Manzur imkon biznes
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- Republic of Uzbekistan Fergana Region Margilan city “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” Limited Liability Company
- FA7359590 We ask you to take into consideration the above-stated and to issue a visa to YULDASHEV AZIZJON ERKINJON UGLI
Translation from Uzbek into English:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ № ____ 2023.06.11 REFERENCE This reference was issued to YULDASHEV AZIZJON ERKINJON UGLI (JSHSHIR: 31611956970024 STIR: 546150203), to whom 79 950 000 soums of salary and 68 650 400 soums of dividends were actually calculated from 01.01.2023 to 27.05.2023: The head of the “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” LLS: B.Ibroximjonov _________ Official seal: Republic of Uzbekistan Fergana Region Margilan city “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” Limited Liability Company Translation from Uzbek into English:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ № ____ 2023.06.11 REFERENCE The Limited liability company “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” hereby informs You, YULDASHEV AZIZJON ERKINJON UGLI has been working at our company on the position of founder. This reference is given to the place of requirement. The head of the “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” LLS: B.Ibroximjonov _________ Official seal: Republic of Uzbekistan Fergana Region Margilan city “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” Limited Liability Company Translation from Uzbek into English:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ № ____ 2023.06.11 LETTER OF COMMUNICATION The Limited liability company “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” hereby informs You, that our company has been engaging in retail trading of automobile spare parts at since May 04, 2016 Thanking into account the cooperation established by our President with South Korea on May 29, 2015 We ask You to authorize him for going to the Republic of South Korea for business trip in purposes of small business and private entrepreneurship development and also establishing partnership connections with the Republic of South Korea. Holder of the passport FA7359590 We ask you to take into consideration the above-stated and to issue a visa to YULDASHEV AZIZJON ERKINJON UGLI for a business trip to South Korea. Sincerely Yours, Head of the Limited liability company “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” B.Ibroximjonov Official seal: _________ Republic of Uzbekistan Fergana Region Margilan city “MANZUR IMKON BIZNES” Limited Liability Company ГАРАНТИЙНОЕ ПИСЬМО 1. Командируемый: Гражданство: UZBEKISTAN Ф.И.О: YULDASHEV AZIZJON ERKINJON UGLI Дата рождения: 16.11.1995 Серия паспорта: FA7359590 Гарантирую что данный командируемый сотрудник не будет нарушать законодательство Республики Корея и вернется в Республики Узбекистан соблюдая срок пребывания. Также при возникновении каких либо проблем во время данной командировки, таких как незаконное пребывание или заявление на статус беженца, беру на себя полную ответственность за дальнейшие трудности, связанные с выдачей виз для сотрудников данной фирмы. 2. Поручитель:
Ф.И.О: IBROXIMJONOV BOBIR BAXODIR UGLI Дата рождения: 08.08.1992 «MANZUR IMKON BIZNES» MCHJ 11.06.2023 Подпись и печать ______ Download 16,28 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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