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1. J.B. Dixit Fundamental of computer programming and IT. - Laxmi Publication PVT. Ltd., 2011. - 557 p. 2. Digital Planet 2017: How Competitiveness And Trust In Digital Economies Vary Across The World / BhaskarCHakravorti, Ravi SHankar CHaturvedi. - The Fletcher School, Tufs University, 2017. - 70 p. 3. IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2017. - IMD World Competitiveness Center, 2017. - 180 p. 4. Measuring the Information Society Report. Volume 1. - Geneva: ITU, 2017. - 156 p.
5. Measuring the Information Society Report. Volume 2: ICT country profiles. - Geneva: ITU, 2017. -2 5 2 p. 6. The Global Information Technology Report 2016: Innovating in the Digital Economy / Silja Bailer, Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin. - Geneva: Cornell University, INSEAD, WEF, 2017. - 463 p. 7. Applegate L. M., McFarlan F.W., McKenney J. L. Corporate information systems management: the issues facing senior executives. Irwin, 1996. 8. Hickerson. Business and Infomiation Systems 3/e. N. Y.: John Wiley & Sons, 2000 .
organization and technology. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000. 10. The Global Innovation Index 2018: Energizing the World with Innovation / Editors: S. Dutta, F. Gurry, B. Lanvin. - Geneva: Cornell University, INSEAD, WIPO, 2018. - 430 p. 11 .United Nations E-Government Survey 2016: E-Govemment In Support Of Sustainable Development. - United Nations, 2016. - 217 p. 12.Digital Planet 2017: How Competitiveness And Trust In Digital Economies Vary Across The World / BhaskarCHakravorti, Ravi SHankar CHaturvedi. - The Fletcher School, Tufs University, 2017. - 70 p. 13.IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2017. - IMD World Competitiveness Center, 2017. - 180 p. 14. Measuring the Infonnation Society Report. Volume 1. - Geneva: ITU, 2017. - 156 p. 15. Measuring the Infonnation Society Report. Volume 2: ICT country profiles. - Geneva: ITU, 2017.-252 p. 16. The Global Information Technology Report 2016: Innovating in the Digital Economy / Silja Bailer, Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin. - Geneva: Cornell University, INSEAD, WEF, 2017. - 463 p. 17. The Global Innovation Index 2018: Energizing the World with Innovation / Editors: S. Dutta, F. Gurry, B. Lanvin. - Geneva: Cornell University, INSEAD, WIPO, 2018. - 430 p. 18. United Nations E-Government Survey 2016: E-Govemment In Support Of Sustainable Development. - United Nations, 2016.-217 p. 19.Informatsionnbie sistembi i texnologii v ekonomike i upravlenii: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov / pod red. V.V. Trifonova. - 4-e izd. pererab., i dop. - M.: Izdatelstvo YUrayt, 2016. - 544 s. 20.Ralph M. Stair, George W. Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems. A Material Approach - Ninth Edition. -2010 Course Technology, Cengage Learning. 21 .Isaev G.N. Informatsionnbie sistembi v ekonomike: Uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov. - M.: Omega-L, 20112. - 462 s. 22. Kovalev, M.M. Sifrovaya ekonomika - shans dlya Belarusi / M.M. 23. Kovalev, G.G. Golovenchik. - Minsk: Izd. sentr BGU, 2018. - 328 s. 24.0snovbi sifrovoy ekonomiki: uchebnoe posobie / kollektiv avtorov; pod red. M.I. Stolbova, E.A. Brendelevoy. - M.: Nauchnaya biblioteka, 2018. - 238 s. 25.Strelets, I.A. Setevaya ekonomika i setevbie гыпкк ucheb. posobie / I.A.Strelets. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 208 s. 26. Dolgov, S.I. Globalizatsiya: altemativbi net / S.I. Dolgov, YU.A. Savinov // Rossiyskiy vneshneekonomicheskiy vestnik. - 2017. - № 9. - S. 3-26. 27. Dyachenko,O.V. К sumnosti kategorii «novaya ekonomika» / O.V. Dyachenko // Vestnik Clielyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2010. - № 5(186).- Ekonomika. Vbip. 25. - S. 18-23. 28. Kastels, M. Informatsionnaya epoxa: ekonomika, obipestvo i kultura: monografiya / per. s angl. pod red. O.I. SHkaratana. - M.: GU VSHE, 2000. - 608 s. 29. Nepravskiy, A.A. Osobennosti vnedreniya i ispolzovaniya BigData v razlichnbix oblastyax deyatelnosti / A.A. Nepravskiy // Ot idei к voploipeniyu: Sbornik nauchnbix statey uchastnikov konferensii; g. Minsk, 1-2 aprelya 2016 g. / sost. Krivsov V.N., Gorbachyov N.N. - Minsk: Kovcheg, 2016. - S. 56- 68 . 30.Oblachnbie servisbi. Vzglyad iz Rossii / Pod red. E. Grebneva. - M.: Cnews, 2011. -2 8 2 s. 31. Popper, N. Sifrovoe zoloto: neveroyatnaya istoriya Bitkoyna /N . Popper; Per. s angl. - M.: OOO «I.D. Vilyams», 2016. - 368 s. 32. Pryanikov, M.M. Blokcheyn как kommunikatsionnaya osnovaformirovaniya sifrovoy ekonomiki:preimuru;estva i ргоЫеты / M.M. Pryanikov, A.V. CHugunov // InternationalJournalofOpenlnformationTechnologies - 2017. -
Т. 5 . - № 6 , - S. 49-55. 33.Roslyakov, A.V. Internet ventey: uchebnoe posobie / A.V. Roslyakov, S.V. Vanyashin, A.YU. Grebeshkov. - Samara: PGUTI, 2015. - 200 s. 34.SHvab, K. CHetvertaya prombishlennaya revolyusiya / K.SHvab. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 138 s. 35.YUdina, M.A. Industriya 4.0: perspektivbi i vbizovbi dlya obipestva / M.A.YUdina // Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Elektronnbiy vestnik. - 2017. - № 60. - S. 197-215. 36.0stanaqulov M. Iqtisodiy tahlil va audit. Darslik. - T: Talqin. 2008. 424 b 37.0stanaqulov M. Davlat byudjeti g’azna ijrosining buxgalteriya hisobi. O’quv qo’llanma. - T.: "IQTISOD-MOLIYA", 2009. 412 b 38.0stanaqulov M. Byudjet tashkilotlarida buxgalteriya hisobi. O’quv qo’llanma - T.: "IQTISOD-MOLIYA", 2009. 428 b 39. Ostanaqulov M. Davlat sektori va buxgalteriya hisobi. - T.: "IQTISOD- MOLIYA", 2009. 132 b 40.Ostonakulov M. Buxgalterskiy uchet v shkolax. -T.: TGEU, 2007. 424 b 41 .Ostonakulov M. Byudjet tashkilotlarida yangi buxgalteriya hisobi.-T.: “Yangi asr avlodi” 2011.480 b. 42. Qosimova G. Davlat byudjeti ijrosining g’aznachilik tizimi. O’quv qo’llanma. - T.: "IQTISOD-MOLIYA", 2008; 372 b 9. Красноперова О. Бюджетный учет - МТТроссМедиа Ферлаг", 2008; 384 с. 43. Accounting (7th ed.) T.Homgren, Charles T. II. Thomas, C.William. III. Title. HL5636. USA, 2013.ISBN 13: 9781292074771. 44.
Accounting Principles (10th ed.)/ Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso. Printed in the USA, 2012. ISBN-13 978-0-470-53479-3. Internet saytlari Download 415,43 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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