Lesson 3 laboratory equipment Match the following expressions with pictures. What are their Uzbek / Russian equivalents?

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LESSON 3. LABORATORY 757be68fb413c77fc2ca0c00a587ebce(1)


Laboratory Equipment
1. Match the following expressions with pictures. What are their Uzbek / Russian equivalents?


single neck flat bottom flask


analytical balance


Erlenmeyer flask


Buchner funnel


graduated cylinder




filtering flask


mortar and pestle


three neck round bottom flask


pH sticks




burette (buret)


round bottom boiling flask




separatory funnel




test tube




pH meter








watch glass






Buchner fask


Petri dish




volumetric flask






filter paper

2. Fill the following schemes with suitable expressions (1-6). What are their Uzbek / Russian equivalents?

A. Filtration

  1. funnel

  2. filter paper

  3. mixture

  4. residue

  5. glass rod

  6. filtrate

B. Distillation

1) Bunsen burner

2) condenser

3) cooling water

4) condensed water

5) thermometer

6) 4mixture

7) stand

8) distillate

9) distillation flask

10) water outlet steam

11) cold water inlet

Countable and uncountable nouns

Ex: 1. Fill in the gaps with the following words in their appropriate forms.

item, glassware, neck, laboratory, approximate, boiling tube, container, mass, weight, experiment, weigh

1) Laboratory ____________________ refers to a variety of equipment, traditionally made of glass, used for scientific ____________________ and other work in science, especially in chemistry and biology ____________________. There are many different kinds of laboratory glassware ____________________.

2) A ____________________ ____________________ is essentially a scaled-up test tube, being about 50% larger in every aspect.

3) A bottle is a small ____________________ with a ____________________ that is narrower than the body and a "mouth."

4) Rounded numbers are only ____________________.

5) ____________________is a measurement of how much matter is in an object; ____________________ is a measurement of how hard gravity is pulling on that object. Your ____________________ is the same wherever you are - on Earth, on the moon, floating in space. But your ____________________ depends on how much gravity is acting on you at the moment. You would ____________________ less on the moon than on Earth,

Ex: 2. Which of the nouns are countable and which uncountable in Ex: 1?













Ex: 3. Here are some rules about using countable and uncountable words. Write C, if they are true for countable and U for uncountable words.

________ are also called mass nouns

________ can be both singular and plural.

________ have only one form e.g. rice.

________ can be used alone - without articles.

________ must be used with articles - a/ an or the.

________ are used with much and little

________ are used with many and few

Ex: 4. Use these words in the sentences. Make sure you know the difference between the uncountable and countable meanings.

drink / a drink hair / a hair paper / a paper

  1. She has dark __________ just like her mother.

  2. There’s __________ in my soup!

  3. Did you buy __________ today?

  4. All the models in the exhibition were made of __________.

5) __________ was the cause of all their family problems.

6) May I invite you for __________?

Ex: 5. Which of the underlined parts of these sentences are correct?

1) I thought there was somebody in the house because there was light/ a light on inside.

2) Light/ a light comes from the sun.

3) I was in a hurry this morning. I didn’t have time/ a time for breakfast.

4) “Did you have a good vacation?” “Yes, we had wonderful time/ a wonderful time.

