Лексика, заимствованная из новоевропейских языков, в стихах В. Хлебникова
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Лексика, заимствованная из новоевропейских языков, в стихах В Хлебникова
1. Аюпова Л.Л. Заимствования русского языка в историко- функциональном аспекте. – М.: Учпедгиз, 1991.- 61с. 2. Виноградов В.В. Язык Пушкина: Пушкин и история русского литературного языка. – М.: Гослитиздат, 1935.- 49с. 3. Винокур Г.О. О славянизмах в современном русском литературном языке. – М.: Наука, 1959.- 43с. 4. Дридзе Т.М. Текст как иерархия коммуникативных программ (информативно-целевой подход) // Смысловое восприятие речевого сообщения. - М.: Рос. гос. гуманит. ун-т, 1976, 98-99с. 5. Залевская А.А. Языковое сознание и описательная модель языка // Методология современной психолингвистики.- М.: Рос. гос. гуманит. ун-т , 2003.- 184-190с.. 6. Зачевский Е.А., Ковалевская Е.Г. Общее и национальное в лексике языков народов СССР. – М.: Учпедгиз, 1983. - 39-41с. 7. Ивлева А.Р. Роль заимствований в лексике современного русского языка. – Ростов-на-Дону: Культура, 2003. – 115-120с. 8. Ижакевич Г.П. Русский язык в его связях с украинским и другими славянскими языками. – СПб.: Русская речь, 1973. – 50с. 9. Михайловская Н.Г. Системные связи в лексике древнерусского письменного языка XI-XIV вв. – СПб.: Вопросы языкознания, 1980.- 78-90с. 10. Морковкин В.В., Морковкина А.В. Русские агнонимы (слова, которые мы не знаем). М., 1997. 11. Ожегов С. И. Лексикология. Лексикография. Культура речи. – М.: Книга, 1974. – 20, 21с. 29 12. Орфографический словарь: Слитно или раздельно?/Сост. Б.З. Букчина, Л.П. Калакуцкая – 1-е изд.- М.: Книга, 1982.- 117-120с. 13. Проблемы современной терминологии: Сб.статей / Под ред. А.П.Трубачева; М.: МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, 2003.- C.14-19. 14. Русский орфографический словарь./Cост. В.В.Лопатин – 1-е изд. - М.: Азбуковник, 1999.- 173-179с. 15. Словарь иностранных слов./ Cост. Н.Г. Комлев- 2-е изд.- М.: Наука, 2000. – 81-84с. 16. Современное русское слово: Сб.статей / Под ред. И.И.Скляревской; М.: МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, 2002.- C.18-22. 17. Тогоева С.И. Некоторые аспекты восприятия нового слова//Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 60-летию факультета иностранных языков. – Тверь, 2003. – С. 185-187. 18. Толковый словарь иноязычных слов./ Cост. Л.П.Крысин – 1-е изд.- СПб.: Русская речь, 1998. - 278-282с. 19. Толковый словарь словообразовательных единиц русского языка./Сост. Т.Ф. Ефремова – 2-е изд.- М.: Книга, 2000.– 356, 357с. 20. Толковый словарь словообразовательных единиц русского языка./Сост. Л.П. Голубева – 1-е изд.- М.: Учпедгиз, 2001. - 342с. 21. Шанский Н.М. Лексикология современного русского языка. – М.: Культура речи, 1972.- 86,87, 121,122с. 22. Шведова Н.Ю. Современный русский язык. Фонетика. Лексикон. Словообразование. Морфология. Синтаксис. – Ростов-на-Дону: Культура, 2003.- 114-119с. 30 23. Шумова Н.С. Новые англоязычные заимствования в сознании носителей русского языка//Слово и текст: актуальные проблемы психолингвистики.- Тверь: ТГУ, 1994.- С. 20-30. 24. Этимологический словарь русского языка./Сост. Т.Э. Розенталь, Т.М. Теленкова – 1-е изд.- СПб.: Вопросы языкознания, 1999. – 405-409с. 25. Юшманов Н.В. Актуальные проблемы русского словообразования. – М.: МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, 1972. – 45-51с. 31 Summary the term paper of the student 3 "b" course ____________ on a subject: "polysemy of scientific technical vocabulary and terms" in the direction of a bachelor degree: 5120100 – Philology and training in languages (Russian) The problem of mastering foreign words in Russian has always attracted the attention of linguists. The process of borrowing in the twentieth century is particularly interesting for research. This is due to the abundance of foreign language elements in the texts of the modern Russian language. During this period, the names of new phenomena, objects, concepts in politics, economics, science, everyday life, trade, and art appear in the language. The development of science and technology, the expansion of economic, political, professional and personal contacts between residents of Russia and the Western world contribute to the intensification of interaction between the Russian language and Western European. In Russia, the number of people who know several languages is sharply increasing. The 80-90s were characterized by an intensive process of borrowing foreign words, primarily English (default – "non-fulfillment of obligations", "non-payments"; timeshare (time-share) - “a special type of rental of recreation facilities”). A considerable number of borrowings directly related to computer technologies and the Internet appear in the language: printer, cartridge, file, website, provider, server, monitor, modem. In the new historical conditions, the question arises about the limits within which the use of foreign language vocabulary is permissible. Thus, A.A.Bragina, O.S.Mzhelskaya and E.I.Stepanova, I.Fomin, G.N.Sklyarevskaya and others believe that borrowing foreign language vocabulary is one of the ways to designate new realities and concepts arising in the conditions of political, economic and cultural ties between peoples. At the same time, many philologists (O.N.Trubachev, N.A. Revenskaya, A.A. Regin) note that newspapers abound in excessive foreign words, reproach the media for excessive enthusiasm for borrowing from other languages, strongly