shares were placed in favor of the Russian Federation. 
In July 2009, the Company’s Board of Directors made a decision on the size of the additional 
share emission. Based on the decision to maintain the Russian Federation’s share of RusHydro’s 
charter capital at level not less than that formed as a result of the re-organization of “RAO UES 
of Russia” (60.37%), the Board decided to place an additional approximately 7.5 billion shares 
through open placement.  
Based on the applications received, demand for shares during the open placement subscription 
process exceeded supply by more than 1.5 times, indicating significant interest in RusHydro’s 
Given instability in financial markets, significant medium-term volatility in “RusHydro” share 
prices and the fact that the current price for the Company’s shares exceeds the placement price (1 
ruble), RusHydro adopted the following decision to satisfy investor demand:  
- approximately 3.5 billion additional shares were distributed to large investment banks and other 
funds, as well as to physical persons.  
When distributing shares between large institutional investors, RusHydro took into account such 
criteria as: the volume of filed bids, the order in which the bids were filed and certain investors 
motivation to be long-term investors in the Russian power sector.  
In particular, during the process, particular preference was given to investors who had previously 
held shares in the OJSC-HPPs that were consolidated into “RusHydro” during the 
comprehensive energy sector reform, and who had subsequently invested in the Company. 
Attention was also paid to maintaining (and in certain cases, increasing) the portfolios of 
investors` shares after concluding of forming the RusHydro target model in 2008, including the 
period when the market price of RusHydro shares depreciated significantly. 
The above-mentioned criteria were evaluated on an aggregate basis, but primary weight was 
placed on the last factor since, in the Company’s estimation, long-term investors drive increases 
in RusHydro’s market capitalization, decrease the speculative component in the Company’s 
share price performance and contribute to an increase in the level of corporate governance.  
Among physical persons applying for shares, a consider number of applications came from the 
Company’s current and retired employees, as well as from former workers at the OHSC-HPPs. 

Placing additional shares will allow the Company to attract additional resources to finance its 
investment program under the current conditions of financial market instability: 
- approximately 4 billion additional shares were distributed in favor of a 100%-owned subsidiary 
of RusHydro (OJSC “Hydroinvest”).  As a result of this, the Company will be able to capitalize 
on future increases in the value of the Russian stock market, placing its shares at a higher price
and thus, obtaining additional income in favor of its shareholders. 
Within 7 days of notification that its bid has been accepted, investors must pay for the securities. 
Then, within 8 days of RusHydro receiving funds in its account, Company shares will be 
assigned to the designated account of the shareholder. 
“RusHydro’s” additional share issue, under open subscription, was registered by the Russian 
FSFM as of May 14th, 2009 in the amount of 16 billion additional shares at a price of 1 ruble per 
share. The additional share issue was executed to contribute budgetary funds to the Company’s 
charter capital, in order to finance its investment program. 
During an earlier additional share issue in 2008, “RusHydro” placed over 1 billion shares 
through open subscription at a placement price of 1 ruble per share. Due to unfavorable market 
conditions, minority shareholders failed to use the full volume of their preemptive rights. As a 
result, the Russian Federation acquired these non-placed shares in February 2009, at the expense 
of a portion of 2009 budgetary funds.  
Subsequently, the Russian federal budget was sequestrated by 30%.  Taking this into account, as 
well as the need for budgetary funds to finance the Kankunskaya HPP project, the balance of 
state funds planned for investment in “RusHydro’s” charter capital stood at 4.923 billion rubles.  
On October 7
, 2008, RusHydro’s Board of Directors approved recommendations to the EGM 
on approving parameters for the 2009 additional share issue.  
On November 17
, 2008, the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of shareholders adopted a 
decision to increase the Company’s charter capital by placing an additional 16,000,000,000 
common shares with a nominal value of 1 ruble per share through open subscription with cash 
payment for allocated shares.  
August 18 2009 
An accident JSC RusHydro's Sayano-Sushenskaya HPP  
Emergency work is continuing at JSC RusHydro's Sayano-Sushenskaya HPP site located in 
At 4:15 am Moscow time , as a result of a powerful shock (which has preliminarily been labeled 
as a hydro-shock) -- the cause of which is still under investigation -- the second turbine at the 
HPP was destroyed, the seventh and ninth turbines suffered extensive damage, and a portion of 
the turbine room was damaged as well.  
According to preliminary information received from the site, eight people (all employees of the 
HPP or employees of contractors operating at the site) have died as a result of the accident. Eight 
additional people have been hospitalized, and search-and-rescue operations continue. The 
identification process for victims of the accident is ongoing.  
At 5:20 am Moscow time, due to joint efforts by operating staff at the HPP and the Russian 
Ministry for Emergency Situations, the emergency gates for all turbines at the upper pool of the 
site have been closed and water inflow has stopped. 
At present, all 11 gates of the water-spill dam have been partially opened. Water inflow is 
currently at a level of 2200 - 2400 cubic meters, which is being fully discharged "idly" through 
water spills.  
No damage to the dam itself or its hydro-technical facilities have been identified, and 
Switchgear-220 and Switchgear-500 have not been affected. There is no danger to Russian 
residents living downstream from the dam. The Siberian Office of the Inter-regional Dispatching 
Service is working to ensure uninterrupted power supply to Siberian consumers by switching up 