  1. Sue was very helpful. She gave me some very useful advice/ advices.

  2. I had to buy a/ some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.

  3. It’s very difficult to find a work/ job at the moment.


  1. What is alchemy? What is the difference between alchemy and modern science?

Alchemy - 1) the Arabic name of chemistry; 2) the beginning of modern chemistry. There are three periods in the order of alchemy: 1st period - 2nd-6th centuries, second periods - 12th-14th centuries and process periods - 15th-17th centuries. During these periods, the main problems of Alchemy in Egypt, China, Assyria, Movarounnahr, and India, as well as in Europe, were the conversion of "low and impure" metals into gold and silver. Scientists have prepared gold and silver alloys by building metals against each other. By the end of the 8th century and the beginning of the 9th century, agriculture, mining, and handicrafts flourished. This in turn allowed for the healing of the natural sciences. Mining, pottery, glass and paper making influenced the development of chemical science. Leading scientists in the field have emerged. One of them, Jabir ibn Khayyam (721-813), a master of the chemists of the century, developed a theory of the formation of metals in medicine. According to the scientist, there are two types of evaporation under the ground, the first is wet, and the second consists of steam smoke made of earth matter. Wet steam produced mercury, and dry smoke produced sulfur. The work in the interaction is the processing of copper, initiator, tin and zinc into a series of "undesirable" metals. It was suggested that the gold and silver composition was pure treatment, the rest being mixtures.

Alchemy is an ancient practice that can be considered in part as a precursor to chemistry. However, like Freemasonry, it can be said to have both a speculative and an operative side. While “operative” alchemy deals with the transformation of base metals into gold, “speculative” alchemy uses similar symbolism, allegory, and language to speak of spiritual truths and a path to inner light and wisdom.

  1. Have you ever read a book or seen a film that dealt with alchemy?

Yes I read. I’ve also seen chemistry movies. I saw a movie about the discoveries of Maria and Pierre Curie in chemistry.

  1. Are there any famous alchemists you know?

The only chemist I know is my teacher Mehmonkhanov Mansurkhan. He is the perfect chemist for me. I’ve only seen about all the other chemists in movies and read in books.

  1. Read the following article. What do the words in bold mean? What is the meaning of the expressions in italics?

Alchemy in the Middle Ages was a mixture of science, philosophy and mysticism. At the heart of medieval alchemy was the idea that all matter was composed of four elements: earth, air, fire and water. With the right combination of elements, any substance on earth might be formed. This included precious metals as well as elixirs to cure disease and prolong life. Alchemists believed that the "transmutation" of one substance into another was possible; thus we have the cliche of medieval alchemists seeking to "turn lead into gold”.


  • To find the "philosopher's stone," an elusive substance that was believed to make possible the creation of an elixir of immortality and the transmutation of common substances into gold.

  • In the later Middle Ages, to use alchemy as a tool in the advancement of medicine.


  • Medieval alchemists produced hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, potash and sodium carbonate.

  • They were able to identify the elements arsenic, antimony, and bismuth.

  • Through their experiments, medieval alchemists invented and developed laboratory devices and procedures that are, in modified form, still used today.

  • The practice of alchemy laid the foundation for the development of chemistry as a scientific

There were often many symbols for an element. For a time, the astronomical symbols of the planets were used to denote the elements. However, as alchemists came to be persecuted, particularly in medieval times, secret symbols were invented. This led to a great deal of confusion, so you will find some overlap of symbols. The symbols were in common use through the 17th century; some are still in use today.
5. Were the goals of alchemy achieved?
Biokimyo sohasidagi tadqiqotlar moddalar almashinuvi, ichki sekresiyabezlari kasalliklari va avitaminozlarni davolash usullarini ochib berdi, chorva mollarini boqish, ekinlarni oʻgʻitlash, mikroorganizmlar yordamida biologik moddalar (fermentlar, aminokislotalar, antibiotiklar, yem oqsillari) olish; hayvon va oʻsimlik xom ashyolarini sanoat yoʻli bilan qayta ishlash kabi xalq xoʻjaligi uchun katta amaliy ahamiyatga ega boʻlgan muammolarni ilmiy jihatdan ishlab chiqishga imkon berdi. Respublikada oʻsimliklar Biokimyodan gʻoʻzaning oʻsishiga ionlashtiruvchi nurlar taʼsiri (A. Q. Qosimov), biologik stimulyatorlar, gerbitsidlar va defoliantlar (A. Imomaliyev), fitogormonlar (A. P. Ibrohimov), hujayra va gen muhandisligi (A. Abdukarimov) va boshqa sohalarda bajarilgan ilmiy ishlar qishloq xoʻjaligida qo'llanilmoqda. Shundan kelib chiqib biokimyo o'z vazifasini bajarmoqda deyishimiz mumkin.

