Match the verbs with the phrases: make {=mistakes / friends / a speech

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Match the verbs with the phrases: make
{=mistakes / friends / a speech
Match the verbs with the phrases: wear
{=trousers / trainers / jeans
Match the verbs with the phrases: take
{=a test / exams / turn
Match the verbs with the phrases: play
{=sports / games / a musical instrument
Match the verbs with the phrases: study
{=a foreign language / online / art
Match the words with definitions: re-read
{=read again
Match the words with definitions: look up
{=find information in a book
Match the words with definitions: subtitles
{=words on a film which translate what a character says
Match the words with definitions: go online
{=use the internet
Match the words with definitions: chat
{=talk (possibly on the internet)
Match the words with definitions: note down
Match the words with definitions: memorize
{=study until you remember
Match the problems with advice: You have got a headache / backache.
{=Take some painkillers / pills.
Match the problems with advice: You have caught a cold / flu.
{=Get some rest, and drink lots of hot drinks.
Match the problems with advice: You have broken your arm / leg.
{= Go to the hospital for an X-ray.
Match the problems with advice: You have a sore throat and a bad cough. You also have a high temperature.
{=Take some medicine / antibiotics.
Complete the sentences with the words: What’s the …?
Complete the sentences with the words: How long have you had this …?
Complete the sentences with the words: I’ll give you some …
Complete the sentences with the words: Can I have a …?
Complete the sentences with the words: Where does it …?
Complete the sentences with the words: It is nothing to … about it.

Complete the sentences with the words: I feel … / terrible.


Complete the sentences with the words: I can’t …


Complete the sentences with the words: I am … about it.


Complete the sentences with the words: It … when I walk.


Complete the sentences with the words: It is very …


Choose the correct alternative: My head …


Choose the correct alternative: I have got a really bad …


Choose the correct alternative: She feels …

Choose the correct alternative: I think I have … my arm.

Choose the correct alternative: Where does it …?


Choose the correct alternative: It is nothing to … about.


Choose the correct alternative: I’ll … you some pills.


Choose the correct alternative: How long have you had this …?


Match the statements with the responses: I have drunk eight cups of coffee.

{=You might not sleep well tonight.

Match the statements with the responses: I have started buying fresh vegetables.

{=You will taste the difference.

Match the statements with the responses: I have stopped smoking.

{=You won’t cough all the time.

Match the statements with the responses: I have stopped taking vitamins.

{=You may get more colds.

Match the statements with the responses: I have started doing yoga classes.

{=You might feel less stressed.

Match the statements with the responses: I have decided to run a marathon.

{=You may not be fit enough.

Complete the questions with the correct verbs: Have you ever … your arm / leg?


Complete the questions with the correct verbs: Do you often … colds or flu?


Complete the questions with the correct verbs: Is there any food that makes you … sick?


Complete the questions with the correct verbs: Do you ever find you … not sleep?

Complete the questions with the correct verbs: When was the last time the doctor … you some pills?

Complete the questions with the correct verbs: What do you do when you … got a headache?


Complete the sentences with the words: When I go to the gym in summer, I get …


Complete the sentences with the words: I didn’t drink anything all day so I got …

Complete the sentences with the words: I stayed up too late and I got really …

Complete the sentences with the words: I forgot my umbrella yesterday and I got …

Complete the sentences with the words: I’m really cold. Can I sit by the fire? I need to get …

Complete the sentences with the words: I didn’t eat breakfast so I’m getting …


Complete the sentences with the words: I didn’t have a map or my mobile phone and I got …


Complete the sentences with the words: I put my hand on a bee and I got …


Complete the sentences with the words: There is no central heating and I often get …


Complete the sentences with the words: I stayed out in the sun and I got …


Match the problems with the offers: I can’t open the window.

{=Let me try. Oh, it’s stuck.

Match the problems with the offers: I’m hungry.

{=I’ll make you a sandwich.
Match the problems with the offers: I can’t reach the dictionary.
{=I’ll get it for you.

Match the problems with the offers: I can’t lift this bag.

{=Let me carry it.

Match the problems with the offers: It’s cold in here.

{=Shall I close the window?

Write comparative sentences: trainers / shoes / comfortable / for travelling.

{=Trainers are more comfortable than shoes for travelling.

Write comparative sentences: spring /autumn / romantic.

{=Spring is more romantic than autumn.

Write comparative sentences: travelling by bus / travelling by car / bad / on a hot day.

{=Travelling by bus is worse than travelling by car on a hot day.

