MELANIE: Five and seven. What about 'The Mystery of Muldoon"? That's aimed at five to ten-year-olds.
MELANIE: So if I take my children, I can expect them to enjoy it more than I do? I think so. If you'd like something for yourself and your husband and leave your Q9
children with a babysitter, you might like to see "Fire and Flood - it's about events
that really happened in Stretton two hundred years ago, and children might find it rather frightening.
MELANIE: Oh, thanks for the warning. And finally, what about Silly Sailor"?
That's a comedy, and it's for young and old. In fact, it won an award in the Stretton 010
Drama Festival a couple of months ago. MELANIE OK. Well, goodbye, and thanks for all the information. I'm looking forward to the
festival! Goodbye.
Xayrli tong. Stretton festivali kassasi. Sizga qanday yordam berishim mumkin? MELANİ: Oh, salom. Men va oilam bu hududda ta’tildamiz va biz bir nechta plakatlarni ko‘rdik
bu hafta festival haqida. Iltimos, ba'zi voqealar haqida gapirib bera olasizmi?
MELANIE: Birinchidan, shanba kuni ham jazz guruhi uchun chiptalar bormi? ROB: Bor, lekin atigi £15. 12 funt sterlinglik o'rindiqlarning hammasi sotilgan.
MELANI: OK. O‘tkaziladigan joy esa maktab, shunday emasmi?
Ha, to‘g‘ri, o‘rta maktab. 01-sonli boshlang'ich maktabga bormasligingizga ishonch hosil qiling
xato bilan! Plakatlarda tilga olinmagan qo‘shimcha ijrochi ham bor
- Kerolin Xart guruh bilan o'ynamoqchi. MELANI: Oh, men uni radioda eshitganman. U goboy chalmaydimi, nay chalamaydimi yoki
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