Research in the field of biochemistry has revealed methods of treatment of metabolism, diseases of the endocrine glands and avitaminosis, animal husbandry, fertilization of crops, obtaining biological substances (enzymes, amino acids, antibiotics, feed proteins) using microorganisms; It has enabled the scientific development of problems of great practical importance to the national economy, such as the industrial processing of animal and plant raw materials. The effect of ionizing radiation from the biochemistry of plants on the growth of cotton (AK Kasimov), biological stimulants, herbicides and defoliants (A. Imomaliev), phytohormones (AP Ibragimov), cell and genetic engineering (A. Abdukarimov) and other scientific works in agriculture. being used. From this we can say that biochemistry is doing its job.
6. What are the goals of modern chemistry?

The main goals of modern biochemistry are to create biological processes outside the body, to treat genetic, immunogenic, viral and cancer diseases, to improve the quality of biotechnology and agricultural products, to create a theoretical basis for increasing production efficiency.

7. Look at the following symbols that alchemists used. Can you guess which elements they symbolize? One element can have several symbols.

copper tin mercury gold silver air earth fire iron salt


Iron- 8








8. What was the meaning of the word ‘element’ in the Middle Ages? Is it different now?

Ushbu atamaning lotincha talqini - «elementum» qadimgi dunyo olimlarining, xususan, Sitseron, Ovidiy, Goratsiylarning asarlaridan boshlab uchraydi. «Element» so‘zi «avvalgi», «asos», «dastlabki» va «ibtido» ma’nolarini anglatadi. Rimlik mualliflar aynan shu ma’nolarda qo‘llash uchun shuningdek «principium» atamasini ham qo‘llashgan bo‘lib, bu atama qo‘shimcha ravishda yana «tarkibiy qism» ma’nosini ham bergan. Qadimgi yunonlarda esa quyidagicha ibora mavjud bo‘lgan: «so‘zlar harflardan iborat bo‘lgani singari, jismlar ham elementlardan iborat». Shunga ko‘ra, zamonaviy atamashunoslar «element» so‘zini shunchaki lotin alifbosidagi l, m, n, t harflar ketma-ketligidan yasalgan bo‘lsa kerak deb taxmin qiladilar.

The Latin interpretation of this term is "elementum" to describe the ancient world scholars, in particular,It is found in the works of Cicero, Ovid, and Horace. The word "element" means "previous"Means "foundation," "beginning," and "beginning." Roman writers are in the same senseHe also used the term "principium" to refer to the termin addition, it also means "component." The ancient Greeks said, "Words consist of letters."just as bodies are made up of elements. ” Accordingly, modern terminologistsThe word "element" is simply made up of a sequence of letters l, m, n, t in the Latin alphabet. presumably.

9. What symbols do we use for elements today?

Har bir mamlakatda element nomlari bir xil emas. Ko'p mamlakatlar Xalqaro Toza va Ilova Kimyo Ittifoqi ( IUPAC ) tomonidan kelishilgan element nomlarini qabul qildilar. IUPACga ko'ra, "elementlar mifologik tushunchalar, minerallar, joy yoki mamlakat, mulk yoki olim nomi bilan nomlanishi mumkin". Masalan: Vodorod (H), Geliy (He), Kislorod (O), Uglerod (C), Oltingugurt (S) va boshqalar.

O8 Element names are not the same in every country. Many countries have adopted element names agreed upon by the International Union of Clean and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). According to the IUPAC, “elements can be named after mythological concepts, minerals, place or country, property or scientist”. For example: Hydrogen (H), Helium (He), Oxygen (O), Carbon (C), Sulfur (S) and others.
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