Currently, active efforts are underway to restore the needs of the HPP. Once the turbine room 
has been dried, there will be a more extensive examination of damages as well as an 
investigation into the causes of the accident. The Chairman of the Khakassia Government V. 
Zimin and RusHydro's Acting CEO V. Zubakin are currently at the site of the accident. 
The installed capacity of the Sayano-Sushenskaya HPP is 6,400 MW t, with an average long-
term production of approximately 24 billion KWt/year, which is. The HPP's retaining structure is 
a concrete dam of the arch-gravity type.  
August 19 2009 
On 19 August, stock market trading was renewed in JSC RusHydro ordinary shares  
From 11.30 on 19 August, 2009, trading in JSC RusHydro ordinary shares was renewed on the 
MICEX and RTS stock markets.  A letter with a relevant request had been submitted by JSC 
RusHydro to the Federal Service for the Financial Markets.
On 17 August, 2009, in connection with the accident in the engine room of the Sayano-
Shushenskaya HPP, stock market trading in JSC RusHydro shares was temporarily suspended.  
Work is now continuing at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP to eliminate the consequences of the 
accident.  Working on site are services teams of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of 
Russia, the Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Security Service and the Centre for Disaster 
Medicine.  No damage to the body of the dam or the spillways has been discovered; the roof of 
the engine room has been partially destroyed.  There is no threat to the population downstream 
from the dam of the power station.  In the near future, the company will review its investment 
programme in order to redistribute sources of financing for restoring the Sayano-Shushenskaya 
HPP and speed up construction of the first stage of the shore spillway, as well as to complete 
construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP which will take up the slack from the temporarily lost 
capacity at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. 
All JSC RusHydro’s generating facilities are working as normal, fulfilling the dispatch schedule 
of the Systems Operator.  A programme of technical retooling and reconstruction is under way at 
all the existing power stations of JSC RusHydro, which was developed in consideration of the 
actual and forecast state of the equipment, buildings and structures, as well as the requirements 
of branch and corporate standards. 
August 19 2009 
JSC RusHydro sets up a Directorate for elimination of the consequences of the accident  
On 19 August, 2009, by resolution of the Acting Chairman of the Management Board of JSC 
RusHydro Vasily Zubakin, a Directorate was set up for elimination of the consequences of the 
accident.  Chief Engineer of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP Andrey Mitrofanov has been 
appointed to take on the additional job of Head of the Directorate.
To combat the consequences of the accident, the holding company’s best power-repair, 
engineering and construction personnel are being mobilised.  More than 400 specialists are being 
sent to the power station: 
ChirkeyGESstroy – 200 persons (general building specialties) 
Energostroy LTD. – 50 persons (turbine, generator and transformer-repair experts) 
Gidroremont – 50 persons (installation and concreting specialists) 
   Turboremont – 40 persons (installation and turbine specialists) 

Elektroremont – 57 persons (generator experts, wiremen, specialists in repairing 
switchgear and transformers) 
August 19 2009 
Material assistance for families of the deceased or injured as a result of the accident at the 
Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP  
On 18 August, 2009, the heads of the Republic of Khakassiya and JSC RusHydro met with the 
families of injured, missing and deceased personnel.  We grieve and express our most profound 
sympathies with families and relatives of the personnel who were at the power station at the time 
of the accident in their inconsolable sorrow.
All employees of JSC RusHydro and the contractors JSC Gidroenergoremont, LLC Tekhnostroy 
and OOPSK Avangard S who were injured in the accident will be provided with material 
assistance and full payment will be made for their treatment.  Families of the deceased will 
receive compensation of 1 000 000 roubles.  All funeral costs, including for transport, will also 
be reimbursed.  The company undertakes to maintain and educate children of deceased and 
injured personnel until they reach their majority. 
In addition, company staff will contribute a day’s wages to the assistance fund.  This money will 
be used to support the families of the deceased, treat and rehabilitate the injured. 
August 19 2009 
Hydro-unit No. 6 of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP may be the first to come back on line  
Hydro-unit No. 6 of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP may be the first to start up again at the 
power station.  At the time of the accident that occurred at the power station on Monday 
morning, this hydro-unit was under repair. Consequently, the turbine and the generator were not 
caused any electrical damage, meaning that hydro-unit No. 6 might be the first of the hydro-units 
to start working.   
As soon as the emergency in the engine room has been eliminated and specialists are able to 
inspect the hydro-unit, they will be able to set a precise time for its start-up. 
August 21 2009 
JSC RusHydro announces the social support programme “We are with you Sayano!”  
On 20 August, 2009, JSC RusHydro launched a social support programme “We are with you 
Sayano!” for collecting contributions to the charity fund “Sozidaniye” for assisting the families 
of those who died or were injured in the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.  When the 
funds are distributed, the social needs of each family will be analysed, for which purpose a 
special commission has been set up under the Chairman of the management Board of JSC 
RusHydro R.Z.Khamitov, consisting of staff of the Neporozhniy Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP and 
JSC Sayano-Shushenskiy Gidroremont.
Currently the following lump-sum payments to the families of the deceased are envisaged: 
·   for funeral costs -- 38 170 roubles, 
·   2 average monthly salaries of the deceased employee
·   one year’s salary of the deceased for each member of the family not able to work, including 
minors, but at least 1 000 000 roubles per family.  The company’s priority is to educate the 
children of deceased employees at professional and higher educational establishments. 