object to 32 terminological redundancy (market-marketing, evaluation-rating), protest against the flow of foreign the words “from stagnation to presentation” and “from briefing to consortium” that have flooded everyday Russian speech.” However, as Ivleva notes, the authors, categorical in their rejection of foreign- language borrowings, are no more original in specific sentences than Shishkov, who tried to replace such foreign words as “park” and “galoshes” with “Russian” synonyms of “gulbishche” and “wetstops”. It is noteworthy that back in 1841 V.G. Belinsky wrote: “In addition to the spirit, the constant rules, the language also has whims that are ridiculous to resist... the use of foreign words has rights absolutely equal to grammar, and often defeats it despite all reasonable evidence.” What V.G.Belinsky said is relevant in the XXI century. Many neologisms of English origin, having analogues in modern Russian, are nevertheless firmly rooted in the language structure (office, shop, etc.). However, speaking about the adaptation of foreign words in the modern Russian literary language, one should not assign a dominant role to linguistic “whims". Denoting the phenomena of society, a large number of words of English origin have semantic accuracy and economy. Thus, semantic accuracy is characteristic of the words “speechmaker” (compiler of texts of speeches, speeches for high-ranking officials of the state), “summit” (meeting, negotiations of heads of state, governments), “image maker” (letters. “the creator of the image"), etc. Many neologisms of English origin are characterized by economy. Cf.: “dealer” (an individual or a company performing intermediary operations on its own behalf); “broker” (a trading or financial agent acting on behalf of the exchange or independently at the expense of the client's funds as an intermediary when making purchase and sale transactions), “pager” (portable wireless device for receiving and recording information), etc. In addition, many words of English origin are included in synonymous rows with words already actively used in the modern Russian literary language, cf.: manager - managing director; pressure - pressure - pressure; sponsor - patron - philanthropist - philanthropist; broker - intermediary - broker; grant - loan - gift, etc. 33 At the same time, native speakers of the Russian language increasingly prefer words of English origin due to their greater semantic accuracy and economy. This circumstance contributes to their further development by the recipient language. It is in a critical historical epoch that mass borrowings denoting new concepts are inevitable and natural. Any attempts to artificially hinder this process with the help of administrative measures, without taking into account the ability of the Russian language to self-purification, can be harmful. The same neologisms that reflect new phenomena and concepts, processes taking place in society, help to capture the “spirit of the times”, have serious chances of taking firm root in the language structure. The research carried out in this paper allowed us to draw the following conclusions: 1) There is no doubt that an individual operates with knowledge of different degrees of awareness, which is not always displayed in the “window of consciousness”, but contributes to the further inclusion of an identifiable foreign language word in an increasingly wide and diverse system of connections with parallel reliance on multifaceted previous experience while simultaneously experiencing knowledge and attitudes to this knowledge. 2) The largest group of new formations of the modern Russian language are neologisms-borrowings that are associated with changes in our socio-economic, political, cultural and spiritual life. Basically, these are Americanisms and Anglicisms (multiplex, tuning, image maker). 3) Foreign word-forming elements have also appeared in the Russian language (prefixes de-, counter-; suffixes -ism, -ist, -maker: degradation, counterplay, tailedness, harmonist, playmaker). 4) As a result of the unmotivated use of foreign words, many native Russian words have fallen out of use or changed their meaning (vira, tiun, deacon). Undoubtedly, the process of mastering foreign words in Russian enriches our native language, makes it even more capacious, expressive and developed. This is not only the perception of words from other languages, but their creative 34 development at all levels of the language system, formal and semantic transformation in accordance with the original, primordial features of the Russian language and its high degree of development. On the one hand, the numerous Anglicisms and Americanisms that penetrate the Russian language are a natural phenomenon, reflecting the economic, political, cultural, social ties and relations between Russia and other countries, in particular with America, that have intensified in the last decade. On the other hand, it is sad to state that (for the umpteenth time) in pursuit of everything foreign, in an effort to copy Western patterns, we are increasingly losing our identity, including in language, because language reflects a way of life and a way of thinking. As a consequence of this, loss of interest in native (Russian) language, Russian literature and culture, tongue-tied, reduced literacy and language and general culture. Download 0,54 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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