Topic 5. Effective ways of Teaching integrated foreign language basing on
Project Based Technology
5-mavzu. Loyiha texnologiyasi asosida chet tilini integrallashgan holda
o‘qitishning samarali yo‘llari.
Nazorat savollari:
Questions for checking understanding.
Write your answers to the following questions:
1. What are three principle elements of the communicative approach based
on Project work?
a) ______________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________
2. Please write four types of projects identified by Haines
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
3. What are the basic principles for assessing the project work?
a) _______________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxati:
1. Hutchinson T. Introduction to Project Work.-Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1997.-124p.
2. Solomon, G. Project-based learning: A primer. Technology & Learning,
23, 20-27.
3. Stoller, L.S. Project work: A means to promote language content. Forum,
35(4), 2-18, 2011 no4/p2.htm
4. Wicks M. Imaginative Projects. A resource book of project work for young
students. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. – 128p.
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