Write comparative sentences: cafes / restaurants /cheap / in my city.

{=Cafes are cheaper than restaurants in my city.
Match the question with the answer: Can you repeat that, please?
{=OK. Which part? The whole sentence?

Match the question with the answer: How do you say this word?

{=You don’t say the “k”. Listen: “knee”.

Match the question with the answer: What does this mean?

{=It’s a type of food.

Complete the questions with the appropriate word: … is your name?


Complete the questions with the appropriate word: … do you know in this class?


Complete the questions with the appropriate word: … do you come from?


Complete the questions with the appropriate word: … is your birthday?

Complete the questions with the appropriate word: … do you come to school: by car or by public transport?
Complete the questions with the appropriate word: … are you studying English? Do you need it for your job?

Match the phrases with their definitions: He proposed to her.

{=He asked her to marry.

Match the phrases with their definitions: They got on well.

{=They had a good relationship.

Match the phrases with their definitions: They got married.

{=They became a husband and a wife.

Match the phrases with their definitions: They got engaged.

{=They agreed to marry.

Match the phrases with their definitions: They met.

{=They first knew each other.

Match the phrases with their definitions: She accepted.

{=She said yes.

Match the phrases with their definitions: He didn’t have a girlfriend.

{=He didn’t have a romantic relationship with a girl.

Match the phrases with their definitions: They fell in love.

{=They began to love each other.

Complete the sentences with the correct verbs: I … my best friend three months ago.


Complete the sentences with the correct verbs: I … to a wedding last week.


Complete the sentences with the correct verbs: I … up all night.


Complete the sentences with the correct verbs: I … on holiday last month.


Complete the sentences with the correct verbs: I … a meal with some friends last night.


Complete the sentences with the correct verbs: I … the day with my sister on Monday.


Complete the phrases with the verbs: … a good salary / … long holidays


Complete the phrases with the verbs: … in a team / … under pressure


Complete the phrases with the verbs: … their lives / … your health


Complete the phrases with the verbs: … problems / … customers

{=deal with

Complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs: People are more motivated when they … a good salary.


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words: People work better … a lot of pressure.


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words: It’s important that employees get long …


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words: People who … their lives at work should get more money.


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words: It’s more enjoyable to work in a … than alone.


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words: These days, people usually … with their own IT problems.


Make questions with superlatives: what / cold / place you visited?

{=What was the coldest place you visited?

Make questions with superlatives: what / hot / place / in the world?

{=What is the hottest place in the world?
Translate the following word: Make a speech
{=nutq so’zlamoq
~biror narsa yasamoq
~ uchrashuv tayinlamoq
~gap tuzmoq}

Find the right tense of the verb. The student will have passed his exam by Friday.

{=The Future Perfect tense

Choose the right form of the verb. “_____ you _____ to the USA?”

{=Have / been

Find the Past Perfect Tense form of the given sentences.

{=They had done their homework

Choose the right modal verb. I ........... play the piano.


Translate the following sentence. Hidden talent

{=yashirin qobiliyat

Complete the following sentence. You ________ use your mobile phone in class.


Translate the following word. Do a project with a big team

{=katta jamoa bilan loyiha ishini bajarmoq

Find the Past Perfect Tense form of the given sentence.

{=I had done the laundry.

Choose the appropriate article. Today ______ weather is very hot.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. ... you tell me the time?


Choose the right form of the verb: David can go to bed now. He ________ his homework.

{=has finished

Translate the following sentence: Make a decision

{=qaror qabul qilmoq

Choose the right form of the verb. They ________ their work and they went home.

{=had finished
Choose the appropriate modal verb. Our train leaves in two minutes! We ___________ hurry.

Translate the following word. Planning to go

{=borishni rejalashirmoq

Answer the question. Which city are you planning to visit?

{=I don’t know

Choose the correct answer: the crime of stealing things from shops


Choose the correct answer: to take things which are not yours


Choose the correct answer: a person who catches criminals
{=police officer

Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a place where you go to win money


Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a thing that you use when you want to pay without cash

{=credit card

Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a person who creates things


Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a place where people look after your money


Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a thing that is used to carry money and credit cards


Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a person who gives money to a product or business (to make more money)


Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a place where you go and borrow books

Match the definitions with the correct words: It’s a thing that is used to watch films
{=DVD player

Find the correct tense of the verb. She will have done her work by o’clock

{=Future Perfect tense

Find the Past Perfect Tense form of the given sentence. She makes some delicious cookies.

