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Part -1
Chapter 0
Section 1
Subsection 2
Subsubsection 3
Paragraph 4
Subparagraph 5
35.4 Raqamlar ro'yxatini o'z ichiga olgan holda
Raqamlar ro'yxatini kiritish (lof) mundarijani (toc) kiritishga o'xshaydi.
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\addtocontents{lof}{some description before figure}
\fbox{\includegraphics[width=4cm, angle=0]{sample.png}}
\caption{Sample Figure}
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{some description after figure}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
Tushunish uchun fikrlar:
1 .\listoffigures raqamlar ro'yxatini kiritish uchun.
2. \addcontents sahifa raqamisiz raqamlar roʻyxatiga yozuvni qoʻlda kiritish uchun. Buyruqning formati
\addcontents{lof}{Yozuv nomi}
3. raqamlar roʻyxatiga yozuvni qoʻlda kiritish uchun \addcontentsline. Buyruqning formati
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Yozuv nomi}
35.5. Jadvallar ro'yxatini o'z ichiga oladi
Jadvallar ro'yxatini (lot) kiritish raqamlar ro'yxatini (lof) yoki Mundarijani (toc) kiritishga o'xshaydi.
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\addtocontents{lot}{some description before table}
\textbf{Col. 1} & \textbf{Col. 2} & \textbf{Col. 3} \\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
\caption{Table Name}
\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{some desription after table}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}

Tushunish uchun fikrlar:

1. jadvallar roʻyxatini kiritish uchun \listoftables.
2. Jadvallar roʻyxatiga yozuvni qoʻlda kiritish uchun \addcontentsline. Buyruqning formati
\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{Yozuv nomi}
3. \addcontents sahifa raqamisiz jadvallar roʻyxatiga yozuvni qoʻlda kiritish uchun. Buyruqning formati
\addcontents{lot}{Yozuv nomi}
35.6 Indeks to'plami bilan indeks
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\index{index entry A}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\index{index entry B}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\index{index entry C}
\index{index entry A}


\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\index{index entry A}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\index{index entry B}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\index{index entry C}
\index{index entry A}
\index{index entry D |see{index entry C}}
Tushunish uchun fikrlar:
1. Indeksni kiritish uchun indeks paketi bilan \printindex.
2. Hujjatning kirish qismiga \makeindex kiriting.
3. Indeks roʻyxatiga yozuv qoʻshish uchun \index. Buyruqning formati
\index{Indeks yozuvi} YOKI \index{Indeks yozuvi|qarang{boshqa indeks yozuvi}}


\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\index{index entry A}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\index{index entry B}
\fbox{\includegraphics[width=4cm, angle=0]{sample.png}}
\caption{\index{some figure}Sample Figure}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\index{index entry C}
\index{index entry A}
\index{index entry D |see{index entry C}}
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\index{index entry A}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\index{index entry B}
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
\caption{\index{some table}Sample Table}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\index{index entry C}
\index{index entry A}
\index{index entry D |see{index entry C}}

Tushunish uchun ishora:

\caption{\index{Indeks yozuvi}Rasm nomi\Jadval nomi}
indeksga rasm yoki jadvalni kiritish.
35.7 Bibliografiya, shu jumladan
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
You may refer to \cite{Ref1} and also to \cite{Ref2}.
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\bibitem{Ref1} Author 1., \textit{Book 1}, Publisher 1, Year 1.
\bibitem{Ref2} Author 2., \textit{Book 2}, Publisher 2, Year 2.


\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
You may refer to \cite{Ref1} and also to \cite{Ref2}.
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\bibitem[Label 1]{Ref1} Author 1., \textit{Book 1}, Publisher 1, Year 1.
\bibitem[Label 2]{Ref2} Author 2., \textit{Book 2}, Publisher 2, Year 2.

Tushunish uchun fikrlar:

1. Bibliografiyani kiritish uchun muhit \begin{thebibliography} ... \end{thebibliography}. Buyruqning formati
eng keng yorliq \bibitem tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan eng keng element yorlig'i kabi kengdir. Bu raqam yoki matn bo'lishi mumkin.
2. Bibliografik elementlarni kiritish buyruq formati
35.8 Ilovalarni o'z ichiga olgan holda
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}

Tushunish uchun fikrlar:

1.\appendix buyrug'idan keyin bob ilova sifatida kiritiladi.
2.\cleardoublepage joriy sahifani tozalaydi va keyingi suzmaydigan sahifani o‘ng tomonda ikki tomonlama tartibda qiladi. Shuningdek, \clearpage joriy sahifani tugatadi.
3. Mundarijaga vertikal boʻsh joy qoʻshish uchun\bigskip.
36. Shu jumladan Boshqa Hujjatlar\Fayllar
Katta hajmdagi hujjatlarni yaratishda hujjatni qismlarga bo'lish va keyin bu qismlarni ildiz faylga kiritish osonroq bo'ladi. Buning uchun quyidagi buyruqlardan foydalanish mumkin.

1. \input{fayl nomi}. Masalan, “01.tex” deb nomlangan alohida faylga kirish soʻzini kiritib, uni ildiz faylingizga \input{01} sifatida kiritishingiz mumkin. 01 fayli ildiz tex fayli joylashgan papkada joylashgan deb taxmin qilinadi. Hujjatni shu tarzda oddiy bo'lish o'zaro havolalarni yo'qotishi mumkin.

2. \include{filename}. U \input{filename} kabi ishlaydi, lekin u keyingi sahifada qo'shilishni boshlaydi va hujjatning keyingi qismini yangi sahifadan boshlashga majbur qiladi. Bundan tashqari, uni hujjatning muqaddimasida ishlatib bo'lmaydi.
37 Yakunlovchi xulosalar
LaTeX o'zining argumentlariga juda boy. Bu juda moslashtirilgan. Vazifa berilganda, unga n ta usulda erishish mumkin. Ushbu qo'llanma LaTeX-da umumiy vazifalarni bajarishning ba'zi umumiy usullarini tanishtirish uchun mo'ljallangan edi. stek almashish sayti LaTeXni o'zlashtirish uchun juda foydali bo'ladi
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