All injured personnel will be provided with material assistance and their treatment and 
rehabilitation costs covered in full.  JSC RusHydro undertakes to maintain and educate children 
of both deceased and injured personnel until they reach maturity. 
As of today, 68 families of the deceased or missing have been paid lump-sum allowances of two 
monthly salaries of the deceased or missing employee. 
According to Acting Chairman of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro V.A.Zubakin, the 
priority at the moment is to find the missing staff, support their families and the families of the 
deceased.  The accident is a misfortune in which those close to the personnel who were at the 
power station at the time of the accident are not left alone. 
On 17 August, at 4.15 Moscow Time, an accident occurred in the turbine room of the Sayano-
Shushenskaya HPP. At the time of the accident, employees of JSC RusHydro and the contractors 
JSC Gidroenergoremont, LLC Tekhnostroy and OOPSK Avangard S were working in the engine 
room.  Work to clear the rubble and find the victims is continuing round the clock. 
In accordance with resolutions adopted during a telephone conference on ways to eliminate the 
consequences of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP led by Prime Minister of the 
Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, JSC RusHydro is making payments to an aggregate sum of 
100 million roubles in social support for the families of the dead and missing. 
Details for making contributions: 
Non-commercial Organisation Charity Fund “Sozidaniye” организация  Благотворительный 
settlement account No.: 
TIN 7705401519/770501001 
LLC Barclays Bank, Moscow 
Correspondent account No.: 30101810900000000460 
BIC 044585460 
OKONX  96190 
OKPO 57012709 
Purpose of payment: Charity contributions to the programme “We are with you Sayano!” 
JSC RusHydro is the leader in the production of power on the basis of renewable energy sources 
and developing hydro-, wind, tidal and geothermal power. 
August 24 2009 
Charity fund Sozidaniye: 91,700 roubles entered on 25 August 2009  
On 20 August, 2009, JSC RusHydro launched a social support programme "We are with you 
Sayano!" for collecting contributions to the charity fund "Sozidaniye" for assisting the families 
of those who died or were injured in the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.  JSC 
RusHydro has long-standing partnership relations with "Sozidaniye" charity fund. When the 
funds are distributed, the social needs of each family will be analysed, for which purpose a 
special commission has been set up under the Vice-Chairman of the JSC RusHydro Management 
Board R.Z.Khamitov, consisting of staff of the Neporozhniy Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP and 
JSC Sayano-Shushenskiy Gidroremont. 
Currently the following lump-sum payments to the families of the deceased are envisaged: 
for funeral costs -- 38 170 roubles,
2 average monthly salaries of the deceased employee,

one year's salary of the deceased for each member of the family not able to work, including 
minors, but at least 1000000 roubles per family. The company's priority is to educate the 
children of deceased employees at professional and higher educational establishments.
All injured personnel will be provided with material assistance and their treatment and 
rehabilitation costs covered in full.  JSC RusHydro undertakes to maintain and educate children 
of both deceased and injured personnel until they reach maturity. 
As of today, 68 families of the deceased or missing have been paid lump-sum allowances of two 
monthly salaries of the deceased or missing employee. 
According to Acting Chairman of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro V.A.Zubakin, the 
priority at the moment is to find the missing people, support their families and the families of the 
deceased.  The accident is a misfortune in which those close to the personnel who were at the 
power station at the time of the accident are not left alone. 
On 17 August, at 4.15 Moscow Time, an accident occurred in the turbine room of the Sayano-
Shushenskaya HPP.  At the time of the accident, employees of JSC RusHydro and the 
contractors JSC Gidroenergoremont, LLC Tekhnostroy and OOPSK Avangard S were working 
in the engine room.  Work to clear the rubble and find the victims is continuing round the clock. 
In accordance with resolutions adopted during a telephone conference on ways to eliminate the 
consequences of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP led by Prime Minister of the 
Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, JSC RusHydro is making payments to an aggregate sum of 
100 million roubles in social support for the families of the dead and missing. 
Details for making contributions (in roubles): 
Non-commercial Organisation Charity Fund "Sozidaniye"  
settlement account No.: 40703810300000080888 
TIN 7705401519/770501001 
LLC Barclays Bank, Moscow 
Correspondent account No.: 30101810900000000460 
BIC 044585460 
OKONX 96190 
OKPO 57012709 
Purpose of payment: Charity contributions to the programme "We are with you Sayano!" 
August 24 2009 
JSC RusHydro develops an action plan for eliminating the consequences of the accident at 
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