{=She had made some delicious cookies.

Choose the right form of the verb. Go out and get some fresh air! You ______ here reading all morning.

{=have been sitting

Translate the following word. Public transport

{=jamoa transporti

Find the correct tense of the verb. The student will have passed his exam by Friday.

{=Future Perfect tense

Choose the appropriate modal verb. The doctor says I _____ walk again in two weeks’ time.

{=will be able to

Choose the appropriate modal verb. I … translate this text.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. I ______ swim across this river.


Choose the appropriate word. He’s my sister’s son. He’s my _____.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. A: I_____ play the guitar. B: But you said yesterday you _____ play it.

{=can’t / could

Choose the appropriate modal verb. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I _____ buy her a present.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. You _____ go near that dog! It’s very dangerous.

Choose the appropriate modal verb. I _______ hurry to catch the last train.

Choose the appropriate preposition. He’s interested _____ flying.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. You _______ obey all the rules.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. I _____ give you the book tomorrow.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. Cigarettes _____ seriously damage your health.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. Who _______ speak French?


Choose the appropriate modal verb. He ________ pay for the tickets.


Find the antonym of the given word. Noisy


Choose the appropriate modal verb. You _______ smoke here. It's a no-smoking area.


Choose the appropriate modal verb. You ______ go to this party. It's very important.


Choose the appropriate preposition. My notebook is ____ my bag.


Find the antonym of the given word. Easy


Find the appropriate modal verb: You _____ tell lies. It’s wrong.


Find the appropriate answer to the question: Have you got any answers?

{=Yes, I have

Complete the sentence: He can’t play tennis, …?

{=can he

Complete the sentence: Excuse me! ____ you help me?


Complete the sentence: Bern _____ in a flat in Birmingham.


Complete the sentence: He can’t play football, … ?

{=can he

Complete the sentence: I … a student of Karshi Engineering Economic Institute.


Complete the sentence: I_____ play chess _____ I was five.

{=could / when

Complete the sentence: ________ you ______ a sister? – Yes, I have.

{=Have / got

Complete the sentence: Maya _____ got a camera. And she _____ have a car either.

{=hasn’t / doesn’t

Translate the following word. Book a table

{=stol buyurtma bermoq

Translate the following word. Change a ticket

{=chiptani almashtirmoq

Choose the right form of the verb. ... you ... a table on the phone recently?

{=Have / booked

Choose the right form of the verb. What .... you .... about Rio de Janeiro?

{=do / know

Choose the correct answer: I think ….. English are very polite people.


Choose the correct answer: His advice …… very helpful.


Choose the correct answer: The lift is not working; take …… .

{=the stairs

Choose the correct answer: They've got two ..…. and a son.


Choose the correct answer: He can play golf well, … ?

{=can’t he

Choose the correct answer: You are new secretary,…?

{=aren't you

Choose the correct answer: Mr. Evans is speaking over the phone, ..…?

{=isn’t he

Choose the correct answer: You like black coffee, …?

{=don’t you

Choose the correct answer: You aren't well enough. You should stay with either me or your son, …?

{=shouldn’t you

There … some Institutes in our city.


Choose the correct answer: What kind of car … she …?


Choose the correct answer: - Is it raining? - …

{=Yes, it is
Choose the correct answer: - Shakhzoda looks very tired, …? – Yes, she works too hard.
{=doesn’t she

- You look tired. - …? I don’t feel tired.

{=don’t you
Choose the correct answer: How … your parents?
Choose the correct answer: The sun is … star.
Choose the correct answer: Picasso was … painter.
{=a famous
Choose the correct answer: Is it … to go by car or by train?
Choose the correct answer: This knife isn’t very sharp. Have you got a … one?
Choose the correct answer: It was … day of my life.
{=the happiest
Choose the correct answer: Why … you always late?
Choose the correct answer: Please,......quiet. I’m working.
Choose the correct answer: I can run … than him.
Choose the correct answer: the crime of cheating people to make money from them
Choose the correct answer: another word for punishment
Choose the correct answer: the person whom the criminal affects / hurts
Choose the correct answer: an amount of money you have to pay as a punishment
Choose the correct answer: what you do with a gun
Choose the correct answer: the person who decides a punishment
Choose the correct answer: when the police look for a criminal
Choose the correct answer: a person who breaks the law
Choose the correct answer: the crime of stealing things
Choose the correct answer: when the police catch criminals
Choose the correct answer: go into a building illegally
{=break in
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